Above The Sky (Yin Tianshen Yin) Chapter 53: Return with a good harvest (6000)


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The subspace demon is essentially a kind of spiritual life. The scientific name of the big taxonomy is “Void Spirit”. It is a strange life that mainly appears in the virtual world, but is also distributed in the material world.

According to the information given by Shimmer Cradle and Silver Chip, subspace demon is just a well-known branch of its outline, just like cockroaches in Insecta. Although there are countless types of insects, as long as you talk about Pests and annoying insects, most people think of cockroaches immediately.

Warp Demons are the most notorious of the Aetherial.

Most demons have no entity, and exist in the void and subspace in the form of psionic spirits and thought aggregates. Because they prefer to live in chaotic, chaotic environments that are on the verge of collapse. More common, hence the name.

The demons born from the abyss of the virtual world are only extremely weak insects at first, but if they are parasitized by them, the parasitized life forms will be completely corroded and corrupted from soul to body.

In the end, a complete demon will hatch from the body of the completely collapsed host. At that time, the demon will have intelligence that is normal or even beyond that of the parasite. If the body is intact, it will also have a body.

According to the data, there was even a situation where an entire race was hatched by demons in the universe.

At that time, as soon as the life of this civilization is born, it will become the cultivating embryo of the devil, and the original wisdom and talent will become the food of the devil, creating a huge devil empire.

This demon empire has also launched expeditions to many other civilized countries, eroding their societies, capturing their heroes, eroding and corrupting them, and turning them into their own forces.

This is the devil, an extremely evil parasite in the void.

Even if it is always gentle, the silver chip with the label of “edible/inedible” at most has given the evaluation of “requires guardianship and treatment” to the subspace demon.

Even the brain devouring swarms don’t have this kind of treatment!

Theoretically speaking, the Void Mech God is also a type of Void Spirit, but because it is more orderly, it is completely different from the devil in essence.

Even, the reason why the machine gods bred by the pre-era civilization virtual world program like the “Terminal Deleter” wanders in the virtual world where the major human gathering places are located, and performs “purification work” may be for the sake of To eradicate the possibility of the birth of subspace evil things like ‘demons’.

If I have to say it, one is the virtual world vaccine and the other is the virtual world virus.

The machine-god may seem terrifying, but in fact it is the unknown guardian of human civilization. This is probably the reason why many countries adopt a “cautious observation” attitude towards the virtual machine-god without conducting excessive research.

——When a program that should be BUG is running effectively, it is best not to mess with its code.

As for Xiou’s toxin…

Obviously, the King of the Mountain fought a **** battle with the devil in an unknown area. The corrosive toxin of the devil even affected the unborn child, so Xio was born as a monstrosaurus.

It is also fortunate that the king of the mountain took care of it in time, otherwise, the king of the mountain might not have given birth to Xiou, but a real demon dragon.

In that case, things will be difficult.

“It seems that the demon who fought against the King of the Mountain back then was also a very high-ranking demon. I don’t know where it is, but there is a fourth-level demon…”

Withdrawing his thoughts, Yin En felt quite emotional in his heart: “Tara is really a place full of strange things, full of wonders. I did vaguely remember that there were records of demons in books like the Abyss Prayer, but I thought it was just A unique name for a virtual monster.”

“I didn’t expect it to be a large group of Void creatures?”

Yin En intends to go back and check the relevant information. There must be information about demons in the classics related to the Void Realm.

Adelbert might know a little bit, too.

As for now… Yin En still doesn’t know whether the existence of demons is a secret in Terra, and Xiou hasn’t been cured yet, so the King of the Mountain probably doesn’t have the heart to tell Yin En about her injury and poisoning.

His emotional intelligence is not low, and he won’t keep asking about people’s past mistakes at such a critical moment.


Yin En didn’t know why, but suddenly thought of Huaiguang Church.

The rebirth and death of the priests who created the Huaiguang Church… If you strip off all the sacred cloaks, in terms of essence, it feels a bit like the process of demons eroding life and creating a new life.

It’s just the final result. What is created is not the incarnation of pure chaos and evil, but the complete opposite, an ‘angel’ full of good intentions.

Moreover, Huaiguang only selects people who are dying, and will not forcibly convert a normal living person to become a priest.

—Is it a technology related to demons?

Or is it true that all the technologies related to psionic energy in the virtual world must use death or dying as an opportunity for reversal and determination?

Yin En didn’t know whether the information he knew was taboo, so he didn’t dare to ask rashly.

Knowing too much is one of the prophetic afflictions.

Xio still needs to continue to purify for a week or two before he can return to normal. The next recovery depends on the real dragon’s physique.

