Above The Sky (Yin Tianshen Yin) Chapter 28: Cheers of victory (thanks to the leader of the moon full of loyalty!)


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Come to Ancheng, on the city defense tower, Scott put down the charging rifle in his hand.

While the moisture in the air greatly reduces the power of a rechargeable rifle, you should have no problem killing a Scout Eagle.

As long as the opponent dares to show his face and does not make any preparations, he will definitely die, but the problem is not to show his face.

Looking at the mountain camp still shrouded in fog in the distance, Scott frowned slightly.

Before the fog rose, he had already observed the team of mountain people.

Although after the thunder attack and the surprise attack led by Yin En, today’s mountain people’s troops are clearly dispirited when marching, but the troops with the sublimators as the core are still very stable-the two sublimators go Chasing Yin En, the one left now seems to be injured, but because of this, there is only one voice left in the whole team.

A unit with three brains is faster than a unit with a single core, at least in terms of fulfilling orders.

At this moment, ten mountain people came out of the smoke from the distant position. They held simple projectile barrels and aimed at the direction of the fortifications in Ancheng, firing black dots one after another.

The rays of light from charged rifles shot on the helmets and armors of these soldiers, but a layer of moist ointment relieved the heat released by the light element ammunition, so that these soldiers were only taken aback and burned two , but not dead.

The small dots they fired were not shells, but concentrated smog blocks. The large swaths of thick fog not only covered the mountain people’s positions, but also shrouded the fortifications of Ancheng in the future.

Now neither side can use long-range precision strikes.

“Do you need me to take action?”

Adbert stood next to Scott. Although Yin En didn’t entrust him with anything, the warm-hearted dead king still felt embarrassed to do nothing during the war, so he came to the position on his own initiative .

“I heard from adults that you are a sublimator of the water system.”

The iron people were not polite either, he pointed in the direction of the mountain people’s position in the fog: “Can you see through the fog and know the enemy’s movements? Or can you quickly dispel the fog?”


Adbert looked at the mountain people’s position, the faint spirit fire flickered deep in his eyes, and he counted skillfully: “Two squadrons, nearly 300 troops are moving, they are wearing light armor, Heading towards the woods around Laian Lake.”

Scott looked at Adalbert, and couldn’t help but take a serious look. He didn’t expect to get such detailed information. Where did the lord find another clairvoyant? The friends he met outside are too powerful, they are capable of scientific research and have strength.

But in fact, Yadbert is more powerful than he imagined.

“It seems that when they confront us head-on, they will send an elite team to go around the position, use the woods as a cover, and attack our rear from the side of the lake.”

After learning the information, Scott understood clearly, and he turned his head to look at the lake: “But there is a key defense area, there is a magnetic storm coil there, and there are various traps and fortifications, they will not It’s better.”

“Kelen, go call Lan Dian and ask him to take his own mercenary team to strengthen the defense.”

The orderly responded. Scott continues to direct.

The number of mountain people’s troops is still overwhelming compared to that of Lai Ancheng’s defenders, and because Yin En and Qing Chao each took half of the magnetic storm armor to go out for a surprise attack, and they have not yet returned to the team, so most of the main bodies are The militiamen came to Ancheng without any possibility of taking the initiative to fight, they could only see tricks.

However, compared to the gloomy atmosphere in the city before the war, the morale of the defenders today is good—how could the lord trigger the thunder to bombard the enemy? This kind of thing is too amazing, whether it is a sublimation skill or some kind of weapon, or that the lord is really the lord of Lai’an city by destiny, it is enough to inspire people’s hearts.

Adbert dispersed the fog on the side of Lai’an City. Although there were soldiers who continued to fire smoke blocks in an attempt to block the firepower attack from Lai’an City, Adbert’s dispersal speed was faster than their firing speed.

Moreover, he can see through and make reports.

“Suppression of enemy positions.”

According to the information fed back by Yadbert, Scott began to command firepower strikes, the sound of cannons sounded, and more than a dozen ordinary artillery in the city fired ammunition one after another, bombarding the foggy area in the distance.

The shells exploded on the ground, setting off large swathes of dust, but these gunpowder weapons could hardly cause fatal damage to the mountain troops.

The ditches dug by the earth-type sublimators, and the walls they molded can well block the firepower of the shells, and the cost of the bullets of the alchemy cannon alone is nearly ten talers, and the specific process is even more complicated, unless it is the second ability of the enemy Otherwise, it would be impossible to use such an expensive thing as a suppression tool.

The troops of the mountain people also began to fight back. They originally planned to attract the attention of the Ancheng side and cover for the elite squadron who took advantage of the fog to transfer.

For a while, the sky was full of artillery fire.

If you expect to fight an ordinary war with bows and arrows and swords and guns in Terra, you may have to go to the dark forest in the north of Terra, which is a truly wild land, even the southernmost Port Harrison in the world Fighting against the natives is also after artillery suppresses, and then the sublimators of both sides will come forward to decide the direction of the war.

But the mountain people never expected that their movements would be directly seen through.

