Ask the Mirror Chapter 18: *

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As soon as the sword was struck, a wonderful feeling followed. Yu Ci seemed to have returned to the moment when the flying sword killed Taoist Yan, but this time, the situation was different.

Last time he used the seven-star talisman sword that he had condensed. It was more like a flying talisman than a flying sword. He only broke through the barrier of Mingqiao in time and was able to summon the spiritual response with his spiritual thoughts, which produced such incredible effects.

But this time, the sword he swung did not have any talismans attached to it, but only pure evil spirit of form and spirit, which was naturally integrated with the sword. It was similar to Taoist Yan’s weird sword-controlling method. However, his series of movements such as chasing the enemy, locking on, swinging the sword, and beheading were all smooth and flowing, with almost no trace of deliberate exertion of force. He also looked as if his hands, eyes, and heart were the same in life and death. When he swung the sword, it was really smooth and hearty to the extreme. .

He was still experiencing this rare feeling when, from below, Ye Tu’s cheers rang out again. Still not satisfied, he jumped up like a madman and waved to him. Yu Ci also waved over there, slid down the cliff, and quickly returned to the slope.

“Uncle Yu, awesome, awesome!”

Ye Tu jumped his feet and praised him repeatedly. He first saw Lu Quan’s body falling from the sky, and then saw “the most evil man in the world” with half of his head cut off by Yu Ci’s sword, and then that dazzling sword. , what was replaced by deep admiration.

In fact, in the eyes of Ye Tu, who lives in a very special living environment, the so-called standards are very different from ordinary people. However, he was afraid of the word “competition” in everything. He obviously couldn’t defeat the Venomous Snake Monk, but Yu Ci not only killed the monk neatly, but also killed two accomplices whose strength was by no means inferior to the monk. The important thing is that Yu Ci did all this in an unfavorable situation where his cultivation was obviously inferior, and he still won so beautifully that he couldn’t help but admire him.

“Awesome!” The young man was as excited as if he had killed an enemy himself. “Three elementary-level psychics, no, the last person was almost at the intermediate level, and he was killed by Brother Yu like a chicken. , so awesome!”

He gestured at Yu Ci’s posture of wielding the sword, and was full of admiration: “Uncle, your soul has become so proficient in controlling the sword. It’s incredible! With such a magical skill, it’s no wonder…”

“The soul controls the sword? Isn’t it a divine soul?”


Ye Tufan was stunned by the question, and then he remembered that Yu Ci was a casual cultivator who had just started. He scratched his head and was about to give an explanation when his mind suddenly became confused: “You don’t know? How can you do it if you don’t know?”

“It’s the first time.”

Yu Ci didn’t think it was a big deal. He patted the young man on the head again: “It’s just a matter of killing people with a sword, how come there are so many names!”

“First time!”

The young man’s eyes widened when he heard this, and he seemed to have thought of something. In a half-distracted state, he murmured: “But this is different…”

“What’s the difference?” Yu Ci successively killed three opponents whose cultivation levels were above him. It was also when he was in high spirits that he took advantage of the opportunity to teach the young man: “No matter what the secret of swordsmanship is, in the final analysis It’s just killing people, what kind of killing method is there? I have been majoring in talismans since I was a child, and I only know a little about swordsmanship. I haven’t even practiced a few swordsmanship, so why don’t I still draw my sword and kill people?

“When you are really facing an enemy, it is useless to think too much. You must first raise your blood and courage, so that your hands, eyes, and heart are as cohesive as one, unmoved by external enemies, your mind is clear, and your intention is as strong as the sword. When you are excited, what clever trick can’t be used? Do this to yourself, but do the opposite to the enemy – killing the enemy is killing the courage. No matter how strong the enemy is, if the courage is defeated, he will be like a slaughtered chicken, like a poisonous snake monk. And that Xu Laoer, if they hadn’t lost their courage, how could they have died so easily with their cultivation…”

This is not just a lesson to Ye Tu, but also Yu Ci summing up his own experience. As he said, he has never studied swordsmanship systematically and has no rules in his hands. However, he always relies on his extraordinary courage and a clear and transparent state of mind to survive and win in danger.

The secret of his swordsmanship lies entirely in the two words “brave” and “danger”, that is, using courage to frighten the enemy and winning through danger, and his ability to seize the slightest opportunity, honed in life and death, is still there. Having a state of mind that is stable in times of danger is the foundation of both. In this way, the inner and outer are in harmony, and the mind and body are one, which is the magic weapon for him to defeat the enemy and win repeatedly.

After saying these words, Yu Ci felt relieved again. He somewhat understands why there is a saying of “becoming a teacher”. It does not mention the psychological superiority, but it is an unparalleled enjoyment to clearly express what you have learned in your heart through words and make it known.

It’s a pity that Ye Tu has a completely different temperament from him. He obviously didn’t absorb this kind of remarks very well, and his expression was even more dazed, which made Yu Ci feel that the saliva was probably in vain.

Just when Yu Ci and Master Ye couldn’t figure it out, a deafening roar suddenly exploded. The original sound of the roar could still be heard at first. In the blink of an eye, the huge sound waves vibrated back and forth, turning into rumbling thunder and sweeping across the canyon. . In comparison, the thunder sounds produced by the five thunder talismans previously were pitifully weak.

