Ask the Mirror Chapter 17: Continuous chop

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Yu Ci is very aware of his abilities and talents.

Maybe he doesn’t have any skills when it comes to wielding a sword, but years of training in life-and-death battles have given him the courage to integrate his hands, eyes, heart, and sword power into one. Thousands of swords are all one sword, as long as he trusts the sword in his hand. , enough!

He had no intention of getting out of the way, but relied on his absolute confidence in self-judgment in the extreme state of life and death, tearing through the strong wind and brushing against the sinister trajectory of the green light, like a fire without a true form, Pounce down.

The poisonous snake monk only felt that his eyes were blurred. Yu Ci had already rushed into the middle palace with the blazing flames, and he used the fierce close combat swordsmanship that he had seen. The monk’s slender eyes were almost bursting, and he squeezed out a scream from his throat. The sword light suddenly appeared in the void, and the golden sword he had just snatched two days ago flew around his body. Even though he had not finished the sacrifice, he I can’t care less.

Yu Ci saw with her own eyes that he snatched away Ye Tu’s golden sword. How could he be unprepared at this time? Although the attack was fierce, he still had some remaining strength. When he saw the golden sword appear, he immediately exploded with flaming sword blades. Make a slight swing, no longer a frontal thrust, but a slightly staggered angle.

There was a loud “bang”, the golden knife flew up, Yu Ci’s body was almost pressed against the cliff, and he crashed into the Venomous Snake Monk’s Palace. The violently trembling flaming sword blade passed diagonally across the Venomous Snake Monk’s chest and abdomen. However, the impact with the golden sword was so severe that it only tore a shallow hole, then naturally extinguished and returned to a thick wooden sword body.

The poisonous snake monk was in pain and smacked it with his palm while hissing.

In this brief moment, Yu Ci turned half sideways, and while half releasing his palm force, he hit the monk’s chest injury hard with his shoulder. This is a direct reflection of his precise and quick body reactions, and it is also a crazy move that does not take the abyss seriously.

The Venomous Snake Monk did not expect that he would be so decisive. He was caught off guard, and his chest was hit and felt tight. The true energy of both sides of the body vibrated violently. In the changed curses, their bodies almost merged together and downwards. Falling sharply, right below was Xu Laoer.

After the Venomous Snake Monk blocked their way, Xu Laoer had at least three more countermeasures to block the way of the two of them. However, he got out of the way!

“Bastard…” Venomous Snake Monk couldn’t even muster the strength to curse.

Under Yu Ci’s powerful momentum, the two of them plummeted nearly a hundred feet in an instant, and their speed had reached the most dangerous edge. In the process of falling like a meteorite, the poisonous snake monk felt that his chest was about to be squeezed out. He wanted to control the golden sword in a hurry and cut the junior in his arms in two. However, the golden sword had just been refined and fell far away. He couldn’t do whatever he wanted, and when he was distracted, Yu Ci seized the opportunity and hit his head and face with several heavy punches. He was hit so hard that stars appeared in his eyes and he almost cried again.

The monk was furious and fearful, but at this moment, a voice suddenly penetrated his ears: “Sick!”

This is exactly the voice of Xu Laoer. At the same time, my chest felt tight again, and then the heavy pressure on my body suddenly moved away.

The poisonous snake monk didn’t care about anything else and crashed into the cliff with all his life to reduce his strength. He was lucky. He slid down for about half a mile and found a stable foothold. The golden knife above his head fell down and was caught in his hand. It was also at this time that he saw that in the clouds and mist, the long black rope was like a real poisonous snake that chooses people to eat, flying down from a high place.

The Nine-Yang Talisman Sword in Yu Ci’s hand once again revealed the flaming blade, and accurately struck the front end of the long black rope flying from behind. The Nine Yang Fire Sword forced out a wave of fire and forced him back. However, Yu Ci’s cultivation was still not as strong as that of the other party. He also trembled, his feet were suspended in the air, and he slid down a distance. After he stabilized his body, he was slightly lower than the Venomous Snake Monk.

Xu Laoer also rushed down from the cliff and reached out to catch the long rope that flew back. Seeing that Yu Ci was about to use his strength again, he hurriedly shouted: “Hold him for a while!”

Who the **** are you… Venomous Snake Monk opened his mouth to curse, but he soon saw that Xu Laoer was mumbling something in his mouth, a circle of gray-white fire burned on his body, and he held the long rope in his hand. Transition up. Swallowing the curse in his throat, Venomous Snake Monk knew that Xu Laoer was stuck at this moment and was about to exert his strength.

