Ask the Mirror Chapter 15: Ye Tu

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When the medicine **** fell, there was a crashing sound on the cliff, and a large area was swept away immediately. Yu Ci began to be careful, carefully grinding away the rock formations inside. Even so, stone powder also rustled down wherever the medicine **** passed. , as if the front is not a stone wall stronger than gold and iron, but a clay sculpture.

At this time, someone shouted in the clouds nearby.

“Uncle Yu, there are three hundred plants here, let’s take a rest!” The boy’s voice still has the remnants of the voice change period, and it is hoarse. Of course, it cannot be ruled out that he is pretending to be pitiful to win sympathy. .

Yu Ci turned his head and responded, and there was a faint cheer from the boy over there. He shook his head and continued his work until he cut out the herbs completely and put them into the stone box. This is already the last “suspected fish dragon grass” within a radius of fifty miles, and the progress is ten times faster than the previous few days!

At this time, Yu Ci felt that Ye Tu was a very interesting little guy.

Ye Tu is the young man he rescued. According to his own words, he flew over from the sea in the far east of the world on a large ship made of clouds and as huge as a mountain. All the way to the mountains and rivers, when I arrived at the Sky Rift Valley, I was spotted by the poisonous snake monk nearby because I used a golden knife while hunting, and started to rob me.

Yu Ci was half-convinced by the so-called “move mountains, clouds and boats”. He was willing to believe in all kinds of incredible things in the world and use them as his goals. The rest was just to talk a lot to the young man. Just an unhappy personality.

In Yu Ci’s view, in addition to bragging, this boy also has a series of problems such as being timid, petty, and lazy. He is a typical example of a rich boy who is inexperienced in the world. That’s all. Yu Ci really couldn’t stand the “cowardly and fearful of death” category. He felt that the appearance of this boy dampened his pursuit and yearning for the monks as a group.

After giving this boy a few words of training, Ye Tu was obedient, but he directly changed the affectionate title of “Brother Yu” to “Uncle” – a pure child’s heart.

However, this guy also has some things to be proud of, such as his rich net worth!

No wonder the Venomous Snake Monk is interested in seeing Bao. This kid is basically a boy with many treasures. Weird things can appear in the storage ring on his hand all the time. The medicine **** in Yu Ci’s hand was contributed by the young man. It was made of some kind of hard jade. Even without injecting true energy, it could cut stone as well as mud, which greatly improved Yu Ci’s efficiency in digging herbs.

In addition, the young man’s cultivation is also surprising. He is only fifteen years old this year, but he has already distinguished himself and entered the realm of spiritual connection. He is a genuine monk. Yu Ci just achieved it five days ago and is already twenty-five years old. I can’t blame this kid for insisting on calling him “uncle” after knowing his true age.

However, Ye Tu didn’t appreciate Yu Ci’s praise, and even felt insulted: “My sister is ten years old this year, but she has already become a ghost. If the master doesn’t think she is too young, she needs to be more stable. , I may have started raising swords and cultivating evil spirits now. Compared with her, I am nothing!”

You are nothing, so who am I? Yu Ci felt unhappy after hearing this, and rubbed the kid’s scalp in retaliation, messing up his bun. Although the young man bared his teeth to express his dissatisfaction, the combination of his expression seemed to be of great use.

This guy… is actually a dog!

“By the way, what is raising a sword?”

“Raising a sword? Raising a sword is the starting point of sword cultivation. It is roughly the same as the Huandan of Taoism and the relics of Shimen. It pays attention to cultivating the evil spirit of the sword with one’s own essence, controlling it with gods, and making people The three treasures and the sword are combined into one, and the innate Qi of Geng Metal is externally assisted, towering over all things. No matter what hardships, dangers, demons, or disasters he encounters, he can cut them all with one sword, and he can live forever…”

I don’t quite understand this… Yu Ci controlled his expression and asked: “What is the Yin Shen?”

Ye Tuzheng was talking enthusiastically. After hearing this question, he was suddenly startled, blinked and looked at Yu Ci. After a while, he asked tentatively: “Uncle Yu, actually, you are a casual cultivator…”

Yu Ci was confused for a moment, but nodded. The young man’s eyes immediately became extremely sympathetic.

Well, this is another advantage of Young Master Ye: sincerity!

Yu Ci would rather he be more hypocritical! Yu Ci is not vain, at least he will not reject other people’s kindness just for the sake of worthless face, but Young Master Ye’s kindness is really not something ordinary people can withstand. After learning that Yu Ci was a casual cultivator and lacked most of the common sense necessary for practice, he immediately enthusiastically wanted to teach this part of knowledge. This was good, but the words coming out of this kid’s mouth, why did he say “Yu Ci”? You know every word, but you can’t understand every word?

“The heart is the king’s position, and it comes with nothingness. The reason why it moves…don’t understand?”