Yu Ci and Ye Tu looked at each other in confusion. Before they could understand what had happened, there was a sudden scream in the mist, and then the same sounds merged into one. After a breath or two, a whistling cloud of blood emerged from the clouds. It penetrated from the depths of the clouds and mist, and rushed towards the top of the canyon without stopping.

Blood Eagle! Not one, but nearly a hundred blood eagles gathered together, soaring upwards in this hasty and panic manner.

Yu Ci grabbed Ye Tu’s collar and retreated to the inside of the slope. Amidst the roaring wind, the group of blood eagles quickly passed over their heads, and their sharp screams disappeared.

But this is just the beginning. Soon, both of them saw it on the slope. The ferocious birds and beasts in the valley seemed to have gone crazy collectively. The fast ones tried their best to escape upwards, while the slow ones frantically fought with the others. Creatures fight. Yu Ci then saw two flying demon apes of the same kind, hissing and falling down the ravine. As for the ferocious beasts that were constantly fighting each other on weekdays, they would not stop fighting to the death with the nearest living beings.

“What’s going on?”

Ye Tu was stunned, but rarely frightened by the situation in front of him. Yu Ci patted his shoulder to silence him. In this period of time, two or three groups of ferocious beasts rushed up the slope. Fortunately, they did not stop and left at a faster speed.

Yu Ci moved to the edge of the **** and looked down. The sight he saw made his heart twitch violently. He saw in the boundless clouds and mist below, a snake-like creature with a length of dozens of feet. It was just like the legendary tango snake that rides on the mist and clouds. It was originally meandering in the clouds and mist. At this time, it was struggling and swinging wildly, its long tail slapped the clouds, and occasionally hit the rock wall, causing large pieces of gravel to splash down. Under the impact, a clear earthquake was also felt on the slope.

That kind of appearance looks like a death struggle.

Yu Ci recognized that this big thing, which he guessed was a snake, was one of the most powerful creatures within the range shown in the Illuminating Map. It usually roamed leisurely in the canyon clouds and mist, and there was no trace of it at all. Natural enemy, what happened now?

“Teng She” struggled for almost half an hour. Countless raptors and ferocious beasts were smashed to pieces by the long tail he swung around. Then he slowly stopped and finally sank deeper into the clouds and mist. Come to think of it, It’s also a bad situation. Affected by this, the number of ferocious beasts in this area has eased, at least there are not so many ferocious guys running up the slope.

Yu Ci breathed a sigh of relief, and then said to Ye Tu: “We can’t stay here for a long time, let’s leave quickly!”

Ye Tu now obeyed Yu Ci’s words, nodded, and the two of them climbed up together. However, after only a quarter of an hour, they slid down in disgrace.

They can’t get through. The group of blood eagles that had just flown above their heads seemed to have brought the chaos deep in the canyon to the top. Within just a few miles of the slope, the conflicts between raptors and ferocious beasts were no less intense than those below. It was okay for the two of them to stay on the slope. Once they moved, they would be attacked immediately. It wouldn’t matter if it was just Yu Ci, but with Young Master Ye, things would become very troublesome.

In desperation, the two of them had no choice but to retreat to the **** and wait for the chaos to pass. They waited all night.

Yu Ci was not in a hurry, because he had a divine map, and even if the scope of the night reflection was still reduced to within thirty miles, he had enough ability to grasp the surrounding situation. In contrast, he was more worried about Ye Tu’s state.

At this moment when the raptors and ferocious beasts were going crazy, Young Master Ye suddenly showed extraordinary calmness – or to be more precise, this boy had entered a serious state of mindlessness, completely immersed in his own world. , turning a blind eye to external things and hearing but not hearing.

To put it nicely, this is called selflessness; to put it harshly, this is madness…

As the light of day dispelled the darkness and the area of ​​the illuminated map slowly expanded, Yu Ci let out a long breath. The most difficult night since entering the Sky Rift Valley has just passed. In one night, he killed four raptors and ferocious beasts that tried to capture the slope, temporarily protecting the place’s safety. Through the observation of Zhao Shen Tu, this wave of chaos seemed to have subsided. He was prepared to wait for a while, at least until Ye Tu returned to normal.

With nothing to do, Yu Ci began to clean up the remaining shrimp grass on the slope. In this boring and tedious work, time flies by. When he pushed the total number of shrimp grass he owned to more than 4,000, the young man’s extremely excited screams came to his ears.

The boy’s voice was full of energy again. Yu Ci turned around and saw Ye Tu waving hello and dancing. The strong change from static to dynamic made Yu Ci want to touch his forehead.

Ye Tucai didn’t care what Yu Ci was thinking, he waved his hands vigorously: “Come here quickly, come here quickly, Uncle Yu, you will definitely understand what I’m talking about this time!”

Yu Ci’s mind turned two more times before he understood what Ye Tu meant. It turned out that this kid had been nervous for the past few days. Was he still thinking about teaching him common sense about cultivation?

Before he could show any emotion, Ye Tu had already rushed up and pulled him with a smile to the smoothest part of the slope. A regular circle had been drawn here, and a smoother stone was placed in the center of the circle. Stone. The boy pointed at the graphic and proudly announced:

“This is my latest achievement!”

Yu Ci looked at this crude graphic and raised his head for a while, but didn’t know what to say: “This?”


囧, it seems that book friends have become accustomed to voting together before and after updates. If I haven’t said anything yet, please continue today! The faster the red tickets go up, the more energetic I will be when I’m working on the manuscript!


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