“Boss, there are two squadrons!”

The mercenaries led by Lan Dian are still a little uneasy now, although they did expect to be recruited by the local lord when they were sent here, they were also shocked by Yin En’s perfect preparation and various powerful fortifications.

But when they really saw the mountain squadron that was close to the woodland by the lake and was about to break into the city from the side, they still couldn’t help being a little suspicious: “There are less than thirty of us, three magnetic storm armors, really Can you stop it?”

【We don’t only have magnetic storm armor】

Lan Dian was driving a magnetic storm armor, making a loud noise. For more than a week, he has been assisting Yin En and the people in the alchemy workshop to perfect the magnetic storm armor and coils, and to control the war weapons that he has contributed to. He is not nervous at all, and even the surface of the armor flashes a little Layers of blue current: [Fight around the magnetic storm coil, bare hands and deer horns, you charge the magnetic storm coil]

【Whoever comes out of the woods first will guide the arc to blow them up! 】

The lurking mountain people squadron was just about to speed up to leave the forest, rush into the city to create chaos, and then break through the Lai’an city’s position from the rear, but just as they left the forest, they heard a strange sound, but their instincts gave them danger The sound of ‘Zi La’ current.

A blue and white arc of lightning fell towards the forward of the mountain people, and the leading soldiers were immediately enveloped by the arc, emitting green smoke silently, and fell to the ground like logs. The commander was taken aback, and he discovered that the defenders who came to Ancheng had also deployed a force here.

Because he still remembered the feeling of being attacked by the thunder before, his hairs stood on end immediately, and he shouted to stabilize the troops: “Scatter your positions! There are not many enemies, and advance in a staggered way!”

Most of the lightning sublimators who can control electric currents serve in the army. Their ability to block communication and their speed have always been the leaders of the forward troops. Huge destruction, this captain is also a lightning-type sublimator, he understands the advantages of his ability very well.

But no one tried to tie the Thunder to the ground for positional defense.

“It’s that tower!” A soldier shouted.

The magnetic storm coil is indeed very conspicuous, especially the dangerous arc flashing around it, which tells everyone that it is the core, and the two magnetic storm armors are located at the base of this tower, releasing the arc charge, making the magnetic storm The light shining on the top of the coil became more and more dazzling.

“Throw out the spare weapon and divert the current!”

The commander of this mountain army is very good, and he has already thought about the countermeasures. He took out his metal hand ax from his waist, condensed his own lightning source quality, and threw it high towards the magnetic storm coil. He said decisively: “First and second teams, charge with me!”

The mountain people’s team listened to the order, and for a while, a large number of throwing axes and knives went towards the magnetic storm coil, and the ground was densely packed, just like a small dark cloud. The captain’s lightning element turned these weapons into a simple trigger Thunderbolt.

The thunder from the magnetic storm coil fell, but it fell on these metal weapons, but it didn’t hit anyone.

Seeing this scene, the commander breathed a sigh of relief. With the advancing speed of the troops, as long as he diverts the first wave of attacks from the magnetic storm coil, he can rush to the side of the fortifications and lead the team to give these defending troops a fatal blow.

It’s just a pity, they really underestimated their preparations for coming to Ancheng.

When a mountain soldier stepped on the ground, he felt as if he stepped on something hard.

Before he lifted his foot, he already felt that something was wrong, but it was too late to think about it.

Explosions appear on the soles of his feet.

Time seems to freeze here.

The commander of the mountain people slowly opened his eyes wide. He saw a soldier beside him being blown away by the mine explosion that appeared on the soles of his feet.

The scattered blood of the soldiers fluttered in the air, carrying a warm and real breath, as well as the smell of death.

Then there were continuous explosions, and soldiers were constantly blown away by the minefields, and a large part of them did not die. The ground support weapons and equipment are all regular army grade.

But it is even more desperate.

Howls sounded on the battlefield, and the mountain people’s team began to slow down at the fastest speed, and even retreated, and the charged light flow of the magnetic storm coil lit up again.

“Fucking Imperials!” The commander knew that the situation was over. Even if the number of surviving troops still exceeded 250, he still had an overwhelming advantage over the defenders, but he would never be able to launch a second attack. It’s time to charge.

He raised his sword, ready to make a final charge, and Lan Dian didn’t even look at him, just turned back to charge the magnetic storm coil.

The light is soaring.

A thunder arc fell and hit the mountain people commander.

The magnetic storm coils flashed endless streams of light, equally turning everything into fly ash.

The mountain people’s sneak attack failed.

The Mountain People Headquarters didn’t know this yet, Tie Chen commanded the troops to exchange firepower with the defenders, but his heart gradually sank.

——Snake Yan and Zhenzhou were chasing after one, and they were still wearing armor and hitting the flesh. They should have captured that Bai Zhimin kid a long time ago. Why haven’t they come here yet?

Although this would not prevent him from being robbed of the credit for returning to Ancheng, a possibility that he couldn’t believe suddenly appeared in the chief’s heart: “Could it be that the white-haired boy is really so difficult to deal with? He ran away?”

