Ask the Mirror Chapter 106: Check the background

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Lingxi Sanren got some useful information when he pretended to be fainted not long ago, so when he entered Sanjiafang, he took out the token given to him by the black robe, and then met the charming beauty in men’s clothing. As a child, I wasn’t actually that surprised.

Zhai Queer glanced at the black-robed token, then weighed the jade slip, without looking at the contents. He only said: “Tell Senior Brother Black-robed that I will send this letter to Uncle Liu as soon as possible.” ”

Only then did Lingxi Sanren realize that Zhai Queer had only handed over the jade slip.

Although he had changed his appearance, he could not hide it from Zhai Queer. The female cultivator was obviously very interested in him and she took the initiative:

“Do you want to find a career?”

This is a messy statement, but Lingxi Sanren is under tremendous pressure and misunderstood by others. In such a situation, how can he not understand what the female cultivator means? At this time, he would never pretend to be aloof. After a short period of surprise, he immediately put on a state of eagerness and hesitation:

“Can it be done?”

“You can consider it.” Zhai Que’er said without any sincerity.

Lingxi Sanren almost choked to death from her, but he couldn’t get angry, so he had to hang his head and grit his teeth secretly. People’s hearts are so strange. He was originally 50% acting, but now he is 70% to 80% sincere, and he feels even more aggrieved because of this.

“You can tell people everything you want, and don’t speak ill of them in your heart.”

Lingxi Sanren was agitated: “I don’t dare!”

Zhai Queer glanced at him and said with a smile: “I don’t dare to be the best. I know your situation is indeed worse. Senior brother in black robe is very difficult to serve. He doesn’t have a long temper, and he won’t know what to do afterwards. Is there any good arrangement? If you really feel sad and want to keep a thought here, it’s not impossible, you just have to do three things…”

“Which three?”

“Useful, thoughtful, interesting…understand?”

What the hell!

Looking at this beauty dressed in men’s clothing, swaying naturally, and showing off her laughter, it put a lot of pressure on him for no reason, and even Lingxi Sanren didn’t dare to take it seriously. Of course, he also understood that just as the other party did not give him an exact promise, he did not need a clear answer, as long as he had a plan in his heart.

Sure enough, Zhai Queer quickly changed the subject: “Next, what are the plans of the black-robed senior brother?”

In this regard, Heipao had already made arrangements. Lingxi Sanren said: “The disciple is incompetent. The Xuanling is lost in front of us. Fortunately, we can still sense the scent of that person. Senior Heipao wants to go all the way east and lead the Xuanling first. Come back.”

“Xuan Ling Yin.”

Zhai Queer didn’t seem to be very interested, so he just asked casually: “I heard that in addition to finding the purpose of the Underworld Secret Palace, it is also very useful when entering?”

Lingxi Sanren hesitated for a moment and said, “I heard it is.”

“I heard?” Zhai Que’er blinked and suddenly changed the subject: “There is one thing I am very curious about. At the beginning, everyone in the world knew that you had Xuanling Yin, which made a big fuss, but this… “Key, how did you get it?”

Lingxi Sanren was a little distracted after hearing this. Zhai Que’er was not the first person to ask this question. He couldn’t help but think of the sand thief whose cat never left his hand. He hesitated and said: “I used to worship the Wenxiang Sect and was a deacon in the sect. This thing was found in a The treasure hunter found it in a scattered cultivator cave in the south. It took a long time to find out that it was Xuanlingyin. Later, the news was accidentally leaked, and he apostatized and went out…”

Here he mixed the information intentionally or unintentionally, but there was no falsehood. Zhai Que’er didn’t care, and just asked suspiciously: “Wenxiang Sect?”

“It is a medium-sized sect in the South…”

“Well, I have an impression. Did you learn your weird skills from teaching?”

“Yes and no.”

This was the first time someone asked him a similar question. Lingxi Sanren said cautiously: “I practice this “Future Star Tribulation Sutra” and I haven’t seen anyone in the sect understand it. But when I escaped from the sect, I brought out a book discussing spices. The “Sutra of Future Star Tribulations” is in one of the entries. It is just a incomplete scripture. After I chanted it briefly, I felt that it was inspired by something very inspirational. After studying it carefully, I discovered the beauty of it. This is the basis, and after reading through the classics, inexplicably there are various methods passed down, including the art of reincarnation and demon transformation…”

“Oh, there is such a thing?”

