Above The Sky (Yin Tianshen Yin) Chapter 48: Another fragment of a spaceship falling from the sky (thanks to the leader of Teardropss!)


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The envoy of the Dragon God is a rumor that has recently appeared around the Baisen Mountains.

Many people said that the reason why the three tribes of the independent mountain people disappeared in the holy land of Xiahui Lake was precisely because they faced the envoy of the dragon **** and were wiped out by the thunder.

Although many merchants and bards told the truth there, Chief Jiamu scoffed at it.

Thunder? It’s just a new weapon for the Imperials.

Dragon God Messenger? In order to cover up their incompetence, the three remnant soldiers whose leader was killed just made a statement to evade responsibility.

There are more and more, which is the method used by the Afud tribe to confuse other mountain tribes. If there is a dragon **** messenger, why didn’t they appear sooner?

But now…

Not only Jiamubu, but also the Feiyan people in the distance, and even the imperial people around the mouth of the Qishan gorge, also saw a silvery white flame shining between the mountains.

The radiance turned into ripples, fluctuating and flowing among the clouds like a wave, and spreading in all directions.

But compared to the mountain people who felt the season’s movement from the depths of their hearts, they were just a little confused—is it the aftermath of the battle? Or are there powerful monsters raging?

There are too many possibilities, and there are too many secrets buried in the Baisen Mountains.

“Send someone to investigate!” Captain Naimo ordered in his office at Feiyan’s Nanling headquarters, his tone indifferent: “I will hear a detailed report within three days!”

“How many secrets are these mountain people hiding from me?” After the relevant persons in charge had gone out, he couldn’t help frowning, and muttered to himself, “It’s all because of these trash, who lost so much money.” Armor and equipment, most of the funds for the special operations team are gone, and now the manpower for investigation is shrinking!”

“Sacred Steel Mountain… Sure enough, many of the legends behind these mountain people’s holy places are not false and exaggerated, and there must be secrets behind them…”

“But why didn’t the imperial people search for the truth behind it? Can’t or don’t want to?”

“Still, Long Island…” Naimo fell into deep thought.

“Quick! Record all of this!” At the mouth of the gorge, the intelligence personnel of Nauman City took out the camera to record the video. They directly took out the simple communication device and contacted Nauman City directly: “There is an abnormality in the holy mountain of the mountain people. , there is no more information at present, apply for patrol knights to come and investigate!”

“Received!” Nauman City’s order also responded quickly: “There is already a patrolling knight located around the Avod Department, code-named ‘Guide’, contact him as soon as possible!”

“Sure enough, it was a good move for Yin En to go over.”

In Nauman City Office, Colonel Mayova is also trying to contact Yin En, but due to electromagnetic interference, the communication crystal board that Yin En carries with him cannot be used, so he can only give up with regret.

However, he didn’t feel particularly annoyed—because of Yin En’s sensitivity and his decision-making, there is now a patrol knight in the empire who is located around the Sacred Steel Mountain, and he is in contact with the Dragon Worship Cult who caused this change. Has a close relationship with the Ministry of Avod.

If nothing else happens, when Yin En comes back, they will get the most authentic information on the scene!

Of course.

After all, he, who theoretically wants to collect intelligence, is the center of this turmoil.

These are aftermaths.

At this moment, under the Sacred Steel Mountain.

The flames shining on the top of the mountain gradually stabilized.

Compared to Qing Chao who just said “My God”, Elder Man Ya raised his head and stared at the surging spiritual flame on the top of the holy mountain-the clouds and strong wind in the sky are here The suddenly changing spiritual energy field oscillated and rotated rapidly, forming a vortex like an upside-down mountain range.

The bottom of this vortex is connected to a huge altar on the top of the holy mountain, like two peaks colliding between heaven and earth, forming a huge hourglass,

And the mighty natural spiritual energy is like a backflowing seaport, manifesting at the junction of the two peaks, sinking into the holy mountain from it, and turning into a silvery white flame.

The dense array of inscriptions lights up and goes out on the entire Chenggang Holy Mountain, and the lights are on and off, absorbing this majestic energy.

“Psionic Resurgence…”

Elder Manya muttered to himself, gradually raising his voice: “The holy fire is rekindled?!”

This is the truth about the Holy Mountain Dragon God Sacrifice Fire—a self-charging structure that absorbs natural spiritual energy to replenish itself.

Now it is the vision caused by its first activation after it has been silent for a long time, but as long as a period of time passes, the superficial vision will recede, leaving only the flow of pure spiritual energy.

At that time, in the eyes of ordinary people, the Dragon God’s sacrificial fire is an inextinguishable holy flame that burns almost forever without any fuel.

Elder Manya couldn’t see this, he just noticed that at this moment, the environment on the top of the Sacred Steel Mountain was the best environment for him to advance to the third energy level!

Such a large amount of wind-attributed source quality is gathered, and the structure is almost perfect. If he advances here, he will definitely be able to advance perfectly.

However, he did not rush up the mountain to take the potion.

Because the old man is waiting.

