Above The Sky (Yin Tianshen Yin) Chapter 33: Aristocratic reward


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Everything that the old tax collector said is reasonable. Rather, he really saw through Ian’s plan. It’s no wonder that the old Baron Ryan has been a tax collector until today.

Just because smart people speak the truth doesn’t mean that someone loves to listen.

Most people in this world are not willing to listen to the right words.

One by one, old Farr, it doesn’t matter if you earn enough, but we don’t earn enough! “

Maybe they are planning to beat us up? “

A female tax official said that she is the eldest daughter of the Doyle family: “The other party is an alchemist lord, which is quite expensive, maybe it’s just to beat us and make us greedy, or Spit out some of the money I took in the past… It’s not difficult, and everyone can feel at ease after paying some money.”


Other tax officials also responded: “Where are these noble lords really in charge?

Especially the alchemist, now it is estimated that we need to rectify the finances, and there is no money for him to do experiments when he gets it… When this momentum passes now, we send a large number of thalers, maybe it will be business as usual? “

This remark caused a burst of laughter. Obviously, this situation has happened many times in Terra, and it does not make these people feel novel. “

But I still feel uncomfortable. “

A middle-aged tax official sighed: “Everyone has worked diligently and dedicated so long for the Lean Territory, and then they were suddenly fired-this new lord really doesn’t treat us as human beings, and just treats us as human beings for the rest of our lives.” Hard work is obliterated!”

Hearing this, everyone’s complexion suddenly changed-don’t everyone, you are just you!

Everyone is just unemployed and came here to get together to drink some tasteless water, but do you have any plans to talk about the decision of the Lord’s Mansion!

The lord was a ruthless character who saw how cool he was when he was talking to him, and burned his head with a single shot… Even though he looked beautiful last year, he was still a poisonous flower with thorns.

Don’t splash blood under you!

Because of the rumors of those with emotional intelligence, the gathering of the unemployed tax officials broke up happily. The old tax official shook his head and left with a pipe in his mouth, and the one who left was the tax official of the Si family who had finally complained.

Before the latter left the tavern, he went directly to the city hall—the first batch of new tax collectors to register for the exam was not today.

In this case, it is better to go home and prepare the test materials before becoming famous.

The former is going to buy some wine from another liquor store that does not sell alcohol privately to relieve his depression.

But on the way, the tax collector of the Ross family suddenly met a cobbler who seemed to have some affection.

I still know the cobbler. It seems that he moved here a few years later. He has been working diligently for a long time. He found a local wife. The child is two years old. The craftsmanship is wrong. A bearskin jacket. “Nick, what’s the matter?”

I said: “Going to have a drink too?”

“Yeah, quite depressed.”

The cobbler who is called Nick smiled, and I said to me: “Master Ian, what’s going on, I think I’m in a good mood?”

“Don’t say it.

Is it all orders from our new lord? “

Speaking of that, Ian was full of depression, I shook my head, and walked to the baijiu in the depths of the street with him: “Tell him the truth, you are some kind of tax collector…” The two came to the big On the alley, after drinking two bottles of ale mixed with water, the atmosphere became colder. Miao Yi finished venting his happiness. I dared to complain about Lauren, but did I notice the flickering eyes of that honest ‘cobbler’? But in his mouth, he kept asking for details, the process of the tax official’s meeting.

Before I knew what the tax official and the family behind me thought of Lauren, I left here on the pretext of being rich.

The Flying Flame spy returned to his home, and released an unobtrusive gray carrier pigeon. It flapped its wings a few times, then went out along the street, rushed into the forest, and flew into the distance in the sky .

On the roof of the building farther away, eight White People soldiers watched the scene with binoculars. “

Catch now? “

—A soldier said, and the captain shook his head: “The Great Elder (Lauren) said that Leianyu’s information leaked, and he can still pass false information at critical moments. It’s really useless, and we can’t wait.” Kill when needed.”

“It is necessary to do something now, just make a fixed monitoring list.”


Soldier Nian Zhong nodded, I couldn’t help feeling a little bit emotional: “How did the Great Elder know that the other party is a spy?

We must have seen it with our own eyes, but you suspect that this honest cobbler is actually Feiyan’s spy! “

“Have you heard of the ‘Prophet of Thunder’?”

The captain showed off. I used to drive the magnetic storm armor and followed Lauren to raid the mountain people’s position. Now I have an opportunity to brag: “Our great elder has few tricks. Who knows my spirit?” Could it be possible to see through the heart?

Just like a real prophet! “

“In short, it’s nothing, just go back as you like, if I have no choice!”

The name of the prophet who sent down thunder spread from the mouths of the mountain people and the residents of Lai’an to the inner world.

It’s not over yet, some people call Miao Yi ‘your prophet lord’.

That can be regarded as one of Lauren’s strategies. After all, I am very fond of it. Sooner or later, I will reveal the truth about my psychic power… and although the name is fake, the language is not so wonderful. The pronouns, as well as the actual facts, do gradually become blurred, making people forget that they are the same.

