Ask the Mirror Chapter 212: Prisons and external demons disturbing the heart

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It turns out that Xin Yi has a backup plan

That was Yu Ci’s first thought, but then he felt something was wrong. The rumbling sound was deafening and powerful. The most peculiar thing was its pronunciation mechanism. It didn’t sound like the vibration of the vocal cords, but like the atmosphere. Air burst, echoes

He leaned against the crack in the wall to release his induction, imitating the external situation into his six senses, but he was almost blinded by the shining light in the sky

In the sky of Huangquan Secret Mansion, in the central area, around the twisted void vortex, there are still layers of red light, weighing thousands or tens of thousands. The rich brilliance has almost condensed into substance, and it will rain blood at any time, but On the periphery, the golden snake danced wildly, and the soul-stirring divine light in the surrounding area was cut into pieces by the electric light

Looking at it, those electric lights often form a system of their own, twisting and turning, which is unusual and majestic. Looking at it a few more times, those jumping electric lights are quite like human limbs, and the outlines of the electric lights are overlapping. , he looks like a huge and strong man

This is not an illusion. On the contrary, the more they swing and dance, the clearer and more solid the silhouettes of those human figures become, and they begin to shrink. Although they are still two feet tall, they resemble human figures. Gradually, you can see that they are wearing armor and crowns, and their eyes are With five senses, there were two more who turned thunder and lightning into chariots, jumped on top of them, roared, and charged towards the red light area between the peaks

After a few booms, several figures popped up, they were demon puppets

Yu Ci couldn’t estimate the combat power of these puppets at the moment, but a punch or a kick could shake the earth, but those lightning humanoids were able to withstand it for a while, and occasionally they were blown away and shattered by a punch. , and immediately connected them again, reshaping the form

On the contrary, there were thunder and fire in the roar, and the surging power hit the puppet, leaving horrific scorch marks. The injuries on the flesh did not matter, but the red light flashed in the puppet’s eyes, which was obviously the parasitic demon in it, and could not withstand the power of the thunder. , a little shaken

“Is this the Five Thunder Tribe? Why have you never heard of this kind of talisman?”

Yang Zhu, who was flying up behind, was stunned. At this time, he was idle. Fortunately, he finally remembered to turn his head and look at the place where Zhao Ziyue made his voice.

Over there, Zhao Ziyue had no intention of covering up, and was floating in the air. Under the dark robe, the heat disturbed the void, and even distorted it to meet Yang Zhu’s sight. The energy of the two sides was connected, and it was about to break out

On the southwest mountain peak, there was a huge earthquake, and then the treasure light shot into the sky, and seven or eight streams of light scattered in all directions. Those were spiritual magic weapons, running around in the secret palace. I didn’t know how to get out for a while. I lost these. Southwest On the peak, the light was still shining brightly, and there were thousands of auspicious auras. Not to mention anyone else, it was Yu Ci. The heart from thousands of miles away was beating twice.

It is simply a torch lit in the dark night, tempting people to go over there

There has never been a shortage of desperadoes in the Northern Wasteland. The monks who had been a little uncertain before due to Yang Zhu’s warning were now screaming again and again, and I don’t know how many people rushed forward

Yang Zhu’s eyes were as bright as a knife, and he was about to resort to some means to give these idiots who had burned their heads out a warning, when Zhao Ziyue over there also made a move

The man seemed to take a deep breath, his body expanded slightly, and at the same time he smiled and said: “Yang Daxian is worried about those greedy people? He is indeed a well-known and decent person… Anyway, I am willing to relieve the worries of Daxian and Tianjun”

Before Yang Zhu could respond, he put on airs and swelled to the limit, then exhaled and said:


There was a huge earthquake, and a real shock wave swept across the Huangquan Secret Mansion. Facing the shock wave, Yang Jun and other cultivators also felt dizzy and instinctively put up a defensive posture. Then they realized something was wrong and wanted to try again. It’s too late to start.

Outside the Huangquan Secret Mansion, the Nine Earth Yuan Magnetic Divine Light, which has been decaying all the time since losing the control of the Five Mountains True Shape Map, finally couldn’t support it at this moment. It shattered like a thin egg shell and scattered into the surrounding strata. , forming huge waves of earth and rock surging one after another

Under such a situation, Huangquan Secret Palace is like a boat under a storm, rocking back and forth, with the same momentum as when it shook the earth line. But this time, Zhao Zi said that it was not interfering with the earth veins, but directly acting on Huangquan Secret Palace. With huge power, he can lift this secret palace up and down, turning it upside down – this is the great supernatural power of moving mountains and filling seas

Zhao Zi said that his eyes radiated black light like flames, standing majestically in the air, like a demon

When the Underworld Secret Mansion shook, the void surged, and the internal and external barriers were shattered. Some of the ant-infested Northern Wilderness desperadoes outside were thrown away, some fell headlong in, and some were directly crushed by the huge power. Turned into minced meat

Most of those unlucky souls didn’t even have time to utter the curse, so they perished in fear. Countless negative emotions filled the world, casting a layer of gloom over this already gloomy world. In the gap between the clouds, bright red firelight dances

“The evil karma of killing is as harmful to the body as fire”

Zhao Zi sighed in a low voice, then laughed loudly: “Give me a seal”

From where the words started, the exits such as the earth veins connecting the Underworld Secret Mansion to the outside world were suddenly closed. The entire Secret Mansion was actually isolated from the inside and outside, and there was no way in or out. The Underworld Secret Mansion had cut off the foundation of the earth veins, and became increasingly unstable. ——This place is a half of the world that has been opened up. Once it is not connected to the outside world, it is hard to say whether it will stay in this world or slide into the endless void

Not many people know about such a shocking change. At least those monks from the Northern Wilderness who poured in one after another are mostly ignorant. Most of them were distracted by the precious light on the southwest peak. The next person was also dizzy from the continuous chaos. Perhaps, this can be regarded as a kind of luck?

