Ask the Mirror Chapter 10: The essence of **** turns into a demon under the waterfall (Part 1)

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Now that the gap has appeared, Gui Yan has no reason not to leave. He laughs and steps forward.

As soon as he stepped within a toe distance, he suddenly stopped and flipped the wide-mouth bottle behind his head. A layer of blurred light waves shot out from it and spread out a hundred feet away in an instant. As the diffusion distance increased, there were Under the control of Qijian Tianluo, the brightness of the light wave rapidly decreased, but its penetrating power, adhesion, and contagious power became unreasonably stronger and stronger.

The distance between Lingjiao and Lingjiao is still quite far, but her energy is connected with Qijian Tianluo. However, at this moment, the vitality of heaven and earth, which is strictly controlled by the sword array, is stimulated by the light wave, and it differentiates into extremely sinister and vicious energy. The essence spreads along the Qi of the sword formation.

Under the protection of Qijian Tianluo, the Three Thousand Sword Cultivators disappeared into the void. Logically speaking, anyone without the magical power of the void cannot be harmed. However, Gui Yan’s hand seems to contain some kind of void method, even the space. The interlayer can be penetrated.

Caught off guard, seven or eight sword cultivators within the range immediately fell over and broke away from the sword formation, revealing their traces. Some unlucky ones even fell directly from the sky, if they were not within the scope of the sword formation. , received protection in time, but this time he was about to be shattered to pieces.

Qijian Tianluo is a first-class superior sword formation, and it will not reveal its flaws just because of the injuries of a few people, but Ling Jiao was already sticking out his tongue when he saw it.

Since the creation of the Qijian Tianluo, it is not that it has not been broken by others, but it is the first time that three thousand sword cultivators from the Gathering Immortal Bridge and five great guides have come together, but they have been made so passive by a Six Desire Heavenly Demon. Back. In any case, this is very shameful.

With a character like her, she already thinks this way, let alone those Juxianqiao sword cultivators who have their eyes high above their heads. However, if there is a good result…

While she was still thinking, she suddenly felt something. When she looked back, she let out an “ahhhh” and slapped her forehead: “I’m afraid the founder of creation is going to kill someone…”

In front of the gap, there was no trace of Gui Yan, but he definitely did not rush out of the so-called “gap”, because behind the gap, a middle-aged man dressed as a Confucian scholar stepped out, his face as sinking as water. Seeing Lingjiao’s gaze, he snorted.

Lingjiao knew that he was arrogant, so he smiled and flew over there. He called out “Uncle Haibo” from afar, then scratched his head and said, “Is this also called seeing through ghosts?”

The visitor is Nanfang Jieyin, one of the five major jieyins of Juxian Bridge. He calls himself “Hai Bo Ke” without using his real name. He and the other four jieyins occupy the five directions, imprisoning the vitality of heaven and earth, and in the sword formation Within the scope, there is indeed the ability to reverse the five elements. In other words, there is a method to confuse the void.

Combined with the “Inverse Five Elements Flag Sect Spirit Flag” which has almost completed the single round of sacrificial refining, it is only one step away from entering the list of magic weapons. If Guiyan thought he had broken through the sword formation and broke through rashly, he would be Throw it directly into the center of the formation, which is the Five Elements Flag Sect Spirit Flag. At that time, even if you are a master of robbery, you have to squat for a period of time.

What Gui Yan did before and after was clearly to see through this trap, to divert attention by hurting people, and to take the opportunity to disappear and run away.

Lingjiao looked around: “Uncle Master, is that guy far away?”

Hai Bo Ke said solemnly: “Not yet.”

“Oh, that’s okay…”

Hai Bo Ke’s expression showed no signs of improvement: “It will only get worse!”

As he said that, he suddenly drew his sword and used the mature sword intention of his real-person realm to urge his luck. However, he could only see the light but not its shape. A bright moon seemed to appear in the sky. Even at the height of the sun, it could not Cover up its bright brilliance.

The bright moon was like a mirror. Lingjiao looked through it and saw the crisscrossing branches and vines reflected in it. The distribution location of repairs.

Hai Bo Ke would not do this for no reason. Ling Jiao looked carefully and soon discovered that this part of the structure lacked the stability that the sword array should have. It seemed that it had been hit by Gui Yan’s ruthless hand just now and had not yet recovered. come over. But there seems to be no real damage.

“It was their minds that were shaken, the Heavenly Magic Sect, most of them were like this.”

Hai Bo Ke’s creation of the Moon Sword Wheel was not a lesson for Ling Jiao. He kept a keen eye on the subtle changes and for a long time, he said: “Yes, he is hiding in the middle.”


“It’s the ‘Incestuous Desire Essence’, the first transformation of the devil in the Nine Secrets of the Netherworld. Peng Suo!”

He suddenly gave an order, and Peng Suo came out of the void not far away.

Peng Suo’s swordsmen were infected by ghosts and demons, and had to seal the Juxian Bridge he controlled. He was supposed to go back to ask for help, but on the way he saw three thousand sword cultivators coming out, and the five majors arrived together. The restrictions will naturally disappear, and people will come back.

He was ordered to track down Guiyan, and he had done some research. He was one of the people who was most familiar with its roots and had a clear mind. He came out at this time to answer questions and make suggestions.

Hai Bo Ke said: “As you judged, Gui Yan has achieved this transformation into a demon. According to the classics you have read, is there a way to detect and restrain the ‘lust spirit’?”

