Ask the Mirror Chapter 107: disdain

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When Lu Qing shouted, his voice was silent, but he made it with a special method that shook the soul. There was a light explosion outside the house, hissing in the air, and then there was no sound again.

What kind of show is this? Yu Ci looked at Lu Qing, and the female cultivator whispered: “Someone is watching with secret techniques.”

Yu Ci was surprised. He knew that in terms of sensitivity, Lu Qing, who had mastered the Soul-Splitting Clone of the Demon, would be better than him. Seeing that Lu Qing was the first to go out, he followed.

The temporary residence of their group is a rented courtyard, located on a relatively quiet island on the edge of the village, close to the water, and there are people like Lu Qing. On the first night of their stay, she The place was clean and refreshing, but at this time, there was a puddle of sewage in the corner of the courtyard.

Yu Ci touched his chin. Now that his knowledge was increasing, he quickly recognized that the sewage must have been transformed into some kind of filthy substance. Lu Qing just shouted and shook it away.

This sneaky move does not seem like a good intention.

Yu Ci frowned slightly, and when he turned away, Yourui was thoughtful, and just as he was about to speak, the sound of flapping wings sounded above his head, and a crow circled slightly under the golden “moonlight” and came to : “I thought it was someone, but it turns out it’s a newcomer.”

It’s it again!

Yu Ci didn’t know how many similar birds he saw, but he never saw his true face. He didn’t want to say that this guy was sticky, which was quite troublesome!

Yu Ci really didn’t want to deal with this kind of person, and he didn’t know the time of his arrival, so he didn’t reply immediately. Suddenly, he heard Yourui coldly shout:

“Old ghost, you control too much!”

What a femme fatale! Yu Ci was furious when he heard this. If he didn’t know the ins and outs of it, he would never be able to figure out the doorway inside. This old ghost or something is obviously a strong Buxu man with good cultivation. He originally wanted to entangle Miao Xiang, but he couldn’t succeed for a long time, but You You Rui’s words, didn’t he transfer his resentment to him?

This woman has a cruel heart!

The angrier he became, the calmer and calmer his face became. He even showed a little smile and made a gesture to stop You Rui from talking any more. You Rui was not that easy to deal with, but she was a guest at this time, so it was not easy either. It was too obvious, so Yu Ci took a step forward and said to the black bird:

“Which senior is sending the message? I, Lu Dun, am traveling far away as a practitioner. I am here for the first time. I am making friends with senior experts from all walks of life. I wonder if I can meet in person and listen to my advice?”

He kept his attitude very low. Firstly, he didn’t want to let Yourui get what he wanted, and secondly, he wanted to test that person’s temperament.

“No need to play with these nonsense, um, by the way, boy, it turns out I have seen you before!” The person behind the crow laughed loudly, “You must have a good eye that night, is the wife of the You family still coquettish?”

Of course Yu Ci could smile and say yes, but he also had a bottom line as a human being. Talking behind his back was exactly what he disdained to do. Therefore, he twitched the corners of his mouth and directly ignored the question.

The crow then came over and said, “Boy, I’ll give you a piece of advice. If you want to get a piece of the pie from others, you must first check your own qualifications.”

After a pause, the other party pointed the finger at You Rui again: “Mother over there, I already know who you are. Don’t worry, don’t panic. I have arrangements for both of you!”

After saying that, he laughed again.

This person is really vulgar…compared to his status as a powerful person.

In fact, Yu Ci does not discriminate against this kind of people. Their food and **** habits make no difference regardless of whether they are rude or elegant, stylish or not. It is Yu Ci himself who is obsessed with the mature and plump girl under the purple moon that night. Beautiful nun, it’s not like she doesn’t have any thoughts.

In this kind of thing, personal likes and dislikes are more obvious. He just doesn’t like that person’s tone, that’s all. Of course, he would not be so hypocritical as to scold him righteously. He would just maintain the curve of his lips, whether it was a smile or a mockery.

“Go to hell!” Amid the sharp scolding, a sharp wind broke through the air, and the crow’s corpse was split into two halves, with blood splattered all over the floor.

Yu Ci did not stop Yourui from taking action. Looking back, he saw the woman’s pretty face with cold eyes and burning murderous intent. She was obviously filled with anger and hatred, but there was some truth and some disguise. ?

This woman must be taught a lesson!

Yu Ci was originally thinking about taking the opportunity to take back the Divine Will Starlight, and now he is not in a hurry. However, his impression of You Rui is really bad, and he does not want to tangle with her anymore. He said coldly: “Human Sitting at home, trouble comes from the sky… Now trouble comes to my door, I have to think of a countermeasure, Mrs. Xia, I won’t send it away.”

Without giving You Rui time to speak, he waved his sleeves and went back to the house. As for seeing off the guests, Lu Qing would take care of it.

As for what You Rui thinks, it has nothing to do with him.

It is said that “misfortune comes from the sky”, but that is a rhetoric for You Rui. In fact, Yu Ci is not worried at all.