Waiting for a ‘result’ that can convince himself and make him believe.

“Yin En…”

He whispered to himself, clenched his fists, his tone trembling with excitement and anticipation: “It’s actually true…it’s really possible?!”

The old man took a deep breath, and he made up his mind completely at this moment: “No matter what, whether you are or not—from now on, you are the only dragon **** messenger supported by the Avod Department!”

At this moment, the fire in Avod’s department has already lit up.

Many mountain people have already picked up the torches, lit the lamp oil, and rushed towards the holy steel mountain in a hurry and expectantly.

Whether they are running or just woke up from home, everyone is looking up at the holy mountain in the distance, looking at the sacred fire light in the distance.

And a figure stood in the center of the silver-white flame, and the vast and majestic natural spiritual energy washed over his body. While washing his body, it was also transmitting information from the root of the holy mountain. .

【Permission Confirmation: Top Administrator】

[Disinfection process in progress…’Shimmer Cradle’ is undergoing all-round purification…]

[Unable to communicate with the core processor…]

[Unable to detect the fire condition in the cradle…]

【Warning: The twilight cradle system is broken, please fix it as soon as possible! 】

【Welcome, Admin】

Under the guidance of an extremely subtle force, countless sources poured into Yin En’s body, washing and washing away the impurities in his body-although according to the information passed into his mind, this was just a certain’ A disinfection and purification process carried out by the cradle system’, but for people living on the earth, the so-called poisoning and pain cannot be avoided even for sublimated people.

At first, Yin En thought that the disinfection process would not take too long, and even if it took a long time, it would not cause any harm.

Indeed, there is no harm.

But it really hurts!

As the cradle system began to wash and purify, Yin En felt a faint numbness in every part of his body, as if being shocked by a small amount of electric current, and then began to heat up slightly, followed by the sun burning. Burning pain!

The fiery pain flowed through every part of the young man’s body in an instant. The heart, lungs, hands, torso, legs, back, and head were all hot. This hot feeling attracted the silver-white Dragon God Sacrifice The fire submerged into his body, constantly increasing the heat and pain!

“This feeling seems familiar!”

When Yin En gritted his teeth and endured it, he felt that the pain was somewhat familiar—he quickly recalled: “It was the pain I felt when I first received the silver chip! Times—it’s also because I’m at the second energy level now, and I still don’t move the strong city, otherwise, I might not be able to withstand the disinfection and purification of the ‘cradle system’!”

Hot! Hot! It was as if every cell was burning, and the extreme heat, accompanied by the numbness like an electric shock, penetrated deep into Yin En’s bone marrow.

But…Yin En felt an instinctive joy instead!

Even a prophet cannot be perfect in every step, especially due to limited conditions. Many times, he clearly knows that some potions may leave toxins, and some potions will leave useless source matter structures, which are deposited on the The body hinders the subsequent advanced difficulty, so it must be done.

Especially the mountain people, most of their potion refining techniques are extremely rough, leaving a lot of toxins, and the distortion may be greatly increased… Even at the peak of the Dragon God Kingdom, their alchemy skills are far from comparable The empire is compared with a big power like the capital of learning.

But now, Yin En felt that the flesh and blood internal organs, muscle fibers, and even every cell in his body began to repel harmful substances and source matter structures that were incompatible with him under the stimulation of pure source matter .

Those useless source matter structures are all stripped and repelled, while the existing source matter structures are also being strengthened steadily.

In this process of purification and strengthening that went deep into the cells, Yin En even noticed that the extreme realm brought by his ‘half potion’ had gradually stabilized.

This is something that even the Prophet cannot achieve perfection… Ultimately, the Ultimate Realm is a brand-new technology developed by Yin En based on Hilliard’s theory. Bring some side effects.

Even if most of the harm is avoided with the power of the prophet, there are still some tiny toxins in the half potion that may accumulate and harm the body.

But now, all of them have been cured and removed!

The special psychic phenomenon of ‘Dragon God Sacrificial Fire’ does indeed have quite powerful healing power. While stimulating one’s body, it is also continuously healing, so that the body will not be harmed during the purification process.

“No wonder! This may be the reason why the mountain people had the fourth energy level back then!”

At this moment, Yin En’s heart is like a bright mirror. He is a little stunned, why can’t he be called an excellent mountain dweller in alchemy technology, and there can be a strong person of the fourth energy level back then… The answer is this ‘purification process’!

The activated dragon **** sacrificial fire is essentially a purification program. The potions of the mountain people are indeed of low quality, which may cause distortion and failure of advancement, but as long as they reach the second or third energy level Level, you can come to the Dragon God Sacrificial Fire for a self-purification… Then, it will reappear in a perfect posture!

In this way, it is normal for them to have fourth-level powerhouses.

Of course, not everyone has this kind of luck. A sublimator whose foundation is not deep enough and whose physique is not strong enough may fail to purify here, be seriously injured or even die, or even be thrown into the blacklist, unable to re-enter.

This is the inheritance of Qigang Mountain, which is different from the inheritance of priests in Xiahui Lake. The inheritance here corresponds to the sublimators, that is, the chiefs of the major tribes.

