Ask the Mirror Chapter 10: The essence of **** turns into a demon under the waterfall (Part 2)

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Someone in the void spoke without appearing: “The changes in the magic power point directly at the human heart. The more mixed the human heart is, the more room there is for tossing and turning. We must have made a miscalculation in recruiting troops and people to come here this time.”

The person who spoke was Tian Meng, a gentle man from the north who was not shy about mentioning his own shortcomings. However, there are still a few swordsmen with such a good temper like him. Lu Qinghua said angrily: “Who would have thought that Gui Yan would dare to stay here? The main function of Qijian Tianluo is to seal off the surrounding areas. Otherwise, if one or two capable masters are sent out, they will not be able to kill him?”

Hai Boke snorted: “It’s really unreasonable for Guiyan to stay here.”

Peng Suo also joined the discussion: “Is it because he has mastered the demon transformation and stayed here to specialize in creating demon relatives?”

Tian Meng, who did not show up, said: “The secret technique of Netherworld Jiuzang is by no means a demon master’s method, and there is no value in recruiting disciples…”

Lu Qinghua had a fight with him today: “That’s not necessarily the case. Look at the method he just used. It was obviously the invisible method of the devil. What kind of evil way did it come from!”

“Cough!” Haibo Ke coughed, reminding this fellow disciple who was so excited that he spoke indiscriminately.

The five Jieyin are all top-notch in terms of swordsmanship. Just now, Guiyan used his Jiuzang demon body to move across the void, and they all saw his skills. He was clearly a very skilled swordsman. The momentum, especially the 50% circle around the back, even has a bit of the shadow of the twelve jade towers in Xuanzhong Tianwaiyin.

The “Shangzhen Nine Heavens Flying Immortal Sword Sutra” occupies the position of the first sword sutra in the spiritual world. It has not changed slightly for more than ten tribulations, especially the tribulation secret sword represented by the thunder-cutting and tribulation-preventing sword and the Twelve Jade Towers Tianwaiyin. In this world, the gods are majestic and widely spread. There are many sword techniques in the world that are imitated because of admiration for this sword scripture. Even if they are not popular, they are of the same lineage of swordsmanship. Compared with the authentic secret techniques of Netherworld Jiuzang, they are simply inferior to their own prestige.

Lu Qinghua shut up again. Lingjiao didn’t care, but the conversation aroused interest. She pulled Peng Suo over and said with a low smile: “How many times did you hear just now?”


“I’ve been waiting for two beeps, two beeps!”

She shook two fingers, quite excited. The so-called “two sounds” refer to two meaningful moans. And this “meaningful” means something that can enter the eyes of Lunjianxuan’s true disciples.

Some sword cultivators have swords that sound like a gusting wind, but with such sword power, if the orthodox sword intent of the Twelve Yulou Tianwaiyin is used as the standard, the thousands of sounds from the beginning to the end are worthless.

Correspondingly, the first three turns of Guiyanshi were useless, but the fourth turn has given a glimpse of the door, and the fifth turn can be said to be an entrance into the house. At least the principle of that sword is absolutely in line with the Twelve Yulou Tianwaiyin. The path of the sword can inspire the ethereal sound of flying immortals.

Of course, the basic swordsmanship of “there is a sky beyond the sky” is not unique to Twelve Jade Towers Tianwaiyin, it is just the one that has been done to the highest level.

In a word, Guiyan’s five-fold circle in the air really showed some of his attainments in swordsmanship, which made Lingjiao curious and excited.

Lu Qinghua glared at Lingjiao, but unfortunately, it had no effect.

Just listen to Hai Bo Ke’s words: “If you want to improve the magic sect’s method, you still have to find the goal of other transformations. How can there be anyone who will live forever in this distant sky city?”

After going back and forth, the group of people suddenly realized something. They all turned around and stared at the black dragon master not far away, who had reshaped into a human form and wanted to escape quietly.

Being targeted by several guides, Master Heijiao felt very uncomfortable even though he was also a master at the same level. I originally thought about trying hard to see if I could run far, but then I thought about it. Being locked by several real sword cultivators and being shrouded in the sword formation, it was obviously hopeless.

