Ask the Mirror Chapter 16: Ambush

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This move was still effective, recalling the young man’s soul. Yu Ci smiled and said: “Wait here, hide it, if you are discovered, just jump down with all your strength. You have this robe, you want to throw it It’s really not easy to die.”

Ye Tu calmed down and thought of Yu Ci again: “What should you do, uncle?”

“Me? Let me see if I can chop off that bald head directly!”

Ye Tu was startled, but Yu Ci ignored him. His figure shrank and flicked, like an agile mountain monkey, and rushed onto the cliff on the side of the slope. After a few ups and downs, he completely disappeared. In the clouds and mist.

Yu Ci was not crazy or impulsive. He just saw a small chance of winning, a chance that was obvious enough to tempt him to take the risk.

Because he had a picture of the gods.

Opening the Illuminating Picture again, it can be seen that during this period, the opponent’s progress was not satisfactory. The Sky Rift Valley is filled with clouds and fog, and the field of vision is greatly limited. Even if the theosophy monks use the soul to sense and reduce their dependence on the eyes, there is always a limit.

Especially the cliffs are as smooth as a mirror, and there is no place to lean on in many places. Coupled with the extremely aggressive raptors and beasts, the journey is really dangerous every step of the way. Unless you have a magic weapon that can be carried and flown, or you have a treasure like a bronze mirror like a god, otherwise if you want to go deep into it, you can only try again and again, and explore again. As for taking the wrong path, That’s the most normal thing.

Yu Ci was lying on the mountain wall. His position, about three feet to the right, was the only way for the three of them to pass through the slope. This was the result of the divine map, and there was no mistake.

Yu Ci’s current location was originally an extremely steep cliff with no place to stand. But he quickly dug out a depression with the jade medicine **** in his hand. Thanks to Duobao Boy and Master Ye, the medicine **** cut the stone as if it were mud. It was even more amazing after infusing the true energy. The gravel fell down, and again Overshadowed by the usual hustle and bustle of the Sky Rift Valley.

Only one ghost-faced monkey living nearby heard the sound and poked his head curiously. Yu Ci’s strike was like lightning, and he grabbed it by the throat. Before it could struggle, he used a medicinal **** to knock it out.

Putting the unconscious ghost-faced monkey in his hand, he thought for a moment and began to draw the talisman. It took a while, but the progress of the three people above was slower. Yu Ci still calmly finished drawing the three talismans and sealed them in the Zhaoshen Bronze Mirror.

Then, he hid the Illuminating Picture to prevent the green light from attracting the attention of the three people above. At this time, even without looking at the Zhao Shen Tu, he could still smell the smell mixed in the strong wind, clouds and fog that was incompatible with the Sky Rift Valley. This was the body odor of the Venomous Snake Monk and his companions mixed together.

He chose to be downwind, which could effectively block his breath. Because Yu Ci had a sense of smell that was beyond ordinary people, he paid special attention to similar abilities. Every time he lurks, he carefully restrains his whole body’s aura, and his ability to conceal himself is improving day by day, which is quite impressive.

The distance between the two sides gradually came closer, and the strong wind blew up the conversation of the three people above them. Venomous Snake Monk and others were careful under the Sky Rift Valley, but they did not expect that in the deep area with a depth of three thousand feet, someone would be aware of his movements in advance and ambush him early. Therefore, they all opened their throats in the roar of the wind and the owl, for fear that others could not hear clearly:

“Xu Laoer, how long is your ‘x hair’? You can’t get to the bottom of the field, just burn it clean and remove the balls.”

The man who spoke spoke in vulgar terms, and his tone was cheerful and nonchalant. His voice was just like the person he was talking to. Yu Ci immediately thought of the baby-faced Taoist priest.

The one who answered him should be the half-bald middle-aged man in the lead. His voice was slightly hoarse: “It’s very early. This ‘Pointing Smoke Road’ is the secret of my Wanling Sect. It has the hair of ghost beasts. It’s just a matter of chasing it for thousands of miles.” It’s a common thing. What we need to see now is whether the news from you two is accurate…”

“The information jointly investigated by the abbot and Mr. Mingyue is of course trustworthy.”