“When the temperament is exhausted, the original essence can be seen, and the original essence can be seen, and then it can be used… still don’t understand?”

“Then Xiantian Yiqi…Okay, no need to say it, I know, you don’t understand!”

Ye Tu couldn’t stand the successive setbacks, so he grabbed his scalp and sat down on the ground.

Actually, Yu Ci thought it was pretty good. He listened to many unprecedented theories, which broadened his horizons and increased his knowledge. At least he finally understood the true meaning of the other six realms of monks except for the “Three Mortal Levels”. According to Ye Tu’s theory:

To communicate with the gods is for the monks to clarify the structure of the soul, refine the nature of the soul, and improve the level of the soul until they can refine the Yin Shen and travel out of the body.

Returning the elixir is when the monk’s soul and vitality embrace and blend together, and the form and spirit become one. Nine returns and seven returns form a golden elixir. So much so that he was reborn, tempered his body and spirit to the limit of human beings, and extended his life span to three hundred years.

Buxu, at this point a monk can control his energy and fly without relying on external objects. It is also the beginning of “feathering and shedding”. From this state, the “Xuanzhen Ying” who leads the heaven and earth to the purest and purest, gradually increases the life span and develops the “true form”. At the level of the soul, it also changes from “Yin Shen” to “Yin Shen”. “Yang Shen” transformation.

A real person, a monk who achieves the “True Form” and “Yang Shen”, except for catastrophes such as swords and attacks, has no limit to life and death, and has a long life span, which can be said to be immortal. However, if he seizes the creation of heaven and earth and steals the vitality of nature, he will inevitably attract the jealousy of heaven and kill him.

The calamity method, as long as it is a real monk who has survived a heavenly calamity, can be called a calamity method. At this level, calamities will come at all times, but with each calamity, the level of magical power will increase. Small calamities will have small magical powers, and major calamities will have great magical powers.

Earth Immortals, those who have survived at least one catastrophe of 3,600 years of reincarnation, have survived and are not destroyed. At this point, their practice has been perfected, and the tribulations of heaven and earth have nothing to do with them. In theory, they can live the same life as heaven and earth.

These six realms are a clearly marked path to immortality. In particular, Ye Tu also grouped these six realms into two major stages: the “Three Steps to the Sky” to connect the gods, return the elixir, and step into the void; the “Three Difficulties of Immortality” to the real person, the calamity method, and the earthly immortal. In addition, The first “Three Ordinary Passes” that mortals practice are a complete system of spiritual realms.

As long as you have enough time and are willing to work hard, everyone can pass the “Three Ordinary Levels” of Qi Movement, Long Breathing, and Mingqiao, but when it comes to the “Three Steps to Heaven”, most people have to clear each level. As for the “Three Difficulties of Immortality”, they are already problems that only the top monks in the world of cultivation will encounter. According to Ye Tu, if you fail to “climb to the sky”, you may not die if you fall down, but if you cannot overcome the “difficulty of immortality”, your path to death will disappear and all your previous achievements will be ruined. Of course, being passable is true immortality, the pinnacle of the great road.

Those depressing disasters are still far away from Yu Ci. Now he just indulges his imagination and is leisurely fascinated by the sublime realm. This feeling diluted his anxiety that he still didn’t understand Ye Tu’s exquisite theory of immortality. Just because he could see it clearly, it didn’t mean that Ye Tu could see it clearly.

With Ye Tu’s appearance, he wished he could tell everyone that his life was gloomy, so gloomy that he was almost desperate.

When Yu Ci saw the young man like this, he laughed and stepped forward to hold the young man’s head. But at this time, the boy was much more sensitive than usual.

“Don’t comfort me!” Ye Tu twisted away and didn’t appreciate it. “I thought I had already learned it. It’s just that I’m not as good as Achi, so I’m not as good as her. But now I know that I’m still worse.” The master said that if you express what you have learned straight from the beginning to the end, without any inconsistency, the listeners will get different results due to their different levels, but if they do not find it difficult, then they can be considered as having achieved initial success. I am too far behind. ! ”

“Didn’t you explain those realms of immortality very well? I heard them very clearly.”

“Those big-name goods… Besides, I’ve been talking for a long time. Please tell me again, what is the Yin God and what is the Yang God?”

Yu Ci was speechless.

The young man snorted disdainfully, and then Yu Ci refused to raise his head no matter how much he tried to persuade him, and continued to sulk with himself. Yu Ci couldn’t think of the child’s temperament for a moment. She wanted to comfort him a few words, but was worried about arousing his rebellious psychology, so she simply kept silent, sat with him for a while, and then went about her own business.

