Ask the Mirror Chapter 215: The battle between Tao and demons shows success and failure (Part 1)

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“If you make Yang Shen look like this, won’t you die? It’s too profound, I don’t understand_&&”

Zhai Que’er is half laughing, half serious to Xin Yi’s level. What he does is indeed not understandable to ordinary people. The two of them are now using the mentality of bystanders, so naturally they can say whatever they want. And those who are trapped in the thirty-six days are probably not as leisurely as they are now.

However, after a few breaths, Zhai Queer’s expression also changed: Are you still expanding?

The two of them are already hundreds of miles away, far away from the whirlpool of events, but the thirty-six days of evolution are endless. Their souls and vitality are vaguely restless, as if they want to echo those over there. , plunge into it

They can’t see the lower part of the Thirty-Six Heavens from here, they can only see the seven or eight levels of heaven and earth above, and that happens to be the most mysterious part of the Thirty-Six Heavens. Once it appears, they will look up to it and will always need people. Looking up, it is like this inside the Secret Mansion, and it is like this outside the Secret Mansion, which is to break through the strata and reach the nine heavens. It will still be the same even if you think about it

Together with Elder Long, they retreated for dozens of miles. Zhai Que’er couldn’t bear his curiosity and counted on his fingers: “Da Luo Mi covers all the heavens and cannot be seen to the extreme. For the time being, we don’t care about the Three Pure Realms below. The Qing Dynasty shows the Xuanbai Qi, which is the sky; the upper Qing Dynasty shows the Yuanhuang Qi, which is the yellow sky; the Jade Qing Dynasty shows the green Qi, which is the blue sky. They go up one by one and are clear and distinct. During this period, thousands of immortals come and go, and there is a reality. , can you see the Three Heavens Palace?”

Elder Long squinted his eyes to see. With such Xuanmen magical power, he naturally has the power to restrain a Demonic monk like him. Even watching, he felt like a mountain of pressure. Occasionally, under a clear light, the heavenly magic body would Needless to say, it was Zhai Queer who was shaking and restless, so he was the only one who could do this job

After looking at it for a long time, he averted his gaze, first pressed down on the surging Qi and blood, and then said: “The three palaces of Dachi, Yuyu, and Qingwei are vaguely visible, but they are in a trance…”

“The ancestor of Daluo Qi gave birth to the three qi of Xuanbai, Yuanhuang and Shiqing, and transformed into the Three Treasures Heavenly Lord of the Three Heavens and Three Realms, which is the most powerful thing seen in the world. The three Dao Lords were born in the Three Realms Heavenly Palace and manifested one of them. It is the eternal enjoyment of immortality. Now that the palace is not clear, Xin Yi is still in the realm of the Great Tribulation Dharma.”

Zhai Queer let out a breath: “It’s a good thing that this is the case. Otherwise, if any Taoist master appears, the world will be divided into thirty-six days immediately, and we will be dead now if he rises and falls according to his will. You can’t stay too long. This news is not inferior to what Lu Chen heard – with such a glorious atmosphere, once you achieve immortality, I don’t know how many of the demon lords who are closely connected to the outside world will vomit blood. Well, I don’t know how many. Be happy

After a pause, she sighed again: “No wonder Lu Suhua caused the catastrophe of the devil so easily. I guess she is also well versed in the mechanisms involved.”

The battle between Tao and demons is that one must overcome the demonic calamity directly to become Taoist, while demons are the way of “other transformation”. They cannot achieve it by themselves, and they must destroy other people’s ways to achieve great freedom. One wants to become Tao, and the other wants to destroy Tao. It’s a relationship of one ebb and flow

Almost every achievement of the Earthly Immortal, Buddha, and Saint represents the death of at least one demon lord; similarly, if any great calamity dharma dies under the calamity, or the Earthly Immortal, Buddha, or Saint’s death path disappears. , also represents the achievements of one or more demon lords

The greater the achievements of people like Xin Yi, the more jealous they are by the demons. At the same time, they also attract more attention from the demons, and they sense each other, and their successes and failures are mutually beneficial

“I don’t know which demon lord is driving the catastrophe of the demons. Even if he is still alive, his vitality will be severely damaged. Well, this is another valuable news.”

