All the Planes Knelt and Begged the Villainess to be Humane Chapter 4472: Pocket Space Weapon Spirit (14)


“And you just need to practice seriously.”

“If one day you no longer want to practice, we will untie you peacefully. Remember that you have given strength back to the space, and I will also give you some items as a souvenir.”

“But if we don’t untie them peacefully, then you will have no choice but to be expelled directly.”

“There are other taboos, such as not being able to talk about space. Once you and I sign a contract, you can’t break it. No need to say more.”

Ning Miao feels that this is an opportunity. The other party only needs her to practice hard and give back to the space. As long as she practices, she can get many benefits. Even if it is a trap, she is willing to jump.

She is just a very ordinary queen, or a queen who is closely guarded by the emperor. What can someone with such means want to do with her?

“Little fairy, I am willing to become an immortal after being bound.”

Qian Yan nodded, used the magic formula to hit Ning Miao’s soul, and then with Ning Miao’s consent, the contract was completed.

Ning Miao vaguely felt a connection with this space.

Qian Yan waved to the location of the spiritual spring, and a string of water drops flew over and fell into the white jade cup in her hand, which happened to be a full cup of spiritual spring water.

She put the white jade cup on the table: “This is congratulations on our successful signing of the contract. Drink it when you go out. It will eliminate the hidden diseases in your body.”

“You can choose a piece of land over there,” Qian Yan said again. She has already divided the black land. She has eradicated all the ones Qin Ziyu planted before. Next, she will contract many people to come in. They all had to give her half of the offerings, and there was no shortage of delicious food. “Without further ado, you can go out after making your choice, and find another opportunity to come into the space at night. I will hide the contract mark of the space in your scalp, so as not to Be noticed.”

After Ning Miao thanked her, she stood up and walked to the black soil, where she picked a piece.

Qian Yan threw a sign over and inserted it into the corner of the land with the word “Ning Miao” written on it.

Ning Miao looked at the other well-divided land, none of which was planted with crops, and suddenly realized, could there be people coming here?

“More people will come here in the future. Don’t worry about exposing your identity. You will be bound by signing a contract. If they are untied one day, this part of their memory will be blurred and will not cause trouble to your real life. .”

Ning Miao thought to herself that it was indeed the Xian family’s method, so she was even more relieved, and she was looking forward to seeing the people behind.

According to what Qian Yan said his consciousness returned to his body. After sending the palace attendants on the left and right away, she consciously tried to communicate with the space, and sure enough she saw what was going on inside. With a thought, a white jade cup fell into her hand.

The touch was so real that she made a somewhat ridiculous move, pinching herself, which hurt a little, and then drank the spiritual spring water. Her health was not very good, and she was often uncomfortable.

As soon as she drank the spirit spring water, she felt her body relaxed a little, and then became more and more comfortable. Apart from her face looking better, the surface of her body did not change much.

She really met a fairy.

Now that she has met the immortal, she can practice cultivation from now on, and the rest is not important.

However, she will not forget the matter of giving Song Hui the sterilization drug.

Song Jin came back in the evening and received the jade plaque prepared for him by Qin Ziyu. He hung it on his waist with a smile, and then greeted Qin Ziyu, which comforted Qin Ziyu who was feeling uncomfortable. (End of chapter)

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