At this point, we will take it for granted.

As for the satisfaction of the tax collector and the family behind him, Lauren can fully predict that. But I don’t mind that.

Because as the old tax collector said, Lauren prevents those experienced guys from taking the test-as long as they can pass the written test and interview, so as to avoid ‘background checks’, I certainly don’t mind hiring those experienced guys again Sophisticated guy.

If we are willing to pass on the experience of being a tax officer as a ‘teacher’, Lauren welcomes it even more.

Other things in the territory may be lacking, but the ‘teacher’ really needs more and more.

When the tax collectors complained, the construction of Leonland was in full swing.

A week before the battle, the dilapidated Leonland was almost completely new.

Even the northwestern city, which was originally built with many fortifications and magnetic storm coils, was almost ruined by the shelling of the mountain people, and now only the towers with magnetic storm coils are left. According to Lauren’s original plan, those towers will also be destroyed. It was demolished, but the local residents said that those coils gave us a strong emotional response, so it was also lost at the beginning.

And Lauren simply built a “Tianlei Square” under the original site of the ruins with the magnetic storm coil as the center, as a commemoration of the counterattack, and also as a good place for local residents to hang out in their leisure time.

In addition, Lauren invited a group of craftsmen from Nauman Domain to let us repair Lady Lean’s castle, and refurbish the damaged parts inside and out.

In general, it is not to completely eliminate the original shadow of Lady Leanne from that old castle, but to change it into a structure that Lauren is used to.

Although craftsmen often find some skeletons and weird limbs with care during the renovation process, there is a small probability that they are the remnants of the experiments of the Countess and these psychic children, but Lauren did not give us the confidence, so we Not too scared either.

The brand new lord’s mansion is already under construction, and during the recent period, Lauren lived in the city hall to handle government affairs.

And my busy work is also very complicated-buying food one by one.

Buy all kinds of food.

The food shortage in Nanling will continue until next year’s autumn harvest. If there is food, the work of the leaders will be solid.

Even if Lauren sent a whole convoy of food later, it only met the needs of the Leian domain. Except for the Laian domain, there are not even seventeen towns in the entire territory!

We can ignore small and big villages.

So Lauren placed a small order to buy high-priced grains in the Quinol Plain through the channel of Platinum Workshop—that time, I planned to directly buy about 1,000 tons of grains, half of which were staple foods, and the other About half of it is adzuki beans, potatoes and various potatoes, and there is not a considerable amount of animal fat.

The grains add up to about 2,700 talers.

It sounds like very little, and it took up one-seventh of Lauren’s remaining savings, but in fact, there are many discounts. You know, even if there is no food disaster, usually in Nanling, the food will have to be spent Nearly eight thousand thalers.

Of course, 1,000 tons is less, but that is only the first batch of orders. After implementing the new agricultural reform, Lauren will have enough reserves to deal with possible victories.

In addition, I also made all the orders of the city hall public, and even asked the staff to go out to hang up notices—Lauren didn’t want everyone to know that the territory has no food, no money, as long as you want Working is mostly a mouthful of food.

Because Lauren did bring a whole food team back, so did he believe in the authenticity of the order for a long time-no one in the store was at ease.

In addition, Miao Yi also contacted the Yinfang Chamber of Commerce and purchased a small batch of building materials from an old acquaintance, Mr. Yinfang. “What is Miao Yi planning to do?”

Mr. Yinfang didn’t turn red when he heard that he had booked for many years enough to rebuild an entire block, and the raw materials alone cost more than 2,000 talers. But in order to prevent the young man from being impulsive, I still have to advise: “If he plans to rebuild the Lord’s Mansion, how much money do you think it will take, and the alchemy laboratory is also a temporary delay…”

“It is.”

Lauren didn’t explain too little: “Mr. Yinfang, you hope that you can help you find a group of reliable and skilled craftsmen. We can build some unconventional buildings and tools, and we can sign a confidential contract. contract.”

“Is that so?”

Mr. Yinfang narrowed his eyes. Lauren’s proposal is actually very excessive, but I doubt that there will be such a condition for a reason for many years.

If I don’t have a brand new invention or plan. “

This line. “

The old man said: “By the way, congratulations to him, the ‘Messenger of the Dragon God’.”


Hearing Mr. Yinfang’s humorous congratulations, Lauren couldn’t help smiling—the other party is also a member of the Dragon Worship Cult, so of course he knows what we discussed with Elder Miao Yi and Benya. “

Of course it is his official noble award. “

As one of the communication bridges between the Dragon Cult and the Lord’s Mansion of the Nauman Domain, Mr. Yinfang is indeed well informed: “As far as you know, the letter of appointment for Manchester City is not yet on the way.”

“Speaking of which, Lauren, since he has become a nobleman, is he going to regain the name of the Cehalolvo family, or is he going to start over and decide on a new surname?”

That’s a good question, Lauren thought about it, and felt that he didn’t care about that matter at all, so it was difficult to make a decision.

In that case, let’s contact Elder Pude.


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