A demon lord who has suffered heavy losses will undoubtedly be a delicious meal in the eyes of many powerful people. Zhai Queer knows that the demon lord himself knows

In the Underworld Secret Mansion, most of the demonic calamities driven by the demon lord have been eliminated, and only its own ray of transparent demonic thoughts can barely maintain it

According to the structure of the thirty-six heavens transformed by Xin Yi, which is influenced by the Ten Dharma Realms of Buddhism, it is divided into six heavens in the desire realm, eighteen heavens in the color realm, and four days in the colorless realm. Above them are the four Brahma realms and the three pure realms. The demonic thoughts that are now penetrating the sky in Daluo Tian are on the twenty-eighth day, which is called “Tai Su Xiu Le Forbidden Heaven”. It is located at the top of the four heavens in the formless realm. At this point, a living being’s thoughts will be exhausted and will be born. Not reborn, one step is the difference between eternal life

According to the common saying in the cultivation world, this is the “eternal life tribulation point” between Buxu and Zhenren, and it is where the devil makes the best use of it. ?

While struggling, it shouted to Xin Yi through the air: “I am the Lord of the End of Dharma, the same as the earthly immortals, Buddhas, and saints. How can you depose me from the Four Brahma Heavens?”

“Relax your mind. If your true body comes here, I will let go of Tai Chi and educate Jia Yitian. I will allow you to become an earthly immortal, a Buddha, and a saint, and let you in.”

“Thirty-six days, picking up wisdom from people’s teeth, Taoism’s great righteousness, has it come to this?

“When three people are walking together, they must have my teacher… This is a Confucian classic, ha”

“Xin Yi, you think that all dharmas are connected, but you don’t know that your thoughts are mixed and impure, and the avenue is hopeless”

The Demon Lord is not simply scolding, but wants to use this method to make Xin Yi’s mind flow, while it looks for loopholes in order to escape. Unfortunately, Xin Yi’s defense, or face, is higher than it imagined. Much thicker

“Since you call me by my name, how about I also pronounce your real name?”

“You dare”

The demon lord is really shaken this time. If Xin Yi chants his true name, his true identity will be discovered by those who are interested. There is a lot of strife among the demons. If other demon lords know about its current situation, how can they not make trouble? of?

Xin Yi did not give it a chance to regret at all, so he shouted angrily in the cage of his giant hand: “Badoti, don’t go down yet”

Now that thirty days cover a thousand miles, Xin Yi’s thoughts can be said to be omnipresent. A shout can really be regarded as a sound traveling thousands of miles, and the lingering sound can reach through the blue sky

Potuodi roared angrily, but his mind was still shaken in the end. He could no longer withstand the magical power of Thirty-Six Heavens. The ray of red light immediately disintegrated, and a twisted shape plummeted down from the sky of Taisu Xiu Le Forbidden Sky. Every time Falling down one level, they were all twisted until they turned into a wisp of smoke and disappeared without a trace

This is the moment when its demonic thoughts through the sky are gone, and the giant hand cage that trapped Xin Yi also falls apart at this moment

Yang Zhu was stunned for a long time, but he finally came back to his senses in time, and was overjoyed for a moment. Just as he was about to say hello, he suddenly felt that the remaining evil thoughts of the Potato Truth burst out, penetrating the sharp message into everyone’s heart:

“You used the Yang God to transform into thirty-six days. It is difficult for the original spirit to survive. It depends entirely on the acquired talisman and flesh fetus to maintain it. Now the talisman and flesh fetus is far from enlightenment, and the thirty-six days have become a climate. Top-heavy, let me see how you end up”

Yang Zhu turned his head anxiously, but saw that the strong light emitted by Xin Yi’s glazed golden body had become distorted. The Qi mechanism was still evolving in thirty-six days, and it was endless. His heart suddenly dropped:

The devil is not lying

At this time, someone secretly rejoiced:



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