Generally speaking, it is meaningless for Yin En to stay in the holy mountain. Anyway, with the king of the mountain, the real dragon, watching over him, Xiou’s safety will not be a problem.

If it doesn’t work, Yin En can also remotely control the Shimmer Cradle.

After bidding farewell to the King of the Mountain, Elder Manya and Anfa, Yin En returned to the Avod Department alone, preparing to return to Xiahui.

This trip to the Dragon Sect was perfect. After drinking away the envoy of the Dragon Worship from Feiyan, and found a new piece of spaceship from the sky, Yin En proved his identity as the envoy of the Dragon God, and helped him to liberate himself. combat effectiveness.

According to what the King of the Mountain himself said, if it wasn’t for taking care of Xiou, even if the King of the Steel Winged Dragon could use the power of Fei Yandi to stalemate her, it would definitely not be as equal as before-she is a real dragon , definitely stronger than a sub-dragon like a steel pterosaur.

But Xiou doesn’t say much, as long as he can have the strength of the peak of the second energy level, he will definitely not drag the king of the mountain.

At that time, the king of the mountain, who has recovered his full strength, can lead the imperial mountain people headed by the Avod tribe to launch a counterattack.

At this moment, Qing Chao also returned from the feast celebrated by the mountain people.

The swordsman of sea descent obviously drank a lot of wine, even if he was not drunk as a sublimator, the smell of alcohol could not escape from his body.

Especially in the arms of the other party who is still holding a stack of mountain people’s special wheat cakes. He is eliminating these carbohydrates with such efficiency in one and a half bites, and he looks quite comfortable.


Yin En didn’t care at all, but nodded with a smile: “How many did you find?”

“Eight, boss.”

Swallowing the wheat cake in his mouth, Qing Chao smiled and made an ‘eight’ gesture.

He is a professional mercenary, and his professional quality is not that bad. He eats the banquet by himself when his lord goes to work—the reason why Qing Chao attended the banquet of the mountain people was because of Yin En’s instructions.

He was looking for spies that might be lurking in Avod’s department based on the ‘characteristics’ given by Yin En.

Of course, eat something good by the way.

Qing Chao walked around the banquet, drank a barrel of wine, and ate half the table of food, and found quite a few spies.

It sounds miraculous, but in fact, Yin En just remembered the breath left by the flying flame’s envoy of the Dragon Worshiping Dragon Cult, “Mian Ren”.

The young man is characterized by this aura, so he asked Qing Chao to search for the Avod mountain people that the other party had contacted in private, and he would naturally find some spies developed by Mi Ren in Avod’s department.

Of course, it might not be a spy either, but simply left a mark of spying…but the result is the same.

“Leaving this list can be regarded as a thank you to Elder Manya. Even if we don’t catch all of them, so many people will definitely wake up the elders and conduct a screening.”

Yin En thought so, and he praised: “You did a good job, Qing Chao, the efficiency is so high!”

“Of course.”

Qing Chao is also very proud of this: “In essence, this is the same as swordsmanship. A person’s daily behavior has its own rhythm and rhythm. Once it is messed up, the whole person’s taste will become weird, like It’s like a person who is good at using a left-handed fast sword suddenly starts to sweep with an epee, and the rhythm and rhythm are completely chaotic.”

“As long as I screen out people with this strange smell, I can quickly find people related to the smell you mentioned, boss!”

——Swordsmanship experience?

Yin En expressed doubts about this, but since Qing Chao said so, let’s just believe him…


Speaking of this, Yin En thought of an idea in his mind, he signaled Qing Chao to approach, although the swordsman of sea origin was a little confused, but he still leaned over.

Then, Yin En raised his hand and pressed it on his forehead.


Qing Chao didn’t understand what Yin En was doing for a while, but soon, he heard Yin En’s voice: 【How, can you hear me? 】

Qing Chao raised his head and looked at Yin En, but found that his lord was only smiling, and did not speak: [It seems that he can hear. Yes, this psychic skill is indeed worth analyzing]

“This is?!”

To say that Qing Chao doesn’t understand, that would be to underestimate him. As an elite mercenary who can be hired by Platinum Workshop for a long time, he quickly understands that this is some kind of psychic power that can communicate with the soul: 【However, Boss, I remember that your psionic ability is not an observation system…】

Actually, with Qingchao’s personality, he wouldn’t ask such a question—what exactly is Yin En’s spiritual power, and why does he need to know?

Unless Yin En took the initiative to tell him, otherwise, Qing Chao would not guess a word, let alone ask.

He just doesn’t understand internal affairs, and he doesn’t know anything about politics, but when it comes to IQ and personality, Qing Chao has always been good.

But the psionic network will allow this idea to become a communication.