Peng Suo responded calmly: “My lord, you have learned from Buddhism that demons have the power of ‘flying essences to attach themselves to people’. This is the basis of the ‘disorderly desire essence’. It becomes tangible and invisible, attaches itself to people, and messes with them. The six desires induce demonic behavior. If there is a demon master’s method, it is not impossible to make people fall into the demonic realm forever, and it is not impossible for him to have followers. However, unless the demon sect’s method has an overwhelming advantage, it will always find a way to get in. If a group of people keeps their minds calm and clear, they will naturally be able to avoid them.”

“Hey, it’s easy to say that your mind is calm and clear.”

Peng Suo also knows that this method is not very realistic, but there is no way. The transformation of the demon is so mysterious that it cannot be suppressed by more people. This is still the essence of lust, and when the two levels of demon transformation, the God-breaking Ghost and the Demon Transformation, maybe less than half of the three thousand sword cultivators will fight back.

On the side, Lingjiao was surprised again: “Such a big man can transform into light, gas, and flying essence. He is not the body of a Yang God. The magic sect is really weird.”

Peng Suo smiled bitterly when he heard this, nodded slightly to Lingjiao, and said to Haibo Ke: “Master Jie Yin, this disciple feels that ghosts are disgusted with this person, who has cultivated the void method, and the transformation of the demon body. , It’s very reasonable to imagine that we are chasing and intercepting you like this, I’m afraid it’s not the right way.”

Hai Boke looked at him lightly and said, “Can you tell me more?”

“Yes. Among the relevant classics that the disciple has read, some descriptions of the secret techniques of Netherworld Jiuzang all say that the reputation of Guiyan’s practice is not that great among the demon sect. On the one hand, it is Because the magic sect has always been discriminatory against the body refining method. On the other hand, it is also because in order to push the Netherworld Jiuzang Secret Technique to the supreme level, there are two difficult and uneconomical links that must be passed…”

Penso explained it as simply as possible:

Of those two links, one is the extreme transformation of the Jiuzang demon body, which is actually the wonderful blending of the true body and the Yangshen, making the form non-form and the spirit non-god, blending into one, and dispersing into Qi. , when gathered they take shape, almost becoming an indestructible body. This change has too high requirements for the true body. For most monks, it is time-consuming and time-consuming, and it is difficult to see the effect. Throughout the ages, there are really few who can achieve this.

As for the other one, it is the Void Hidden Technique in the Transformation of Form. This method involves the magical power of the Void. It is the most difficult step in the Netherworld Jiuzang Secret Technique but also the easiest to bypass. This change in itself is not a hurdle that must be passed. You can just ignore it and go straight to practice the following methods. But only by mastering this change can this method reach its peak.

But how can the magical power of the void be so easy to cultivate? Even the Immortal Immortal and the Master of Tribulation are very rare who can truly cultivate such magical powers. This greatly limits the achievements of monks who practice this method.

But now, the six transformations of Guiyan’s Transformation, Zangshenzang, etc. are completed in one go, with perfection, and the two most critical links have been surpassed. This also ensures that his Netherworld Jiuzang secret skill is superior to his peers, at least in his case. Became a first-class heavenly magic sect.

“No one knows how Guiyan can understand the magical power of the void and temper his body to that point. Master Xuanhao once told his disciples that he and several of his colleagues beat Guiyan that night His body was shattered into pieces. There was no sign of that at the time. Maybe he got the opportunity later to reshape his body and achieve greatness…”

Peng Suo has been busy dealing with the matter of his swordsmen being infected by demons. He has been holding back these words for a long time. When he was about to continue, someone suddenly interrupted:

“Because of this, this beast must not be kept!”

The person who spoke was tall and thin, and his skin was slightly dark green. He was different from ordinary people and quite strange, but he was Dongfang Jieying Lu Qinghua.

This person practices the secrets of authentic swordsmanship, but in his early years, he was plotted by someone and his body was contaminated by poison. He relied on his strong will to suppress the sword and instantly killed the enemy with the sword, but the color of his skin But he could never change back, almost destroying the foundation of his physical body. Because of this, he has a natural prejudice against all monks who use poisons or have similar skills. Guiyan’s hand just now is what he hates the most!

He showed up and said in a cold voice: “Although this beast is cunning, the flag, sword and sky are so dense and seamless that it is difficult for him to get out. Now the rest of the people can’t stop the sword formation. Only a few of us are lucky.” Turn your mind into a sword, peel off the cocoon, and find him out!”

This is also a way, but Haibo Ke thought about it and shook his head to reject it: “The flying spirit possesses people and moves according to their heart. Unless the three thousand swords can make the mind as calm as water, no matter what, it will just be chasing endlessly in everyone’s minds. , the sky was tainted by him and destroyed many things that could be made.”

When he mentioned this, Lu Qinghua stopped talking.

The Three Thousand Sword Cultivators of Juxian Bridge is one of the abundant capital accumulated by Lunjianxuan over the years. It will be of great use in the future. Even if it is led by five people, they will not dare to cause it to suffer heavy losses.

To be honest, none of them here are afraid of this method of lustful spirit. Even Peng Suo, who is a little behind, will still have no problem as long as the sword’s heart is stable. However, among the three thousand sword cultivators, there is a difference between the superior and the inferior. Most of them are still in the Dan Huan realm. Except for a very few people, the others cannot resist it no matter what. It is very frustrating to throw a rat into a trap.


We have a lot going on at the end of the year, so please forgive me. In addition, due to changes in the planned plot, the title of the previous chapter is not suitable and will be changed.


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