Ask the Mirror Chapter 214: Watching the flight of young birds in a single sentence

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In the Black Stone Palace, Yu Ci was a little dizzy(

In this special environment, there are risks in watching. Just now, the demon’s catastrophe has turned. If his white tiger star power was not still stable, he would have fallen into it at this time. However, at this moment, his dizziness was caused by his ingestion. There is so much information that the brain thousands of miles away is a little overwhelmed

What did that old gentleman do?

When the Qing Qi surged into the sky and the Qi mechanism evolved, Yu Ci’s mind was completely caught up in it

The first thing he thought of was the Yujing Sanguang Yuan-Destroying Talisman. The beautiful scenery of “White Jade Capital in the Sky” manifested by that talisman was very similar to this situation. It was also a fairy mountain and cloud tower, like the heavenly world. But when it comes to completeness, vigor, and subtlety, the difference is not limited to Xiaoli

The three lights of Yujing destroy the demon-killing talisman, evolving into the fairyland of “White Jade”. Although the demon-killing talisman combines the three lights of the sun, moon and stars, it is like an immortal scolding, and it has a heavenly atmosphere

At this moment, what kind of talisman is this scene that Xin Yi evolved?

Yu Ci turned his attention to the sky, wondering what kind of talisman would be thrown down next. However, when he looked up at the figures of immortals flying in the sky, flying in the sky, and watching their carefree movement, he felt inexplicably. His own insignificance, and then he really included it – from beginning to end, there was no talisman thrown down, but the area he was in was filled into the dream world

The position is still the same, but the world is no longer the same world

Yu Ci doesn’t understand the various mysteries of the void and changes in energy involved, but the remnant spirit of the demon species that his mind is attached to has no power to resist at this moment. It is being manipulated by an invisible hand, and he can’t help it. , gathered to a very weird level

As far as the sensor is concerned, the surrounding area, and even the monks in the entire Huangquan Secret Mansion, are like this. What is especially weird is that there seems to be a convergence between people, between things and things, and between people and things. The levels are still different. At first, Yu Ci was confused, but soon, the Demon Catastrophe appeared and explained:

The Endless Wonderful Realm is still evolving. The red light vortex manifested by the Great Tribulation of the Heavenly Demon could not keep up with the speed of evolution. Later, it was trapped on the first floor. That level was quite high, about the thirtieth floor. ——Each level has subtle differences in qi and color. The basic principle should be “clear at the top and turbid at the bottom.” The lower the level, the more dirty the color is, and the higher it is, the purer

The whirlpool of red light was rolling endlessly, always trying to seep up and down. Perhaps this behavior annoyed Xin Yi, and a deep shout came from the giant hand cage:


The red light all over the sky collapsed and fell, like a rain of fire. Each falling red light was one or a group of demons. Every time it fell to a level, the red light peeled off a little, and its reaction became more and more intense. Weak, all the way down more than twenty floors, falling into the dim light below, it was lost to everyone and no longer sensed

There was still a ray of red light left in the original level, stubbornly resisting, but it was still crumbling. It was no longer important. The scene that happened in front of him was enough for Yu Ci to revise his perception. At this time, he could not think of anything else. It is not a simple talisman, but the legendary realm magical power of “turning the heart of heaven into my heart”

Could this be Xin Yi’s unique realm?

However, I only heard that the realm creates a combat environment that is conducive to oneself. It can directly evolve Qi like this, refine and leap up layer by layer, until it is born into the vast world… Uh, isn’t it too complicated? Besides, this feeling is a bit familiar

One thought makes heaven and earth come into being, like this…

Thousands of miles away, the true nature of the soul emitted a spiritual light and came up with an answer: the heart is empty, the inner scene is complete

Your mother, yes, that’s what I mean, this is the right analogy

When this enlightenment appeared, Yu Ci’s body jumped up thousands of miles away. Through the induction of the demon’s remnant spirit, he looked at all this almost greedily. Yes, it was the path of emptiness in his heart. Although The structure and Qi method here are completely different, but regardless of its essence, this kind of thinking makes him feel like drinking alcohol and almost becoming intoxicated

