Above The Sky (Yin Tianshen Yin) Chapter 23: The advantage is mine!


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In a world with extraordinary power, the most direct way to defeat the enemy is to improve your own power.

For example, Yin En wants to defeat the mountain people and go to their holy land to obtain information about the skyfall spaceship, then he only needs to advance to the third energy level, and he can easily crush all the rebellious mountain people—although it is possible He can’t beat the group of steel pterosaurs, but the Dragon Worship and the King of the Mountain will help him block those people.

But the reason why it is the most direct and not the easiest method is because it is too difficult to advance.

Even though Yin En is a gifted genius and his spiritual practice has almost reached the evaluation standard of the “third energy level” of the civilization of the pre-epoch, if he wants to have The combat power of the third energy level, then he has to collect the potion materials of the third energy level ‘Lord of Stone’ from Qi Fairy or Fudo Fortress.

Materials for the third energy level are hard to find.

Materials for the first level of monsters, a material is about 100 talers to 300 talers, it is expensive, but it is not difficult to buy all – the really expensive thing is actually around the potion Additional services, such as the alchemist’s service fee, the nutrition needed for exercise, the guidance and shaping of the source seed, etc… Not to mention the formula, it is all strategic information, and no one will easily disclose it.

As for the second energy level, the price of materials generally fluctuates around one or two thousand, and the cheapest one costs more than seven hundred thalers… It doesn’t sound like much, but it’s just one copy.

Adding up the final price, it is quite expensive… Even though Yin En seems to be holding the 15,000 Thaler research grant given to him by the Flint Group, he can’t afford two complete first copies. Level 2 potion.

As for the third energy level…

Just one piece of material has to be calculated with the basic unit of ‘Wantale’.

Actually, it is almost impossible to buy sublimation materials of this level.

Most of the materials of the third energy level are found in the maze by themselves, or they wait for the distribution of the empire, the channel of strategic material exchange… You know, many nobles with glorious ancestors are now mostly second energy level.

Combined with the limitation of mind light body on self-awareness, even if you have money, you will not be able to advance.

For the goblin, it’s okay, Yin En will ask Hua An and her mentor Gan Song to see if he can get some tips and help with part of the credit for saving the goblin’s remnant soul.

As for the ‘Lord of Stone’, it is a bit troublesome.

“I hope there is a channel from the Dragon Sect. Elder Manya wants to advance to the third energy level, which proves that he should be able to get the corresponding materials.”

After finishing thinking about higher energy levels in the future, Yin En continued to shift his attention to the next battle to defend Lai’an City.

With the territory buried by the Nether Crystal Engine, the value alone may be comparable to the material of the fifth energy level, or even more.

Protecting this place is the most important thing.

The vanguard troops of the mountain people have arrived at the edge of Lai’an, around the Guyan Peak. This is a long-awaited guess for the residents of Lai’an City, but after it really happened, there are still some disturbing news.

It can be seen from any angle that Yin En is preparing for the battle with all his strength.

Whether it is the new type of armor that is being continuously produced, or the grotesque defensive towers that can control the power of thunder, they are all in the eyes of everyone——Yin En, the new lord, is in Lai’an City Before receiving feedback, he invested at least 3,000 Thaler, which proved his determination to keep Lai’an City.

It is precisely because of this resolute will that is visible to the naked eye that some people are willing to join the Lai’an militia.

After announcing that the ‘rebellious mountain people’ were about to invade Lai’an City, Yin En began to direct the guards and militiamen to guide the northwest of the city, and the residents of the main battle zone to leave the residential area.

There, the militiamen are building various small fortifications and fortresses to build a line of defense.

Although it may not be used in theory, it is definitely right to be prepared.

In a few days, the entire western part of the city became a fortress made of steel and concrete.

But this is only the most superficial preparation.

In the city of Lai’an, in addition to the energy sources required for the production of magnetic storm armor and magnetic storm coils, the alchemy workshops are also hurrying to manufacture various ‘catalysts’.

Whether it is silver iodide, calcium chloride or salt powder dry ice, or even urea and other ‘alchemy products’.

Most people don’t understand why the lord wants to make such a seemingly useless thing… But obviously, they will not question Yin En’s wisdom and strength.