Zhai Queer was really interested: “Take out that classic and show it to me!”

Lingxi Sanren could only smile bitterly: “I was hit by a sword in the back of the head, Xuan Lingyin and all my luggage were taken away by that person.”

“That’s it.”

Zhai Que’er was a little disappointed, but her interest was not much dissipated. She walked around with her hands behind her hands and guessed a little: “Your method is really interesting. If the ‘Smell the Smell Sect’ studied it carefully, The law must be much more famous than it is now? Could it be that you are buying a casket for a pearl…”

Lingxi Sanren didn’t say yes or no, he just said: “The fundamental classic of the Wenxiang Sect is the Nine Lotus Sutra. Only the core believers in the sect can practice it. This unnamed Xiang Sutra is just Used as a supporting method, the method of cultivation for us deacons comes from this. I brought the art into the teaching and also obtained an elixir.”

“Interesting!” Zhai Queer nodded with a smile, waved him away without saying anything.

Lingxi Sanren naturally wanted to go back and report to Heipao, but before they met here, the conversation between him and Zhai Queer had already been found out by Yu Ci.

“Tsk, the two sides are joining together!” Yu Ci rubbed his brow, feeling a headache. Of course he wanted the treasure at hand, but if it carried irresistible risks, careful consideration was necessary, and he had to think carefully about it.

At the same time, what Lingxi Sanren said about the Wenxiang Sect and the “Future Star Tribulation Sutra” made him a little curious. He remembered that he had dealt with that sect in the Sky Rift Valley, and the Bailing Huamangsha in his hand, It was obtained from a Wenxiang Cult disciple named Chu Yan, who was a mortal enemy.

Of course, there is also the Unnamed Incense Sutra, isn’t it in his hand?

Taking out the mirage jade slip that recorded a huge amount of information, Yu Ci followed Lingxi Sanren’s instructions and quickly found the entry. Sure enough, the scriptures that he had sensed deep in Lingxi Sanren’s soul many times There is a record in the article, just a few excerpts.

The article itself talks about a kind of Buddhist incense called “Ji Dao”. The article boasts a lot about its efficacy. When describing it, it quoted this passage from the scripture. Yu Ci read it twice, but there was no trace of it. The so-called “whim” or “response” or the like.

Is this scripture still provocative? I looked over and over several times, but still couldn’t find a place to start. I was confused and had to give up.

Actually, Yu Ci doesn’t really value “The Sutra of Future Star Tribulations” very much. What’s the use of learning such a weird method? However, he has a high regard for the value of this unknown incense sutra. The “Future Star Tribulation Sutra” is one, as well as the Nine Apertures Mystic Pill, which are rare treasures in the world of cultivation. If it leaks out, someone will kill you!

Looking at such a masterpiece again, I really don’t know how many methods have not been discovered, and Yu Ci became more interested in it.

While he was browsing carefully, there was a knock on the door, and then Lu Qing said: “Mrs. Xia is here to visit.”

That is You Rui, who is very knowledgeable.

Yu Ci didn’t like the woman, but it wasn’t to the point of turning her away. After thinking for a while, she went out to meet her.

Actually, when he first arrived at Black Moon Lake yesterday, Yu Ci had already seen it through the divine starlight, and basically nothing could be hidden from him. However, when they met formally, he would also say “beautiful and delicious”. You Rui’s attire is still gorgeous and exquisite, and the silk and pearls add color, making her look more graceful and noble. She has her own unique charm. But considering that she is still a new scholar, the impression is a bit subtle.

When they met, You Rui was suddenly startled, but she was surprised to find that Yu Ci’s cultivation level had reached another level. But after all, she had a very high vision, and she quickly responded with a smile as bright as the spring breeze. It was not possible to see that after Yu Ci left without saying goodbye that day, she angrily said that “a straight line is not enough to make a plan”. , that is, complaints that are light and weak.

“Even when we were together, she was not so easy to talk to.”

Yu Ci felt something was wrong. Before he could think about it, You Rui had bowed deeply to him: “Brother Tao is good at talismans and good at the art of soul and mind. Now I have something to do with me and Master Miaoxiang. Related, please give me a helping hand.”

At this point, Yu Ci naturally knew which one it was, and he was surprised: The Miao Xiang had already made his attitude clear, so why didn’t this woman give up?

While the thought was still lingering, Lu Qing suddenly took a step forward and shouted:



One more update…


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