A Warm Wedding and A New Bride of Young Master Lu Chapter 5955: Brother Yinuo misses me? (1)


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Chapter 5955: Brother Yinuo misses me? (1)

Ye Zhiwei didn’t see that Su Yinuo was restraining.

Of course he didn’t know that Su Yinuo made this suggestion to divert his attention.

She even threw herself back into Su Yinuo’s arms, with a bright smile in her eyes, “Wei Lu must have received the news earlier than me! Maybe a little later, he will also know the results of the police surprise interrogation. Arrive tomorrow. Law firm, we can discuss it during our meeting.”

She looks optimistic and full of hope.

Like a little sun hanging in the world.

Su Yinuo looked at her and suddenly no longer needed to restrain himself. There was only the simplest thought left in his mind:

He wants to protect this sun, let her light illuminate the darkness she sees, and help her realize her dream.

She will feel very accomplished.

And he will be happy.

Their love can be so simple.

“Will Wei Cong go with you tomorrow afternoon?”

As Su Yinuo spoke, he wrapped his arms around Ye Zhiwei’s waist, and the meaning of care was coming out.

Ye Zhiwei nuzzled into his arms with enjoyment and nodded.

She knew it wasn’t true, but she still wanted to make a joke with Su Yinuo: “Wei Lu will go with me, aren’t you worried? You won’t be jealous of Wei Lu, right? Don’t worry, Wei Lu knows about me Like you.”

Su Yinuo hummed in cooperation: “It’s good that he knows.”

His reaction is so cute!

Ye Zhiwei turned around and hugged him.

Although Su Yinuo calmed down, she kept cuddling in his arms, hugging him again and again… which was a challenge to him.

Furthermore, there is a high probability that he will not win against instinct.

I had to say: “Weiwei, it’s time for me to go back.”

Ye Zhiwei will have to fight a tough battle tomorrow and have to rest early tonight.

But I still feel a bit reluctant to let go of Su Yinuo.

She let go of Su Yinuo, but still looked at her eagerly.

Su Yinuo touched her head and said, “I’ll bring you breakfast tomorrow.”

Ye Zhiwei then smiled, kissed Su Yinuo, and ran ahead to open the door for him.

Su Yinuo got used to the speed of her switching states, so he told her to rest early and finally left.

There is a pedestrian bridge not far in front of the apartment, which is the neighborhood where he lives.

Su Yinuo did not expect to see Qiu Yixia at the gate of the community.

Qiu Yixia has been lingering at the gate of the community for a long time. The address book page has been opened on her mobile phone, staying on Su Yinuo’s page. She can dial Su Yinuo’s number at any time.

But after so long, she still couldn’t muster the courage.

Since she came back, Su Yinuo’s attitude towards her has been obvious, and it’s not that she can’t feel it.

What’s more, she now knows that Su Yinuo and Ye Zhiwei like each other.

Her hope is very slim.

She did not lack the courage to contact Su Yinuo, but she did not know how to face failure.

She has only failed twice in her life.

Betrayal of Su Yinuo was her first failure.

Being engaged to a hidden domestic abuser was her second failure.

To save Su Yinuo… She would not have allowed herself to fail.

Only by saving Su Yinuo can she save her life from being off the normal track.

If she failed, she didn’t know how to face such a tragic result.

“Little Mr. Su!” Mengang recognized Su Yinuo and asked in surprise, “Why did you walk back from the overpass? Oh, this lady is looking for you, but…”

Su Yinuo nodded and signaled to Mengang that there was no need to say any more.

When Qiu Yixia heard Su Yinuo’s name, she turned around in surprise, “Yi Nuo!”

She seemed to wake up suddenly, “How did you come back from the overpass?”

The overpass leads to the opposite side of the road.

Ye Zhiwei lives in the apartment opposite.

A possibility that Qiu Yixia didn’t want to believe suddenly came to her mind, and she was thrown away in the next second——

Absolutely impossible!

Yinuo must still be single!

After so many years of separation, he has always been single.

She will not have no chance…

Qiu Yixia implored Su Yinuo to answer her with her eyes.

Su Yinuo doesn’t mind telling the truth, but Qiu Yixia knows Ye Zhiwei’s family…

“It’s none of your business. All you need to know is: I don’t want to see you at my doorstep in the future.”

Qiu Yixia’s face turned pale slightly, “Yinuo, do you really want to be so heartless?”

Su Yinuo found it funny, “Watch your wording, there is no ‘love’ between us anymore.”

Qiu Yixia has been outstanding since she was a child. It can be said that she grew up hearing praises, and she is always proud in her bones.

After being humiliated like this, she was not polite and said: “Yinuo, you haven’t changed. You are just as indifferent and emotionless as when we were dating. Do you know that dating you is actually a very torturous thing?” I didn’t realize the joy of having a boyfriend at all!”

Su Yinuo was indifferent, “We broke up…I can’t even remember how many years ago. What’s the point of saying these words to me? Since you think so, you are still standing at the door of my house today, no Think it’s ironic? ”

How ironic.

Qiu Yixia has been stabbed all over.

Clutching her bag, she walked past Su Yinuo and said, “Su Yinuo, the person you associate with is really unfortunate!”

He is a man without any passion.

But when it becomes ruthless, it makes people despair.

She was telling Su Yinuo: Stop thinking about Ye Zhiwei!

When Ye Zhiwei went to the suburbs to handle a case, he asked people to follow him. He was so precious to Ye Zhiwei, how could he make her unhappy?

Su Yinuo ignored her words completely and walked into the community without looking back.

Qiu Yixia also left without looking back.

The difference is that Qiu Yixia’s every step was full of resentment, but Su Yinuo couldn’t help but raise the corners of his lips as he walked.

After returning home, Su Yinuo walked to the balcony and looked at the apartment opposite.

Of course he was shocked by Qiu Yixia’s betrayal, and later silently reviewed the relationship several times.

He is unwilling to completely deny his own feelings, nor is he willing to completely deny a person.

So he decided that he and Qiu Yixia were just not suitable, and he didn’t feel that he had chosen the wrong person.

After all, as Ye Zhiwei said, when he fell in love with Qiu Yixia, she was not without merit.

But now it seems that he just found the wrong person and had the wrong relationship.

This conclusion is the result of his comparison after finding the right person.

If it was the time after the breakup, Qiu Yixia’s words would definitely affect him.

But now, he is talking about the most beautiful love in the world with the most beautiful girl in the world… Qiu Yixia’s words are not even worthy of entering his ears.

All his energy must be spent on his little girl.

Su Yinuo sat down comfortably and sent a message to Ye Zhiwei: “I forgot to ask you when I left just now, what do you want to eat tomorrow morning? Or do you want to eat the breakfast I made?”

Ye Zhiwei probably went to take a shower. It took a while before he replied, but the content was very surprising:

“Brother Yinuo, do you miss me?”


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