But Yin En also made up his mind to set up a basic knowledge school in the future-everyone can’t be like Qing Chao, who can’t understand what he wants to do at all, right?

At the same time, Yin En also got an unexpected news from Nauman City.

——Nauman City sent the rebel mountain people the detailed attack time, combat plan and staffing…more detailed than Yin En’s own reconnaissance, and revealed the future attack route of the mountain people for Yin En !

According to Colonel Mayova, these are the information provided to them by the “passionate and loyal citizens of the empire” at the risk of providing them, and they attached great importance to it when they knew it, and immediately informed Yin En.

Iron inner ghost.

Yin En is very certain that most of the actions of the rebellious mountain people are within the expectations of the Marquis of Barton. It was beyond his imagination, so the situation in Nanling is still relatively chaotic.

It’s just that Nauman City is absolutely well aware of other aspects, such as the large-scale military activities of the rebellious mountain people.

In this regard, the boy asked if he needed to keep his hand, and Colonel Mayova told Yin En tactfully that they did not need prisoners, but how to do it was up to Yin En himself. Now that he is the lord, he doesn’t need to pay too much attention to the suggestions of these people.

—hmm. It seems that the inner ghost did not come to attack the three tribes led by Lai’an.

After knowing the enemy’s course of action, Yin En has a new idea.

He personally led a group of craftsmen and hired workers in the alchemy workshop, and with the militiamen, laid some metal strips with thunderstone powder and magnetic silver components at positions outside the city where mountain troops might pass by, and Some are disguised as tree branches, tall metal pillars ‘lightning triggers’.

“Did you hear what the lord said? Install these metal pillars on the trunks of some big trees, remember to be higher than the crown of the trees!”

“The thunderstone powder is laid around the metal pillar and covered under the fallen leaves.”

“Remember to bury the magnetic silver alloy wire in the ground, and cover it with a layer of floating soil… Don’t be fooled, the lord has said that whoever dares to hide the magnetic silver wire will end up like President Xilin!”

“What will happen to President Xilin? His head will be burnt to ashes. To put it simply, he will die. Do you understand?!”

I have to say that the average quality of Terra is indeed not that good. The workers in charge of the construction really planned to hide the magnetic silver wire, and only secretly returned it after hearing the death threat from the foreman…Yin En is right Of course, he could see all of this, but he also knew that in this era of Terra, the quality of most people was like this, and they shouldn’t be too demanding.

As long as he returned later, he would turn a blind eye.

It’s rainy and thunderous in Nanling, seeing Yin En’s movements, even the most stupid workers can figure out what their lords are going to do-but they still don’t quite know, it’s just simple As for the lightning trigger, why can Yin En be sure that it will rain when the enemy attacks?

Could it be that the lord is a prophet?

After making all the preparations in advance, Yin En began to assign combat tasks.

“Three days later. In the early morning of three days later, the mountain people will complete their preparations and start a tentative attack to Ancheng.”

“What we have to do is to force the mountain people to fight us as soon as possible, and let them speed up their actions, instead of cautiously scouting the situation around Lai’an City, and finding out our reality before attacking.”

“Qingchao, you lead a magnetic storm team to cut off and harass the supply lines of the mountain people. If the situation is not right and it doesn’t rain, use charging rifles or explosives to strike remotely.”

“Scott, you have to use the alchemy cannon to fire rain bombs at the right time-the troops will be handed over to you to command, just follow the tactics we decided during the meeting.”

Yin En has led a team to test the actual effect of the rain bomb around Jinye Town. It will rain an hour after the alchemy cannon is fired.

Although the speed is a bit slow, if Yin En himself enters the cloud layer and artificially catalyzes it, the process can be accelerated to a few minutes.

But after all, Yin En wants to drive the armor to stop the enemy’s main combat power-so it still depends on Scott’s decision.

All the preparations that should be done in advance are over, and the next thing is to wait for the arrival of the enemy.

And the rebellious mountain people are just as the information of Nauman city said.

Three days later, they left on time and set off.

From the mouth of the Guyan Peak Gorge, the three coalition forces of the mountain people drove wild beasts and monsters, and rushed straight towards Lai’an City!

