A Warm Wedding and A New Bride of Young Master Lu Chapter 5961: I like you the most (2)


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Just now, Ye Zhiwei’s answer was thoughtful.

Neither concealing Su Yinuo’s care for her nor the fact that they are connected.

But it’s absolutely safe and won’t make people think wildly.

Now, how will she answer?

Avoiding the important and taking the easy seems to be the best option!

“Mu En is so cute, I won’t be bored!”

Ye Zhiwei said, hugging little Mu En, “I can always play with Mu En.”

Lu Xiangyi couldn’t tell for a moment whether Ye Zhiwei really didn’t care whether Su Yinuo came or not, or he was still embarrassed.

After pondering for a moment, she quietly gave Mu En a look.

Mu En understood immediately, hugged Ye Zhiwei, and at the same time shouted in a sweet voice: “I want my uncle to come, Mu En wants my uncle!”

After she finished speaking, she took her mother’s cell phone and called her uncle on WeChat.

Ye Zhiwei: “…”

It turns out she doesn’t have to worry about answering at all!

At this time, Su Yinuo had just gotten off the plane.

After answering the call on WeChat and hearing the little girl’s milky voice, he immediately guessed that Ye Zhiwei was nearby, so he responded gently:

“Okay, my uncle will go find Mu En when he gets home.”

“Sister is here!” Xiao Muen emphasized seriously, “Beautiful sister.”

“Are you sister Weiwei?” Su Yinuo just smiled without surprise, “Mu En, play well with sister.”

“Okay!” Mu En hung up the phone and looked at Ye Zhiwei cutely, “My uncle is coming!”

Ye Zhiwei didn’t know if she was happy or if she was so cute that the little girl couldn’t stop laughing.

Little uncle, come… come!

It’s just that she has to restrain herself, she must restrain herself!

Before Su Yinuo arrived home, Yu Heng and Yan Ci came over first.

Ye Zhiwei just distributed the gifts he brought to the three little guys.

She has no research on toys. She bought them after doing many guides.

It turns out that her efforts were not in vain, and the three little guys liked her very much.

Especially Yu Heng and Yan Ci, they have seen almost all kinds of toys, but they still can’t put down the ones given by Ye Zhiwei.

Next, the three little guys turned into clingy spirits, and they followed Ye Zhiwei wherever she went.

Su Yicheng and his wife were at home and heard about this.

When Su Yinuo comes back, tell him as soon as possible.

At the end, Luo Xiaoxi said meaningfully: “Sure enough, Weiwei is popular wherever she goes! Husband, do you think the people chasing Weiwei have already been lined up in France?”

“Mom, let me answer you!”

Su Yinuo knew that her mother was actually asking about him.

He took off his coat and handed it to his aunt along with his suitcase, and said calmly: “There are indeed many people who like Weiwei, but not just anyone can be attracted to Weiwei.”

Luo Xiaoxi walked over and stared at her son with burning eyes: “Do you have hope?”

He is the only one with hope.

Su Yinuo just smiled and said lightly: “I work hard, there is still hope.”

Luo Xiaoxi couldn’t bear to hear such unsatisfactory words and slapped her son on the shoulder hard, “Be angry! Do you have any plans? Take action quickly, my son!”

Su Yinuo picked up the cooler bag in his hand and said, “This is the dessert I brought back from City C. I’m going to send it over.”

Luo Xiaoxi rubbed her hands and said, “Your father and I will go there too. Will it scare Weiwei?”

Originally not.

But he dated Ye Zhiwei, and Ye Zhiwei knew that his mother liked her…

Su Yinuo said decisively: “Yes! Mom, Weiwei is quite sensitive. I’m afraid you will put pressure on her invisibly.”

“Eh?” Luo Xiaoxi looked dissatisfied, “I was afraid you wouldn’t live up to expectations!”

Su Yinuo laughed and said, “Mom, I…will definitely do my best. If you scare that little girl, I won’t even have a chance to do so.”

Luo Xiaoxi thought it made sense and gave up the idea of ​​​​now and in the past, but she made a gesture of “I will keep an eye on you” and said: “Three little guys are all my eyeliners, you behave well ! ”

Su Yinuo washed his face and changed his clothes, “Mu En has only turned one year old, and Yuheng and Yanci are two quasi-primary students… don’t teach them these messy things, lest they fall in love prematurely!”

Luo Xiaoxi wanted to say something, but Su Yinuo left with the dessert.

After walking out of the house, he sent a message to Ye Zhiwei: “I’m going over now.”

The moment the news was sent out, a smile overflowed from the corners of his lips.

When Ye Zhiwei received the message, he didn’t even dare to reply and quickly put away his phone.

Her mood at the moment was as if she had just arrived in City A and went to Chengan Group for the first time, faintly excited.

Lu Xiangyi also received news from Luo Xiaoxi, saying that Su Yinuo was here and asked her to supervise Su Yinuo.

Lu Xiangyi put down the phone and observed Ye Zhiwei first – she was having a lot of fun with the three little guys, her face was already a little red, and she couldn’t tell anything at the moment.

But there’s no rush.

Next, there are plenty of opportunities.

At this moment, Su Yinuo appeared at the door of the house.

Lu Xiangyi motioned to Mu En to look back. Little Mu En turned around and exclaimed: “Little uncle!”

In the past, when seeing Su Yinuo, the little girl would rush over.

Today she shook Ye Zhiwei’s hand and said, “Uncle is here!”

Hearing Mu En’s first “little uncle”, Ye Zhiwei’s heartbeat began to accelerate.

When she turned her head and saw Su Yinuo, she obviously still had sense, but she couldn’t take her eyes away from him.

He was already a very familiar person to her, they hadn’t seen each other for only a few days.

But she just felt like they hadn’t seen each other for a long time.

Ye Zhiwei couldn’t help but laugh, “Brother Yinuo…Long time no see!”

Yuheng and Yanci had already rushed to Su Yinuo, saying “Uncle Yinuo” each other.

As everyone knows, the only thing in Uncle Yinuo’s ears is Ye Zhiwei’s “Brother Yinuo”.

Throughout the business trip, Su Yinuo kept in touch with Ye Zhiwei and even made a video call before going to bed, but they were always separated by their mobile phones.

For the first time, he felt that looking at someone through a mobile phone would actually make him miss him more deeply.

If there weren’t these little guys in the way, he would definitely go over and hug Ye Zhiwei into his arms.

However, five pairs of eyes were watching – except for the three little guys, Lu Xiangyi and his wife didn’t know where they were hiding.

“Classmate Red Panda, long time no see.”

Su Yinuo carried the dessert and walked towards the living room like a gentleman, saying, “These little guys are annoying, aren’t they? Especially Yu Heng, they chirp like a bird when they are happy.”

Yu Heng’s eyes widened with an expression like “Are you just promoting me like this?”

Ye Zhiwei looked at Su Yinuo and smiled, “I’m just here to play with them. They are all very cute!”

Su Yinuo came over and pinched Yu Heng’s face, “Sister praised you for being cute!” As he said that, he sat on the carpet very naturally – only half a meter away from Ye Zhiwei.

Yuheng put his hands on his hips, “I’m just cute, I’m not chirping!” He said and suddenly kissed Ye Zhiwei’s face forcefully, “Sister, Uncle Yinuo will lie, don’t believe his words. , please like me!”


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