Ask the Mirror Chapter 100: Scroll of all the heavens and peaks (Part 1)

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When Ghost Sword saw the person coming, he stepped forward to salute, said a few words, and then the sword cultivator in white drove the sword away again.

Because he was too far away, Yu Ci didn’t hear what they were saying and was a little surprised: “Who is this?”

Duanmu Senqiu squinted his eyes for a while and said: “It’s Qi Baiyi, the third generation disciple of Lunjianxuan. Tsk, this guy is a killer. Throughout the year, he spends ten months of the year killing demons in the outside world. The remaining The next time I spend my time is traveling around the world, looking for people to fight swords with… I would say that I should have been famous all over the world, but it’s a pity that the battle I lost to Ye Binjian in my early years was so miserable that I still can’t get over it.”

When he said this, he remembered that there was a direct disciple of Ye Bin beside him, and knowing that Jiuyan had a close relationship with this person, he turned a smiling face: “I have admired Ye Island Master for his heroic appearance for a long time. of…”

Ye Chi lowered his eyes and bowed slightly, thanking Duanmu Senqiu for his praise of his master, but then he also said to Yu Ci: “Qi Baiyi is one of the three disciples of Lunjianxuan who is very focused on the sword and has no other thoughts. A strong man, his progress since this calamity has been particularly astonishing, and he really cannot ignore his defeat.”

Yu Ci said “Oh” and looked over there again. Maybe he talked too much about other people’s topics and was too sensitive. Qi Baiyi was about to disappear behind the clouds and mist, but suddenly he looked back, looking coldly at this With a sweep, it disappeared.

Next, Yu Ci noticed that the marching speed of the team in front had obviously slowed down, and Daohua Zhenren inside simply stopped and turned around, obviously waiting for their group of people who were lagging behind.

When Daohua Zhenren approached, Yu Ci asked: “Is there something unexpected?”

“Uncle Qi from Lunjianxuan just came over and said that in the ruins of the southern peaks, there were several demons wandering around and they were killed by him, but there are still some scattered among them, so we should be careful.”

“Family of the Demon? How did you get in?”

Master Daohua smiled and said: “If the Donghua magic circle is still there, naturally we can’t get in. But now that the magic circle doesn’t exist, it’s okay if there is no demonic calamity. Since the demonic calamity is coming, naturally it will be riddled with holes. Ventilate everywhere and…”

Yu Ci responded: “And whether these demons come from the inside or the outside is still debatable.”

“Of course.” Master Daohua nodded in agreement.

At this time, Guishenjian and others at the front had already boarded the Hanging Cloud Bridge.

These “cloud bridges” are completely made of clouds and cannot carry heavy loads. They can only guide the monks so that they will not get lost in the clouds and mist. It would be really troublesome to replace them with one that cannot move in the air. Of course, This problem certainly does not exist among this group of people.

When Yu Ci stepped onto the Cloud Bridge and the clouds covered his ankles, he let out a “huh” sound, a little surprised.

“Is the Donghua Palace formation really over?”

Master Daohua smiled and said: “But you think this Yunqiao is different? According to Brother Xiang, most of the Yunqiao fog stacks on the peaks were destroyed during the war. The Yunqiao here was specially built to welcome you a few days ago. ”

What is this feeling of “asking you to put yourself in the urn”?

Yu Ci smiled. In fact, the touch of Yunqiao only accounted for a very small part, and more of the ingredients came from the surrounding void.

The moment his front foot left Tianmen Peak, a strange and weak change in the void occurred. Although it was intermittent and continuous, it was not large-scale, but for a monk like Yu Ci who was extremely proficient in this wonderful achievement, You can’t go wrong thinking about it.

Zhenren Daohua immediately sighed: “Just looking at the current cluster of peaks, you can know the pattern of Lu Chen’s year. He used the “Heaven Beyond the Sky” layout to control the earth’s energy and spiritual veins, and managed the Donghua Palace like a golden soup city. Not to mention, it is also deep in the void, forming a world of its own. Its “one peak and one cave in the sky” is not inferior to the thirty-six heavens of our sect. Unfortunately, once it is broken, it will inevitably break. The dust has fallen, and even now, its vitality has been lost, and traces of scattered spiritual veins are still there, which is even more embarrassing than the ruins of the palace…”

Zhai Queer replied abruptly: “So, if you don’t take those mountains and rivers spiritual veins and cave heaven fairy energy, Jianxuan is a waste, and it can be considered a good thing.”

The strange smell in the words made Daohua unable to respond, but Yu Ci helped him out: “Is this also based on the thirty-six-day design?”

“…It should be. After all, Lu Chen was born in Xuanmen, and he has learned a lot from it over the years. The peaks of Donghua Palace seen so far have eight in each direction, symbolizing the four directions and the eight heavens. The main peak of Donghua is like Daluotian encompasses the four realms, but the Three Pure Realms are removed from the middle, which shows how conceited Lu Chen is.”

Since it is a Taoist sect of Xuanmen, Master Daohua is naturally quite critical of this model.

However, as far as Yu Ci knew, there was a deeper reason.

Back then, the Bajing Palace once invited all the Taoist sects from the real world to perfect the setting of the “Thirty-six Heavens” in order to compete with the “Ten Dharma Realms” of Buddhism, but serious differences later emerged. A variety of widely varying structures emerge.

The “Thirty-six Heavens” of Bajing Palace, just like Xin Yi’s magical power, the heavens are arranged vertically, and a lot of them are borrowed from Buddhism, but they are also carried out under an extremely mature system, at least from Yu Ci’s current From a visual point of view, it is more in line with the overall structure of the law of heaven and earth system, so most of the southern Taoist gates choose this structure.

As for the current structure of Lu Shen and the four separate heavens, it is difficult to escape the shadow of the Taixiao Divine Court of the Shangqing Sect. Yu Ci also has a say in this point, because this structure is obviously consistent with the Tianxing Dharma and is more suitable for integration into the existing methods of Shangqing Sect.

In addition, there is the Qingxu Taoism, which is said to be divided into “nine layers and nine fields”. It is simple and primitive, and it is a structure that is very different from the “Thirty-six Heavens”.

Master Daohua is used to seeing vertically arranged structures. Thinking of the huge differences back then, he naturally has some opinions on the inner structure of Donghua’s peaks. But he didn’t say much. After all, the Shangqing Sect collapsed long ago and Donghua Palace is now in ruins. There is no point in pursuing this anymore. We should show the demeanor that a large sect should have.

On the other hand, Yu Ci was quite emotional, capturing the intermittent and continuous reactions in the surrounding clouds and mists, recalling what a wonderful scene it was back then when the Thirty-Three Peaks carved themselves out of the void and became another world, independent of the world. It’s a pity that now, everything is in ruins and gone…

“What are you thinking about?” Zhai Queer suddenly came up to speak.

Of course Yu Ci would not express any emotion to her, and only said: “True Lord Donghua has a beautiful heart…”

“Nonsense! The same applies to you…”

For a moment, Yu Ci couldn’t tell whether she was complimenting or sarcasm.

But then, Zhai Queer also talked about the business: “The nearby demons are extremely active… Have everyone in Lunjianxuan been drinking and having fun these days? This place has become a demon cave!”

The word “Devil’s Cave” came out of her mouth, an elite of the Demon Sect, and she felt extremely happy.


Starting today, we will strive to resume stable updates. As promised at the beginning of the month, if you don’t see it by then, just wait until the next one.


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