Almighty Student Chapter 2260: The death of Taihao


Summer also proved his suspicions when he received the news.

“This Yan Emperor Spirit has actually started to make a fortune in war. These so-called resources and weapons are all things that they have eliminated in Yanzhou, and they can be sold at a good price, and others have bought their weapons, I will also be grateful to them, it really kills two birds with one stone!!” Xia Xia had already thought of these things that Emperor Yan had done.

Now he is also more certain.

The Emperor Yan is adding fuel to the flames.

“I am afraid that the entire battlefield will be controlled by them, and the technological products they have developed are very powerful, which will make the number of casualties continue to increase!!” Yang said with emotion.

“Actually, this is a good thing for the people of Mishima and Shishu. If they don’t experience this war, the people of Mishima and Shishu will always be close to each other, although this war will kill many, many people, and even possibly Trillions of people will die, but after this battle, those who can survive are not just geniuses, but people who have truly experienced the baptism of wind and rain. When the ancient fairyland returns, they can have more Otherwise, when the immortal world suddenly returns, they will not be able to withstand that kind of terrifying and **** battlefield.” Tai Hao believes that this can be regarded as a test.

Although many, many people will die this time. .

But at least not all will be destroyed.

But if people who have never experienced anything, once they face the battlefield after the return of the ancient fairyland in the future, I am afraid that more people will die than now, and they may even be killed.

After the return of the ancient fairyland.

Definitely a real test.

“That’s right, including the current spirits, they have been invincible for too many years, and the battles with other spirits are generally done to the point, or it is enough to know each other’s strength, but the outside spirits are more than one. Many, once we fight, people outside will not fight them like this. If they admit to counseling, the other party will definitely go further and seize the opportunity to kill them. Although it is difficult to kill them, since I can kill them , Others must have a way!!” Xia Xia also saw the state of these spirits now.

The few spirits he fought with before were all self-righteous.

Always want to say harsh words.

Always thinking about scaring summer.

But they have no idea.

Summer is someone who will literally kill them.

“With the support of Yanzhou, the battle speed will be accelerated, but I don’t know how Yandiling will end up in the end, and once the war starts, it can’t stop, even if the people above want to stop, the following There are too many people, and it is not easy to stop.” Yang said with emotion.

This battle.

I am afraid it will continue until the return of the ancient fairyland.

“There is no need to completely decide the winner, as long as those spirits finally know where the general trend is. This should also be what Yanzhou wants to do, but now the uncertain factor is the four closed states, the four Although the state does not seem to be very strong for the time being, it can even be said to be very weak, but everyone in the former Shenzhou thinks a lot, who knows what it will look like now!!” Tai Hao said.

“It’s Mishima and Ten Prefectures now, and they are all ambitious people!!” Xia Xia said.

“The purpose of Mishima and Tenzhou is very simple, it is to decide the winner and the loser, and they want to choose the agent of Mishima and Tenzhou, but the magic machine is different. If I am not wrong, they should be ready to do it. .” Tai Hao said.

“What to do?” Xia Xia asked in confusion.

“Didn’t you find Shenzhou special?” Taihao asked.

“What’s so special?” Xia Tian asked.

“Has Yang found out?” Taihao asked.

“I found it, how should I put it, according to my analysis, this place should be the same as the heaven and the spirit world, it belongs to the space evolved from the earth, that is, the second space, but the evolution of Shenzhou is more successful! !” said Yang.

“That’s right, I was not from China before, I came to China later, and the purpose of my coming to China was to investigate China, because according to my various guidelines, I found Shenzhou hides a lot of huge secrets, not to mention anything else, although you haven’t got the third dzi bead, why do treasures like the dzi bead appear in the three of Shenzhou!!” Taihao reminded.


“It seems to be the same. It seems that there are always a lot of treasures in Shenzhou, such as the spirits of Shenzhou, such as the existence of the Thirty-Six Heavenly Gang.” Xia Xia reacted.

“Let me put it this way, if each continent has to be classified into levels, then Shenzhou may not be a high-level continent, but Shenzhou is definitely one of the most secret continents. The continent you are exploring now is only It is only a small part of the mainland of Shenzhou, Shenzhou is so big, there are so many hidden secrets that you can’t count!!!” Tai Hao said.

“Yeah, the places I explore are the so-called dangerous places that everyone knows, but no one knows the real dangerous places, because everyone who knows is dead!!!” Xia Tian suddenly realized.

For example, Tiankeng.

For example, the dangerous places I have been to before, although they are also very dangerous.

It can be the same.

Since someone can know.

That means there is a place to live.

If someone survives, it’s not really a dangerous place.

“I never told you, how did I die!!” Taihao didn’t even communicate with these spirits before, because he was very arrogant.

Looks down on other spirits.

But in the end he was impressed by Xia’s ability.

Now I want to talk about his life.

“Tell me!” Summer is also I died in a dangerous place in China, and if I’m not mistaken, the purpose of the magic machine must be there! ! ! “Taihao said.

“What a terrifying place that can make you die!!” Xia Xia was stunned.

Tai Hao used to be the strength of a sixth-level spirit.

“The reason why the spirit does not die is because there are hundreds of millions of nodes on its body, and if you want to kill a spirit, you must first hit the opponent’s node, so that the body of the spirit cannot assimilate, and the spirit that cannot be assimilated will If you hit the dantian, you can kill, or directly kill the opponent’s soul, but the soul of the spirit has multiple layers of protection, and they are more careful, and will assimilate the soul and the body together, normal people’s attack methods are simply not available. way to attack the spirit of the spirit,” Taihao explained.

“Your soul is complete, that is to say, your body is destroyed, right!!” Xia Xia said.

“That’s right, and it’s no exaggeration to say that I was killed by a bug as soon as I entered that place!!”

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