A Warm Wedding and A New Bride of Young Master Lu Chapter 5957: Brother Yinuo misses me? (3)


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Chapter 5957: Brother Yinuo misses me? (3)

In the conference room.

As soon as Wei Cong sat down, he ordered Ye Zhiwei: “Next time you fight back, be more ruthless!”

Ye Zhiwei hesitated for a moment and nodded, “Yeah!”

Not to mention her small voice, it sounds milky and has no offensive power.

Just by looking at her like this, you can tell that she is not good at fighting with others.

Wei Congcao was heartbroken, “I really don’t know how… let Brother Yinuo teach you!”

“Pfft!” Ye Zhiwei couldn’t help laughing, because she remembered Ji Feichi lying on the hospital bed, saying “Brother Yinuo”, “Wei Lu, don’t say ‘Brother Yinuo'” Yes, I want to laugh!”

“You’re already laughing.” Wei Cong also laughed angrily, “I’m not calling Su Yinuo that. I’m teasing you and emphasizing that you and Su Yinuo are very close. Do you understand?”

“I understand.” Ye Zhiwei nodded obediently, but his words were still rebellious, “But it’s still funny.”

The rest of the team is coming in soon.

Wei Cong can only say: “Anyway, be careful with Qin Simeng!”

Ye Zhiwei also feels that once Qin Simeng loses control, he doesn’t know what crazy things he will do.

She nodded seriously, “Wei Lu, I remember.”

Wei Cong was somewhat relieved, waited for the team members to come in, and said straight to the point: “There is good news.”

The police suddenly interrogated Liang Qiang, and Liang Qiang handed over key evidence.

It is a video.

It turns out that on the day of the incident, Liang Qiang saw with his own eyes Zeng Tian’s son, the deceased Zeng Hao, climbed over the wall and entered Liang Sheng’s house.

Liang Qiang contacted Liang Sheng, and then remembered that Liang Sheng had no evidence, so he went to the window to record the video.

Unexpectedly, the video that was supposed to be used as evidence recorded the causes and consequences of Zeng Hao’s death.

The video shows that Zeng Hao has been forcing Liang Sheng’s daughter Liang Yan.

When Liang Sheng rushed back, Liang Yan was still resisting Zeng Hao.

Liang Sheng is too old to pull away from Zeng Hao.

Zeng Hao even arrogantly said that she would come in front of Liang Sheng today. Anyway, her daughter was mute and could not speak. Liang Sheng was weak and could not do anything to him.

Liang Yan cried helplessly, Liang Sheng cursed the beast, but Zeng Hao became more and more excited.

Finally, Liang Sheng picked up the shovel he brought back from the farmland and slapped Zeng Hao on the head.

Liang Yan shrank in fear. After Liang Sheng reacted, he bandaged Zeng Hao immediately.

When Zeng Tian arrived, he happened to see Liang Qiang standing by the window with a shocked look on his face.

He didn’t know that Liang Qiang recorded the video, but he suspected that Liang Qiang had evidence.

Zeng Tian threatened Liang Qiang, threatening that if Liang Qiang dared to say anything beneficial to Liang Sheng in front of the police, not to mention Liang Qiang’s orchard, even Liang Qiang’s relatives who relied on oxygen to survive would also be cut off from power and oxygen.

In addition, Liang Sheng’s daughter will not end well.

In short, Zeng Tian threatened all those who could threaten and those who could not.

After learning that his son died after unsuccessful resuscitation, he was desperate and just wanted Liang Sheng to bury his son with him.

Ye Zhiwei brought new hope to the village, and Liang Qiang finally got out of the shadows, confessed everything and handed over the video.

Wei Cong even found a way to make a copy of the video.

After watching the video, everyone, not just Ye Zhiwei, looked angry.

Zeng Tian committed many evil deeds, and his son’s sins are even more unforgivable!

“Zeng Hao is a habitual criminal, there must be witnesses!” Ye Zhiwei almost slammed the table and stood up, “Next, we will go to the village and visit every house to find evidence and people who are willing to testify in court. People.”

“There is also good news,” Wei Cong said, “Next, the police will open a case to investigate Zeng Tian.”

Obviously, everyone feels that Zeng Tian should have met this end long ago——

In the afternoon, Wei Cong rushed to the village with Ye Zhiwei and Chen Lu. Ye Zhiwei also brought the aunt from the barbecue stall with him.

What they didn’t expect was that they didn’t have to visit door to door at all, and the villagers were lining up waiting for them.

The three people worked together and asked the villagers.

Sure enough, more than one person witnessed it.

Someone also recorded a video of Zeng Hao drinking with everyone. In the video, he proudly talked about how he bullied Liang Yan.

The three people finally selected a few people and asked them if they were willing to testify.

Everyone agreed unanimously.

When it ended, it was just after four in the afternoon.

They were ready to visit the village in the next few days.

Unexpectedly, what was expected to take several days to complete was completed in a few hours.

So, sincerity and kindness will not be let down.

Finally, Ye Zhiwei took her aunt to Liang Yan’s house.

Recently, social workers have been taking care of Liang Yan and providing her with psychological counseling, but Liang Yan is concerned about her father’s safety, and the social workers’ work has been ineffective.

In the past two days, she had heard some good news.

So when she saw Ye Zhiwei, she rushed over and knelt down.

Ye Zhiwei was startled and hurriedly waved his hands to signal Liang Yan not to do this.

She asked her aunt to be the translator and told Liang Yan all about the progress of the case and the current situation. Finally, she said: “We plan to defend Uncle Liang Sheng not guilty!”

Liang Yan was stunned for a moment, tears streaming down her face, and she wanted to kowtow to Ye Zhiwei.

This time Ye Zhiwei was mentally prepared and stopped him directly.

She learned from her aunt and told Liang Yan in sign language: Don’t be afraid, take care of yourself and wait for your father to come home.

Liang Yan nodded and cried like a child.

Ye Zhiwei felt sour.

But fortunately, from now on, Liang Yan can get rid of the nightmare and live a good life with her father.

Ye Zhiwei put down the things specially brought to Liang Yan, comforted Liang Yan for a few words, and left with her aunt.

She is going back to the city with Liu Lu and the others.

She wanted to see Su Yinuo.

I don’t know why, at this moment, she especially wanted to see him.

Xiao Yang saw Ye Zhiwei from a distance and tried his best to signal her to look at her phone.

Ye Zhiwei then discovered that Su Yinuo had just sent her a message, saying that he was waiting for her in the town.

The person she wanted to see came to her just when she wanted to.

They have only been dating for a few days, are they already in tune with each other?

Ye Zhiwei was so happy that she walked over and received the car keys from Xiao Yang.

Xiao Yang said out of nowhere: “Ms. Ye, you just said you wanted to drive back alone, right?”

“Ah…yes!” Ye Zhiwei handed the aunt to Wei Lu, “Auntie, thank you for today.”

The aunt said you were welcome at first, then asked coldly: “Lawyer Ye, have you and that particularly handsome young man begun to fall in love? Your uncle and I miss you every day, and I haven’t seen you come to have barbecue recently. ! ”

Ye Zhiwei was stunned and tried to restrain his blush.

Chen Lu and others have already begun to boo: “Ouch, that particularly handsome young man… who is he?”

Someone answered immediately: “Could it be a young man named Su?”

Ye Zhiwei winked directly at Wei Cong, signaling Wei Cong to stop everyone.

However, Wei Cong was also squinting his eyes, looking her up and down…

She had only one thought: It’s over, it’s over!


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