Ask the Mirror Chapter 19: Evil spirits

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Do you use it?

Yu Ci’s first thought was to be vigilant. The true fragrance of Miao Cave has endless uses, and it is closely related to the worship of gods and ghosts. As the old man’s identity as a spirit shaman, he contacted him about his purpose of coming to the Yin Cave City and the use of this thing. Need I say more?

If this thing was in his hands, he would definitely find a way to decline it, but now this thing is still in the hands of others.

Looking at Jin Changhua again, after the old man appeared, he was still very strong, but now he is a little weak. As soon as the old man opened his mouth, he cupped his hands and said: “Since it is Master Zhang’s need, there is no reason not to comply.”

The old man nodded at him: “I remember that you are from Qianba City. I am not worthy of calling me ‘teacher’. Don’t care about your appearance. In fact, in terms of age, you are not much older than me. Less…”

It seems a little ridiculous, but this is the difference between the realm of returning elixirs and the realm of spiritual connection. Jin Changhua has been rampant in Qianyi City for more than a hundred years. He must be over 200 years old. The old man’s state has deteriorated and he will only live to be old and old for only 150 years. Of course, how can one really rely on “respecting the elderly and loving the young” to rank in the spiritual world?

Jin Changhua then said, “Those who are masters are teachers, and those who are masters are teachers.” His fear was clearly revealed.

The old man laughed dumbly and stopped being polite. He stepped forward tremblingly, stretched out his trembling skinny fingers, took out a stick of incense, put it in his sleeve, and nodded to everyone in the room: “As a matter of loyalty to others, I have something to do over there, so I’ll go first.”

As he spoke, he slowly turned around and went out, with Manager Wen carefully accompanying him.

Just when he was about to go out, the old man turned around again, his eyes were dim, and he couldn’t figure out who he was talking to: “To take advantage, I will just say one more thing, there is no way for good and misfortune, people bring it on themselves, heaven and earth There are countless evil spirits in the world, waiting for the opportunity to move. Don’t make things like enemies meet and confuse people’s hearts. “

Yu and Jin didn’t look at each other, they both bowed their heads.

When the old man went out, the originally tense atmosphere became a bit awkward. Jin Changhua had something on his mind, so why did Yu Ci? When Wen was in charge of things, he felt that both of them were a little absent-minded. While secretly admiring Master Zhang’s magical power, he started to act as a peacemaker, which finally seemed to be a mediator.

A quarter of an hour later, both parties made concessions, made a big discount, and settled the deal for twelve thousand dragon palace shells. This price is much higher than the real price, but compared with the initial ridiculous price, it is still reasonable and can barely be regarded as a win-win situation.

After completing the transaction, neither party had any intention of staying for a long time. They declined Manager Wen’s offer to stay for a meal and left in a hurry.

Yu Ci frowned all the way, and Wanquan followed him. Seeing that he was in a bad mood, he thought it was because of the huge loss of money, so he wanted to liven up the atmosphere. When he had nothing to say, he said: “Senior’s method of identifying the true fragrance of Miaodong… …Tsk, how can I say that this spice can be divided into so many branches?

“Keep improving.”

Yu Ci replied lightly. In fact, he felt a little guilty when he said this. Today’s bargaining skills are all about learning and selling now. The source is a classic that was obtained from Lingxi Sanren.

The classics are nameless and seem to be intentionally hidden. A huge amount of information is sealed on an exquisite mirage jade slip. It begins with worshiping the gods and gradually extends to describe the nature, origin, processing, and even application methods of hundreds of thousands of spices in the spiritual world. The details are detailed and comprehensive. It is simply a voluminous monograph on spices. Compared to this, the information Yu Ci got from the “Shangqing Juxuan Xingshu Secret Teaching Talisman Scripture” is simply so crude that it makes people blush. Perhaps this is the difference between “anthology” and “monograph”.

Yu Ci also discovered that Lingxi Sanren was good at the art of incense, and his skills should have been obtained from this classic. He found a practice method under an entry called “Breaking the True Eclipse Yuan Xiang”, which described how to refine the vitality of the whole body, like smoke and mist, and then achieve a set of “Nine Apertures Mysterious Pill” The process is clearly a side sect of alchemy, and it can also correspond to reality.

This kind of elixir formula is useless to Yu Ci, but some of the highly applicable tips in it are of great research value. It is also good to take a look at it for fun.

Unfortunately, Yu Ci is destined to have no such leisure time in the short term.

While Wan Quan was talking, he suddenly remembered a few things: “The ‘Taiyin Flag’ that senior gave to Sister Lu to refine has been completed. Senior can pick it up at any time…”

Yu Ci snorted, remembering that her pockets were starting to become tight, and asked, “How much does it cost?”

Wan Quan was stunned. As a fan, he was very sensitive to his customers’ financial confidence. He couldn’t help but laugh. He coughed and said, “Sister Lu knows the specific price best. But because Seniors bring their own materials and designs, so the cost should be enough.”

He didn’t dare to ask directly to waive the money, otherwise it might be self-defeating and hurt Yu Ci’s self-esteem. However, there is one thing that cannot be avoided: “Also, there is a vacant seat in Baizhuan Wind Tunnel. The junior has signed up according to the senior’s instructions. The verification will be in the next few days.”

