Ask the Mirror Chapter 100: Scroll of all the heavens and peaks (3)

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The direction pointed by the Ghost Sword is exactly the battlefield where sword cultivators fight against demons and their retinue.

From this angle, you can also see a twisted crack in the void, swallowing darkness, and seeming to have a dark and cold air coming out. Judging from Yu Ci’s knowledge alone, this crack is indeed quite astonishing.

The battlefield area is not too big, it is located on the ruins of a completely collapsed mountain.

When the shuttle suddenly accelerates, all immortals in the cabin will feel another sensation in addition to the sudden surge in pressure:

A certain need to “absorb” is coming from the lightning of blessing from outside.

No one in the shuttle was stupid, and they were all very knowledgeable. They all released more or less power at the moment, and transferred it to the shuttle from the thunder light blessed on their bodies.

The shuttle carried ten people, and six of them were Immortal Immortals. Even if each of them still had some reservations, they instantly gathered terrifying power that far exceeded the limits of the Immortal.

The Sky Domain Shuttle completely transformed into a long sword of electric light, passing continuously from east to west.

Before the collision, Lei Tonghao had already found a target. The first one who still had a physical body was not able to react, and was torn directly from the waist and abdomen. The incision was as smooth as a silent weapon, comparable to a divine weapon.

This retinue should be at the level of a real person, with unparalleled vitality. Still struggling, his flesh and blood twitched, trying to grow back together, but then lightning burst out, directly turning it into black coal.

The rest of the lightning bolts may not hit a few, but the really powerful ones are the gloomy thunder sounds that sweep across the world. The demonic shadows surging in the field are directly suffocated by the shock, which may be longer or shorter, but for the most skilled For the sword cultivator who responded to the opportunity, it was enough.

The sword light is like snow, blowing from three directions, intersecting in the void, seemingly scattering for no reason, but in the end it suddenly converges to one point.

The three-party sword energy gathered together and locked onto a demon descendant of the real-person level.

The whole person over there was deformed, and in the muffled explosion, flesh and blood flew everywhere, and he was so dead that he could no longer die.

Since the Tianyu Shuttle collided, the two sides joined forces, as if they had been rehearsed thousands of times. They killed two real-person-level Heavenly Demon retinues at once, and this was also the highest combat power of the invading Heavenly Demon here. Originally, The stalemate turned into a one-sided situation in an instant.

After that, it became like a blizzard, and the entire battle was almost over without Yu Ci and others coming down.

In fact, this is considered normal. The demons have never been in the habit of attacking head-on. Their usual method is to wander in the void, catching the flaws in the monks’ minds and causing crises at the slightest moment.

In a sense, in such a fierce frontal battle with the demon, at least in the current situation, Lunjianxuan has the upper hand.

The problem is, the situation is obviously not that simple.

After roughly wiping out all the demons, there was another real swordsman with a sword that was as bright as a rainbow. He slashed through the void with one sword, causing this fissure to become a mess. If the demons from outside the territory come here again, there is a very good chance… It will be strangled by the void storm. It is really simple and crude, but for now, it is a good way to improve efficiency.

Of course, the monks of Lunjianxuan did not forget to make a sign here for future disposal.

After doing all this, several monks from Lunjianxuan just said hello to the shuttle from a distance, then dispersed and hurried away.

Seeing this, Yu Ci wondered: “Is this the only crack of this scale?”

Ghost Sword snorted: “It’s obvious.”

While talking, all the monks came out of the shuttle, and Lei Tonghao collected the Tianyu Shuttle.

At this time, Yu Ci also learned from Gui Yan’s memory that this Tianyu Shuttle was actually one of the most sought-after magical equipment for monks when they were practicing outside the territory. In addition to the function just now, it had the function of integrating everyone’s magic power. In addition, there is also the most needed acceleration capability and corresponding carrying capacity in the outer domain. As long as there are more than three immortal immortals on the shuttle, theoretically, they can take turns driving the shuttle and accelerate for a long time in the vast outer domain. , far exceeding the speed limit that can be achieved in the real world.

Only four large valves and a few top merchants have the capacity to mass-produce this shuttle, and less than ten are shipped out every year.

But with it as the center, each major sect has developed extremely rich tactics. It is no wonder that the two sides were able to achieve such a tacit understanding without any communication before.

After getting off the shuttle, Yu Ci discovered that this place was filled with the stench of the Heavenly Demon’s followers. If the surrounding area was like this, it would create more cover for the Heavenly Demon, and the search would be more difficult.

The Ghost Sword seemed a little anxious. His eyes wandered and he scanned the ruins of the mountain. As if he had discovered something, he flew over. Zhai Queer also signaled to Yu Ci:

“Look over there!”

Everyone turned their eyes, and some of them gasped immediately.

Under the ruins over there, there is a huge corpse half-hidden. Although it is buried by large and small gravels, judging from the exposed fragments, it is four feet long and thicker than a human body. The scales on the body are pale. It is black in color, like a giant python, but no matter what kind of python, it does not have two rows of slender and strong legs, like a centipede.

Both rows of long legs are fiery red in color, and they are densely arrayed. There are hundreds or thousands of them. The sight of them makes one’s scalp numb.

However, now the sword marks on this terrifying monster are showing strong signs of corrosion, and pus venom is flowing out silently. It seems that it will turn into a pool of blood soon.

Zhai Queer calmly judged: “This is… Thousand Poison Dragon, one of the thirteen heretics!”

Heavenly demons and heretics!

The surrounding area suddenly became silent.

In the Nine Heavens Outer Territory, the demons enslaved thousands of powerful races that could survive in the void outside the territory with only their physical bodies. They were called the “Demon Demon Slave Tribe”, and they interbred the slave tribes to create the infamous “Thirteen Heretics”, that is, thirteen kinds of terrifying evil spirits.

The heavenly demons, the slaves, the outsiders, and the hundreds of millions of dependents who have been infected by the heavenly demons for countless years have finally formed a complex and intertwined system, and have thus become the true masters of the outer realm.

The reason why such a terrifying power cannot invade the true world is that it is hindered by the Nine Heavenly Gangs and the environment of the true world, that is, the interference of the unique law system of heaven and earth.

But now, such a big guy appears here… Even though he has been killed by a sword, the meaning behind it is still terrifying.

“This guy was killed by Uncle Qi himself. It is said that he is very impressive.”

The eyes of the Ghost Sword were shining brightly, and it swept across everyone’s faces: “As for such big guys, I conservatively estimate that at least ten of them will flow in. As for the others, they are smaller or invisible, and it is hard to estimate… …Well, what I want to say is that this is no longer a trivial matter, this is a demonic calamity, a full-scale invasion by the devil!”


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