Above The Sky (Yin Tianshen Yin) Chapter 22: Can the prophets of Terra also predict the apocalypse?


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It is said that he is leading the team, but in fact only Qing Chao is accompanying him, Scott stays behind to command, and Adbert, who is aliased as Gu Ying, goes to the alchemy workshop with Yin En’s warrant.

In a sense, Adbert can be regarded as a left-behind defender—although he cannot use the power of the dead king, if the enemy really invades Laian City, with him, he will definitely be able to block or even destroy it secretly those enemies.

—You thought you were raiding a lab?

Wrong! You raided a small warp labyrinth guarded by a dead king!

The speed of the sublimator is very fast.

Not long after, Yin En and Qing Chao arrived around Guyan Peak.

It’s autumn, and the sky around Guyan Peak is full of dark clouds.

On the high ground around the mouth of Guyan Peak, you can overlook a large camp of mountain people from a distance.

After all, Yin En has been to this area and is quite familiar with the terrain.

At the same time, for future development and to confirm the movement of the rebellious mountain people, he would send several teams of spies here to observe the situation every day.

But even so, given the terrain of the Baisen Mountains, a week’s inspection could not find all the hidden passages – the troops of the rebel mountain people came out of a hidden mountain gorge, which was originally a river , but dried up after a major storm six years ago, it is now lush.

Because there are sublimators in this world, it is very easy to detect, but anti-reconnaissance has also evolved. The young man is now manipulating the water mist, imitating the figures of the two people, so that he can climb to the top of the mountain without being discovered .

They began to observe the situation.

The mountain people’s camp is built on a platform on the mountainside of Guyan Peak. The gray rocks seem to have metal components and are extremely strong.

This place is difficult to destroy, and it is condescending, so you can observe the surrounding situation. Most importantly, it will not be like the flat land below the mountain gorge, which can be easily blown up by explosives to block the lake or bury it in the valley. .

This is actually the strategy Yin En originally wanted to use—in fact, he sent people to clean up the flat land on purpose. If the leader of the mountain people is really so stupid, let alone a thousand people , even 10,000 people would have to be buried.

But obviously the mountain people are not that stupid to see the danger in that place.

The mountain camp is roughly divided into three parts, each of which is relatively independent, and it can be seen that they belong to different chiefs.

What makes Yin Enxin vigilant is that each camp is very solidly built, with prowling beasts crawling around to guard the gates, and patrolling hunters, and there are many secret sentries in the vision of foresight.

Very formal – this is a trainee unit that has been trained by flameland instructors!

Only Yin En has the Ring of Silence and the Phantom of Water Mist, and the other second energy levels are close, and they will definitely be discovered.

In the center of the camp, there are three armored machines. It is already a small team.

Even with Feiyan’s assistance, this number is obviously too much. Yin En is sure that the main force of the rebellious mountain people has already arrived here.

“Warcraft, armor, and elite hunter troops.”

Qing Chao also saw all this, and the blue-haired swordsman frowned: “Boss, this is not ordinary—according to your old friend of the Dragon Sect, among the five chiefs of the Midra Autonomous Region, there are three They’ve all come here.”


Yin En observed carefully, he counted in detail, and then nodded slightly: “1,354 people, 31 trained beasts, three armors, five monsters, and the most core three Sublimation of the second energy level.”

“Fortunately, there are not that many.” He took a long breath: “I thought it was the whole enemy army coming over, as long as it wasn’t a big army pressing the formation, we could still fight.”

“But it’s still troublesome.”

“That’s not much?” Qing Chao opened his eyes wide, and he looked at Yin En: “Boss, this time the enemy also has armor, so it’s not so easy to deal with it?”

“Among other things, those five monsters are enough for me…” He muttered to himself, apparently already thinking about how to distribute the enemies and who was responsible for destroying which enemies.

Based on Qing Chao’s self-knowledge and professional compatibility, he felt that it might be the best choice to deal with those five monsters by himself.

“I won’t let you fight five monsters. In fact, it’s just a salvo. When I come back to Ancheng, I will show you the power of the new weapon.”

Yin En shook his head, Qing Chao had never seen the power of a charging rifle and his own armor, that’s why he had this wrong association.

He explained: “The main reason is that there are too many enemies, and our firepower projection cannot eliminate the enemy’s forwards in the first place – as long as the enemy does not collapse, they will definitely be able to rush into our position. “

“So the most troublesome thing is that these soldiers are trained… They are not so easy to collapse, even with fear potions.”

