Ask the Mirror Chapter 213: Thirty-six days of flying into the sky

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The demonic thoughts in the sky changed, and in the secret palace of Huangquan, the pressure of the demon tide suddenly turned.

As if to let Xin Yi see clearly, the red light in the central area dissipated, revealing Xin Yi’s short and fat figure under the giant hand. At this time, he was still calm, but under the catalysis of the demonic thoughts that penetrated the air, The five fingers of the giant hand are closed together, locking the Xin Yi Qi machine, and the essence and blood vitality of the five true-form immortals are transformed into it. The prison formed by this is the body of the earth immortal, and I am afraid that I will not be able to escape from it for a while! *

At this time, the means used against Xin Yi are nothing more than this. The rest of the power is transferred at once. As for the target, Yang Zhu is nearby, and his induction is the most profound

As the red light spread layer by layer, his vision suddenly shrank, and his five senses and six consciousnesses were affected. The sudden pressure made his already not smooth mind appear anxious

He knows that this is the effect of the demonic thoughts. In a sense, most of the power of the demon catastrophe has been transferred to everyone except Xin Yi. This is not “not doing his job properly”, but precisely Treat Xin Yi’s tribulation environment as a whole, and instead of attacking the strongest link, avoid the reality and attack the weakness, and start from other places, with the intention of leveraging Xin Yi’s defenses

The Mo Dharma Master who controls the Demon Tribulation must have been observing in the dark for a long time. Once he takes action, he will take charge of the overall situation. All factors inside and outside the Underworld Secret Mansion will be used by him

Yang Zhu said it was the same here, Zhao Zi said it was the same there

The giant hand cage not only sealed Xin Yi’s figure, but also blocked most of his Qi. In this way, the Wu Lei tribe over there seemed a little weak. Zhao Zi said as he shouted , the fierce flames flew up, carrying the power of the dragon and elephant, blasting the Lei Lao to pieces. The members of the Five Lei Tribes tried to reunite, but in the end they could not withstand Zhao Ziyue’s endless strange power, and finally collapsed, together with The sky is full of lightning, and it is difficult to gain momentum

Zhao Ziyue got out of the thunder prison and immediately flew into the air. He climbed up to observe the situation over there. When he saw the position of the giant hand cage, he couldn’t help but feel happy. When the giant hand cage dropped, Xin Yi had already been taken away. A short distance away, Xin Yi is still very close to the center of the Secret Mansion, but after all, there is a slight gap.

There are opportunities

Zhao Ziyue also knows that there may not be such a coincidence in the world, but in this situation, he really cannot let go of the slightest chance of more than ten miles. For him, it is just a thought. In an instant, he passed by the giant hand cage and rushed towards the center of the secret palace

The central location is a relatively flat open space, paved with square black stone slabs, a hundred feet in diameter, with a series of figures on it. Generally speaking, the four corners are sealed, and the center is left blank to look at from a high position. , I always feel that something should be put down in the central part

As soon as my brain turned around, the thinking that connected the two worlds gave me the answer: So that’s it

Zhao Ziyue stretched out his hand and touched everything on his wrist, and blood spattered out, as if a fire was lit in the void, but it landed very accurately on several key nodes of the open space pattern, in line with the coincident blood sacrifice here. method

At this moment, his body is full of energy and blood. Even though it is only a dozen drops, it is enough for the four corners of the open space. The figures are dyed with blood one by one, thus activating the energy mechanism buried deep in the ground, and the blank space in the center , it seems to have come to life, surging and undulating, a stone tablet rises from it, and there is a seven-step stone platform below. Standing on all sides of the stone platform are the four spirits of Qinglong, White Tiger, Suzaku, and Xuanwu. It is a custom-made custom of Xuanmen

This is the real center that controls the Underworld Secret Mansion

Zhao Zi said that he was about to refine this stone tablet with a wave of his sleeves, but as soon as he made a move, the air roared, like a long wind, and the thunder came, but it was Yang Zhu who exerted force from the air, and the Siming Sect’s method was extremely heavy. The spirit is exquisite in the great power. Zhao Zi said that if he did not block it in time, this mighty force would all fall onto the stone monument below.

“You have to be focused on what you do”

Easy to neutralize Yang Zhu’s offensive, Zhao Zi said with a snap of his fingers, he shot out more than a dozen long lines of fire. These are all implicated in extremely heavy karma. They are the most filthy qi and cleverness. Not to mention killing, it is enough to make people sick if they are touched. For a long time, he kept saying:

“The key to the tribulation of Heavenly Lord and everyone’s life and death is the key. As for the center of the secret palace, we can only wait and see. Yang Daxian should make a decision.”

Zhao Zi said that he did not make empty words. At this moment, unknown to the outside of Huangquan Secret Mansion, the more than a thousand monks near this core area have unknowingly divided into two groups – the monks of various sects and the monks of various sects.

Originally after entering the Secret Mansion, the refugees in the Northern Wasteland focused all their attention on the treasure, but now they are inexplicably resentful of the monks from various sects, roaring wildly, and attacking them in groups. God knows this. How do people identify targets? It’s no wonder that the devil’s methods were used. Almost immediately, there were casualties over there

Yang Zhu naturally knew what Zhao Zi said, but he was originally a proud and arrogant person. After being ridiculed and ridiculed, his eyes were filled with blood for a while, but he still had a little sense. Kong Senran said: “You have gained control of the secret palace, will you easily let go of these people inside?”

Tsk, this person’s brain hasn’t completely fainted yet

In order to disturb his mind, Zhao Ziyue laughed loudly again, half-laughing, and suddenly felt something was wrong: “Oh no, no, I have also fallen into the trap. Being so unwilling to give up, isn’t it an extraneous problem? I have become the devil. The Lord’s thug?”

