Above The Sky (Yin Tianshen Yin) Chapter 39: There is not only one stargazer


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“You said so.”

Roland still respects the old man very much, especially the old Fal, who is not well-known, but has a very good evaluation.

After actually working, the young people will understand that those who can manage things well and do things well without being famous are the truly powerful and capable people.

As the saying goes, if you have been in charge of the family for three and a half years, even a dog will dislike it. It is almost impossible to manage affairs and expect no one to hate you. Few are willingly satisfied.

Roland admired the way of doing it very much. It is said that the old Farr would even offer advice and solutions to those poor households to help them get out of difficulties, but how to do it is unknown to him, a young man. up.

Thinking of this, Roland suddenly became interested—since Old Farr can satisfy everyone in his usual work, how would an old tax collector like him answer the questions on the test paper?

he asked, and the old man put down his pipe, smiling.

“Definitely not.”

The old man’s golden pupils were dimmed due to old age, showing a dark golden color. He calmly replied to Roland: “Although it may be a little guessing what the lord means, but since this kind of question is asked, it is to find out the answer’ Those who do not accept ‘.”

“Besides, the poor have no money, so they really have no money. Apart from a life, what can you expect them to have to pay taxes?”

“But the life of the lord is also the property of the lord in a certain sense…Young people like you may not understand it, but this is the fact-you and I are the property of the lord.”

Old Fal re-ignited the extinguished pipe, took a puff, and said slowly: “So forcing people to death is something only the most stupid tax collectors would do, and the lord did not allow them to do that .”

“If you have no money due to the food disaster and are able to work, if you can’t pay back the money for a while, let them not pay back. If possible, take him to do some other work, such as moving Goods, dig some water canals, isn’t the city building roads recently? Let them dig some sand and asphalt to lay the bottom, it’s still a job, with so much work, there is always a chance.”

“The most important thing is not to let people stop working in a daze, then they will be poor forever.”

Roland was stunned for a while, and the young mechanical engineer gasped: “But, this is not in compliance with the rules, right? After all, they did not pay taxes, and the tax officer’s job is to collect taxes. Are these things really what tax officials should do…”

“If it was before, it would be true, but don’t forget that the name of this exam is now ‘Civil Servants’.”

Old Fal shook his head. He took a sip of his pipe and exhaled a perfectly circular smoke ring: “New lord, new rules, why are you young people not as smart as I am? The names have been changed, You have to forget the previous set.”

“Don’t forget the true essence of our work – to serve the lord. What is the purpose of the lord? This theme must be clarified. As long as it conforms to this idea, even if it is something that is not in compliance with the rules, the lord will think that you will work.”

Old Farr concluded: “As for our young new lord, it seems that he is rich and wants to do big things-does he care about such a little tax? What he cares about is the rules, what he cares about is that people have It didn’t help his career.”

“As long as the general direction is correct, everything else is trivial.”

Roland understood what Old Fal said, so he was surprised.

These words are not like what a mere old tax official can say—such profound and easy-to-understand teachings, Roland will believe any college you say he is a tutor!


“Why did you tell me this?” The young man asked a little puzzled.

Taking a puff of cigarette, Old Farr looked at Roland strangely: “Aren’t you a top student at the Falling Star Hills? Moda has been blowing for several years when we were chatting, and it happened that the lord announced that the future territory To build a brand new ‘Industrial Alchemy Zone’, if you come back as a professional, the lord will definitely use you.”

“What’s more, how many years have I worked with your father, have you forgotten that I hugged you when you were young, and you even peed on my collar…”

Roland was ashamed, he never expected that the most classic incident of “I hugged you when I was young, and you still **** on me” happened to him—and he actually completely forgot about it!

But he is indeed not someone who remembers such trivial things.

“We are the most likely to be colleagues in the future, and it is nothing to build a good relationship with colleagues in advance.”

