Ask the Mirror Chapter 109: Detoxification

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“You…” You Rui stared at Yu Ci, stunned for a moment. She didn’t know whether Yu Ci was helping as promised, or secretly causing trouble. Don’t blame her for being suspicious, it’s just that this scene is too weird. She has never been in such a situation before when she practiced Miao Xiang.

Yu Ci stopped her from thinking and glared at her: “Why don’t you help the mage up?”

You Rui woke up from a dream, looked at Yu Ci again, and jumped down into the ghost pond.

Yu Ci felt that the sight of this femme fatale woman had complicated meanings. As he was savoring it carefully, he heard her scream and eject at a faster speed. Behind her, the long-lost four-winged two-headed snake was chasing after her. As it flapped its wings, the ghost eyes on its wings were flowing, and the four snake pupils emitted a faint blue light, which was eerie and terrifying.

What’s going on?

You Ruihua’s face turned pale and she shouted: “Save me quickly!”

Are you kidding me? You are still an elixir-returning monk! Well, speaking of it, that strange snake seems to be more powerful.

Seeing Yu Ci standing there motionless, You Rui fainted out of breath, but couldn’t get really angry yet, so she could only explain as fast as she could: “This is the ghost-winged snake raised by Fayan, used for protection. Gui Chi, after she is unconscious, this snake will attack anyone who comes close to her…”

As she spoke, she was already in danger one after another. The two-headed snake retreated like lightning, and seemed to be able to spread evil aura. If You Rui didn’t have some understanding of it, she might have been hit long ago.

Under this situation, You Rui could no longer hold back and screamed almost uncontrollably: “Wake her up quickly, I can’t last long!”

This woman’s cleverness finally came into play and she came up with the most suitable solution.

Yu Ci shook his head, what a trouble! While sighing, he casually took the silk cloth robe that Miao Xiang had taken off before, carefully walked around the battlefield on the side of the Ghost Winged Snake, and jumped into the pool.

Before landing, I saw Miao Xiang lying on his back in the center of the pool bottom, his slender and round body slightly raised and completely motionless. But this was not a relaxing movement, which meant that her limbs were still tense. The green will-o’-the-wisp was burning around her, and it seemed that she could still hear a “sizzling” sound.

Yu Ci suddenly understood and secretly cursed himself for being dizzy. He moved the Taiyin flag again to push away the will-o’-the-wisp and then landed on the ground.

The closer you are, the better you can see.

Having been soaked in the evil spirit for many years and being roasted by ghost fires, the soil at the bottom of the pond is in a certain crystallized state, as if it is covered with a layer of rough pebbles. It is still clean, and the wonderful scene lies there. Above, a pair of eyes were still blank and unfocused, while the body was trembling and twitching unconsciously.

Without the scorching fire, a large amount of sweat was discharged from her pores, and the skin all over her body was covered with a layer of water. Originally, this was replaced by the exchange of vitality with the outside world. Now this can only mean that The flow of vitality in her body was out of balance, and the situation seemed quite serious.

When Yu Ci got closer, he found that her body was trembling again. At the same time, the two of them touched each other: “Huh? I’m not dizzy…”

Miaoxiang obviously felt something about him, but he just kept his posture motionless, whether it was because he was powerless or unintentional.

Yu Ci sighed, unfolded his clothes, and covered the other party’s body, blocking the dazzling scenery. There is something covering the body, but Miao Xiang still maintains the same posture. The robe covers the raised legs and slides down to the waist and abdomen along the straight lines. It can only be said that it is better than nothing. The overflowing sweat quickly wears the robe. wet.

After thinking about it, Yu Ci squatted down, took one of Miao Xiang’s hands, and felt her pulse. He pressed his fingertips on her wrist and felt the lubrication of sweat, but looking at her pulse, it was strong and strong. . Yu Ci was stunned for a moment, and then looked at her face. There was no expression on her face, but her pupils gradually began to condense. Now, Yu Ci believed that she was looking at the top of the ghost pool.


His hand suddenly slipped, and Yu Ci instinctively wanted to grab it, but his wrists and fingers crossed each other. In a blink of an eye, his wrist was caught. The force was so strong that he couldn’t break free for a while. .

Yu Ci was a little unhappy: “Master Miaoxiang…”

Miao Xiang still didn’t respond, but the force holding his wrist became stronger.

Yu Ci was about to use some means to break away, and his eyes happened to glance at Miao Xiang’s face, but he saw that the originally dull face had changed slightly. Behind the closed lips, she was gritting her teeth! The tense facial muscles had exceeded their limit, and her lips were trembling slightly. It was obvious that she was in great pain.

Finally, Yu Ci’s gaze collided with hers, and the eyes that had just regained some vitality turned around, seeming to be conveying some kind of message.