Back then, when he structured the void in his heart, he used yin and yang as the horizontal axis, and the past, present, and future as the vertical axis. It is too general. Most of the subsequent evolution is based on changes in physical phenomena and manifests in the void in the heart, forming the current pattern of mountains and forests, fish and dragons, surrounded by ice and sea, and covered by starry skies

Although there is nothing in there that has no place of origin, such as the Illuminating Bronze Mirror, the Fish-Dragon Appearance, and the Taixuan Ban, all of which have great foundations, but most of the time, these things work independently and do not form a system

Yu Ci has long had the ability to create internal scenes and external scenes, but most of the time, he just uses it to release mental clones and use the clone’s changing characteristics to fight against enemies. This is far from a reasonable and effective application. But what he saw today Xin Yi’s method is really like a heavy hammer beating a drum, shaking up the originally stagnant thinking

It may not be beneficial for snakes and rats to watch birds flying, but what if they are fledglings themselves?

With a flash of inspiration, like a spark igniting a prairie fire, Yu Ci quickly thought that the divisions of the heaven and earth are a bit like the six reincarnations and the regulations of the ten dharma realms. The two seem to be able to refer to each other, as if the shadow ghost mentioned Once upon a time, Xuanmen did have such an idea, what was it called…

“Surge into the sky, thirty-six days”

Yes, this is it

Hearing Yang Zhu’s shouts from outside, Yu Ci suddenly remembered that the thirty-six days, the grand idea that Xuanmen once used to challenge the Western Buddhist kingdom, was said to be to divide the world into thirty-six levels, thirty-six levels There are two kinds of designs in the void. One is the eight heavens in the southeast and northwest, with the Three Pure Realms on top. The top is the Great Luotian, which encompasses all the heavens and is supreme. The other is the same as the Ten Dharma Realms, which vertically divides the three realms into twenty-eight. In the sky, there are four Brahma Heavens, and above that are the Three Pure Realms and the Great Luo Heaven.

Xuanmen originally had differences between the two designs, and the grand idea failed to succeed. However, it also achieved many wonderful methods. Perhaps what Xin Yi used at this time was one of them?

Yu Ci will not delve into the details inside. He is just thinking: use it again, use it again…let me take a closer look


In the Huangquan Secret Mansion, the situation has changed dramatically due to the thirty-six days of changes, and outside the Secret Mansion, clues have actually emerged. Zhai Queer and Elder Long are hundreds of miles away from the Secret Mansion, but they still sense the brilliant light over there. The power, stop and watch

“So the legend is actually true?”

Zhai Queer has identified the foundation of the Thirty-six Heavens, and through the method of “The Soul-Taking Sutra of the Free Heavenly Demon”, he senses that the great calamity of the Heavenly Demon is on the verge of disappearing, and he can’t help but be stunned

Long Changsheng sighed with emotion: “Xin Yi is a madman”

People at their level have more or less heard of the deeds of Xin Tianjun of Bajing Palace

In his early years, Xin Yi became a Taoist as the Yang God, and his physical body had long been destroyed. However, he relied on the method of refining weapons and talismans to recreate the flesh fetus, and made a great oath to use both talismans and utensils to channel spirits, that is, to let the day after tomorrow The created flesh fetus truly became a ‘living person’, and he pushed it into the realm of earthly immortals in order to practice his claim of “spirituality and spiritual communication”. This wasted nearly two eons of time, otherwise based on his cultivation and state of mind, Five thousand years ago, he should have been a first-class earthly immortal

The above can be regarded as a widely circulated joke. As for the “thirty-six days”, it is more reasonable to say that it is a “legend” than a “whisper”

“Is it true, as some people say, that he used his own enlightened Yang God as a material to create the thirty-six heavens?”


It’s too late, so I have to publish a small chapter first. In this way, I will publish a small chapter at noon and evening tomorrow. In fact, it is still normal. You might as well give monthly tickets, red tickets, etc. as usual…


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