After speaking, Old Fal took out a booklet from his pocket and wrote something, and Roland didn’t really want to go home so early, so he asked cheekily: “Uncle Nafal, what are you doing?” What did you do before becoming a tax officer…it feels like…”


Before Roland finished hesitating, the old man knew what he was going to ask—many people had asked about it, so he was not surprised.

Raising his head, the gray-haired old man looked at the ceiling, his dark golden eyes staring at something above the ceiling.

Fare said: “My family used to be a stargazer, and I learned to look at the stars since I was a child… Then the stars are gone? The nobles who support stargazing don’t invest money anymore, so they can only go back to their hometown and rely on their knowledge as a tax Officer.”

Speaking of this, the old man looked at Roland with a smile, and his tone was full of emotion: “To be honest, it’s about the same as you are now.”

“But it was more difficult for me at that time, because stargazing is really useless, and your mechanical engineering will definitely be reused by the lord.”

—It turned out to be a stargazer!

Roland was slightly startled, he didn’t expect to hear such an ancient profession.

It is said to be ancient, but in fact it has only been a few decades, but because there is no news at all in these decades, it seems to be as long as the past hundreds of years.

Because Roland’s teacher is a dwarf, he knows about this situation.

The dwarves were also a race that was very keen on stargazing at the beginning, and even their “Sanctuary of Xuntian” had another name at the beginning, it was called “Zenith of the Pole Star”, which was built on the ridge of Terra. The giant structure of the pre-epoch civilization on the Shtalaf Mountains.

Actually, a hundred years ago, the nations of Terra were quite interested in stargazing. At that time, there were a large number of stargazers in the empire and the capital of learning, but as the stars went out one by one, their inheritance gradually declined. , Even in the past few years, there was news that a large number of stargazers committed mass suicide because of despair.

For ordinary people, it’s just an afternoon joke of “what a fool”, but Roland feels a little deeper… Especially his father, Moda, is also in a state of near-death.

Thinking of this, his mood was also a little depressed. After paying a deep junior salute to Old Fal, he said goodbye and left.

The old man also looked at Roland’s leaving back, nodded slightly, and got up to leave.

He waited here just to say these words to Roland.

In the evening, Xiahui leads the lord’s mansion.

Ian is leading his team here to personally mark the test papers, and Ian also asked Qingchao Scott, Adalbert and others to do the test papers by the way.

Ian’s eyes flashed with various data. The silver chip allowed him to clearly remember the names, ages, looks, and even past experiences and family information of all examinees. Information’ to compare the answers to the test papers, and outline the image of each examinee from the outside to the inside.

“Roland Silgen, the son of Moda Silgen, 28 years old, unmarried, the family has been the steward of the Lean family for generations, ran away from home twelve years ago, and went to the dwarf gathering area in the Falling Star Hills He went to school, and obtained a diploma as a mechanical alchemist at the age of 21 five years later, and has been studying in the Fallen Star Hills since then, and recently returned to his hometown because of the incident of Leanling.”

“At home, his father, Moda Silgen, is still there, but he is still seriously ill. His mother has passed away. He has an older brother and an older sister. They have gone to Nauman City to open a small shop a few days ago. See Going up is not planning to go back to Xiahui to lead it.”

“As for the grades…” Ian said in a low voice, Scott picked up a red chapter of the test paper from the side: “Mathematics and statistics tables full marks.”

“38 points for comprehensive knowledge, full marks for agriculture and mining.”

“Political leaning judgment… My lord, you can see this for yourself.”

Ian brought the test paper over, and he couldn’t help laughing when he saw Roland’s answer: “This person is quite interesting, and he is telling the truth-and he really made him guess right. I also think that Nauman City The indifferent attitude on the one hand is to force the mountain people to rebel and detonate the problem in advance… The Marquis of Barton is still a very cold-blooded person in essence. He doesn’t care whether these mountain people live or die. He just wants to solve the rebellion on the South Ridge factor.”

“As for the relationship between Flame Land and the Empire, it’s almost the same. How can there be permanent hatred between the two big countries? The relationship between the two parties may not be as bad as the relationship between Grand Duke Sorin and the Empire. As long as the fifth energy level does not take action , the war between the two sides is at most a ‘full-scale conventional war’, and it will not develop to the point of destroying the world.”

