Ask the Mirror Chapter 2: Bronze Mirror

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If anyone among Xuan Qing’s group suddenly thought of returning, they would surely see the “immortal” in their minds laughing and slapping his knees to the ground. It’s a pity that the group of people was really frightened. They had traveled several miles away in such a period of time, and no matter how loud Yu Ci laughed, they couldn’t hear him.

After Yu Ci smiled enough, she no longer showed off her majesty that intimidated the crowd. She just found the most comfortable position, leaning on the incense table behind her, with her long sword casually put aside.

Why did he decide that Xuan Qing was a fellow-traveler from the beginning? Because big liars and small liars, you lie to me, they are all the same.

“Immortal, immortal, **** immortal.”

Yu Ci knows the details of his family best. He is considered an immortal, and at best he has about the same level of cultivation as Xuan Qing. In addition, if those big men are not weak in skills, if they really see through him and he is surrounded, I am afraid it will be really troublesome.

Of course, he could bypass this view, or break up his face when he first entered, and escape before everyone formed an encirclement. But if you act like that, how can you be as happy as you are now in a place sheltered from the wind and cold?

While he was relaxing, he also began to estimate Xuan Qing’s true level. Judging from the Pure Heart Mantra, this person can use ordinary cinnabar as a guide, draw symbols to form images, and receive spiritual responses. He can be regarded as a man of virtue. He is probably at the pinnacle of the realm of Mingqiao.

People in the world regard qi movement, long breathing, and clear orifices as the “three ordinary levels” in their practice.

Qi-driven people work the body for ordinary people, exhale, breathe, and guide. By working internally and externally in this way, a sense of Qi is produced. There is a saying of “refining Qi and transforming Qi.”

Those who breathe for a long time will have abundant Qi, forming inner Qi. Every time they exhale and inhale, there will be a burst of great power, and the Qi will penetrate the whole body and promote the transformation of the flesh. At this time, mortals can live longer for one year. Jiazi, lived to be one hundred and fifty years old.

As for the realm of Mingqiao, there is no progress in the physical body. However, nourished by the true energy, the human soul becomes stronger and stronger, and gradually opens the spiritual orifice, and has some miraculous spiritual responses. In this realm, if one has reached the level of cultivation, and supplements it with spiritual guides such as cinnabar and peach wood, he can use them to perform talisman, magic, witchcraft and other methods. Those spells such as summoning wind and rain, shouting thunder and lightning are not useless. come out.

This is the case with Yu Ci. He is proficient in more than a dozen talismans. He can usually use them to calm the mind, suppress evil and drive away epidemics. He can also do it with a few palm thunders, but that’s it. Think about that mysterious thing. Qing is almost the same.

However, this man was so courageous. The long sword Yu Ci laid across his knee was intended to be used as a preemptive strike when his traces were revealed, but unexpectedly it frightened the guy’s legs.

Perhaps, this Xuanqing has suffered from “above”?

This is not impossible.

If Mingqiao is the final stage of the “Three Ordinary Passes” and the pinnacle of ordinary cultivation, then transcending the “Three Ordinary Passes” and moving up to the next level from the realm of Mingqiao will indeed jump out of the barrier and enter a world of spiritual cultivation. A wonderful group composed of special humans and non-humans, as well as a bizarre and magical world.

The people in that group are called monks, and “drawing Qi into a talisman” is a unique skill of monks.

Xuan Qing didn’t have enough knowledge and couldn’t tell the difference. He just thought he was a legendary monk, so he was heartbroken. But Yu Ci had seen it with his own eyes…

Looking at the bonfire, Yu Ci gradually fell into a trance. The red firelight penetrated from the slits in its eyes, playing with its monstrous figure. In a daze, the tongues of fire licked its upper body, almost roasting its internal organs. And he jumped out of the boundless sea of ​​fire and threw himself at On the table, there was a shining place that could change his destiny.

With the sound of “get”, Yu Ci suddenly woke up from his memories and realized that he had unconsciously touched the “monster head” next to him, which made him laugh.

