Above The Sky (Yin Tianshen Yin) Chapter 42: The method of cashing in force by computing power


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After more than half a year, Ian’s most obvious feeling about the shark is that it is indeed ‘smart’.

After becoming a second-level magical beast, and having the source of thunder and various precious metal solutions to promote the development of the nervous system, Shasha’s thinking has become much more agile.

This can be heard from the fact that the other party has been able to communicate with himself happily.

[Boss, look, the egg is shaking! 】

Shark wants to show off to Ian the results of his care for such a period of time, its speech has become regular, its meaning is clear, and its thinking is very coherent.

The only disadvantage may be that once the shark starts to speak, it cannot control itself to hover and fly.

With a movement of its head, it fell directly from the midair back to the Crystal Lake, splashing water all over the lake, causing the clear water to slap the rock wall.

OK. Shark just learned electromagnetic levitation recently, and it didn’t feel ashamed about it, but continued to communicate with Ian: [The energy and density are increasing, and the lake and island are very comfortable]

These are not real languages, but bits of information perceived through psionic and spiritual communication.

The meaning of the shark is obvious, the source quality in the crystal lake is rising, and the lake water and the crystal island in the center make it feel very comfortable.

Furthermore, because the advanced stage is a steel armored shark, after the electromagnetic levitation, as long as the source quality in the body is not lost, the shark can actually leave the sea and live on land.

After all, the steel armored shark is essentially an earth-type monster that lives in water. It needs to live in water only because it has no organs to move on the road. Once it comes to land…unless it hangs a big balloon and turns it into a shark airship, it won’t be able to move at all.

But now, with the means of electromagnetic movement, it has broken through the limitations of the environment, and has completely become an almighty species that can dominate the sea, land and air!

“As long as you can practice flying well, I will take you to eat delicious food on land!”

Ian praised Shasha very well, and after arousing a lot of groans, he began to ask Shasha about the situation around the Great Labyrinth and the South China Sea that he had observed recently, except for the dragon eggs.

Ian understood the current situation under the topsy-turvy but surprisingly clear description.

From the Fluorescent Sea to the South Far Sea, in the sea area around Odell Reef, which is the main distribution area of ​​Sequoia Base, a huge spiritual energy field is taking shape, which is the furnace inside the entire Sequoia Base. result.

All kinds of monsters began to appear, but most of them were the first generation of monsters mutated under the influence of source quality.

There are not many that can truly form a stable group of monsters, and even be called the first level.

It is only foreseeable that in more than ten years, the South China Sea will become an area with extremely rich products.

Now Ian understands why the labyrinth breeding factory controlled by people has become a strategic location of a big force.

Because it can continuously provide a large amount of low-level monster materials, and even through long-term cultivation, it can obtain monster materials around the fourth energy level like Crystal Dragon.

In this way, a country’s stable strategic resources will be available, and it is precisely with these resources that they have trained a large number of military sublimators to fight when they come.

And those wild monsters are mostly related to the labyrinth. They control the resources of the labyrinth by virtue of their status as the master of the labyrinth, and gradually become powerful titan creatures.

After knowing this, Ian has completed a lot of information about the maze.

But also because of this, doubts follow.

“Why, the maze produces so much source quality?”

The simplest answer is that most of the predecessors of the labyrinth are relics of pre-epoch civilizations, or crash points of alien spaceships similar to spark ships.

Their energy system will naturally overflow a large amount of source quality, and then breed an ecosystem around it, which is the source of the labyrinth ecology.

However, can source quality be produced so easily?

With the operation of the energy furnace, can it be manufactured so easily?

Ian doesn’t feel normal.

If only nuclear furnaces or other sources of energy can stably produce a large amount of source matter, then the pre-epoch civilization should not be limited to the third energy level…their individual strength will at least reach The fourth energy level is right.

Moreover, every large laboratory must be wary of its own labyrinth – what a civilization needs is a stable experimental site, not a labyrinth dungeon like it is today.

But Ian didn’t see the relevant defensive countermeasures in these areas.

This proves that before the catastrophe from the sky, the energy system of the civilization of the pre-epoch probably had nothing to do with the source quality.

Especially Ian now knows that the superior situation around Xiahui Lake is precisely because there is a ‘Ghost Engine’ at the bottom of the lake… and the excessive source quality brought by the Ghost Engine may even lead to the extinction of surrounding creatures .

If the energy furnace core of the pre-epoch civilization also has a similar effect, even if it is a much weaker effect, there should be no countermeasures.

The disaster that fell from the sky may not only change the ecological environment of Terra…

Even, it completely changed part of Terra’s physical environment!

At least, it may have formed a giant psionic energy field with planets as the unit, making the birth of source matter easier.

And this phenomenon can also explain why Terra can support the existence of so many high-energy creatures.

Judging from the truth of the disaster Ian observed with the silver chip, this is not an exaggeration at all.

Of course.

These are all vague guesses in Ian’s mind, he just guesses, not guaranteed to be right.

But on the other hand, besides releasing light and heat, the sun is also releasing source matter, and source matter itself is an extremely high-density energy…

In other words, are the stars in the Terra universe releasing a bit too much energy?

With so much energy, except for the most basic light and heat, most of it exists in the stable form of source quality, so it has no sense of existence.