“It’s not impossible, but it’s the second-level goblin bloodline, I really want to run, I don’t know how fast I can run…”

However, just before the news of the raid’s defeat came back.

The real bad news is coming.

“Chief! There are enemy troops behind you!”

When he heard the news, Tie Chen thought he was hallucinating. He turned his head and looked at the back of his position. The swarm, while the white-haired lord is commanding in mid-air, leading the torrent of steel and thunder to charge forward.

Yin En found the retreating magnetic storm armor troops immediately, and then led them around, directly attacking the tail of the mountain people troops.

This is a decisive attack, and he is full of confidence.

“What’s going on?! What about Zhenzhou and Snake Rock!?”

Tie Chen took a breath, and immediately ordered the troops to reverse direction, and mobilized the alchemy artillery to bombard the magnetic storm armor that came from behind. Now they have not been attacked by sky thunder, and the formation is very stable. The imperial people thought that they could be defeated by two sides. It was really a big mistake. When he eats this magnetic storm armor troop, he can attack the city head-on without any scruples!

But at this moment, Yin En has raised his sword.

It’s not the Abyss Iron Sword, but a steel-patterned sword. The ordinary long sword is now covered with a layer of interlaced ice blades with a chill, and all the magnetic storm armors also raised their magnetic storm launchers.


The ground roared, and the steel exoskeleton power armor trampled on the ground, causing the woods and rocks on both sides to continuously shake their leaves, shaking uncontrollably, and the mud on the ground had waves like sea tides.

The first wave of artillery from the mountain people turned around and they were already aiming.

But Yin En’s speed is as fast as a shooting star. When the gunfire roared, he raised his sword and slashed horizontally, and the oncoming shells were cut open, and his sword wind continued to extend forward, cutting All the mountain soldiers on the outermost side were pushed down and sent flying.

Then, he slammed into the rear end of the mountain army, bursting up large pieces of broken rocks, armor remains and flesh and blood fragments. The mountain soldiers retreated tremblingly, leaving a circular vacuum area, And Yin En, who landed here, looked up, and there were no other mountain soldiers in his eyes, only the astonished chief Tiechen.

Behind him, the lightning arcs of the thunder continued to light up one after another. The troop of the magnetic storm armor followed Yin En and crashed into the rear of the mountain people’s troops. A large number of soldiers collapsed amidst the smell of charcoal and barbecue. , they pushed and wanted to leave this place, causing the entire formation to become chaotic.

“The enemy is in chaos!”

When he came to Ancheng, Scott was keenly aware of the loud shouts of killing coming from behind the fog. He turned his head to look at Adalbert, and got an affirmative answer: “Yin is there .”

“Fire support!” The Iron Man did not make the decision to charge out of the city and attack Yin En on both sides, because he knew that the next mountain people’s army would definitely collapse and leave the area shrouded in clouds and mist.

Subsequently, whether it is a salvo of artillery or charged rifles, it will bring huge damage.

That’s really the best form of support.

At this moment, Yin En confronted Tie Chen.

One person, one sword, smashing the enemy’s formation. This incident is not uncommon in Terra, but it can only be said that such a scene occurs when both sides have the same energy level, and even the number of sublimators is several times that of one side.

“Damn Bai Zhimin kid, die!”

Tie Chen had no mood and no room to talk nonsense anymore, he picked up his battle ax from the side, although his lumbar spine was still a bit aching from the armor battle before, but he still believed in his own strength.

Dongdongdong——The burly leader of the mountain people ran without hesitation, and he led a team of his personal guards to attack Yin En.

“The corpse is talking.”

But Yin En raised his sword, and he also started to charge. Han Hui’s skeleton pushed him to accelerate, causing the ice-blue sword edge to create an arc in midair.

Everyone present could see that an ice blue streamer swept across the entire battlefield.

A gust of cold wind blew, and Yin En appeared behind Tie Chen and his troops. He slowly put his sword back into its sheath.

The moment the steel-pattern sword was completely withdrawn from its scabbard, Tie Chen and his personal guards were all amputated at the waist.

Blood spurted out, Tie Chen was still alive, the medicine injected before made his vitality extremely tenacious, and even his strength and speed were greatly improved, but it was still not enough for Yin En who also took the medicine.

He wanted to say something more, but Yin En didn’t listen.

The ice gradually spread, freezing Tie Chen’s head and making his eyes dull.

The last mountain chief died, and the mountain army was completely disintegrated—they started crying and running, fleeing, and the distant city of Laian fired beams of rechargeable rifles, killing those who fled Soldier.

And when Yin En led the magnetic storm armor troops and appeared in the field of vision of Lai’an City, the entire battlefield fell into silence for a while, and everyone’s eyes were locked on their lord.

Created all these situations, brought new technologies, defeated the enemy, and took the lead in breaking through the enemy’s formation. They are well-deserved lords and leaders.

Immediately afterwards, there was cheering—the cheering of victory!

Victory has come.


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