【Just a little trick】

Yin En also knows that Qingchao doesn’t intend to ask, he is currently experimenting with the supporting technology ‘Bug Swarm Mind Network’ obtained from the parallel world swarm, and found that this technology is really good.

The psychic network of the worm nest is not psionic energy, but a special psychic organ. The physical entities are diffusers and receivers, which can increase the network’s contact range—Yin En speculates that there must be more in the worm swarm The ‘Base Zerg’ responsible for forwarding signals is responsible for maintaining the command and remote control of the Zerg Master over other Zergs.

Yin En simulates its structure with his own spiritual energy, and then blesses Qing Chao’s body, so that Qing Chao can also have the ability of spiritual network for a short time, allowing Yin En to talk to Qing Chao’s mind, and even see Qing Chao for a short time something that can be seen.

However, this kind of psychic structure is very primitive, and there is not much information to be transmitted… Especially the transmission of mood and thinking must be very close.

This is very close, not even hundreds of meters close.

Yin En instructed Qing Chao to stand 20 meters away, and found that the transmission of the signal was somewhat distorted. The information transmitted from Qing Chao’s perspective was almost 700 degrees of myopia, and he couldn’t see clearly at all, and the sound was all noise .

This is certainly the reason why there is no physical entity to strengthen the signal, but it is really too bad.

Yin En understood that this psionic network is completely dedicated to the insect swarms—insects, as long as the general order is passed and the general information is passed, it can be used as big data.

To put it simply, it is the ‘compound eyes’ of the mind.

Even if a single bug transmits very little information, as long as tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of bug swarm individuals transmit information, no matter what, the bug master can clearly see the whole picture of the field.

Moreover, bugs don’t have any complicated moods or thinking, so it’s good to be simple, easy to maintain, and it’s not easy to make mistakes when giving feedback.

“No wonder, in a world that obviously has psychic powers, the empire is still developing information systems.”

Thinking of the standard armor of patrolling knights, Yin En couldn’t help nodding slightly: “Until the problem of receiving and sending psychic signals is solved, electronic signals are more practical. At least they are easier to repair.”

That being said, Yin En believes that the empire is also very clear that the electronic signal network is only a temporary substitute compared to the psionic network that can truly communicate with each other.

When technology advances, the spiritual network will definitely replace the electronic network.

Just like just now, Qingchao’s most real thoughts emerged… This is certainly not a good thing for individuals, but if it is in a place such as the battlefield that requires real cooperation in a real sense, this kind of common thinking is definitely helpful its advantages.

As long as they cooperate well, it is enough to reach the point where one plus one plus one is far greater than three in a team.

Yin En also thought of his younger brother ‘Elan’.

Although Elan has not fully awakened his psychic power now, part of the ability displayed by his psychic potential is to sense the mood and state of “individuals” such as Yin En who cares about him.

Although it was only one-sided, Yin En didn’t even know when Elan would communicate…

But if this kind of psychic power can be matched with the spiritual network…

Perhaps, an evolution can be ushered in?

But that’s all for later.

Slightly shaking his head, his thoughts turned back to reality, Yin En disconnected his spiritual network, and asked Qing Chao how he felt: “How is it?”

“A little scared.”

The swordsman thought for a while and replied solemnly: “At that moment just now, I thought I didn’t have any secrets – although I have nothing to hide from you, everyone understands that sometimes, the secrets in my mind Some not-so-good thoughts flashed in an instant…No one wants to let people know about this kind of thing.”

When he said this, Qingchao was still in his heart.

Obviously, everyone has to have a little secret for healthy relationships.

You have to know everything, and if you don’t know, you can’t make decisions. That’s not a good leader, it’s sick.

“This aspect must be corrected.”

Yin En nodded slightly, thinking in his heart: “This is probably the reason why the psychological network is difficult to develop… After all, people are independent and have their own inviolable thoughts, so they form intelligent life… …It is very different from the gestalt existence of the hive swarm, which is composed of the mind network as the main body.”

“Therefore, the filtering and selection of thoughts inside the psychic network, as well as such things as the psychic firewall, must be considered in advance for technical reserves.”

This is actually the reason why Yin En came out with Qingchao – there were many times when Yin En wanted to experiment with new things, but he alone was not enough, he had to find another companion.

When I was in the imperial capital, half of the subjects of this experiment were Isengard and the other half were Hua Dark Frost Butterfly. They were all willing to help Yin En.

Back to Nanling, there are Scott, Qing Chao and others.

After leaving the list of spies, Yin En bid farewell to Elder Manya who had returned from the holy mountain.

“You said, you are going to raid the Midra Autonomous Region… Well, it is a good idea. When we fight the rebel mountain people in the Frodo Autonomous Region, you will directly raid the rear.”