Thinking of this, his laughter stopped abruptly, but the impact had already been caused. Zhao Ziyue thought of another thing: “It’s useless for me to be so active. The key thing lies with Ciqu.”

The thought turned around, and he was completely free from the influence of the demonic thoughts. He curled his fingers again, and a little karma fire as big as a pea was shot out. He saw it fall on the stone tablet, but it scattered in all directions and landed on the black stone pavement. Around the blood sacrifice area, flames soared into the sky, reaching a height of more than ten feet, surrounding the place tightly

After doing all this, he flew up and met Yang Zhu’s venting attack. He was beaten into a ball on both sides. The aftermath caused the peaks to shake, but the giant hand cage did not shake at all

Although it was a fierce battle with Immortal Changsheng, Zhao Ziyue still focused most of his energy on the central stone monument. The fight lasted only two or three rounds, and something moved in his heart:

The guy finally arrived

With the fire of karma covering it, and now it is in chaos again, there is really a lot to be done. With this thought in mind, Zhao Zi said that he would have to work harder

Looking at Yang Zhu again, this person was obviously affected by the Demon Tribulation, and the ray of reason just now was also being worn away – the Demon Tribulation is such a powerful skill, it can destroy people’s minds invisibly, especially Yang Zhu beforehand He didn’t have the consciousness to overcome the catastrophe, and the power of the catastrophe suddenly turned, and his response was obviously not appropriate.

In just a few breaths, a message came from Ciqu, and it was done

No matter how you say it, Ciqu is an Immortal Real Person. It is absolutely not difficult to refine a stone tablet. Zhao Zi said that he remained calm and immediately sent an order: There is one more step to go, don’t slack off

The refining of the central stone tablet is equivalent to the acquisition of the Underworld Secret Mansion. However, the current state of the Secret Mansion is that it is stripped of all clothes and completely undefended. Therefore, they have made arrangements in advance and prepared a top-level array for emergency use. Enter the center and provide protection for a few days. It is not difficult to wait for this period of time to pass. Wutian Jiao Prison will definitely come up with a good plan

The array disk was implanted, and the stabbing song was launched immediately without any delay. Zhao Ziyue also controlled the karma fire to make it convenient for him

But at this moment, there was a loud “dang” sound in his ears, and he turned his head suddenly. He saw Xin Yi with a calm face in the cage of the giant hand, but he threw a punch from the side, hitting the index finger of the giant hand. Blood flowed from the five fingers of the cage, but it was still solid, but in the inevitable shock, Xin Yi let out a voice that sounded like a sigh and a smile:

“If you don’t even have the moral strength, how can you have the shame to survive the disaster?”

Huh? Zhao Ziyue’s heart skipped a beat. The next moment, he saw Xin Yi close his eyes and then open them again. At this time, a clear light rose up from the door above his head and shot straight into the sky

The giant hand released a **** light, trying to suppress it as before, but Xin Yi in the cage laughed loudly, opened his hands, and a ball of golden light spread out from his chest and abdomen, and his whole body seemed to have turned into half The transparent glass radiated from the golden light, and the blood light and golden light offset each other, and they were evenly matched. The clear light in front penetrated the cage lightly and skillfully, and then penetrated into the void vortex above

Zhao Ziyue couldn’t understand it at all. He only saw a clear light rushing into the whirlpool. Soon, there was a layer of gray light coming down from there. At first, the light was not clear, and it flew straight to the ground, and then stirred up. If you don’t care about the road ahead, it would be like dust rising from the sky

You can turn it up a layer, and the turbid smell of sand and dust will fade away a little, making it look like mist, with many images in the mist

The dynamics are changing

Zhao Ziyue suddenly stopped his hand and opened the distance between him and Yang Zhu. Yang Zhu suddenly woke up and the blood in his eyes faded, just in time to see the turbid and clear light mist turning up again, those hazy The images turned into sea, sky, mountains, rivers, and buildings, spreading out one by one, with people coming and going in between.

It seems that a world that can only be seen in dreams is unfolding in front of you

Characters like Zhao Ziyue and Yang Zhu were finally able to sense some things that ordinary people could not see. They felt an extraordinary process of qi purification and leaping, and with the feedback of the gray light, Every time you increase the height, it is a “level” improvement:

turbidity, non-turbidity, non-clearness, clearness… one by one, the first layer is a world of heaven and earth, a simple light. In this process, pure and pure, the opening and closing of yin and yang are born, and there seem to be billions of trillions. Creatures evolve during the process

“One, two…sixteen…thirty-one, thirty-two”

In the blink of an eye, there were similar qi machine cleansing and rising. They had already felt that the “sky” of Huangquan Secret Mansion had its own height thirty-two times. As the levels rise, people unconsciously raise their heads and look at the layers of scenic beauty. In a daze, even the red light whirlpools of the Heavenly Demon Tribulation are suppressed by this rising heaven and earth.

No matter how it changes, it cannot escape the category of evolution and transformation of Qi. It can only cause chaos at a certain level. How can it overturn these endless brilliant worlds?

This process continues, thirty-three, thirty-four, thirty-five, thirty-six

Xin Yi suddenly roared loudly. In the roar, in the endless wonderland, the four directions were clear and clear, jade light was flowing down, immortals were coming and going, and they were lined up like hemp. At the top, there was another endless heaven covering the sky. , all worlds are included in it, and its foundation undoubtedly lies in Xin Yi

The giant hand cage still exists, but its majestic power has become inexplicably smaller

Surge to the sky, thirty-six days


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