“Ask for…help?” Yu Ci’s mind turned around. In fact, he already had a judgment in his mind, but he didn’t dare to believe it. However, Miao Xiang stared at him and persisted.

Very good! Yu Ci found that he admired this beautiful nun a little. He was also a straightforward person and no longer hesitated. The Taiyin flag on his head wavered and new instructions were issued. While You Rui was entangled with the ghost-winged snake in mid-air, he saw the iron-green ghost fire at the bottom of the ghost pool, which had been discharged about ten feet away, suddenly gathered in and engulfed the two of them in the blink of an eye.

An extremely suppressed moan came out from inside, and then it was silent again.

You Rui almost broke her silver teeth, what on earth are those two guys doing! At this time, the four-winged two-headed snake quickly retreated and stopped pressing, but the four blue snake eyes were still staring at her, without relaxing at all.

You Rui is extremely angry. Isn’t it that Lu Dun who is approaching your master right now?

The ghost-winged snake didn’t understand her thoughts. This powerful spiritual creature had its own standards of judgment. It still guarded the edge of the ghost pool, preventing You Rui from getting even half a step closer. The female cultivator could only watch from a distance. In the translucent iron-green will-o’-the-wisp, there was no obvious change in the postures of Yu Ci and Miao Xiang, as if they had turned into two sculptures.

You Rui inevitably has doubts in her heart: Why does she feel that her sister-in-law who is down in the hall is becoming more and more distant from her… Maybe she has never been close to her, but like now, it is still a headache for her to show it clearly. once.

The sound of fluttering wings sounded, and some slimy guy sent his microphone and spy over again. Yourui snorted coldly and knocked it down with his backhand. After taking action, she was suddenly startled. The situation here was not good. That Ma Huai wouldn’t take the opportunity to take action, right?

You Rui suddenly became nervous, but things didn’t seem to be as bad as she imagined. Since the black bird was shot down, nothing else happened. After about half an hour, the ghost pool was filled with iron-green will-o’-the-wisps. It finally reached its limit, and with a “whoosh”, it burst into a miserable green mist, and in a blink of an eye it was pushed away by the Taiyin flags, revealing the two people in the center.

Yu Ci finally withdrew his hand and looked at the black finger marks on his wrist, not knowing what to say.

In front of him, Miao’s appearance was still in the same posture. The clothes she had just put on her body had been burned by the will-o’-the-wisp, and not even ashes were left. She was still naked at this time, but she was sweating profusely before. The situation has stopped, the whole body is clean and translucent, without any blemishes, and the eyes are completely focused.

Then she sat up, bent her right knee, raised her arms, and just stared blankly…or thinking.

The ghost-winged snake silently exited the corner of the ghost pool. Youlan lost its grip and was a little startled. Then she also got out of the ghost pool, came to the two of them, and asked with concern: “Master Miaoxiang, are you okay?”

Miao Xiang raised his head to look at her, with a slight smile on his lips: “I overestimated my capabilities.”

Her voice was hoarse, but her breath was steady: “Fellow Daoist Lu’s power of talismans is far beyond my imagination.”

If Yu Ci remembered correctly, it was the first time that she called herself “fellow Taoist”. This was the most obvious change, and the more subtle changes were like the method that had caused disaster to her family, which was forcibly suppressed by the will-o’-the-wisp when she was refining her body for the second time. The moans all point to one point:

Miao Xiang realized his value and no longer regarded him as a pig, dog, cow or sheep, and naturally became more polite and reserved.

At this time, Yourui took out a cloak and put it on Miaoxiang’s shoulders. The beautiful nun covered her figure slightly and stood up slowly, still shaking a little. Yourui hurriedly supported her, and as soon as she touched her, she Whispered:

“So hot!”

“The voodoo is discharged, naturally.”

“Voodoo!” You Rui’s face changed color and she shrank her hands like she was avoiding a snake or scorpion. She reacted instinctively, only to realize that she had lost her composure. She froze there for a moment, not knowing what to do.

Miao Xiang ignored her, faced Yu Ci, and said slowly: “Finally, I can see what Fellow Daoist Lu is capable of…”

Voodoo, what voodoo?

Yu Ci was asking Shadow Ghost in his mind, and when he heard the words, he responded distractedly, which was also a self-examination question: “Ashamed, the first time I controlled it, I pressured and decompressed too fast…”

This is a bit like not opening the pot, and it is easy to think of the embarrassment before Miao Xiang, but Yu Ci is also considering the matter: on the one hand, he is inexperienced, and on the other hand, the style of Gangsha’s luck is also based on Mainly bright and sharp, this step-by-step method of controlling the heat needs to be practiced several times.

Miao Xiang didn’t care about this and asked: “After transforming the ghost pool, I wonder if this effect can be achieved?”

Yu Ci was really impressed. It turns out that this beautiful nun hasn’t had enough yet!


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