This can also correspond to what Elder Manya said before, that the leaders of the mountain people in the past would gather here for a meeting – that may be the process of purification!

Soon, all the ‘harmful substances’ in Yin En’s body were purified, and his whole body received a nearly perfect treatment.

If Yin En suffered any serious injuries before, or the sequelae of dark injuries, he will be completely cured this time.

Buzzing… The two-color water and soil source quality burst out from Yin En’s body and spread towards the outside, forming a small vortex. This is exactly the characteristic of the second energy level of “controlling the natural source quality”— —Originally, Yin En needed a little thought to activate this ability, but at this moment, this ability seemed to be completely solidified on Yin En’s body, as if Yin En’s innate instinct.

As the purification process gradually came to an end, Yin En’s will gradually connected with the cylindrical monster in the center of the holy mountain.

The silver chip is also running slowly.

Layers of information were covered in front of his eyes.

【Important component detected: Twilight Cradle-Fire Storage Device】

[Status: slightly damaged]

[Structure: Good, the energy supply system is abnormal, it has been repaired by a simple method]

【The current structure of the fire storage device that was separated from the energy supply system due to the violent impact is roughly completed, but the situation of the internal fire can not be detected, and it may have been completely lost. It is recommended to seal it to avoid planet/star field/sub- The space environment causes pollution to the interior of the cradle]

【Repair Difficulty: Medium】


Because he had already had contact with the ‘Ghost Crystal Engine’ once, Yin En retrieved the information familiarly and knew the information.

The shimmering cradle buried under the Sacred Steel Mountain is essentially a device for containing ‘fire seeds’ – if Yin En has not been to the South China Sea Great Labyrinth before, he must be confused about this term.

However, after Yin En saw the research results of the pre-epoch civilization on many alien spark spacecraft and ecology, he understood that behind this light word may represent the “ownership” of an entire civilization.

Genes, ecology, culture, civilization, and even the “soul system” like the flower of Karin are all completely carried… everything that represents a civilization of a planet, or the tombstone… is the so-called kindling.

The twilight cradle is a device in the Skyfall spacecraft that specially stores ‘fire’.

Because of this, it has an extremely powerful purification and healing function, just to ensure that the fire is not polluted or damaged.

After knowing this, Yin Enruo realized something.

The book of Yinyao records a secret method held by the steel dragon. She will escape into the earth or the mountains to perform a “transformation”. After a period of weakness, most of the theoretically A wound that cannot be healed.

This is the “secret method of metamorphosis” of the steel dragon, and the mountain people have also developed the unique sublimation technique of “earth healing”.

Yin En was actually a little strange at the beginning, the steel dragon is obviously not the kind of true dragon that is good at manipulating vitality for self-healing, why did she suddenly get such an extremely powerful self-healing ability?

Now it seems… that the “secret method of metamorphosis” used by the steel dragon to restore itself may have also simulated the purification and healing function of the Twilight Cradle, and this was realized.

After all, the energy system of the Twilight Cradle is damaged, so it can only be activated with the help of the surrounding natural source quality. Learn to do it yourself.

But… why?

Yin En noticed that whether it was Qigang Mountain or Xiahui Lake, it was the result of Qiganglong’s processing of some scattered parts of the Skyfall spacecraft. The power of the Youjing engine was guided by Qiganglong into Xiahui Lake. The surrounding high-quality environment, and the twilight cradle has obtained a simple and primitive natural energy system, allowing it to operate again.

And this kind of treatment has essentially enhanced the strength of Qianganglong.

In other words, the real dragons have the technology to repair and store the skyfall spacecraft, and they can even use the fragments of the skyfall spacecraft to strengthen themselves.

But the real dragon is obviously not the pilot of the skyfall spacecraft-if it is so powerful, where is there human beings on Terra?

However, even if it is not, the civilization level of the real dragon is definitely very high, or in other words, it has a very close relationship with the spaceship falling from the sky…

Slightly retracting his thoughts, Yin En realized that because he restarted the Sacred Steel Mountain and the secret method of purification contained in it…for one of his friends, it was just as suitable as a match made in heaven.

Yin En couldn’t help smiling and shaking his head: “In my opinion, the treatment and purification ability of the Twilight Cradle can definitely get rid of the void toxin in Xiou’s body… There is a high probability that she will have a healthy body.”

“The King of the Hill family will love it.”

However, that’s for later.

At this moment, Yin En felt that, just like the Nether Crystal Engine, there was a lot of information coming from the entire Qigang Mountain, not just the Twilight Cradle.

It’s not just the fragments of the spaceship that fell from the sky, but more, it may be the memory left by the “Steel Dragon”, the Bison Dragon God, in the past.

Ordinary mountain people can only accept purification at most and get the “gift of the dragon god”. Only Yin En, who holds the silver chip, can get the deepest “inheritance”.

So, at this moment, Yin En closed his eyes.

He immersed himself in and accepted the most precious memories that could bring him one step closer to the truth.

The memory of the ‘True Dragon’.


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