Elder Manya had guessed Yin En’s thoughts for a long time, but he still had some doubts: “The defense of the Kemidra Autonomous Region is very strict, and Kod Jiamu is a smart man, and he values ​​his lair far more than other chiefs , as soon as the news of your dispatch of troops spreads, they will fully switch to the defensive.”

“For us, Jiamubu and the Midra Autonomous Region, which have been armed by Feiyandi, are absolutely impenetrable. Even if the regular army from Nauman City passes by, they will have to suffer when marching in the mountains.”


Yin En is also very aware of this, so he has already prepared: “So I will not lead the army to make a surprise attack.”

The white-haired boy smiled and said his plan to appease the hearts of his allies: “I will lead a few elite troops into the interior of the Midra Autonomous Region. Facilities, such as alchemy workshops, create huge damage—by the time they react, it will be too late.”

“Before this, the rebel mountain people will never know my plan. Their spies will only know that I will carry out a bandit suppression in winter, and wipe out all the defeated troops, robbers and bandits in the surrounding mountains , to prepare for spring plowing in the coming year.”

“There’s no way they could doubt the news.”

“Yeah.” Elder Man Ya nodded slightly: “What do I need to do?”

Yin En’s plan is so perfect, the reason why he brought it up with him instead of acting alone, there must be something that needs his help.

“Attract more rebellious mountain people to Frodo Dominion.”

This is Yin En’s real purpose: “Elder Manya, next I will provide you with a batch of ‘magnetic storm armor’ as military support, and I need you to publicize this matter with great fanfare. While Lei punishes, it also makes other people think that this is how I support Dragon Worship and you.”


Speaking of this, Yin En’s expression became serious: “Elder, you want the enemy to capture a ‘Magnetic Storm Armor’.”

“It’s better to let the flamelanders take it prisoner, but if that doesn’t work, so do the others. Don’t be too deliberate, let them believe that this is the spoils of war they worked so hard to get.”

“…I see.”

Elder Manya is clear, he already knows Yin En’s intention.

There must be related positioning devices in those magnetic storm armors, which can help Yin En find the base of Feiyandi in the Baisen Mountains.

At that time, the empire will definitely dispatch elite troops to cooperate with the king of the mountain to destroy it in one fell swoop!

Although there must be related shielding technology on Feiyandi, Yin En is so confident, why doesn’t he believe it?

Anyway, up to now, even if Yin En told Elder Man Ya that he would be able to advance to the third energy level immediately, he would believe it 100%.

At this moment, the old man smiled, but he was still a little puzzled: “But isn’t the magnetic storm armor your unique technology? Just give it to the other party…”

“That’s ‘special’. Don’t let cronies drive.”

Yin En shook his head. Although he would not take the magnetic storm technology too seriously, how could it be possible for him to give it to the other party for no reason?

Elder Man Ya is old and mature, he fully understands what the phrase ‘special’ means, so he stroked his beard with a smile: “I understand. Don’t worry, I will let those ‘people’ on the list Driving with suspicious people.”

“At that time, they don’t even need to fight, they will send the magnetic storm armor over.”

“That’s the best.” Yin En laughed – no need to fight, so there will be no revealing, and the spoils sent by the spies will definitely be directly used for research.

Exactly what he wanted most.

After discussing the cooperation in the war, Yin En asked some important news.

For example, where did Elder Manya get the ‘potion material’ for the third level?

——Is it a serious purchase, or is it left over from the ancestors?

If it is a purchase, then where is there a channel that is not concerned by the empire?

If it was left over from the ancestors…do the mountain people have any third-level potion materials left?

Even if it is expensive, Yin En can definitely spend money to buy it after Xiahui Ling gets on the right track.

“It is the true dragon channel of the king of the mountain.”

Elder Manya didn’t ask why at all, he told Yin En the answer directly: “This is also the reason why I joined the Dragon Worship Cult – one more identity means one more path, although there are a lot of troubles and troubles, But in general, the identity of the Dragon Sect has brought me a lot of benefits.”

“After Siou is cured, the King of the Mountain will definitely take the initiative to search for the third-level potion ingredients for you…Of course, it is also acceptable if it is a potion ingredient. Generally speaking, with the King of the Mountain, You don’t have to worry about that.”

“The real dragon is rich.” Elder Man Ya said meaningfully.

“Then I’m relieved.” Yin En also smiled softly.

Although I feel a little soft, but considering that the king of the mountain can also be a majestic father, Yin En doesn’t care whether it is soft or hugging his thigh.

——And, the channel of the real dragon?

“In that case, the rare and precious material…maybe not so difficult to obtain.”

With the thought of a good harvest, Yin En and Qing Chao embarked on the journey back to Xiahui.

The words are divided into two parts, Yin En is happy, but the spies of Feiyan in Nanling will suffer.


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