The monster’s head rolled twice, and it happened to face the blazing bonfire. Under the light of the fire, its red eyes glowed strangely, and Yu Ci happened to see it. To be honest, he didn’t like this ugly thing. However, when he was showing off with this thing just now, he found that the thing felt very strange. It didn’t feel like a body of flesh and blood, but under the cold muscle and bone shell, there was a vague feeling. There is heat coming out.

Well, you might as well study it later.

With the intention of collecting, Yu Ci still felt that it was weird to keep an unknown head close to the body, so he pulled a piece of cloth, wrapped it in two layers, and then put it in his sleeve.

While storing this object, he touched something with his fingertips. He smiled again, carefully put away the monster’s head, straightened his body, and took out the object.

This is a round bronze mirror, no more than the size of a palm, with a round shape and flawless appearance. The mirror surface is smooth and clean, and when it shines on people, their hair will be revealed. But when I look at the back of the mirror, there is no mirror button. There are just a few dark lines carved on it, which are light and irregular, as if they were scratched on randomly.

This is indeed a mirror, but Yu Ci does not use it as a mirror.

Putting the mirror upward, infusing the true energy and then shaking it gently, the mirror suddenly flashed with green light, making his hair and beard all green.

He bent his two middle fingers and swung them in the green light reflected by the bronze mirror. Then a hazy brilliance separated from the main body of the blue light and traced with his fingertips, creating a clear trajectory in the void, attracting even more attention. Dots of spiritual light, like flowing water, gather around.

This is the true face of the so-called “inducing qi to form a talisman”.

After all, Yu Ci has not transcended the “Three Ordinary Passes”. He also needs spiritual guidance to draw talismans. However, Xuanqing relied on cinnabar talisman paper, while Yu Ci used the bronze mirror in his hand instead.

He draws blue light from his sleeves, and then draws it in the air. As long as the technique is clever, it is easy to create a scene where the aura can be gathered without relying on external objects.

Yu Ci is already very familiar with this kind of deception and deception, probably because he has this kind of background. At that time, he was only 3 years old and had just started to think and draw energy. He could not be called a cultivator at all. He was already known as a fairy boy in the Shuangxian Sect. He had countless followers within a radius of thousands of miles and was worshiped by thousands of people. Compared with Xuanqing in this barren mountain Wouldn’t it be a hundred times more clever to fill a ruined temple with gods?

Thinking about this, he couldn’t help but laugh again, but the smile was cold and cold, and the bronze mirror’s blue light was like frost, as if it was sensitive.

Going north from here, I don’t know how many thousands of miles away there is, there is a country of thousands of miles away, named Chen. Chen Guo has 100,000 residents. They do not believe in Buddhism and Taoism, but only believe in the so-called “Double Immortals”. The two immortals, the male immortal Zi Lei and the female immortal Chi Yin, founded a sect in the Chen Kingdom. They could call the wind and thunder, soar into the clouds and raise fog. In the eyes of the people of the Chen Kingdom, they were no different from gods.

And Yu Ci is a close attendant in the Shuangxian Sect. He is also revered as the “Fairy Boy” and is respected by thousands of people. It’s just that his temperament is different from ordinary people, and he is not as enthusiastic about the so-called “Two Immortals” as the people of Chen State. After working as a close servant for several years, he has seen more clearly that the so-called immortals are also flesh and blood, and they also have seven emotions and six desires. At some levels, they are even stronger than mortals.

For example, fear of death.

The two immortals spent most of their time studying the so-called “immortality technique”. Their ultimate goal of establishing a sect in Chen State was also to achieve their wish for immortality. For this, they would sacrifice everything.

Because of this, “fairy boys” like Yu Ci are not as glamorous as the outside world sees them. Yu Ci knew very well that the so-called “fairy children” were actually two immortals who were used to test the effects of various immortality techniques. The two immortals used “Long-lasting Beauty” as a bait to let them practice those weird and bizarre methods of immortality, regardless of the possible serious consequences.

Fortunate ones like Yu Ci were arranged to learn talismans. Although it was hard work, the safety was pretty good. But those who were unlucky suffered inexplicable injuries to their internal organs, broken meridians, went crazy, and finally disappeared inexplicably.

