A Warm Wedding and A New Bride of Young Master Lu Chapter 5959: Brother Yinuo misses me? (5)


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Chapter 5959: Brother Yinuo misses me? (5)

Ye Zhiwei understood.

Poked Su Yinuo, “You called me a child again!”

Su Yinuo smiled and hugged her, “I hope you go – I am serious about this.”

This is an opportunity for Ye Zhiwei and his family to get to know each other.

He hopes that his family will like Ye Zhiwei and that Ye Zhiwei can integrate into their family.

Ye Zhiwei looked at Su Yinuo and fell into deep thought…

Sister Xiangyi is so sincere, it’s hard for her to refuse.

So, it seems like she has no choice but to go?

Thinking of this, Ye Zhiwei buried her face in Su Yinuo’s arms and nodded.

Su Yinuo was so cute by her action, and at the same time knew that she felt embarrassed at the thought of facing his family.

He touched the back of the little girl’s head and said, “Don’t worry, go play with Mu En and the others. Leave the rest to me. You don’t have to think about anything.”

Ye Zhiwei raised his head, “I have a request: Don’t let your family see that we are in a relationship!”

Aunt Xiao Xi… is so enthusiastic.

She was afraid that Aunt Xiao Xi couldn’t help it and revealed it to her family.

Her family will definitely be turned upside down!

Now is not the best time.

Su Yinuo nodded, “I listen to you.”

Ye Zhiwei believed that Su Yinuo was sensible and looked at him like this.

Looking at it, his kiss fell.

A deep, but not lasting kiss.

After the kiss, Ye Zhiwei blinked, “Brother Yinuo, I thought you would hold back today.” After all, he was downstairs just now, and he would have gone home directly if she hadn’t asked him to come up.

Su Yinuo held Ye Zhiwei’s face and gently rubbed the corners of her lips with his fingertips, “I thought I would hold back… Weiwei, maybe you are my trap.”

What kind of weird metaphor is this?

Ye Zhiwei was wondering when Su Yinuo’s kiss had fallen again.

This time, he hugged her while kissing her.

The powerful boyfriend power makes her unable to resist.

So much so that when he was put on the sofa, she took the initiative to wrap her arms around his neck.

Su Yinuo was obviously startled for a moment, then chuckled, “What does the red panda want?”

Ye Zhiwei’s clear eyes were covered with a layer of water mist, and his voice was a bit cheesy, “Brother Yinuo, kiss me.”

At this moment, Su Yinuo wanted to kiss her more than just?

But he only dared to kiss her, infinitely tenderly, like kissing a treasure.

However, the surging emotions in his body still made him lose control and push harder and harder.

Ye Zhiwei obviously felt something was different.

She could feel Su Yinuo’s affection every time they kissed before, but they just kissed.

The kiss at this moment…she clearly felt that he hoped to make progress.

However, he is trying his best to restrain himself.

Ye Zhiwei was looking forward to it but a little scared. She took a chance and said immediately: “Brother Yinuo, I haven’t replied to sister Xiangyi yet… It’s not good to make her wait for too long.”

Su Yinuo can’t kiss anymore, otherwise…

He let go of the little girl and said, “Well, you answer her now.”

After the news was sent, Ye Zhiwei raised his eyes and met Su Yinuo’s gaze, his face turned red inexplicably.

If sister Xiangyi knew that she and brother Yinuo had begun to fall in love…would she be dumbfounded?

Su Yinuo touched her face and said, “I will take an early flight tomorrow for a business trip to City C. We will meet at home on the weekend.”

There are still several days until the weekend…

Ye Zhiwei blinked, “Are you on a business trip for so many days?”

“Yes.” Su Yinuo saw the little girl’s reluctance and was in a good mood, “I will miss you.”

Ye Zhiwei said nothing, hugged Su Yinuo’s neck, kissed him, and slid into his arms.

Su Yinuo hugged her – not daring to make any other moves. The two of them stayed quietly for a while.

Finally, remembering Su Yinuo’s early flight, Ye Zhiwei said, “Do you want to go back early to clean up?”

Su Yinuo told Ye Zhiwei to talk to him before he left with peace of mind.

Ye Zhiwei watched him go out and suddenly understood his mood last night.

Because, she has started to miss him!

Looking back, Ye Zhiwei did not delay at all what he had to do next.

When she arrived at the law firm the next day, she also plunged into Uncle Liang Sheng’s case, and the entire team was ignited by her.

When she was tired, she would send messages to Su Yinuo, telling him what she was doing, what he had eaten today, or asking him if he was busy or if he missed her.

Every time she sends a message, she becomes full of energy again.

Su Yinuo is a very dedicated person when it comes to work.

Sometimes it would take him a long time to reply to messages from his family.

Ever since he discovered that Ye Zhiwei likes to send him messages, he has also developed this habit of sharing big and small things with her at any time.

He responds to messages faster – this is how the family feels.

He looked at his phone more frequently, and occasionally smiled while looking at it – this was the biggest change in Su Yinuo that people in the branch discovered.

Only employees who are familiar with Su Yinuo and have senior qualifications dare to ask: “Mr. Su, are you in love?”

Su Yinuo subconsciously protected the screen of his phone, “Don’t ask what you shouldn’t ask.”

Everyone looked at each other and smiled, with an expression of “I understand but I won’t say it.”

On the other side, Ye Zhiwei couldn’t escape everyone’s ridicule.

The aunt’s words planted seeds of doubt in the hearts of colleagues.

Whenever no one from other teams is present, everyone likes to ask Ye Zhiwei in a low voice: “Lawyer Ye, have you started dating that particularly handsome young man?”

Some people even joked: “We, Lawyer Xiaoye, are secretly in love, right?”

Ye Zhiwei, who was secretly in love: “…” I really know how to thank you!

Just like that, the weekend arrived in a blink of an eye.

Before leaving for Dingya Villa, Ye Zhiwei called her mother and told her that Lu Xiangyi invited her to play at home.

“Xiangyi?” Jiang Lili was very happy, “Maybe you are afraid that you will be bored in city A alone on the weekend, right? That’s good. You can chat with sister Xiangyi more, and remember to buy some fruit, or Are you bringing a toy for Mu En? Oh, don’t forget Yu Heng and Yan Ci!”

Ye Zhiwei nodded and said, “I’m ready.”

“Ouch?” Jiang Lili was surprised, “Our little girl has grown up!”

Ye Zhiwei didn’t dare to say it because she had been thinking about how to show that she was a sensible girl in the past few days, but not let the adults of Dingya Villa see that she was showing off?

Starting with a few little ones is the best way!

Because she went to Dingya Villa in the name of playing with Mu En.

After hanging up the phone, Ye Zhiwei repeatedly confirmed that there was nothing wrong with her appearance before going downstairs.

Zhou Sen’s driver came to pick her up, and she was a little nervous along the way.

But thinking that Su Yinuo was on the plane flying back to city A, and that they would meet at Dingya Villa soon, she was a little bit looking forward to it…

All in all, they haven’t seen each other for only a few days.

In this day and age, it’s normal for couples to not see each other for a few days.

But she just missed him, especially him!


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