He was a bachelor. He groaned, straightened his body, and made up his mind to hide the secret of the blood plague and dragon plague no matter what. As an immortal person and a great demon who has lived for thousands of years, he wants to hide it. In today’s world, there are really not many people who can dig it out from his mouth.

In fact, the five guides did not find any valuable information.

No matter how lonely he is, no matter how embarrassed he is, he is still a powerful monster. He usually lives at the bottom of the Lujiang River and does not show any evil deeds. He insists that he has taken a fancy to it. Guiyan Yuanshen has a clear purpose and sufficient reasons, and there is absolutely no falsehood. The five guides know that he is hiding something, but they can’t find a breakthrough, so they can only give up.

But Master Heijiao couldn’t stay in Yuankong City any longer, so he could only curse and leave. As for whether he was willing to do anything or not, Haibo Ke and others had no control over it.

They had a terrible headache just because they were tired of ghosts.

Gui Yan cultivated into a demon and used the method of “flying essence to possess people” to hide among the three thousand sword cultivators. It stands to reason that as long as the sword formation does not disperse, Gui Yan will be sealed here sooner or later. But the problem is, this is equivalent to exchanging the future and life of the Three Thousand Sword Cultivator. Just like Hai Boke said, after a battle, people’s hearts are turbulent, and in the end, even if Gui Yan is killed, the Three Thousand Sword Cultivator will , how many people can avoid being contaminated by demonic calamity?

Of course, it is not impossible to break through the evil tribulation. As long as you work hard, the losses will definitely be reduced. But don’t forget that there are hundreds of thousands of residents of the empty city on the other side.

They can say that in order to subdue the demon, they killed more than 100,000 residents of Yuankong City who were infected by the demon. After all, this was based on the Shangqing Sect’s past experience. Even if some people think it is inappropriate, they can still get over it. But if the three thousand sword cultivators of Juxian Bridge and the more than 100,000 residents of Yuankong City were placed under the same conditions, one would be spared and the other would be killed. This would mean life or death. This has been done.

It’s okay to favor one over the other, but we can never put distance between birth and death.

After all, Lunjianxuan is not the Yuanshi Demon Sect. In most cases, basic moral principles still need to be discussed. Otherwise, external public opinion aside, just internal doubts would be fatal.

The five major players here are facing such an embarrassing situation.

Fortunately, the situation did not last long. Just three hours later, the latest instructions from Xuanzhong really made them breathe a sigh of relief.

For Yuankong City and Guiyan, there is only one meaning: let go!

In other words, no matter what.

Whether it is Guiyan or the more than 100,000 residents involved in Yuankong City, they only need to register and keep files for investigation, and there are no restrictions on the rest – of course, this is only theoretical. Because of the demon dyeing incident, for a long period of time in the future, it will be difficult for monks who come from Yuankong City to get along in the Southern Kingdom, and the discrimination they will suffer will be quite serious.

These are the things that your guides don’t care about, but another piece of information shocked them:

Immortal Master Li Bocai is passing through Yuankong City to slay the demons himself!

At this time, in order to discuss matters, the five leaders showed up, and twelve deacons were also present.

Lu Qinghua has always disliked this Master Li Xian, so he said angrily: “We don’t do anything and let him come. Are we looking down on others?”

“You are thinking too much.” Tian Meng responded calmly. He has a white face, a short beard, a square face, and a very elegant appearance. He is considered the most handsome among the Five Directions. He complements Lu Qinghua perfectly, “Have you forgotten what Xuan Hao said?”

Although Master Xuanhao is not a swordsman, he has always had a good relationship with Lunjianxuan. He handles many things in Xuanzhong outside, and he also has friendship with the five guides. When Tian Meng just mentioned it, Lu Qinghua suddenly woke up:

“Yes, the Mystery-Breaking Elixir…”

Hai Boke and others realized that this matter was much more important than Guiyan’s, and Li Bocai was the person in charge appointed by the Patriarch of Creation to handle this matter.


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