Speaking of this, Ian sighed: “If you don’t reach the fifth energy level, you are still a **** after all. Even if you are at the fourth energy level, it is just a chess piece with a little ability to act independently, and it will not affect the order of the entire world after all. .”

He calmed down, continued to read Roland’s test paper, and then raised his brows: “Interesting, this person is still flattering me, and he has a lively personality-but his analysis is correct, I think it’s okay Full marks.”

No one thought that Roland got full marks because he patted Ian’s horse, and they could tell that Roland did have his own views on the analysis of the situation. Even if it was luck, this luck was worth a full mark.

In the end, Ian just glanced at the fifth part of “Personal Moral Tendency”, which has troubled Roland for a long time.

“Well, there is still a little kindness in my heart, not so cold.”

He nodded, and then handed the test paper to Scott: “Mark it, this person can be used, and I will call him to the Lord’s Mansion in a few days, and I will interview him for alchemy. If he is qualified, our alchemy industry There is a supervisor in the park.”

“Could it be a spy? Suddenly running over from the Xingluo Hills, it doesn’t look right no matter how you look at it.”

Qing Chao complained, he didn’t seem like Ian knew Steward Moda, he didn’t know that Steward Moda was so sick that he was about to die.

The swordsman is not correcting the test paper at this moment, but writing the test paper – Scott and Adalbert have already finished writing the test paper, and the former has almost perfect marks, and both political and personal tendencies are consistent with Ian.

After all, the two sides have stayed together in Harrison Port for six or seven years, and those who should have assimilated have already assimilated.

“I feel that some of the questions this time should be the civil service examination papers in Nauman City.”

This is Scott’s evaluation, and it is indeed the case. Ian nodded and said: “There are also some written by the Marquis of Barton himself-those topics are really unique.

Aside from being a bit naive in terms of politics, Yadbert was able to say, “Nauman City probably doesn’t have that much budget.” “Flying Flame is extremely hateful, it is the most evil country in the world!” ’ In addition to the words ‘Xiahui leader listens to Ian’, other aspects are also full marks.

As for the green tide…

After Qing Chao stumbled and finished writing the paper, Ian picked it up and read it.

—Ian, angry!

“… Mathematics and Statistics score 31, which is not bad, and it can even be said to be quite good for you. Miscellaneous Studies only has 25 points. You have worked hard, anyway, you don’t need it, and you can pass from scratch. It’s not bad…”

The white-haired boy stood behind Qing Chao, the swordsman was taller and taller, and Ian’s tone was very gentle, but the swordsman felt a cold light on his back, and a feeling called fear climbed up his spine: ” But what is this political orientation?”

“What does it mean that Nauman City deliberately retaliated against the mountain people’s rebellion two hundred years ago? How did you learn history? Two hundred years ago, the empire invaded Nanling. You have to say that the small riot more than 20 years ago was similar! And This political view is so naive that it can be compared with the old movie!” (Adelbert turned his head aside)

“Empire and Flameland are not good things, dog eat dog… Do you really know what you are writing?”

“I’m from Jinggeya, Boss!” Qing Chao shuddered, and he called Qu: “That’s what we all say!”

Ian glared at Qing Chao: “Then remember now, you are from the Empire!”

“Understood!” Qing Chao nodded clearly: “Only Fei Yandi is a dog!”

“You… well. Forget it, it’s enough.”

Ian sighed: “Finally, the development direction of the Xiahui Territory is definitely not heavy militaryism! It is useless for us to rely on the army to protect the territory. It is not our development direction to support soldiers and raise bandits!”

“Understood!” Qing Chao answered energetically.

But the later grades were even worse-only 10 points in agriculture and mining, a complete failure, and personal morality… It can’t be said that Qing Chao is not a good person, but he directly wrote “debt exemption” ‘ and ‘tax-free’ are obviously bringing in one’s own family situation.

