A Warm Wedding and A New Bride of Young Master Lu Chapter 5963: I like you the most (4)


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Mu En’s “little aunt” arrived late but still.

When Ye Zhiwei heard this, he felt secretly happy.

But when Yanci asked, she was shocked.

Fortunately, she and brother Yinuo are already in a relationship.

Otherwise, now, she can dig out three bedrooms and one living room with her toes.

Now, it depends on how Mu En will answer.

Su Yinuo was also quite calm and looked at Mu En.

Knowing that she had said the wrong thing, Mu En covered her mouth and blinked in confusion.

Looking at her like this, Ye Zhiwei felt soft and planned to rescue her.

However, the little girl suddenly hugged her tightly and whispered in her ear: “Sister, can you be my little aunt? I want my sister to be my little aunt~”

Ye Zhiwei was shocked again.

This little girl… is too quirky.

“It’s a bit sudden.” Ye Zhiwei also said quietly, “Sister, can you think about it?”

Xiao Muen nodded and crawled towards Su Yinuo, “Little uncle, give me a hug!”

Su Yinuo picked up the little girl, and she said in his ear: “Come on, little uncle!”

Su Yinuo immediately guessed what Mu En said to Ye Zhiwei, and looked at Ye Zhiwei, “Okay.”

Yu Heng looked confused and came over to ask, “What are you talking about?”

Su Yinuo pushed his face away and said, “Go.”

Yanci has long been focused on toys again, “Idiot brother!”

“Humph!” Yu Heng jumped up and said with his hands on his hips, “I’ll tell my parents when I go home.” After saying that, he really rushed out. His aunt at home hurriedly told him to slow down and wear indoor work shoes. Just go after him.

Ye Zhiwei was a little worried, “Will Yu Heng go back…”

Su Yinuo looked relaxed, “Don’t worry, no one usually believes what he says.”

“…” Ye Zhiwei looked at Yan Ci silently – Yan Ci should be the other extreme.

Yanci shook the toy in his hand and said, “Sister, thank you for the gift, I didn’t hear anything.”

Su Yinuo freed up a hand and touched Xiao Yanci’s head, “Okay, let’s continue playing.”


Ye Zhiwei still said nothing.

But this time I was not speechless, but shocked.

Yan Ci is too smart, but so smart that people feel reassured!

Then… can they be a little more bold?

Anyway, sister Xiangyi hasn’t come down yet!

Ye Zhiwei’s gaze became obviously warmer.

She went over to hug Mu En, but at the same time she got close to Su Yinuo, looked at Su Yinuo and asked: “Mu En, can it be okay for my sister to hug you?”

Su Yinuo raised the corners of his lips: “There is surveillance in the living room… installed for Mu En’s safety.”

Ye Zhiwei suddenly retracted and sat upright.

Su Yinuo continued what he just said, “I just don’t know if it’s open today.”

“…” Ye Zhiwei quietly gave Su Yinuo a dissatisfied look, “If you tease me again…I’ll go back to the city!”

Mu En could only understand half of their conversation.

But Mu En understood the last sentence and immediately went over to catch Ye Zhiwei, “Sister, don’t leave!”

Before Ye Zhiwei could react, Luo Xiaoxi came in and heard Mu En’s words, and asked in surprise: “Wei Wei is leaving?”

Su Yinuo was surprised but not too surprised – his mother came after all!

Ye Zhiwei hugged Mu En and stood up: “Aunt Xiao Xi!”

She had a smile on her face, but she was not as nervous as usual. Fortunately, she was holding Xiao Muen.

She didn’t dare to look at Su Yinuo, and was thinking frantically in her mind about how she should behave next in order to be fully recognized.

Aunt Xiao Xi likes her now because she had a good first impression of her.

But she hopes that the Su family can truly recognize and accept her as a person.

Um, no! Could she be…thinking too far?

Su Yinuo glanced at Ye Zhiwei out of the corner of his eye and guessed that she was nervous, so he eased the atmosphere: “Mom, why are you here?”

Luo Xiaoxi first greeted Ye Zhiwei and walked straight towards Ye Zhiwei – without even looking at her son, she said, “I heard Weiwei is here, come and see Weiwei.”

Ye Zhiwei said politely: “Aunt Xiao Xi, I should go over to see you!”

Luo Xiaoxi took advantage of the situation and said, “How about you come to our house for dinner at noon? I will ask the aunt at home to cook your hometown dishes for you!”

She followed Ye Zhiwei’s words and invited her. It was hard to refuse, but the last sentence was full of sincerity…

Ye Zhiwei looked at Su Yinuo——

“Brother Yinuo welcomes you too!” Luo Xiaoxi held Ye Zhiwei’s hand, “Go ahead and leave after dinner! Oh, will you be scared on the way back when it gets dark? It doesn’t matter, I Let Brother Yinuo take you back to the city!”

“Sister, go.” Xiao Muen said in a sweet voice, “I want to go too.”

Ye Zhiwei could only agree, “Aunt Xiao Xi, I’m causing trouble for you.”

Luo Xiaoxi waved her hand, “Don’t be so polite, Auntie is very happy!”

She pinched Mu En’s face and said, “Mu En is also happy, isn’t he?”

Xiao Muen nodded, expressing that she was extremely happy, and finally stretched out her hand to Luo Xiaoxi, “Uncle, I want to go outside to play.”

“Okay.” Luo Xiaoxi’s expression could be described as loving, “My aunt and uncle will take us, Mu En, to play outside.”

Yan Ci, who was focused on the toys, raised his head and said calmly: “I want to go too.”

Su Yinuo and Ye Zhiwei were the only ones left in the living room.

There are Zhou Sen and his wife upstairs, and Luo Xiaoxi and two weird little guys outside.

Ye Zhiwei did not dare to relax at all and said: “I’m a little embarrassed… I should be the one who went to see Aunt Xiao Xi.”

“My mother won’t care about this.” Su Yinuo reassured Ye Zhiwei, “She wants you as her daughter-in-law now. If she takes the initiative…it’s okay.”

Ye Zhiwei pursed his lips and said, “Keep your voice down!”

“No one can hear me anyway.” Su Yinuo was quite calm. He didn’t listen to the content and only looked at his expression. You would think that he was just chatting with Ye Zhiwei. “If I keep my voice low, we will look sneaky.”

Ye Zhiwei: “…” They seem to be sneaky to begin with?

Su Yinuo also reacted and looked at Ye Zhiwei and just smiled.

Although I felt a little uncomfortable not being able to get close to Ye Zhiwei, this feeling… was quite exciting.

But it’s not good if it lasts too long.

He still has to find a way to deal with the Ye family so that they can make their relationship public.

This way Mu En can watch them fall in love without having to worry about it.

Ye Zhiwei didn’t know what Su Yinuo was thinking and said, “Brother Yinuo, I want to come next time… Mu En and the others seem to like me quite a lot, and I am very happy to play with them!”

Su Yinuo’s handsome brows revealed a smile, “Weiwei, the person who likes you the most is me.”


Ye Zhiwei’s apricot eyes rolled around, obviously she was secretly happy, but she had to restrain her reaction and pretend to be calm.

The way Su Yinuo looked at her was so sincere and hot!

At this moment, footsteps came from behind her. It should be Sister Xiangyi and the others coming down. Before the footsteps approached, she quickly said: “Me too! My favorite person here is you!”


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