Yu Ci has been with the two immortals for more than four years, and the “fairy boy” alongside them has changed several times. He knew very well that if he continued to live like this, sooner or later his name would be added to those who disappeared without a trace.

Fortunately, he is somewhat lucky. One night when he was thirteen years old, the two immortals seemed to have come to attack him. He could only hear the sound of swords in the world, like the sound of thunder. Occasionally, the aftermath hit, and houses fell down and trees fell, as if the end was coming.

While most people were immersed in being beaten and resigned to their fate, Yu Ci decided that this was his best chance to escape.

He was also very daring. Before escaping, he rushed into the palace of Zi Lei Daxian, which had been set on fire, and took away two treasures, which was the bronze mirror in his hand at this time, and a book “Shangqing Juxuanxing” Shu secretly taught Fu Jing”, then he rushed out in the chaos, disguised himself and escaped.

Perhaps God was really blessing him. After several months of hiding, he actually escaped from the Chen Kingdom and stayed away from the sphere of influence of the Shuangxian Sect. The Shuangxian never came after him. But he no longer dared to stay around Chen State. For many years after that, he traveled southward for thousands of miles. As his knowledge increased day by day, he realized that the world was vast and there were many great people. If you only focus on the Chen country, you will be like a frog at the bottom of a well.

He knew what kind of person a guy like Shuang Xian was.

The two immortals are also monks. The monks as a group either eat clouds to attract energy, take bait to make elixirs, pray to gods and worship ancestors, or search for caves. Of course, there are also those who, like the two immortals, receive incense and incense to increase their cultivation. Their ultimate goal is to It is to gradually extend your lifespan through practice, and eventually reach the point where you can live forever and live forever.

There are also strong and weak among monks.

Tongshen, Huandan, Buxu, Zhenren, Jiefa, Earth Immortal.

People use these six realms from low to high to divide monk groups.

These six realms are juxtaposed with the “three ordinary realms” such as Qi movement, long breath, and Mingqiao, and are combined into the nine realms of practice. However, the two are not comparable at all. From the beginning of spiritual communication, every step up is It’s an earth-shaking change.

Yu Ci didn’t know the more detailed situation, but he did know that Zi Lei and Chi Yin were masters in the Dan Huan realm. The two of them can control flying weapons and fly swords to kill people hundreds of miles away. They live for hundreds of years and have everlasting beauty. In the eyes of ordinary people, they are already great and god-like figures.

But above them, there is a more sublime realm. Legend has it that the strongest monks can ride on dragons, ride on clouds, climb mountains and seas, and possess all kinds of incredible magical powers.

People are always like this. After seeing it a lot, they don’t think it’s strange. After wandering for a while, the shadow cast over Yu Ci’s heart by the two immortals was blown away, and what was replaced was an eagerness to try.

It turns out that they are not unique. If they can do it, why can’t I?

So, Yu Ci began to practice until now.

A loud boom sounded from the bonfire, breaking the quiet atmosphere in the hall. Yu Ci breathed a sigh of relief, pulled away from the past, and gently stroked the edge of the bronze mirror. What filled her heart was pure gratitude.

Yes, he couldn’t help but be grateful for this treasure in his hands.

When he broke into the palace of the Purple Thunder Immortal and took away this “Illuminating Bronze Mirror”, it was actually the most valuable adventure he took in his life.

Because only when you really start to practice can you understand the difficulties of practice.

Since I was eight years old, I learned the method of pondering and persuading qi, and then used the talisman method in the “Shangqing Juxuan Xingshu Secret Teaching Talisman Sutra” to assist me. After more than ten years, I am only at the peak of Mingqiao, which is far away from that of a true monk. The basic standard – the realm of “connecting to the gods”, there is still a hurdle that is difficult to overcome.

Catching up with or even surpassing the Two Immortals is a very simple idea, but to implement it, in addition to consistent belief, you also need extraordinary courage, unparalleled luck, and of course, unimaginable huge consumption.

Practice is just two words, but to actually do it, you need methods, elixirs, and spiritual veins. In terms of the way of talismans alone, you also need spiritual guidance such as the best cinnabar, talisman paper, incense, etc. Where can Yu Ci, a wandering individual, come from these resources?

Fortunately, there is also a bronze mirror of the Illuminating God.