But he didn’t expect that the young man’s depressed mood would last for two days. He didn’t talk much. Sometimes at night, he would huddle in a corner and secretly wipe his tears. It was probably the frustration here that caused him sad things. Yu Ci thought this was reasonable and reasonable. This boy looked like a rich young man who cheated on his family. Maybe he ran away from home in anger because he couldn’t compare to the sister named “Achi”… This is in line with his petty thoughts. Son’s temperament.

The young man’s personality was almost completely opposite to that of Yu Ci. It was difficult for Yu Ci to empathize with him, so he could only let the young man solve the problem on his own while he continued to pick herbs. After these days of hard work, all fourteen “suspected fish dragon grass” plants have been dug out. Even the shrimp grass, 70% to 80% of the shrimp grass has been picked. Now it is just the finishing work. He is already thinking about when to leave.

Climbing to the cliff about a mile away from the slope, Yu Ci routinely opened the Illumination Map. In the hazy blue mist, the scene of the Sky Rift Valley with a radius of fifty miles was clearly displayed on it. At this position, there was no need to worry about Ye. On the way, you will see the light radiating from the divine picture.

Everyone has some secrets in their hearts that cannot be disclosed to outsiders, even a little kid like Ye Tu. For Yu Ci, taking the divine picture is his biggest secret. If he doesn’t fully understand it, He didn’t want anyone to know the secret of it before he fully mastered it.

After opening the Illuminating Picture, he habitually scanned the scene changes in the picture to confirm whether there was any danger nearby. Unexpectedly, today was different from the previous one. At a glance, he was slightly startled, and then he smiled: “What’s going on? Is the road between enemies narrow?”

The figure in the picture of the gods is none other than the poisonous snake monk.

Yu Ci was not surprised at all when he saw the bald thief. He had already learned from Ye Tu that the bald thief was lingering around the Sky Rift Valley and had some evil intentions.

But now, a new problem has arisen. Thief Bald is not alone, but also has two companions. These three people are strong and strong, climbing down from the cliff, and have reached a depth of nearly fifteen miles. And it’s still declining.

From a straight-line perspective, they were only five miles away from Yu Ci.

In addition to the Viper Monk, the other two people seem not to be underestimated. Because Venomous Snake Monk doesn’t look like a leader here. Next to him was a man dressed in Taoist attire. He had a baby face and looked young, but when he smiled, his forehead and eyebrow corners were wrinkled. He was chatting with the Viper Monk, laughing and joking, and he didn’t look out of place at all.

The middle-aged monk walking at the front was half bald, with bulging eyes and sharp gaze. The path he led had a strong purpose. Even if the three of them went around in a circle, they had to go back to the original direction. That’s all if it was just like this, but in that direction, it was very likely that they would pass by the **** where Yu Ci and Ye Tu’an were staying.

Using the Venomous Snake Monk as a standard, he speculated that when facing the enemy head-on, one person would not be afraid, but two people would be invincible. Three people… it would be difficult to even escape, let alone having a burden beside them.

Of course, it is not impossible to pull Ye Tuyuan to escape now. However, after working here for many days, the potholes left behind cannot be hidden from others, and it will only make them wary. At that time, wouldn’t it be suffocating to give up the initiative to others?

“Trouble!” Yu Ci cursed in a low voice and quickly returned to the slope. At this time, Ye Tu continued to be depressed. Yu Ci walked up to him and shouted:

“Hey, that thief is bald!”

Ye Tu hadn’t recovered from the state of self-pity and loss. He raised his head when he heard the words and looked over blankly. Yu Ci felt helpless and simply kicked him on the thigh. The severe pain was still effective, and Yu Ci’s words had a reaction in his mind.

The young man jumped up with a cry. For him, there was only one thief, and that was the Venomous Snake Monk who took away his golden sword. He was also the most evil person in the world in his mind.

“Where where where where where where?”

Ye Tu nervously took out a short knife from his storage ring. This knife, like the medicine **** he gave to Yu Ci, was made of the same kind of jade. It was extremely sharp, but it was just sharp. Far inferior to the golden knife taken away by the monk. After the so-called sacrificial refinement, the golden sword has become a good magical weapon.

Obviously, this emerald knife cannot give him a sense of security. With the knife in his hand, this kid is still unable to avoid fighting between his two limbs. With this look, it is considered good luck to be able to withstand a blow from the poisonous snake monk!

Yu Ci could not see the cowardly look of this boy and shouted: “Why panic? We are still far away. Even if we are right in front of us, just go up with the sword and shake the bird?”

The effect of these words was not very good. Ye Tu was breathing heavily and was still sweating. His limited energy was wasted like this. Yu Ci glanced at him and suddenly said: “I never said it before, I beat him so hard before. What about the bald donkey crying?”

Ye Tu was stunned.


Teacher Ye appears, and the book friends who thought she was the heroine suddenly wake up. In addition, I am panicking about the red ticket, so please give my book friends strong support!


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