After hesitating for a moment, thinking that the long-term pain would be worse than the short-term pain, he gritted his teeth and said: “As for the cost…”

Yu Ci slapped his forehead hard and cursed.

Wan Quan shrank his neck. This was the first time he had seen this unfathomable senior lose his composure since they met.

I was annoyed that my mind had been dizzy just now and I couldn’t find the right time to speak, but I felt something was wrong. I turned around in surprise and saw my patron as if there was no one around. He was smiling happily in the street. His face hidden by his beard looked extremely young at this time.

Yu Ci’s mood is really good, at least much better than before. He lost his temper and scolded his mother, and the inscrutable image he had created in Wan Quan’s heart since meeting him was probably more than half gone, but he felt surprisingly relaxed.

Ever since he arrived in this Hell Cave City, he has been holding his airs, and has unconsciously had a condescending attitude. Maybe he came from the Lichen Sect and had a sense of superiority over a group of casual cultivators?

Reality slapped him suddenly. Now, without talking about other troubles, just looking at the impoverished situation at the end, you can know that although this is the Northern Wilderness, a paradise for a group of degenerates, it is not easy to survive. There are still headaches here, and there are still many dangers and obstacles. There is no essential difference from the difficult situations he faced in the Sky Rift Valley, the Cliff City, the Sword Garden, and the Lichen Sect Mountain Gate.

The most fearful thing in life is to be in the wrong position. When you are on top, you always have a desire to control and want to cover everything. Correspondingly, you must have strong strength to cope with the backlash from all aspects, otherwise you will make a fool of yourself; however, as long as you change the position and look from the bottom up, suddenly You will get rid of a lot of burdens. No matter how difficult things are, just look at the present and take advantage of them. If it doesn’t work, you can also do some damage…

“Don’t want to make progress!” This is Shadow Ghost’s opportunity to be sarcastic.

Yu Ci ignored it. Regardless of whether this mentality is correct or not, he just feels that he has a lot of solid ground on his feet. Some time ago, he was too far away from Beihuang, and now it may be a good choice to try to integrate.

He patted Wanquan on the shoulder: “As you can see, I am very strapped for money now, and I am afraid my expenses will be like water in the future. If I have any profitable business in the future, don’t forget to let me know!”

Wanquan nodded like a stupid bird, completely confused.


It is a good thing to adjust his mentality, but what Yu Ci is facing now cannot be solved with just a good mentality. If it is not done well, he will probably integrate into Beihuang in the most embarrassing way – bad In the soil, it becomes fertilizer!

Yu Ci did not go back to the Baizhuan Villa, but separated from Wanquan on the pretext of wandering around. He walked around a few times in the bustling crowds of the city to catch a chance, and used the incoming and outgoing non-flying fighting talisman to escape. into the ground.

He has already opened the Illuminating Picture. In fact, he has been using the mirror to lock the target, which is the senile shaman. According to Shadow Ghost, it is risky to peep into the practices of spirit witches, but at the critical moment, he still has to take the risk.

In a specially opened quiet room, the old man’s spell has ended. Perhaps casting the spell took up too much energy, and the old man’s already thin and stooped body was almost buried under the floor-length black robe, but his instructions were very clear:

“Try northwest.”

On the desk, the incense stick has been completely catalyzed, turning into a wisp of dark blue smoke, swirling in the void, revealing information that only the old man can understand: “The evil spirits in the world are very active, and they are responsible for the murder conspiracy. The matter is closely related to Lingxi Sanren. We have to go to the scene to find out the specific situation…”

Beside him, He Wuye nodded slowly: “Without further delay, we will set off now.”

“It’s Mr. Wu, you go, I’ll stay.”

The old man opened his mouth with missing teeth and smiled: “The fire energy there is strong and the environment is harsh. In my current state, if I go there, I’m afraid I won’t be able to come back.”


He Wuye’s eyes flashed with green light, and he muttered: “I have some impression of the place you mentioned…”

In the distance, Yu Ci clenched his teeth: The old guy is really amazing, he actually found the right place for him.

Yu Ci knew that the area that the old man Lingwu was talking about was a deserted mining area, a remnant of the Yuanci ore mining industry in the past. Due to over-exploitation and improper operation, a fire eye in the center of the earth was opened, causing chaos in the earth’s veins and upwelling of magma, turning the place into a desperate place and inaccessible

More importantly, this is where he dealt with the bodies of Lingxi Sanren!

Yu Ci took a fancy to the flaming eye and threw Lingxi Sanren’s body down. By now, there should have been no bones left.

This method is ruthless but effective. As long as Lingxi Sanren disappears from the world, people will only think that he can’t hide, and never expect that the most critical “Xuanling Yin” has changed hands. Even the people named Zhao behind Lao San and Lao Seven would only think that the person who killed his companions was Lingxi Sanren, and would not suspect anyone else.

Yu Ci thought he had done a clean job, but the spirit wizard, who seemed to be dying at any moment, completely ignored common sense and used some kind of “evil spirit” sense to find out the location.

It’s a bit troublesome.


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