Ask the Mirror Chapter 100: Scroll of all the heavens and peaks (middle) 21/325

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Master Daohua said harmoniously: “It’s not that the fellow Taoists in Lunjianxuan are ineffective in suppressing demons, but that this place has indeed become a place for communication with outsiders. That day under the rainy demon clouds, what fellow Taoist Zhai said was unfortunately true. ”

“It’s not surprising that Ghost Sword and the others can’t control the situation. Lun Jianxuan is a group of destructive maniacs and is not proficient in the magical power of the void, but why don’t you help him think of a way to block it?”

Zhen Que’er’s words, Master Daohua was also helpless: “Although what Taoist fellow Taoist Zhai said makes sense, it is not easy to do, and some words are hard to explain. Everyone can tell at a glance.”

Stepping up to the Cloud Bridge, the immortals and the mortals stand in harmony; and stepping onto the second peak, the feeling changes again.

Yu Ci narrowed her eyes slightly and felt the air blowing in front of her. The wind showed changes and revealed information, but it was too subtle and could not be gathered together at the moment. There is only one thing, but it is real:

The stench of those crudely made Demon Familiar.

Zhenren Daohua next to him said again: “The thirty-three peaks of Donghua are a world of their own. When they were destroyed, seven earthly immortals combined their powers. The peaks in the east and south were the most severely damaged, because Lu Chen came from the outside world. When it descended, it was in this position. There were cracks in the void on the battlefield. If there were really tunnels set up in them, the demon would be invisible and could move freely through it, making it extremely difficult to capture.”

What he means is that there are many signs nearby like Lu Chen and Chen Longchuan fighting with fists and swords, blasting through the void, but such a crack leads directly to the outside world?

“It doesn’t make sense. It can only be because we have been in contact for a long time and we were close to each other.”

“What Taoist Fellow Zhai said is true.”

Just as I was talking, there were changes ahead.

Some people left the team and turned to other directions on the mountain. There were one and two. Not long after, the team of dozens of people dispersed one after another. As more than ten people from the Dongyang Orthodox Church silently turned left, only the one at the front remained. A few people, including Guishenjian, Shenghui, Lei Tonghao, simply stood still.

“Is this… a treasure hunt?”

Yu Ci shook his head when he saw it. Although the mountain tops and bottoms are not as strong as the demonic spirits under the rain demon clouds, they can still be said to be unfathomable. These monks are too eager. According to Yu Ci’s thoughts , no matter what, we have to cross a few more mountains to see the scenery. Then we can turn back and it will be better than now.

Thinking like this, the group of them slowly walked over and met Ghost Sword and the others. Before he could speak, Ghost Sword had already said:

“There has just been another sword news. A crack leading directly to the outer domain has been discovered on the Eight Peaks in the south, attracting a large number of demons. Now the war there is tense, and I want to go to support. What are your plans? You want to join me. Are you going, or are you going to climb over one peak after another?”

No wonder!

Yu Ci suddenly realized that it was not the monks who were impatient, but the Ghost Sword who had directly thrown away the challenge.

But you can’t blame him. When Qi Baiyi came over just now, he showed that the situation was under control. Now that it suddenly took a turn for the worse, Lun Jianxuan must have been caught off guard.

As for how to choose…

Yu Ci and Zhai Queer looked at each other, then smiled and said: “Since we are here, we naturally want to see what the situation is like, and I will let you go.”

“If Master Jiuyan wants to go, count me in!”

Duanmu Senqiu was the first to respond, showing great heroism. Zhai Queer was squeezed in behind, but she smiled and said: “I don’t care anymore, just go if you want to.”

As for Yechi, when Yu Ci turned around, he nodded slightly to show his attitude.

Seeing how happy they were, Guishenjian was a little surprised. It was rare that he picked it up and looked at them: “Okay! It’s not those petty things… let’s go!”

As he spoke, he transformed into sword light, leaped off the peak, flew south, and was gone in the blink of an eye.

It’s just that this guy forgot that behind him, there were several people in the Buxu realm, who could not keep up with his sword escape speed.

Yu Ci shook his head and was about to let Guiyan take action and take him with him, but Lei Tonghao, who had been silent next to him, spoke:

“Come on to my shuttle.”

As he spoke, he flicked his fingertips, and a blue light like electricity was released. The two ends were elongated. When the electric beam jumped, it formed the outline of a flying shuttle. It is three feet long and about ten feet wide. Although it is a little narrow, there is no problem if seven or eight people are squeezed into it.

After its shape is formed, the electric light does not dissipate. It flows back and forth on the shuttle body, piercing the skin. If you want to get on it, you really have to be a little brave.

Watching this flying shuttle, Yu Ci recalled the “Clear Sky Thunder Boat” in Lu Qing’s hand. When it was flying, the feeling was similar. It was also surrounded by thunder and lightning flashed across the sky, which made it very friendly for a moment. His thoughts flowed naturally, and then moved to the matters requested by him. He sighed in his heart, nodded and smiled at Lei Tonghao, and climbed up first.

When he boarded the boat, the lightning flashed inwards, but it didn’t mean to hurt anyone at all. Instead, it blessed him with a body-protecting lightning bolt, which was very impressive.

He started, and the rest of the people boarded the boat one after another, including real monks like Heipao and Duanmu Senqiu. After everyone boarded, Lei Tonghao started the shuttle, and there was a thunder in the sky, and the thunder sound When they scattered, the shuttle was gone.

If we do not calculate the path around the mountain peaks, the straight-line distance between the southern peaks is only more than a hundred miles. But the problem is that there are obvious traces of the magical power of the void in this distance. The visual distance is As a result, it took everyone a full half-quarter of an hour to see the light of the ghost sword in front of them in the flying shuttle that was like thunder and lightning.

The man finally reacted, and when he saw the shuttle chasing him, the sword light suddenly disappeared, and the distance between the two sides was approaching sharply. Lei Tonghao also understood it, opened the entrance of the shuttle, and welcomed him in.

The Ghost Sword rode the strong wind in, without any embarrassment of miscalculation: “Ha, Tianyu Shuttle! Put it here, it is really overkill… It is not right, it should be more practical.”

He is referring to the interconnection between this place and the void of the Nine Heavens Outer Territory.

Theoretically, if the demons from the outer realm can get in, they can get out. Maybe they happen to run into a void rift and run directly to the outer realm.

Of course, void transfer is a very deep knowledge. It does not mean that the outer realm and this place are just two sides of the same door, just go in and come out. The slightest fluctuation is a huge difference.

Everyone here can survive there, but whether they can find their way back is another matter.

Zhai Queer looked over sideways: “You guys never said that before…”

“It has never been this serious before.”

When Ghost Sword should be thick-skinned, he would never lag behind others, and soon, he shouted: “There, rush over!”

Lei Tonghao did not respond, but the shuttle obviously had an astonishing instantaneous acceleration. Even if the cultivation level was as strong as black robe, there was still a feeling of being pulled backwards, and then, just like what the Ghost Sword said, it rushed through… …No, it hit me!


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