Over the years, Yu Ci has not only used it to play tricks. In fact, it is not accurate to say that it is just pretending to be a ghost. The effect of the bronze mirror is real.

As long as this mirror is stimulated by true energy, it will reflect blue light. This light is an excellent spiritual guide. Use it to draw talismans. The effect is more powerful than those of cinnabar and talisman paper, and it is within reach. , can be used at any time, with almost no consumption. For Yu Ci, who is not rich, this is more practical than any panacea.

The reason why Yu Ci was able to practice to this extent by relying on the “Shangqing Juxuan Xingshu Secret Teaching Talisman Scripture” without anyone’s guidance was largely due to the contribution of this bronze mirror.

However, this is not enough. The path of spiritual practice cannot be sustained by just one or two treasures. Yu Ci walked alone and it was very difficult. Every small progress he made had to pay a price that ordinary people could not imagine. But he is not discouraged yet. He is actively looking for a way to make rapid progress, even if he finds nothing in a short period of time.

I wonder if the “Three Yang Talisman Sword” that Bai Ri Mansion used to exchange for Shrimp Grass this time can be used as a reference to help him improve in the talisman arts?

Slowly, his thoughts dispersed, and finally returned to nothingness. Yu Ci fell into a peaceful state that seemed to be sleeping but not sleeping. At this time, the vitality of the five internal organs is arranged in five colors: green, yellow, red, black, and white. It is in a dense state, gradually converging, and rolling within the square inches of the spiritual platform.

At the same time, the cool air of the Niwan Palace in the brain is round like beads, like a bright moon, spreading clear brilliance, and the light is like rain, falling on the five-color mist in the heart, and a gravitational force is generated between the two. The bright moon hung motionless in the sky, while the colorful clouds slowly floated up under the force. When the bottom of the twelve-story building in the throat was exhausted, it slowly sank again, and so on again and again.

During this process, the internal organs, limbs, and acupuncture points all over the body seem to be affected by gravity, faintly echoing and closely connected with the Niwan Palace. Slowly, the breaths of the whole body merge into one, without distinguishing each other. With the vitality of the five internal organs as the core, a thinner mist is formed, permeating the whole body. Only the brain is illuminated by the bright moon, with the Niwan Palace as the center, and in all directions, the nine palaces are quiet and clear, unmoved by the clouds and mists below.

Because it is quiet and clear, it is sensitive. I don’t know how much time passed, but Yu Ci was in a trance, when he suddenly felt something in his heart and his thoughts moved slightly. The sight of the bright moon and colorful clouds spontaneously dispersed, and he opened his eyes.

This method of contemplation was taught to Yu Ci by the Fairy Chiyin when she was young. It is called “The Wonderful Method of Reviving the Moon in the Nine Palaces”. It also has a name called “Caiyun Chasing the Moon”. As the name suggests, it uses God as the moon. , use Qi as a cloud, and when thinking about it, make the spirit Qi merge/combine, rub the top of the body and penetrate the pulse, this is the way to improve.

There is nothing surprising about this method, but it is easy to get started and the methods are fair and peaceful. Yu Ci has been practicing intensively for twelve years, and has reached the stage of echoing the spiritual energy. He has opened the spiritual aperture and can nourish the soul with true energy at all times, which can be regarded as an achievement.

It’s just that now he is not in the mood to lament the progress of his family’s cultivation. Because at this time, there were some people approaching outside the house. Purely by smell, Yu Ci knew that these people were not Xuanqing’s group, but he didn’t know what they were thinking.

He put the bronze mirror into his sleeve and held the long sword in his hand, adjusting his posture slightly to remain unchanged in response to changes.

Waiting for a moment, there were people outside the house, but no one entered the house. Instead, someone knocked on the door frame through the main door that had no door panel: “Friends inside, we are herb collectors going to the Sky Rift Valley. , is it convenient? ”

Yu Ci let out a breath, let go of the sword, and then laughed and said: “In the wilderness, there is no first-come-first-served basis. Please come in.”

A straightforward and heroic attitude is undoubtedly the best way to ease the doubts of others. This night, it became lively again.


There are a lot of collections and red tickets.


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