But Ian believes that if all the source matter contained on Terra is reduced to pure heat, it will be enough to burn the entire Terra into a lava hell.

The source matter contained in a star, if it erupts out of control, is enough to create a supernova explosion!


Ian suddenly thought of part of the content of the Lonely Mountain Conference that he knew when he first entered the imperial capital.

The supernova explosion predicted by the great prophet of the Hall of Souls, could it be…

Then, are the stars of Terra…

“No, there is not enough information now, so we can’t be sure.”

Ian shook his head slightly, he suppressed the uneasiness in his heart: “It won’t be too late to observe the phenomenon when the gamma ray stream formed by the supernova explosion really reaches Terra – guessing now, I’m just scaring myself. “

Taking a deep breath, Ian actually still has a lot of doubts in his heart.

No matter whether my guess is true or not, there is a large amount of energy in the Terra universe, which has been converted into the form of source matter.

As a medium, the source quality turns these powers into a form that ordinary life can use, and then allows them to obtain superhuman powers.

Here comes the problem.

——So where did such a huge amount of energy come from?

——Is this simple and understandable method of operation (relative to its essence) a natural or artificial product?

All the problems are too many and too complicated.

But for Ian, there is actually only one thing he wants to do most now.

“The speed of light… Now I finally have a territory and the basic conditions for conducting various large-scale experiments-I have to measure the speed of light in the world of Terra!”

Ian never took it for granted that the various constants of the Terra universe are the same as the universe where the earth is located.

Just kidding, the monsters in this world can even directly control the gravitational magnetic field, and the transformation of various environments and creatures by the source quality allows them to become super creatures.

If all this is formed naturally, how can this constant of the universe be exactly the same as the earth?

There must be more or less, some constants are not the same.

If all of this is not formed naturally, but as Ian and Adalbert said when they communicated, “Inscriptions and source quality are simple procedures created by an advanced civilization”… then you should be even more suspicious.

A civilization that can transform the universe into what it is today, who knows if they will change some constants to make the universe and the world adapt to themselves?

There are not many tools needed to measure the speed of light. The more common one is the ‘rotating octagonal prism method’.

It requires a specially formulated eight-sided prism, concave mirror and flat mirror, and a rotating mechanical structure. Because of the extremely high precision required, it is basically impossible to obtain it in Harrison Port.

Although the imperial capital had the conditions, Ian didn’t have time to do it at that time.

Now back to the territory, just in time to spend some money to do it.

Of course, in addition to this, there is also a star orbit measurement algorithm, but that requires an observation tower to continuously observe the orbit of the star satellite and the interlacing of the planet where it is located. It takes a long time and the error is very large, but it can also be used as a a reference.

In particular, Ian believes that Terra’s stargazers should have already calculated the speed of light through this method, and they can just ask Farr when they have time.

Ian thought about many issues through the source of the labyrinth, many of which related to the nature of the universe, the future of the planet, and the survival of all beings.

But for Shasha, all this has only one result.

——The food becomes more and more delicious!

During this period of time, apart from bumping into those ships that wanted to explore the Great Labyrinth of the South China Sea, Shasha basically ate and ate every day. Related capabilities such as magnetic levitation and thunderstorms.

But, that’s it – although Shasha is smart, he is not a human being who has learned knowledge and can use various tools and potions to strengthen himself.

Its strength will be stuck here, and it will take a long time to undergo an essential transformation.

But Ian is human.

Ian felt that he could make Shasha stronger.

“Shasha, next, I will teach you a structure – you have to use your own source quality to engrave this name ‘Magnetic Storm Generator’ on a blank part of your body.” The structure of the inscription… don’t be afraid of being slow, I believe you can do it.”

Ian told Shasha the source material structure he obtained from the Thunderbolt Sword of the Mountain People, as well as the structure of his optimized magnetic storm generator.

After all, it is a metal-based life. Unlike ordinary humans, it can directly regard its body as a weapon to engrave various inscriptions and source material structures.

This process may be a bit painful, but Ian also made it clear to Shasha that the other party is obviously not a monster who is afraid of pain.

It’s better to say, which monster would give up its power because of pain?

【Oh! 】

Although the shark doesn’t understand, but Ian told it that the structure is to make it stronger, it can understand it completely – immediately, the crystal lake became lively, because there was a steel armored shark Excitedly swam rapidly around the crystal island, even forming a large whirlpool.

“Haha, study hard, build in your body—don’t be afraid of wasting source quality, you can’t become the third energy level by accumulating source quality now, you have to become smarter, gather your soul…waiting for you Become smarter, and when you have a complete soul, I will teach you the ‘soul structure’!”

Ian couldn’t help being a little happy when he saw Shasha so happy—although it was to become stronger, this eagerness to learn was really gratifying.

The white-haired boy smiled and said: “After your soul structure is formed, you with enough computing power will definitely not be inferior to humans in terms of learning ability and wisdom.”

“And this new magnetic storm structure you condensed, maybe…”

Thinking of this, Ian was taken aback for a moment, and then slowly said: “It’s just a new, simple one, with only fixed power, not much growth…”

“But it can indeed be regarded as a sublimation organ… a sublimation organ?”

“A structure similar to a half-potion and an extreme realm!”

Ian suddenly realized that he seemed to have found it.

Found a way to convert ‘computing power’ into ‘force’!


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