As An Immortal, I Only Learn Forbidden Skills Chapter 322: Xianyu Zhangjiao


The sky is full of neon phoenixes, and the long rainbow whizzes.

Holy Lord Guhua stands in the mid-air, with the power of the vision behind him undiminished, and it is astonishing to carry the monstrous divine power.

“Yan Mo Tianjun, don’t you feel that you have crossed the boundary? You are the former peak of Dongxu, a generation of Tianjun. You are a fellow Taoist…but now you insist on discrediting me?”

“Still, Yan Mo Tianjun, do you think that Gu dare not make a move, or do you have some shocking means hidden in this secret realm, and you have the capital to fight against Gu? Huh?”

The next moment, countless sword qis were continuously integrated and turned into a sky-slashing long sword. It was a full kilometer in length, and its width and height were astonishing.

You must know that the Heaven Slashing Sword of the Holy Lord of Ancient China is not what it looks like on the surface, it even coincides with the Dao of Heaven and Earth, the truth of the void, the real means and power are hidden in the void!

At this moment, Yan Mo Tianjun’s expression froze suddenly, he originally wanted to take the opportunity to threaten, to see if he could win some chances.

As a result, things have developed to this point!

This Guhua Holy Master really doesn’t give a step!


Yanmo Tianjun gritted his teeth and stared at the Holy Master Guhua in front of him. After a long while, he could only give up, let out a long breath, and said: “Since fellow Taoists want these little friends and juniors, this gentleman Naturally, I will not refute your face, please take it.”

As soon as he raised his hand, he placed Gu Chi and others in front of Holy Master Guhua.


Holy Master Guhua nodded without changing his face, as if all this had nothing to do with him.

Yanmo Tianjun clenched his fists, feeling extremely unwilling, but after careful consideration, he decided to give up.

But he has other demands.

“Holy Lord wait a minute!”

Holy Lord Guhua looked back, his eyes were obvious, and he asked Yanmo Tianjun what else was going on.

Yanmo Tianjun pondered for a moment, then slowly opened his mouth: “Holy Master, I want someone, and I hope the Holy Master can help me bring it back. If I rebuild the ghost way in the future and return to the peak, I will definitely repay you.” The favor of the Holy Lord.”

As soon as these words came out, many people were stunned.

Is this the rhythm of joining forces?

One side is the current ruler of the Ancient Hua Holy Land, the young and promising current Dongxu Tianjun.

The other side is the peerless power of the ancient times, the same era as the Zhenwu Holy Land.

If these two join forces, the horror will naturally be beyond words.

The most important thing is that the Flame Demon Secret Realm appeared in the territory of Yu Kingdom. Once it really has a rising momentum, I am afraid that the entire Yu Kingdom will be in chaos.

All of a sudden, countless monks and creatures looked into the distance, and there was an Xeon from Yu Kingdom there——

Xianyu Zhangjiao, Yu Guodao head, Mo Dazhen.

It is impossible for this person to allow any hidden dangers to appear in the territory of Yu Kingdom, so will Dazheng Mo take action?

“Probably not. Although Zhenren Mo is talented and unsurpassed, he is limited to Yu Kingdom. He does not have the capital to compete with the Holy Lord of Guhua.”

Huai Mei deduced a lot.

Rao Wuqing nodded in agreement.

But the next moment, Jiang Ming stared wide-eyed, looking at the scene in front of him in disbelief.

At the same time, a voice came from the mouth of Holy Master Guhua.

“This is the Kingdom of Yu. If you want to join forces with others, you should look for Master Mo from the Immortal Feather Cave, not alone.”

The tone of the Holy Master Guhua seemed calm, but Jiang Ming sensed that he was afraid of something.

Could it be that he is afraid of Zhenren Mo?

How is it possible!

Even Jiang Ming finds it inconceivable that no matter how powerful Mo Zhenren is, he is limited to Yu Kingdom, and Yu Kingdom is not even a fart in front of the ancient orthodoxy of the ancient Hua Holy Land.

Then why is the majestic Holy Master Guhua, who is at the level of Dongxu Tianjun, so afraid of Mo Zhenren?

Here comes the sky.

Aura falls on the ground.

A crane descended from the sky, and a young man dressed as a Taoist sat on it.

“Mo Lingche, Immortal Yudongtian’s master teacher… the most powerful person in Yu Kingdom!”

Huaimei’s eyes lit up immediately, even if no matter how she judged this person before, she was determined to be inferior to the Holy Master Guhua, but her reputation was too prosperous and too legendary. The most amazing Tianjiao evildoer!

It was also at this moment that the headmaster of Yu Kingdom arrived with the wind, which was amazing, but the deity didn’t care, just glanced at Yanmo Tianjun and then looked away.

Extremely disdainful.

“What do you mean?”

Yanmo Tianjun naturally sensed this, and couldn’t help being shocked and angry. How could this young Taoist disdain him so much?

“Shut up!”

Holy Lord Guhua let out an angry shout, but it was directed at the Flame Demon Heavenly Monarch.

At this moment, the Flame Demon Lord, who had been so glorious in the past, was completely stunned at this moment.

Where is your knife?

He really couldn’t hold back, and wished he could immediately go up and kill these two guys with a knife.

Jiang Ming also had a little doubt.


“Holy Master Guhua seems to be very afraid of Mo Zhenren, but this is not in line with common sense. One is the strongest in a small place like Yu Country, and the other is the top existence in the entire world of cultivating immortals in the past. As a result, he values ​​the former and disdains the latter. is too illogical, unless the entire Mo Zhenren has hidden origins!”

At this time, a voice came to Jiang Ming’s ears.

“Brother, you guessed right, this Mo Zhenren does have an extraordinary origin, he is the reincarnation of a peerless power, and the reincarnation identity of this peerless power is different from that of the Balrog, who is now just a widow , but this person surnamed Mo has a big background… He is likely to be related to some existences and forces in the upper realm.”

Hei Jian opened his mouth.

Jiang Ming asked subconsciously: “Do you also know about the upper realm?”

Hei Jian rolled his eyes.

“Brother, aren’t you talking nonsense? My master is also a strong man in the upper realm, and it was a helpless move to turn into a heavenly saint in the lower realm. I really thought my master was from the lower realm. existence?”

Hei Jian complained endlessly, always feeling that Jiang Ming was underestimating his master.

Responding to this, Jiang Ming couldn’t help but smile embarrassingly. He didn’t expect that the owner of the black sword was so powerful that he was actually a peerless existence in the upper world.

Then what Black Sword said about Mo Lingche is very likely to be true!

“Can you tell what grade Mo Zhenren was in his last life?”

Hei Jian didn’t answer in detail, but just replied perfunctorily: “I don’t know the details, but it is definitely the existence of immortality.”

Become a fairy.

Jiang Ming raised his eyebrows, are there really immortals in this world?

He originally thought that the so-called sage was referring to the great monk of the conjoined dao period.

And above the Dao stage, there are two levels of crossing robbery and aspiring to the top.

“That’s why I always thought that even if there is an upper realm, there are at most peerless and powerful beings who can overcome the tribulation and aspire to the top, but I don’t want to take it for the existence of immortals!”

At this moment, Jiang Ming finally realized his ignorance, and also understood how difficult it is to become invincible.


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