Especially the potion of fear is good for a small group of people. The larger the number of people, the larger the range, and Yin En can’t make so many potions.


At this moment, Qing Chao is also thinking about how to attack the enemy, he frowned: “Boss, is it possible to set up a few artillery pieces to destroy the platform where they are?”

“The rocky mountain structure is not so easy to collapse.”

Yin En shook his head: “Let’s see if we shoot low and high to destroy the enemy, or the other party condescends and shoots all our artillery a few kilometers away.”

That Qing Chao didn’t move either—he was just a swordsman, and his greatest resourcefulness was to use the terrain to destroy the enemy.

But Yin En is different.

He looked up at the dark clouds in the sky.

The leaden gray sky is extremely gloomy, and the sky is covered with darkness.

He was inspired by the faint rumbling of the dark clouds.

“The location is not good…but the weather is good.”

The young man muttered to himself: “Fortunately, the Nanling side is cloudy and rainy—there is still room for manipulation.”

Yin En suddenly smiled: “Not bad. The time is mine!”

——It seems that he, the prophet, has a serious apocalypse forecast!

Qing Chao didn’t understand what Yin En was talking about, but he could understand that Yin En had already figured out a solution—the other party was like this, whether it was in the Great Maze of the South China Sea or at other times, he could always come up with a solution approach to crisis.

The two investigated for a while, and through the tribal coat of arms, race differences, and behavior habits, they determined that the people who came here were the ‘Iron Dust Tribe’, ‘Snake Rock Tribe’ and ‘Zhenzhou Tribe’. They are all well-known among the mountain people, and it is said that they all hold part of the inheritance of the mountain people’s heyday.

And their supplies were sent from a trail down the mountain… a hidden route, but they couldn’t hide it from Yin En, who had a silver chip and vision vision.

After confirming that they had investigated all the information, the two returned to Laiancheng.

Even at the speed of a sublimator, it was already late at night when they came back, but Scott and Adalbert were waiting for their return—even the bald craftsman Amber was there, And look excited.


The others are fine, Amber actually waited here for him in the middle of the night without sleeping, Yin En felt that he didn’t…

There is such a charm. But clearly, now is not the time to play glamour.

“My lord!”

Amble came over excitedly, and he pointed in the direction of Adalbert: “This…Mr. Guying, where is the expert?!”

“It took him only one afternoon to solve the problem of the high-energy crop cultivation medium that had plagued our alchemy workshop for two years!”


Yin En really didn’t expect such a good thing—he turned his head and looked at Adalbert, the dead king who disguised himself as a white man with his white hair and white skin, scratched a little shyly Cheek: “I happened to encounter a similar problem, so I tried to answer it…”

“Mr. Amber is also smart!” He emphasized: “Among all the people I have met, Mr. Amber is also very studious and quick to understand!”

“I’m not surprised.” Yin En glanced at Amber. This person who has no political literacy at all and has a technical mind can be the head of the workshop, which is enough to prove that he is skilled.

The technical problem of high-energy crop culture medium has obviously troubled Amber for a long time. Adbert solved it when he first arrived, and he didn’t have any jealousy, only ecstasy, and gratitude for what he learned-this kind of mentality is not ordinary people can have.

Yin En turned around and looked at Adalbert: “I’m rather strange, Guying, you don’t study this aspect, do you?”

“Slightly understand, slightly understand.”

Adelbert said humbly. He does understand a little, because his main job is biological alchemy and spiritual alchemy, but the projects he is responsible for are related to too many things, so at present, in a rural place like Laianling, he can be an all-around genius to use.

Amble reported the latest progress of the magnetic storm armor to Yin En: Now the magnetic storm armor can be put into actual combat, and the mutual assistance function between the magnetic storm armor and the magnetic storm coil has also been initially completed with the help of Lan Dian.

After reporting this, the bald mechanic happily continued to work in the workshop.

Yin En also knows why the other party is bald.

For the Terrans, who theoretically don’t lose their hair due to androgen, there must be a reason for their natural baldness.

After Amber left, Yin En’s team had a small meeting.

“There are only three groups here. The armies of the other two tribes should be on Elder Manya’s side. Of course, there are more than five rebellious mountain people, and the ones who come to our side can be regarded as the main force.”

Yin En spread out the map, pointed to the direction of Lai’an Ling and Qigang Mountain, and said: “The rebel mountain people must not gather all their troops to attack us. This time the armored troops advance, it is estimated that they will be the first with the most momentum. This wave is also the only wave of offensive, as long as we stop it and wipe out their vital strength, the rebel mountain people will not have the strength to attack us again before next spring.”

