Almighty Student Chapter 2261: No training


“Insects?” Xia Tian was taken aback.

It suddenly reminded him of the little bug on his body! !

“It’s not the Insect Emperor on your body, but an ordinary-looking insect, but it’s not ordinary at all. At the time, I thought it was just an ordinary insect, so I stepped on it, and it was ruined. In my life, when I stepped on it, the spikes on the bugs pierced into my body instantly, and kept splitting in my body. Every split bug would have spikes, and the spikes could still split. The more I attack, the more the worms split. These worms will attack my body nodes, and the speed is very fast. From being attacked to death, it took less than ten seconds for my body nodes to be broken, and When my body node was broken, a statue split my body abruptly!!!” Haotian shook his head.


He has not recovered from his own death that year.

“I suddenly discovered something!!!” Xia Xia frowned.

“What?” Everyone asked in confusion.

“Senior Yang died when he was the strongest, and when he thought he could never fail, so did Senior Taihao, he would never dream of his sudden death, and Xian Xuanwu Senior, and everyone present, who didn’t die when they were most proud of themselves? And those spirits that I killed, everyone’s death was not because they had already prepared for it, but suddenly The thing!!” Xia Tian thought of this terrible thing.

That is to say. .

The most proud time, that is, the time closest to death.

“You said that, it’s really true, we never thought we would die in that way!!” Everyone nodded.

They just reacted.

Their death.

Really inadvertently.

Not as vigorous as a normal person.

“I have been preparing for hundreds of millions of years, and I died as soon as I entered. Can you imagine the pain I was in?” The reason why Taihao was reluctant to communicate with everyone at first was one of them.

If he really died honorably.

Or dying at the last minute, he doesn’t care.

But this is different.

He felt ashamed that he died.

“Where?” Summer asked.

“I don’t recommend you to go. Although your current strength is good, you are at most stronger than me back then. I died as soon as I entered the gate. What do you think will happen if you go?” The reason why Hao never told Xia Xia about this was also because of this.


Xia Tian nodded slightly: “It’s really not necessary for the time being, but do you think there is a chance for the magic machine?”

“I don’t know, the magic machine should have been calculated for many years. They should know something about it, but I think they haven’t touched the core. The core must be more dangerous!!!” Taihao explained.

“Forget it, let me find the third dzi first!!” Xia Xia continued to search.

He is screening the veins of these Cosmic Immortal Crystals.

“Boy, when you find the third dzi bead, the power of the dzi bead should be awakened!!!” Xian Xuanwu reminded.

“What happens when I wake up?” Xia Tian asked.

“It will enter another era, another way of fighting!!” Xian Xuanwu explained.

“What do you mean?” Xia Xia asked in confusion.

“Actually, your kid is a huge treasure house, but you don’t know it. When you can fully dig out the power in your body in the future, you will understand that sometimes fighting is not just about There are actually many ways to fight if you want to punch to the flesh!!!” Xian Xuanwu said.

“If you say that, I’m really interested!!” Xia Xia said.

“By the way, I have to tell you some very bad news!” Xian Xuanwu said.

“What news?” Xia Xia asked hurriedly.

“Your wives are self-evolving, that is to say, even if you don’t help them improve, their own bodies are also improving. If this continues, I am afraid that one day they will really ascend to the spiritual realm, and the spiritual It is a huge span, and no one dares to imagine what they will become once they become spirits!!” Xian Xuanwu believes that spirit is a stage.

It’s a growth, but also an uncertainty.

He had never seen Xia Xia and his wife like this.

So he can’t be sure what Xia’s wives will end up as! !

“This kind of ability to grow without training is too scary!!” Yang said with emotion.

He’s learned something about Summer.

“It’s scary and enjoyable, but the world is fair. When you can improve your strength while lying down, it means that you have to bear more risks and troubles than normal people!!” Xian Xuanwu reminded very seriously.

That’s what he’s most afraid of.

Now Xia Xia has saved his parents and found his wives, he can be himself with peace of mind, but if something happens to his wives, he is worried that Xia Xia will not be able to control himself.

And since one, he can feel the terrible power hidden in Xia Xia.

This power is now under control in the summer.

But how terrifying would it be if it got out of control one day?

“I have to guard, senior, please help me to look at their situation first. After I find the dzi beads, I will find a specific way!” Xia Xia also wanted to find a way, but now there are so many big people. There was nothing he could do, he could only search a little bit.

“Leave it to me!!!” Xian Xuanwu nodded.

“Then let me see what power I can gain when the three dzi beads are together!!” Xia Xia looked forward to it even more.


There has also been a huge change on the Xuanzhou battlefield, with the weapons of Yanzhou.

A large area of ​​casualties appeared Humph!

“What the **** is Emperor Yan doing?” Dong Xuanling snorted heavily.

“I think Yan Emperor Ling is just doing things. He deliberately sold Xuanzhou weapons because he wants to be our enemy!!” Another Ling said.

“Immediately send someone to Yanzhou to find Yan Emperorling for me to ask clearly!!” Dong Xuanling’s expression turned cold.

“Now that we start a full-scale war, we still can’t offend Yanzhou, otherwise, if Yanzhou also joins the battle, then we will be the enemy!!” Ling next to reminded.


Dong Xuanling is even more unhappy: “Since they like to do things so much, then I will clean them up after I destroy Xuanzhou!!”

“Sir, people from Yanzhou are here. They said they came here on the orders of Yan Emperor Ling!!” A subordinate reported.

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