A thousand-man army. It doesn’t sound like a lot, but for Terra, an army with all armored members, proficient combat literacy, and multiple second-level and armored troops is enough to be called an elite in the local area.

Bison Mountains, southeast mountains.

A well-disciplined army, divided into squadrons, marches in unison.

They are like a river armed with iron and steel. The trained beasts and monsters move together with the scouts, looking for possible spies from Lai’an in the surrounding forests—they know that the new lord of Lai’an is a master , even Martin of the Xuanfeng Division was defeated by him, so the three coalition forces did not dare to underestimate each other, but marched with the most upright and cautious attitude to avoid being disrupted by the enemy’s surprise attack.

In fact, the spies of the mountain people have passed on the changes in Ancheng, and they already know that Lai’an, which now has magnetic storm coils and various small fortifications, is a hard nut to crack…

They are also ready for a tough battle.

“It’s really difficult to deal with.”

Chief Snake Rock, the leader of the three coalition forces this time, is a man with pale skin and thin like a snake.

Even so, his appearance is not feminine, but gives people a sense of vigilance and danger-steel rock snakes are not poisonous, but they are the snakes that are best at digging holes and making traps. The prey that fell into the sharp rock trap smashed the bones with its hard body, and then swallowed them all.

But at the same time, the steel rock snake will definitely not take the initiative to attack those wild beasts that seem to be weaker than themselves.

Chief Snake Rock is a perfect portrayal of his blood. Because he is good at intrigue and traps, he is more careful to avoid being fooled by smarter people.

But even so, after receiving the report from the spies, Chief Snake Rock frowned: “The new lord who came to Ancheng, that young kid named Yin En is as cowardly as a rock turtle, holding back Can’t you come out of your lair?”

“Not at all youthful and impulsive…it’s not cute.”

Everyone knows the difference between the troops from the mountain people and the troops from Lai’an. Even the defenders can’t withstand the nearly ten times difference in strength, so as long as the lord who comes to Ancheng is smart enough, he will try to march in the mountain people’s army At that time, various methods were used to reduce the combat effectiveness of the mountain troops.

Snake Rock has always been on guard against traps, and even deliberately let the leading troops relax their vigilance to induce Yin En to attack… But the young man didn’t take the bait, he insisted on holding back, and made up his mind to form a stronghold with them and fight silently. .

In this case, even if they win, they will definitely lose a lot!

Boom! boom! boom!

Just as Chief Snake Rock was frowning and thinking about how to avoid his own losses and break through Laian City at the lowest possible cost, he suddenly heard several cannon fires from far away, but still faintly audible.

“Lai Ancheng started shelling us now?”

Chief Snake Rock was stunned for a moment. He had a bad feeling in his heart, but he didn’t quite understand why he had to waste expensive alchemy shells when he came to Ancheng… How could it be a hit? They are still in the woods!


After a while, a messenger came over: “Chief Zhenzhou and Chief Tiechen asked you, what should we do next? It seems that you have found us in Ancheng?”

“What else can I do? These two brainless guys, don’t they really think that our march can be hidden from Ancheng?”

Chief Snake Rock’s face twitched. If he answered this question, he would be pulled to the same IQ level as those two guys: “Tell them, let’s move on and build a temporary position near Lai’an City. Pushing forward bit by bit, it doesn’t matter if you are in a stalemate with the other party.”

“I will lead my troops to dig tunnels underground and try to raid the city—it is impossible to attack after destroying the enemy’s fortifications.”

Having said so, Chief Snake Rock smiled confidently: “Anyway, it’s not us who are in a hurry.”

The order was issued, and the mountain people’s team continued to move forward in an orderly manner.

Soon, they arrived at a gentle riverside forest near Lai’an City. There is a gentle stream here, and a little higher hilly land further away. If you build a tower here, you can overlook the edge of Lai’an City from a distance, and you can also use the hills to avoid direct artillery fire from Lai’an City.

“Repair for a while! Wait for the supply troops to build a camp here!”

Snake Yan ordered, he was really not in a hurry.

The mountain people’s troops add up to nearly 1,500 people, and the combatable soldiers who came to Ancheng, even counting the poorly trained militiamen, are only 300 people.

——One thousand and five against three hundred, the advantage is mine!

He dared to make such a judgment.

And at this moment.

It’s raining.


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