The familiar voice of the Viper Monk sounded. When he was calm, his slow tone was really like a cold poisonous snake, hissing, “The key is not with us, but with you, Xu Laoer. If you It also dazzled the fans of ghosts and beasts, but don’t blame me and Lu Quan for not being friends.”

“Do you think I will be like that **** ghost who stole an astrolabe and thought he was invincible? Not even Jin Huan can deal with that plate, let alone the ghost beast below!” Xu Laoer sneered, “Again Or, should I secretly go down to the valley against the orders of the leader and accompany you on this trip, is it not mine?”

The poisonous snake monk sneered: “Don’t blame us for talking too much. The fact is that ghosts, beasts and spirits are too tempting to you Wanling Sect. Hu Ke is a lesson learned from the past.”

The Taoist priest Lu Quan coughed and interrupted the Venomous Snake Monk’s direct provocation with a laugh: “Looking for you, Xu Laoer, means that both Zhengde and I can trust you… What we need right now is patience. The ghost beast is just the beginning, you have to find a way to lure it away and find the place where the treasure is buried before you can think about the next thing!”

“It may not be the case what happens next. The young man from Bai Ri Mansion you are talking about has already understood the meaning of thoughts at a young age and is very successful in communicating with the gods. Logically speaking, he is also very famous in Cliff City, but he has never done it before. I’ve heard of it, could it be Jin Huan…”

Lu Quan’s tone was very disapproving: “You, Wanling Sect, are so bullied by Bairi Mansion that you can take advantage of anything! This time Hu Ke sneaked out the astrolabe, how sudden it was. To Unless Zhengde and I happened to meet you again, it would be hard to know that no matter how powerful Jin Huan is, he is just a high-level Huandan, and he is not a **** who can predict the future!”

The voices of the three people talking became clearer and clearer, and the information revealed in them was also serious. Yu Ci then knew that Jin Huan, who had been mentioned many times by several people, was the master of Bairi Mansion, and could be said to be the leading figure in Cliff City. At the same time, he was also sneering secretly.

He didn’t know the deeper reason, but he was sure that the Taoist priest was lying.

What a coincidence. When the Zhengde thief Tu Tu made a sneak attack, he didn’t even see what the astrolabe looked like, so he asked the monk to tell him off. If you say you didn’t know anything beforehand, who would believe it?

There are problems with monks and Taoist priests, and Xu Laoer is not a good person. Because of a missing “treasure”, he colluded with outsiders and went to the valley against orders. Such a fool blinded by greed will die!

At this time, Xu Laoer cursed: “Damn, there’s no way out again…”

Yu Ci narrowed his eyes. When Xu Laoer said these words, the three of them came directly above Yu Ci. But if you want to go further down, only the path to the right of Yu Ci has a place to stay nearby. The temporary depression dug by Yu Ci was deep enough to cover him, and the strong wind was blowing from the right, so he didn’t worry about exposing his presence.

At the same time, he also tried his best to control the fluctuations of his soul. This was the first time he had done this, but judging from the actual effect, it was not bad. At least, the three people above were not aware of it.

The three took a moment to find the right path, and then carefully slid down. It is said to be a path, but it is actually one or two protrusions on the cliff, which can use force to buffer and decelerate when sliding down, so as not to slide all the way to the bottom. Of course, this must be a safe area where no ferocious birds or beasts are entrenched. .

It was Xu Laoer who slid over for the first time. With the wind, he swept down from three feet away from Yu Ci. Yu Ci squinted his eyes and vaguely saw the light smoke rising from the fingertips of this person. He didn’t even glance at him. After he confirmed that there was still a downward path here, Viper Monk and Lu Quan also slid down one after another.

At this time, a black shadow suddenly flew up from the cliff on the side and rushed towards Lu Quan on this side.

The incident happened suddenly, but the baby-faced Taoist priest reacted quickly and showed no signs of gesture. In the blink of an eye, countless silk-like sword energy flew through the air, making a chirping sound. The black figure seemed to have been hit by a heavy hammer, falling backwards and letting out an ear-piercing scream. Then thousands of blood lines spurted out from its body, and the scream suddenly stopped.