After all, he knew the seriousness of it, and he also understood that he was injured. If he hurt Xu Laoer, he might really die in the rift valley. He sighed, gritted his teeth, and pushed Yu Ci The sword light reflected upwards. But he no longer dared to let the unfinished golden sword fly up and kill people. He just kept it sealed on this only way, using the golden sword to block Yu Ci’s way.

In the blink of an eye, the positions of the three people completely changed. Yu Ci changed from a condescending vantage point to having to attack upward. But he was not afraid at all. Venomous Snake Monk had lost his self-confidence. Such a guy was quite worrying. Xu Laoer, on the other hand, grasped the timing of his attack quite well and was very thoughtful in taking advantage of the situation. He was actually a bit smarter than the Venomous Snake Monk!

Just as he was thinking about it, Xu Laoer took action again, and the long rope flew out again, but this time, on top of its dark color, there was a very faint layer of gray-white fire. Xu Laoer made seals with his hands and stood firmly on the high ground, while the long rope flew around in circles as if it was spiritual. This was the first time Yu Ci had seen this kind of attack method.

The Viper Monk suddenly moved up, widened the distance, and at the same time shouted loudly: “What a trapped soul cord, what a rotting soul fire!”

The flying rope was like a giant python, circling down, not lashing out, but trying to tie up Yu Ci. Not to mention hearing the words of praise from the Venomous Snake Monk, just looking at the gray fire on the long rope, Yu Ci was not willing to test it. He took a long breath and suddenly jumped into the clouds to the side.

No one knows the surrounding terrain better than Yu Ci. This is already the area where he picks shrimp grass. There are dug rock gaps everywhere on the cliff. There is absolutely no shortage of places to stay. He took advantage of it twice. After that, his leap speed had increased to the limit, and then the long rope behind him followed him, even faster. The tip of the long rope had exceeded his body shape and looped inward.

Yu Ci glanced quickly and saw the shape of gray-white fire at close range. Is this the rotten soul fire?

The gray flame burned fiercely, but no temperature could be felt. The long black rope showed no signs of burning, but where the long rope passed, a layer of black spots appeared on the surface of the cliff wall that was close to it. It did not look like fire. It’s more like poison. There are countless twisted lines in the flames, but if you look deeper, what are those lines? They are clearly countless translucent images of creatures, roughly maintaining their original image, struggling and howling in the flames. Yu Ci couldn’t hear the sound, but evil thoughts that shook his soul came straight through.

He did not hesitate any longer. Before reaching the third foothold, he suddenly stepped on the cliff. The force was no longer to the side and upward, but bounced far away, away from the foothold and the cliff, pushing himself away. Plunge into the boundless clouds and mist. The moment he made this action, the long rope also contracted inward, and it looked like the long rope was forcing him out.

Yu Ci’s jump was too hard. He was completely suspended in the air, and there was nothing to draw on within five feet outside him. His momentum was almost exhausted and he inevitably fell downwards.

“Okay!” the monk shouted, holding the knife and looking happy. Xu Laoer above also smiled. The reason why he controlled the trapped spirit rope to pursue from the inside was because he had such thoughts, and the situation was under his control.

Contrary to the monk’s cheers, an exclamation suddenly sounded from a cliff somewhere on the side. This cry attracted the attention of the monk and Xu Laoer. They turned to look, and through the clouds and mist, they could vaguely see a **** protruding from the cliff in that direction, with a vague figure on it.

The one who exclaimed was Ye Tu. After this fight, they arrived near the **** unknowingly. The young man could not do anything, but he had a sharp ear and eyes, and took in all the fierce fighting. He had already stopped breathing when he saw Uncle Yu, and suddenly saw Uncle Yu being forced away from the cliff. , horrified, blurted out and revealed his identity.

The Viper Monk was closer than Xu Laoer. He was stunned when he saw this, and then sneered: “It turns out it’s you. You’re pretty lucky…”

While he was talking, he also took a fancy to the spacious space on the steep **** and prepared to **** it. However, at this moment, in the deep valley clouds and mist, a bright light suddenly appeared.

Yu Ci, who was about to be wiped out in the clouds and mist, raised his hand at this moment. The soul talisman in his hand exploded, and thick light purple lightning burst out of the clouds like a dragon or a dragon. As soon as it soared into the air, it exploded with a buzzing sound, like a giant tree with many branches, sweeping across half of the sky. The first one to bear the brunt was the one at the very top. The gray firelight attached to the sleepy soul cord below didn’t even last half a breath before being annihilated by the thunder.

Until this moment, the rumbling sound of thunder rolled through the canyon, stirring the clouds and surging like the sea.