“It’s so good. There are only a thousand of these people at best, but Xin Tianjun couldn’t take care of them for a while, so they died under the evil tribulation, and their bad karma was over. I have to bear some more, please, please”

After hearing Zhao Ziyue’s remarks, Yang Zhu laughed angrily: “Shameless”

Yang Zhu was surprised that this man could actually use the fire of karma, but his method was to make people speechless: these captives in the Northern Wilderness will inevitably be affected during the Xin Yidu Tribulation. If there is a big setback If Xin Yi suffers any loss, his bad karma will definitely be attributed to Xin Yi. Not to mention the bad karma itself, what is really worrying is that if Xin Yi hesitates during the tribulation, the evil thoughts that penetrate the sky may take advantage of the gap. This creates a dilemma

Each person has his or her own temperament, and Yang Zhu thinks he is not afraid of such things. However, he is not familiar with Xin Yi, and he doesn’t know whether this old man who seems to be humorous and kind can be open to it

Mother-in-law and mother-in-law are absolutely unacceptable…

Without giving up the thought, Yang Zhu realized something again. He waved his sleeves and turned the Qi into a glow, as sharp as a sword, which spanned ten miles. Zhao Ziyue no longer had the bravery he had when he moved mountains and reclaimed seas. With two strange laughs, he flashed between the peaks, and suddenly he was far away. The energy released by Yang Zhu hit the mountain peak behind him, hit the restriction, and the light flashed randomly.

Concerned about Xin Yi’s side, Yang Zhu did not pursue him, but his heart was burning with murderous intent. He couldn’t vent it for a moment, so he turned to the group of desperate people who were swarming up the mountain. Just as he was about to use his means, his mind suddenly shook

The sky in Huangquan Secret Mansion suddenly pressed downwards. He knew it was an illusion, but the lightning pouring down gave people the feeling that “the sky is about to collapse”. Yang Zhu almost instantly put on a defensive stance , just like when facing Zhao Ziyue’s magical power of moving mountains and filling seas, but this time, he didn’t even have a target.

It wasn’t until endless lightning swept across a hundred miles, and thousands of monks fell to the ground amidst screams, that he confirmed that it was Xin Yi who had transformed his amazing spirit into the world of the secret palace to form this A scene that is almost as powerful as heaven

At this moment, the Five Thunder Troops suddenly abandoned the demon puppets, merged into the twisted electric light, and flew down among the peaks. The corresponding Qi machines dispersed and reunited, driving the electric light to twist into a strange shape in the void. Font

Yang Zhu finally saw the scene related to the talisman, which is in line with Xin Tianjun’s style

The electric light swept across the country, and within a hundred miles, no one could stand up straight, and the place where the talisman gathered by the electric light landed was exactly where Zhao Ziyue disappeared just now. In an instant, The electric light was like a prison, sealing off a radius of nearly twenty miles, almost encompassing the two adjacent peaks. Only a scream was heard from the other side. Zhao Ziyue appeared in the electric light with a gray face. There were people beside him. Five lightning figures stood in a ring, forming a talisman array and locking them in it

There was no joy on Yang Zhu’s face. Xin Yi acted like this because the devil’s catastrophe was coming, and the place needed to be cleared to avoid distraction

Zhao Ziyue obviously knew this. Although he could not move for a while, he shouted loudly: “I only want the center of the Secret Mansion. If Tianjun moves out and gives up the place of the center, you and I will How about if the water from the well does not interfere with the water from the river?”

When Yang Zhu heard this, his heart suddenly moved, but under the red clouds, Xin Yi’s laughter came:

“I have developed a bad temper after a few kalpas. If you want to go east or west, don’t worry about the rules and virtues. I’ll ask God to decide.”

Yang Zhu was stunned, and then woke up again: So that’s it, this is another trick, also to seduce Xin Yi to shake his mind – as long as Xin Yi has the slightest intention of gain or loss, he will be invaded by the evil calamity again The gap

Fortunately, Xin Tianjun’s sophistication is far beyond his estimation

As the laughter that sounded like a gatha was about to die, a breathtaking giant hand stretched out from the whirlpool of red light in the sky, glowing with a faint blue light, and every knuckle was like substance, but Put together, it makes people feel that this is a cage made of finger bones, which is somewhat similar to the electric prison transformed by Xin Tianjun’s talisman

With a roar, the ground shook and the mountains shook. The giant hands gathered together and inserted themselves between the peaks. At this moment, the six demon puppets suddenly turned into blood mist in the midst of the bang, and five of them pounced on them. The five fingers of the giant hand rushed to the palm of the hand, and “washed” the giant hand again, and the energy was transported, and its sealing power was more than ten times stronger

“Dharma Master Mo took action, and his hand was indeed extraordinary… He just destroyed six demon puppets just to seal Xin Yi away? What’s the point?”

Yang Zhu didn’t think that this kind of thing could trap Xin Yi for how long. But at this moment, a very deep malice swept across, coming from the red light vortex. In an instant, Yang Zhu understood What it means there:

“Don’t be afraid of danger, don’t be distracted by the secular world, don’t be disturbed by interests… but you don’t know, how can you not be moved by morality?”

What if you destroy your comrades?


Damn it, why is it getting late? However, the underworld secret mansion has to end as well


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