The broken body fell down, and the three people above and below could see clearly that it was a ghost-faced monkey.

The poisonous snake monk turned his head and praised while gliding: “What a eyebrow-raising sword. Brother Lu Dao has a thousand thoughts, and he has done everything Mr. Mingyue should be… careful!”

Before the word “pass” was uttered, the monk suddenly changed his color and changed his words as a warning.

A pure green sword blade emerged from the clouds and mist silently, and the timing was just right. It was when Lu Quan’s violent sword power stopped, and when he inevitably regained his breath, it was also when he regained his breath. His body slid to this area, and was in the worst possible environment, with nothing to rely on except the smooth cliff behind him.

The hairs all over Lu Quan’s body stood up. As he slid down at high speed, the sword blade flashing green in the mist was slightly twisted, but the cold air was pressing directly on his fragile neck. The most painful thing was that he vomited blood. , there was no force at all on it, it was all forced on him by his sliding body!

He screamed strangely, and finally mustered up a little strength at this critical moment of life and death. His back slammed into the cliff, and he used the force to fly sideways and forward. Although he might have fallen thousands of feet in this direction. Going into the abyss is the best way to avoid the sword light.

He exerted his strength in time, but his neck still felt cold, and then became wet. It was obvious that he was already injured. Lu Quan couldn’t care less about this. He was already in the air and was temporarily away from the threat of the sword. The viper monk below also found a place to draw strength and was using his strength to rebound upward.

At this moment, there was a loud buzzing sound behind them. Venomous Snake Monk and Xu Laoer scolded each other, but they were still a step too late.

Lu Quan screamed, used a secret method to activate the remaining vitality, and used the “Eyebrow Sword” to quickly win. Shocked, the sharp cold air rushed in. He groaned miserably, and the sword energy that had not come out was blocked back. At that moment, the meridians all over his body were in chaos, and he couldn’t help but choke out a mouthful of blood.

“Go on!” Xu Laoer’s reaction was quick, and a dark rope flew out of his sleeves, reaching towards the direction where Lu Quan fell, trying to pull him back. However, in the mist, Lu Quan turned his head and stared at the rope, but his body remained motionless. Looking closely, his eyes were filled with deathly energy!

“Seven stars follow your destiny, turn!”

The sound of the curse penetrated the clouds and mist, and boomed in the ears of the three people. Xu Laoer was shocked, and saw Lu Quan’s seven orifices splattered with blood at the same time, and the out-of-control sword energy burst out of his body, instantly beating his body into thousands of wounds. The hundred holes are just like the ghost-faced monkey from before.

“It’s not a sword, it’s a talisman!” Venomous Snake Monk rushed forward, seeing much more clearly than Xu Laoer. As soon as he saw the azure sword flying away from his hands in an unnatural manner, he cursed angrily, knowing that Lu Quan was completely doomed.

The hand that turned the sword into a talisman came suddenly, and combined with the previous series of mutations, no one of the three people would have been able to escape this disaster. Everything stems from their misunderstandings in thinking: How could there be anyone in the deep area of ​​more than 3,000 feet, twenty miles below the Sky Rift Valley? How could they grasp their whereabouts so accurately and ambush them to attack?

More importantly, who is this person?

The next moment, the dazzling fire gave him the answer!

Yu Ci jumped out of the clouds. After the Seven-Star Sword Talisman was released, he replaced it with the Nine-Yang Talisman Sword, and the unique flame circle also appeared. The poisonous snake monk’s sight passed the fire of the Talisman Sword, and his face was completely distorted: “Junior of Bairi Mansion! ”

As he screamed, his robe sleeves rolled up and he swung out with energy as sharp as a giant axe. After that, a few green lights flashed, and all the usual methods were used.

Yu Ci’s face was like cast iron, motionless, stepping on the nearly vertical cliff, facing the energy of the ax blade and the dark green light coming towards him, he actually had no intention of slowing down, and poured down all the way, nine times. Taking advantage of the momentum of the Yang Fu Sword, the blade broke through the air and thrust out.


Brother Yuba has the courage and courage to face difficulties. I also have the courage to shout: I want clicks, collections, and red tickets!


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