The Qingchao family paid off a lot of debts back then. He must hope that someone can forgive their debts.

“Speaking of which, I remember you have a wife and children, right?”

Ian forcibly resisted the idea of ​​hanging Qing Chao up for a beating. He asked Scott to give Qing Chao more papers, and after writing an assessment every day, he asked: “Now the territory is not How safe, but if you settle down in the future, do you plan to take it over?”

“I would like to, but she may not come with me.”

Qing Chao himself can take it easy: “At least I have to wait for my second energy level to talk about it, otherwise, how embarrassing it is.”


Ian nodded slightly. Scott’s potion ingredients are already in transit because they are very cheap, and Scott has recently been training with the help of Qingchao and Adbert, condensing the source seeds to become a sublimation to prepare.

The episode passed.

Soon, Ian saw another paper marked in red.

He looked at it and was taken aback.

“What’s going on?” Ian picked up the test paper and looked at it seriously. He frowned: “Who wrote this test paper? There is not a single mistake in the whole text, and all the knowledge categories are full marks… That’s why That’s all.”

“The political inclination written here is basically the same as the inclination I imagined. The solution, different decisions with different identities and different situations, is obviously a seasoned person who has encountered this kind of thing, or even encountered it often, and has experience!”

“Talent?! How can the Xiahui leader have such a talent?!”

Ian was really surprised now – Roland wasn’t considered a local talent in the Xiahui Territory, he was a high-achieving student from the Falling Star Hills, and his knowledge and insight had nothing to do with his hometown.

And this…Far Fatih’s… seventy-six-year-old man actually has such knowledge and culture?

“I need to meet him.” Ian frowned. He had a hunch that the reason why this kind of aged person performed so well in the exam he presided over was to meet him.

Half an hour later, Ian saw Farr in a formal suit waiting for him in the meeting room of the city hall.

“You said that your previous family was the family of stargazers.”

Without any politeness or greetings, Ian sat on the main seat and asked seriously: “Can you prove it?”

“Of course, my lord.”

The old man stared at the youngest, best-looking, and most accomplished lord he had ever seen before. He stood up and gave a scholarly salute: “Pingcang, Mansen, Tianmo, Jiuguang… “

Ian listened to Farr say a series of words and names that seemed inexplicable to ordinary people, and his expression was moved.

Because, these names are all the names of stars, and they are the names of stars derived from very ancient mythical constellations!

Moreover, these stars are the names of the stars that have disappeared from the starry sky of Terra in recent years from near to far!

“There is no need to continue.”

Fare was still reporting, but Ian raised his hand to signal the old man to stop, and he said seriously: “I completely believe it. To be honest, this has far surpassed my level of astrology. Are you A true stargazer.”

“Now, I just have one question.”

Ian raised his hand, he raised his right index finger, looked at Farr, and asked earnestly: “You served two generations of Lean lords in the past. Although your performance was excellent, you never showed Knowledge of astrology. Of course, they may know your background in this area, but they don’t particularly care, and you don’t show it.”

“So, why do you want to show it here? What are you going to do in my territory? With your ability, it can be reused even in Nauman City.”

“Because I saw you looking up at the stars, my lord. You must come to the top of the castle every night, and sit on your armor and look up at this dark sky. No one but a lover of stars will do it, do it. Such a meaningless thing.”

Fal bowed slightly to Ian, his tone was calm, but he revealed his sincerity: “You are not the only one who does this, I just want to tell you this, not deliberately show that I have already done this. Useless knowledge.”

“As for my purpose…it’s actually very simple.”

“I want to be someone you can reuse, have money and power, and then build a star observation tower.”

“That’s all, my lord. I know it’s useless, and the previous lords will never support me, so I don’t want to say anything more.”

“But if it were you, I think maybe you can try.”

Speaking in this way, the old man closed his dark golden eyes, his tone was calm, with a slight smile, as if he was talking in the afternoon breeze: “After all…”

“This is my childhood dream.”


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