A Warm Wedding and A New Bride of Young Master Lu Chapter 5958: Brother Yinuo misses me? (4)


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Chapter 5958: Brother Yinuo misses me? (4)

When the aunt saw this, she suddenly realized: her colleagues didn’t know that Ye Zhiwei had an in-depth relationship with Su Yinuo.

She looked guilty and asked in a low voice: “Lawyer Ye, did I say the wrong thing?”

How could Ye Zhiwei have the heart to blame her aunt?

She reassured the aunt, “It’s okay! My colleagues… just tend to make noises.”

The aunt patted her heart and said, “Then I get in the car first?”

Ye Zhiwei suddenly got inspiration – going is the best strategy!

After watching the aunt get into the car, she also got into the car as if running away.

As for what Wei Lu and the others will say after she leaves… whatever they say!

She and brother Yinuo will be made public sooner or later.

Just let them watch the preview of the next episode!

After leaving the village, Ye Zhiwei navigated the location sent by Su Yinuo.

Because she was unskilled, she drove very carefully, and it would be an exaggeration to say that she drove very slowly.

And because she was in a good mood, she felt like she was flying even though she was running at a slow speed.

But not fast enough.

She couldn’t wait to flash to Brother Yinuo’s side in the next second.

We went up the mountain road, made several turns on the mountain road, and finally arrived at the place where Su Yinuo was positioned.

Ye Zhiwei parked the car and saw Su Yinuo.

He stood on the edge of the hiking trail, and the dazzling golden sunset outlined his charming back.

The front is an authentic handsome guy, and the back is an atmospheric handsome guy.

Well…he is indeed her boyfriend!

Ye Zhiwei sneaked over, but after taking a few steps, Su Yinuo turned back.

Su Yinuo couldn’t help laughing when he saw her sneaking around and feeling frustrated after being discovered by him, and then stretched out her hand: “Come here quickly.”

Ye Zhiwei adjusted his condition in a second, jumped towards Su Yinuo, and threw himself into his arms: “Why are you waiting for me here?”

Su Yinuo pointed in front of him, “Look there.”

Mountains, sunset, and sunset.

Because it was relatively late, part of the mountain range was shrouded in twilight, mysterious and dim.

Some of the mountains illuminated by the setting sun are rolling and rolling magnificently.

The sunset in early winter is not spectacular, but it has a beauty that is very harmonious with the scenery in front of me.

Ye Zhiwei held Su Yinuo in his arms and looked at the scene: “So beautiful!”

Su Yinuo hugged her and watched with her.

The scenery is silent but beautiful.

Just like the love between two people, there is no need to express it, it has already flowed into each other’s heart.

After the sun sets, the mountains in the distance and the nearby surroundings instantly fall into twilight.

Ye Zhiwei sighed softly, “The sunset is gone.”

Su Yinuo touched her head and said, “It is going to prepare to appear as the morning sun tomorrow.”

When the sun sets, the beauty dims and the world becomes dark.

But the sun will rise eventually.

The world will usher in a new beginning, and life will usher in new vitality.

Just like Uncle Liang’s family, they will get rid of the darkness and usher in a new life.

When leaving the Liang family, Ye Zhiwei was in a bad mood.

She, Wei Lu and the others showed up too late.

Although they helped Liang Yan, they could not erase Liang Yan’s scars.

How Liang Yan can get rid of the shadow life in the future is still a problem.

However, Ye Zhiwei knew that she could not do more.

So she had no sense of accomplishment, but felt heavy.

This was also the reason why she was so eager to see Su Yinuo.

These feelings tell colleagues that one is unnecessary and the other seems pretentious.

However, brother Yinuo must understand how she feels.

It turns out that he really understands her.

He even tried his best to comfort her.

Ye Zhiwei looked up at Su Yinuo with her little face raised, then leaned over and kissed him.

Su Yinuo raised the corners of his lips and said, “There is someone behind you.”

“You lied!” Ye Zhiwei looked determined – she felt that Su Yinuo was teasing her again.

“If you don’t believe me, just listen-” Su Yinuo signaled Ye Zhiwei to be quiet and stopped talking himself.

The sound of footsteps and gentle laughter reached Ye Zhiwei’s ears from behind.

There are really people, they are laughing at her!

She buried her face in Su Yinuo’s arms, “Are they coming over?”

Su Yinuo wrapped her in his arms with a windbreaker and answered the question, “Is it cold?”

“Um…” Ye Zhiwei didn’t understand what he meant and burrowed into Su Yinuo’s arms like a little squirrel.

Su Yinuo knew she was shy and whispered: “They went up the mountain.”

Ye Zhiwei opened his eyes and caught a glimpse of the last person disappearing on the winding mountain road.

As if to play a prank, she quickly kissed Su Yinuo’s lips again, and then ran away.

Su Yinuo grabbed her waist and hugged her tightly, “When I get home, I won’t let you go so easily.”

His words and actions are a bit ambiguous.

Ye Zhiwei was not afraid at all.

Anyway, let’s talk about it when we get home!

After the sun went down, the mountain became dark very quickly. Su Yinuo took Ye Zhiwei down the mountain and asked her if she was hungry. They could go back after eating.

“Except for that crayfish restaurant, there seems to be nothing delicious in the town.” Ye Zhi looked at Su Yinuo with a smile, “Brother Yinuo, your stomach is not good, we should go back to the city to eat. ”

Su Yinuo pondered for a moment, “Do you remember the resort we stayed in? The restaurant there was pretty good, and we can stay one night in the resort after dinner.”

“Bad guy!” Ye Zhiwei glanced at Su Yinuo, “I want to go home!”

Su Yinuo drove people back to the city and went directly to a restaurant that specializes in S city specialties.

Ye Zhiwei was a little surprised, “I haven’t eaten our cuisine for a long time! No matter how many delicacies I have eaten, I still feel that the cuisine in our S city is the most comfortable to eat!”

After all, it is the taste that grows from snacks to adults.

The speaker was unintentional, but the listener was intentional. An idea came to Su Yinuo’s mind, but he did not say it out.

After the two of them finished eating, Ye Zhiwei quickly returned downstairs to the apartment when he suddenly received a message from Lu Xiangyi:

“Wei Wei, good evening.”

“I have this weekend off. If you have time, come and play at our house.”

“Mu En misses you too. I have asked my beautiful sister several times when she will come again. Yu Heng and Yan Ci will also be very happy to see you.”

“We adults are looking forward to your coming even more!”

Every sentence was irresistible to Ye Zhiwei.

But thinking about her relationship with Su Yinuo, Ye Zhiwei felt a little shy…

A few minutes later, the car stopped at the door of the apartment, and Su Yinuo said: “You go in first.”

Ye Zhiwei grabbed Su Yinuo’s hand, “You come up too, let’s discuss something!”

She looked a little strange, so Su Yinuo followed her upstairs without asking any questions.

As soon as he entered the door, Ye Zhiwei handed the phone to Su Yinuo and let him see it.

Su Yinuo smiled, “Do you want to go or not?”

Ye Zhiwei pursed his lips, “…I don’t know.”

Su Yinuo suddenly realized: “That’s why I want to go.”

Ye Zhiwei: “…” This person!


Su Yinuo returned the phone to Ye Zhiwei and invited her sincerely: “Go play with a few kids at home and get familiar with our family. You and Yu Heng and the others… should get along very well.” “After all, they are all children!


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