Almighty Student Chapter 2262: 1 is in the calculation


Dong Xuanling glanced at the people around him, then nodded slightly, and everyone disappeared in place.


People from Yanzhou came in: “See Mr. Dong Xuanling!!”

“What’s the matter here?” Dong Xuanling asked coldly.

Obviously he has a lot of emotions.

The people from Yanzhou also said the same: “Sir, Xuanzhou bought a large number of weapons and equipment from us some time ago. They bought it from hundreds of lords respectively. In the second phase, they also united our internal management personnel, resulting in the current battlefield. We lost a certain balance. After research, our family decided that in order to balance the battlefield, we can sell you another batch at a 40% discount, but now because most of our preparation weapons have been sold to Xuanzhou , so we can only sell you one-fifth of theirs!!!”


Dong Xuanling was stunned when he heard this.

“Sir, you can rest assured, you can give us the cosmic fairy crystals and resources later, and we still believe in your reputation!!” The people from Yanzhou said respectfully.

“Okay, I will send you the Cosmic Immortal Crystal and other resources as soon as possible!!!” Although Dong Xuanling felt unhappy, but now this weapon and equipment can change the fate of the battlefield.

With these Yanzhou technology products and various medicinal herbs. .

It can greatly improve their combat effectiveness.

“Our people have prepared the supplies, just outside!!!” The people from Yanzhou turned and left after finishing speaking.

After they left.

Other spirits came out.

“What is the meaning of Emperor Yan?” Everyone was very puzzled, they didn’t understand what Emperor Yan was trying to do.


“What else can I do? It’s not too big of a deal to watch the fun. Do you really believe that without his advice, there will be so many lords selling technology products to Xuanzhou. I think he deliberately thought of a fortune. !!!” Dong Xuanling clenched his fist.

Although this time it’s a dumb loss.

But he can’t say anything yet.

“We can appease Yanzhou for the time being, and after we have settled Xuanzhou, we will clean up their Yanzhou!!!”

“I think, since we have already planned to clean up Yanzhou, let’s spend a lot of money to buy some more technology products from them. I can get it back!!”

“That’s right, we’re going to use their technology against their people!!”

The spirits nodded, obviously they all thought this was a good idea.

“But the price of technology products is very high. This batch is given to us at a discount. If we buy it at the original price, it will be an astronomical figure!!” Dong Xuanling also hates these technology products. In terms of price, although the price of each order is not particularly high, the number of technological products they need now is very terrifying.

“Let’s get together and let the people below take as much as they want. This is equipment that increases abilities and saves lives. They will never be stingy!”

“Damn, this time, Yanzhou made a lot of money!!” Dong Xuanling felt very depressed when he thought that he had already seen through Yan Emperorling’s tricks and wanted to be fooled.

All these years.

No one had ever dared to count him.

Not to mention the obvious calculations.

But now he can only eat huanglian dumbly, and he can’t tell the pain.

“With more technological products, we can occupy all the territory of Xuanzhou in a short time. In this case, even if we have won the first step, the spirits of Xuanzhou will naturally be I’ll give in!!!” the crowd said.

“Okay, then buy it!!!” Dong Xuanling gritted his teeth.

Although this matter made him very uncomfortable, but seeing the victory getting closer and closer, he could only swallow it.

Yes! Valley

In Yanzhou.

Ha ha ha ha! !

“Tell the following, step up the production of technological products, we will replace the outdated ones and collect them for me. There will definitely be more and more people who have come to buy recently. Let the people below deliberately raise the price and force them to come to us. Buy it all!!” Yan Diling didn’t just count the two states this time.

Other states at war are in his calculations.


The cost price of their technology products is only 10% to 20%. If he sells 60% to these people, it is already a big profit. Moreover, these are all to be replaced in Yanzhou, in other words , that is, things that are used by dogs in Yanzhou, but not used by dogs, but outside, they are all top-notch good things.

You can replace the eliminated technology products with cosmic crystals and resources, which is simply a big profit.

That’s what he’s going to do.

First, draw all the alchemists, magicians, and various alchemists from other states to Yanzhou.

And then earn resources and immortal crystals from other states. In the end, even if they do nothing, Yanzhou has become the core of the three islands and ten states.

This plan is simply perfect.

“This time it’s a post. If it wasn’t for the accidental appearance of Shenzhou, then we would have succeeded 80%!!” Hell Spirit said excitedly.

He also worships Yandi Ling very much.

Because Yan Diling does things, he can always see farther.

“Shenzhou is also in my calculations!!!” Yan Diling smiled slightly.

It seems that China is calm at this time.


Currently, China is already surging under the tide.

A special conspiracy is sweeping China.

And in the summer, I am still looking for the third dzi.

The four of them have come to the edge of an endless abyss.

“Here?” Thirteen was stunned.

“Yes, it’s here!!” said Greedy Wolf.

“Isn’t this a space-time crack? If I go down, I’m afraid it will be sucked into the space-time crack?” Thirteen said.

“What you said is not wrong at all. If you don’t have the correct coordinates, then going down here is tantamount to suicide. Even if it is a spirit, it will be miserable to be involved in the crack of time and space!!” Greedy Wolf clicked Nod “Thirteen was taken aback.

“Yes, these are the coordinates. For the sake of safety, you will follow me down in a while. Don’t go wrong, otherwise, no one will be able to save you!!!” Greedy Wolf said.


The four of them jumped and jumped straight down! !

And not long after they left.

The foursome of the magic machine also chased nearby.

“The aura just disappeared around here!!!” Discord reminded.

“It seems that they are looking for treasure nearby, but since they are nearby, they must come out. We can arrange it here in advance, and when they come out, kill them in one fell swoop!!”


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