Judging from a series of events, it is true that the person behind the crow is Buxu, but his strength may not be much stronger than Miaoxiang. Otherwise, with his rude behavior, he would not be so sticky. Beside him, there are two Bu Xu who are powerful. If dealt with properly, Yu Ci himself can also play a role. They can kill and injure big Buxu demons like Qiongqi and Gudiao, but against this one, they can fight against each other with force, so what can they do?

In contrast, he is still more concerned about the background of this matter. It seems that Miaoxiang has some unclear connection with this person, and there is an unknown force behind it…the Demon Sect? Not quite like it!

“In short, it’s better to cut through the mess quickly and resolve the matter as soon as possible. Otherwise, if you are stuck by this matter, how can you free up your hands to do more important things?”

Yu Ci then thought about how to solve this problem, and it would be best not to let the woman Yourui get her wish…

However, not long after, someone from outside suddenly came to visit. This time it was still related to You Rui, but the person who came surprised Yu Ci:

“Master Miaoxiang?”

Although there were only two official meetings, Yu Ci used the divine starlight to explore in front of and behind, and Yu Ci knew that this bhikshuni, who looked graceful and calm on the outside, was also a rather arrogant person on the inside. Perhaps it was because of his extraordinary background. There is always an air of giving orders in his speech and behavior. Especially since she is a strong Buxu person and visits her personally, she can be said to have given her a lot of face.

Yu Ci came out to greet her and saw the beautiful nun wearing a silk robe and a small hat, standing quietly in the courtyard, twisting the beads in her hands, her attitude was calm and she had her own unique demeanor. After thinking about it, Yu Ci stepped down to greet him, but Miao Xiang did not show any courtesy and only said in her hoarse voice:

“I’m here to help you.”


“I have a ghost pond. The anger inside has been turbulent and has not been rectified for a long time. The results of my practice are not good. I heard that you are a talisman cultivator and you are proficient in the art of soul and mind, so I came to visit. I would like to ask you to help me sort out the ghost pond. .”

For Miao Xiang, this was a relatively difficult long sentence. Yu Ci was confused by the nun. At the lake, she clearly said that she did not need Fu Cultivator’s help. Then when she spoke to You Rui alone, she also said I don’t trust the strength here, the voice is still ringing in my ears, why did I change my mind again?

“Is that so…” Yu Ci couldn’t say anything like “I already knew your background, so I would have stopped making such twists and turns”, so he could only make a haha, as a buffer.

However, the wonderful appearance is much more straightforward than Yu Ci imagined: “Go to the field to test it?”

I haven’t agreed yet!

Yu Ci was really convinced by Mrs. You’s arrogant style, but then again, You Rui’s coming to invite and Miao Xiang’s coming to invite are completely different concepts. In the world of Beihuang, the strong Buxu is against Huan Dan. The monk is fully qualified to say this, and it is even polite. If Yu Ci refuses, it will be really disrespectful.

It depends on what your plan is. With a smile on her face, Yu Ci pondered for a moment before agreeing without asking Lu Qing to follow. If anything really happened, the Iron Lan hidden in the Yunlou Tree space would be enough to deal with it.

Black Moon Lake was not suitable for flying, so the two of them moved the boat across the lake. Halfway through, while Yu Ci was still thinking, he suddenly heard Miao Xiang say:

“You Rui only has a little cleverness, but no great wisdom.”

Yu Ci blinked. He had already seen Miaoxiang causing trouble for his sister-in-law. He just smiled and kept a calm attitude.

Miao Xiang stood on the bow of the boat and said slowly: “It’s okay if she hates you today. However, she diverted the trouble to the east and provoked Ma Huai to throw his anger on you. What she did was stupid. It’s stupid and has no style at all.”

Yu Ci savored the meaning of her words and sighed a little in her heart. This nun is really very clear-sighted, and nothing can be hidden from her. But he had a little question: “Ma Huai? Is he the one who drives the blackbird?”

“This man is the leader of a small sect to the east. At the end of the last catastrophe, he offended my earthly husband’s family and was exterminated. He only escaped with his remnant soul. He didn’t want to turn into a ghost cultivator in the past few years and rely on one person. The Heavenly King Umbrella, who had sacrificed to the thirteenth level of heaven, arrived in the Nine Heavens Outer Territory and saw that he had regained his cultivation level. Now he is at the middle level of Buxu, which is better than me.”

Miao Xiang’s tone was indifferent, and he didn’t care about that person. It had to be said that the two sisters had the same vision: “This person has a cold nature, and the hatred of destroying the family, in its eyes, is far away. It’s not as good as the hatred of destroying one’s body. My earthly husband’s family is quite prestigious, so it doesn’t dare to take revenge, so it is planning on me, probably because it thinks it can humiliate them.”

She spoke slowly, and Yu Ci listened patiently, then asked: “Then the mage asked me to sort out the ghost pond. What does this have to do with it?”

This is just pretense, he can guess pretty much Miao Xiang’s response. Sure enough, Miao Xiang explained the reason a little bit, and finally said:

“If I persist in the ghost pool for one more day, he will not be able to do what he wants. You Rui will make a fuss about this matter and make him angry, but why do I need to let others prevent disasters for me?”


Happy Lantern Festival everyone, let’s see if we can get another chapter out before midnight.


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