“My lord.”

Scott is very serious. He is frowning at this moment, looking at the map and the intelligence report: “According to the information you have explored, the Mountain People’s army this time has more than a thousand people, three armored units, and There are more than three hundred elite mountain hunters…and we, counting the White Civil Guard, the mercenaries I brought, and the mercenaries sent by Nauman City, add up to more than one hundred and ten people.”

“And there is only one armor.”

“The number of enemies is more than ten times that of ours, and the military strength and equipment are not at the same level. Even if we succeed in defending Lai’an City… I guess it will be a bitter victory.” He summed it up like a defeatist strategist. Almost said, ‘Our army must be defeated! ’ This is the key word.

“Indeed. Our military strength is a huge disadvantage.”

Yin En didn’t refute, because what Scott said was true—but at this moment, he looked out of the window, where he could see the magnetic storm coil in the north of the city far away.

The boy smiled and said: “But the equipment is not necessarily the case. Especially the armor. With the assistance of the city defense facilities, my Cyclops can single out three ordinary fifth-generation armors. It is not a problem.”

” Not to mention, “The more than a hundred of us are all professional mercenaries and guard members. After being armed, the combat effectiveness must be far superior to those ordinary mountain people. Even trained mountain hunters cannot beat us in terms of simple weapons and equipment. “


Yin En said this, and he raised his hand: “What we need to think about is how to solve the disadvantages in manpower – forming a small team to cut off their supplies is the first point, weakening the endurance of the mountain people.”

“And more importantly, we must learn to rely on ‘sky’ to fight.”


Everyone was stunned, even Qing Chao, who had heard Yin En say this word before, felt a little puzzled: “Boss, what the **** do you mean?”

“The weather. And luck.”

Yin En simply explained: “In fact, the weather can actually be manipulated… I don’t know, have you ever heard of ‘artificial rainfall’?”

“I’ve heard it…”

Adelbert is considered the most well-informed among the countrymen present. When Scott and Qing Chao were stunned for a while, he nodded thoughtfully: “But, he can manipulate the sky. Invoking changes in the natural spiritual energy field, manipulating nature to attack—isn’t this the power of the etheric arm and the powerhouse of the third energy level?”

“Moreover, you have to be a strong person of a specific inheritance to do it!”

“Yes. But definitely more than that.”

Yin En shook his head slightly. He believed that Terra definitely had the technology to carry out artificial rainfall, but I am afraid that the technology of artificially changing the celestial phenomenon of these pre-epoch civilizations would be weaponized, or sublimated and inherited. It’s irrelevant.

Just as the imperial capital itself is a huge weather regulator, no one has ever thought of replicating a small imperial capital that only has the function of weather adjustment in other places to serve the public.

So much so that, for people like Yadbert, artificial rainfall has already been equated with third-level powerhouses and weather weapons.

This is indeed the direction that Yin En may develop, but technology definitely has more than one direction.

“Creating rain is actually very simple.”

Yin En explained to everyone present: “Depending on the weather conditions, it can be achieved by putting in different catalysts. For example, dry ice and silver iodide in cold weather, salt powder or calcium chloride in hot weather… In short, the recent It was going to rain for a while, and we have to make sure that on the day when the rebel mountain people attack Lai’an City, it will definitely rain around Lai’an City.”

“It’s not just raining, it has to be raining!”

Hearing this, even Qing Chao, who had the lowest level of knowledge, understood it. He suddenly patted his thigh: “I see! Boss, you want to be like Viscount Grant, and create water that is beneficial to you.” The venue where the attribute source quality is played, and then blow up those mountain people who have sublimated?”

“But won’t it be a bit difficult? Rainy days do have a boost to water system sublimators, but it’s not that big…”

Yin En raised his hand, signaling Qing Chao to stop talking. He made up his mind to let the other party read more books.

“Yeah, water can conduct electricity… that’s why!”

Qing Chao Lai Lai An collar is not long, and he has never seen magnetic storm coils and magnetic storm armor, but Scott completely understood, he opened his eyes and said excitedly: “So, as long as it rains at the right time , more than a thousand enemies is not a big problem at all!”

“Yes. And it doesn’t have to be rain…if the conditions are perfect.”

Yin En smiled and looked around at the excited crowd: “We can still bring down the thunder!”


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