All the Planes Knelt and Begged the Villainess to be Humane Chapter 13: No one can take her away (13)


“Yes, there are a lot of firewood around the house inside. I guess there is oil in other places. When our army enters, at night, these people will ignite the firewood with oil and kill us by surprise. You count It’s quite accurate, if it falls into the trap, it will be a big success and a big failure. If they take out the king to threaten them at this time, it will definitely reduce the morale of our army, which is a good strategy.”

“This scheme is very vicious.” Xun Zihuai knows that war is cruel, but burning people alive sounds like scalp numbness. You don’t need to experience the pain that the dead will endure. .

“The general is going out?”

“Well, I plan to clear that side overnight, which is to break their scheme. Today they should get the news that we are setting up outside the city, and they will not stay in the city. Tonight, the scheme will be broken, and it will be ready at dawn.” If you enter the city, you can still catch a turtle in an urn.”

“If my guess is correct, the other side is not far away, and many people should be settled. The people in the entire city are not easy to be removed. According to the attitude of the people towards our army after the previous siege, these people should It’s not that I was willing to go out and set up camp, I must have been threatened.”

Xun Zihuai: “If the general can trust me, let me bring those people back tomorrow, and give me some more people, so that the people in the remaining cities will look forward to the general’s unification.”

“How many people do you want?”

“One hundred elite soldiers are enough.”

“Okay, here you are.”

That night, Qian Yan led two thousand elite soldiers to empty all the firewood in the entire city, and found the oil that started the fire, thanks to Xun Zihuai’s divination. In addition, the internal response guarding the city was also captured.

At dawn, Qianyan led an army into the city.

On the other hand, Xun Zihuai took a hundred elite soldiers and secretly went to the other side, hiding in the grass and waiting for an opportunity. When some suspicious people sneaked into the city in the evening, he led them away.

Those who sneaked into the city were arrested as soon as they entered.

At dawn, Xun Zihuai returned to the city with the people in the original city. Naturally, the city and all the people belonged to Qianyan.

The people have long been looking forward to the arrival of General Yun, but King Chang is not reconciled, and he does not hesitate to threaten the lives of the people, asking the people to prepare firewood, and then drives him outside. They watched closely, and those who secretly wanted to report the news were killed, so no one dared to make any changes.

Now that the situation has changed drastically, everyone cheers.

“The general ruled the world, that is what the general trend is and what the people want.” Xun Zihuai praised generously, and Qianyan had long been used to it.

After a few days of rectification, Qianyan continued to attack the city.

The next three cities went very smoothly. It was the people arranged by Xun Zihuai who played a role. These people persuaded the people who were already facing Qianyan, and killed the soldiers guarding the city while they were not paying attention, and opened the city gate wide.

By this time, only the capital of King Chang remained.

Qianyan led an army to the capital of King Chang.

King Chang’s dream in Jiuchi Roulin was shattered, and he had to come to the city wall, with a disgusted expression on his fat face, he hated the woman below.

If it weren’t for her existence, he would own at least half of the world.

How could He Qingshan be his opponent?

“You are really lucky to have such a woman to fight for you.” King Chang was so angry that he slapped He Qingshan’s face behind him with a few slaps, instantly making He Qingshan’s handsome face swell high.

“Did you use this face to coax Yun Qianyan into a circle?”


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