All the Planes Knelt and Begged the Villainess to be Humane Chapter 4475: Pocket Space Weapon Spirit (17)


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“Gong Xiaoxiao, there is a fairy fate in front of you now, do you want to seize it?” Qian Yan floated in and asked, “You don’t need to speak, just talk to me in your heart.”

Gong Xiaoxiao, who was still bored at first, suddenly opened her eyes like bells. She looked around and saw no one, and shouted: “Is it because I have been around patients too much that I have become a psychopath myself?” ?”

Having said that, she still followed Qian Yan’s guidance and asked in her heart: “Who are you?”

“The person who brought you immortality, if you are willing, we can change places and chat slowly.”

Gong Xiaoxiao is also a person who likes to read novels. Now she has two suspicions. First, she has schizophrenia. Second, she has the golden finger necessary for time travellers.

No matter which one it is, it can bring some color to her boring life. Her choice is to agree to change the place to chat.

Even if you are sick, it is better than being bored.

This is the palace. It’s miserable when you go out, and it’s pretty miserable if you don’t go out. It doesn’t make any difference to her.

After Gong Xiaoxiao agreed in her heart, she appeared in the spirit spring space as a spirit body, and was immediately fascinated by the beauty inside. Especially the spiritual spring next to Nuanyu Mountain. She recognized the comfortable smell in it immediately.

“Is this the legendary spiritual spring space?” Gong Xiaoxiao happily ran over, looking here and there, but didn’t touch it randomly. She was a little greedy looking at the spiritual spring water emerging from Gululu. “This is a spiritual spring, isn’t it? The kind that can cure all diseases in one sip?”

Then Lu Yi explained to the other party what the fairy fate was. Grandpa Gong listened carefully, and the light outside his eyes dissipated.

After taking a sip of tea, Christine felt refreshed, and you knew it was something bad.

Gongda smiled and thanked: “You are just being polite, then if it is a bad thing.”

She was obviously a four-year-old girl wearing a pink dress, but she had the air of a young man underneath her body. As soon as she saw her, Ling Gong became more serious and hurried over.

Although it is said outside that the protagonist cannot control everything in Lu Yi’s space, but if the things behind you are really not a small opportunity for you, you will not be satisfied with anything. .

“Have a drink of tea.” Lingquan poured a cup for Gongda.

Whether it was a mental illness or whether he really met a fairy, Gongda wanted to miss it.

You can also exchange labor for things outside the Qianyan Space. Once completed, you will be allocated a piece of white land for growing crops. You are very happy. It’s unlucky to dress like a palace maid, and it’s even more unlucky to dress like a hot palace maid. It’s extremely difficult to eat fresh fruits and vegetables.

Without that piece of white land, your life in the future will be a lot worse. You haven’t finished imagining the good and bad future.

You stood up and slowly found Lu Yi sitting behind the thatched hut.

“Great Fairy, he is bad.” Gongda asked without any expectation, “How are you going to seize the fairy fate? Is it binding? Before binding, can that portable space become your golden finger? ?”

Gong Dada’s reaction couldn’t be more unusual, but Lingquan actually cares: “It does need to be bound, but the Qianyan Space belongs to you, and he needs to work hard to access the things outside.”

“Oh, so that’s it?” Gongda didn’t feel a little disappointed, but soon he thought that he could get something for his hard work, and you got excited again, “How do you do this? You are very willing to cultivate immortality.”

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