Five Thunder Talisman!

The five thunder talisman used by Yu Ci is the general outline of all thunder methods in the “Shangqing Juxuan Xingshu Secret Teaching Talisman Sutra”. It is purely transformed by the thunder text, filled with its own energy, and combined with the yin and yang of the heaven and earth. Being able to communicate with each other and hold the cardinal of thunder, it can summon ghosts and gods, call for wind and rain, and attack evil spirits. It is the nemesis of all evil spirits.

He had seen before that the so-called rotting soul fire was an evil fire created by burning the hostility of resentful souls and fierce ghosts. The five thunder talismans prepared in advance were just right to use. The moment the gray fire went out, the long black rope fell into the valley like a dead snake. Xu Laoer, who was still more than ten feet away, sensed Qi and groaned miserably, covering his chest and cursing:

“Zhengde Bald Donkey, which one of your eyes thinks he is from Bai Ri Mansion?”

The poisonous snake monk wanted to answer, but after the roaring thunder swept away the long rope, he rushed up. Under the influence of Ye Tu and Xu Laoer, he was distracted and looked away. It was too late to react. The thunder struck, He screamed, and was really struck by five thunders. In an instant, his whole body was charred black, and his skin and flesh were torn apart. It was only because of a breath of pure Qi that he protected his heart that he didn’t die on the spot.

This does not look like Bai Ri Mansion’s method…

Just when this thought flashed through his mind, the cheers of the boys on the **** suddenly rang in his ears. To his ears, the cheers were clearly a strong and ominous sound.

As soon as he opened his eyes, which were almost blinded by lightning, they almost burst out: in the rolling clouds and mist, he saw the “Junior from Bai Ri Mansion” stepping on the ladder like a ladder to the sky, ascending the clouds step by step, coming quietly. The fire was even more dazzling, forcing the monk to squint his eyes again. He instinctively wanted to raise his knife to block it, but how could he raise it? A red line stretched across the sky before his eyes, followed by complete darkness.

Yu Ci wiped off half of the viper monk’s head with one sword. Regardless of how his brain was boiling, he did not stop in the slightest while laughing, and walked straight up into the clouds.

White smoke and crane feathers fly to the gods, and clouds grow under the feet as fast as the wind.

The words and phrases used by predecessors seem to be very appropriate at this time. And this is the third talisman prepared by Yu Ci: the divine walking talisman!

The magic talisman possessed by the spirit talisman has the effect of giving birth to wings, holding clouds, and temporarily gliding in the air. It was just discovered by Yu Ci when he was traveling with the magic talisman a few days ago. He used it in the Rift Valley, but It is most appropriate.

After killing two companions one after another, Xu Laoer was already timid. Although he still had the advantage of the terrain, his most powerful “Trapped Soul Cord” had been destroyed. If he continued to fight, it would be very dangerous. He immediately jumped up and tried to escape.

The facts told him that this was the stupidest choice!

Yu Ci swung his sword to draw the sword. It was originally a movement of accumulating power, but as soon as he took action, he realized that the feeling of this sword was so good. Everything went as planned, like a goshawk fighting a rabbit, or a hungry tiger pouncing on its prey. It completely followed the instinct of natural creatures to kill its prey, and was pulled by the invisible hand, tearing the void apart.

At this moment, the top door became hot, and the “lamp flame” that had not responded for a long time shone brightly. This time, under the top door, in the palace of the mind, there was a potential that was about to be released. , shine brightly. He only felt that the light of the “lamp flame” took care of both the body and mind, making his body transparent. At this moment, the talisman sword in his hand buzzed and trembled as if it was flicked by an invisible finger. What vibrated at the same time was the vitality permeating his body, as well as the deeper soul and mind.

He didn’t know which side vibrated first, but he could clearly grasp that the frequency of this vibration was infinitely close to the vibration of the soul that transcended the physical body when he entered the realm of spiritual connection. Later, when all the vibrations were so harmonious, he could no longer tell which one was the talisman sword, which one was the vitality, which one was the soul and mind. Everything was controlled in the orbit of the “spirit”.

It sounds complicated, but this is just the moment when the sword is swung.

In the sky, a red line as thin as a hair stretched out, and it was like lightning flashing in the void. In front of it, the distance of three to five feet was not a problem at all. The **** light suddenly appeared, and the body of Xu Lao’er was running away. Divided into two halves, a layer of dazzling red was smeared on the canyon clouds and mist.


I feel so miserable on Singles’ Day that I strongly appeal for clicks, collections, and red tickets to seek comfort!


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