A Warm Wedding and A New Bride of Young Master Lu Chapter 5954: Love is silent but mighty (2)


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Chapter 5954 Love is silent but mighty (2)

Can’t you think of these two little guys?

They will be used as guinea pigs by Uncle Yinuo!

Ye Zhiwei couldn’t laugh or cry, “Would Yuheng and Yanci be sad if they find out?”

“No.” Su Yinuo said calmly, “They can’t understand such a complicated thing yet.”

“You…” Ye Zhiwei looked surprised, “Brother Yinuo, you are bullying children!”

One more accusation.

Su Yinuo still did not defend himself and looked at Ye Zhiwei meaningfully, “Well, I do like to bully children… Xiao Zhiwei, you may want to be careful.”

She is not a child!

Ye Zhiwei has read the reply: “I will remind Yuheng and Yanci to be careful!”

The response is quite fast.

Su Yinuo smiled and changed the subject: “How was your work today?”

Ye Zhiwei was cleaning up the dishes, but when she heard this, she put them down with a clang, switched back to her cheerful look, and talked about her work today.

Seeing this, Su Yinuo picked up Ye Zhiwei’s work and tidied it up while listening. He was very skilled at doing both.

Ye Zhiwei occasionally helped him, and finally said: “The first step went smoothly today. Although we haven’t entered the topic yet, I believe the rest will go smoothly!”

Su Yinuo packed up and walked to the kitchen with the dishes in hand, “Lawyer Ye is so confident?”

Ye Zhiwei raised his chin, his confidence seemed to be overflowing, “Uh-huh!”

She not only believes in herself, but also believes in justice.

People like Zeng Tian must be punished by law and pay the price for his evil deeds.

People who have suffered injustice and injustice must have someone to find the truth and seek justice for them.

The belief in Ye Zhiwei’s heart was burning, and her whole body was glowing.

Su Yinuo rubbed Ye Zhiwei’s head and said, “Lawyer Red Panda will definitely succeed.” After that, he started washing the dishes.

Ye Zhiwei wondered first: Does she have so many nicknames? During one meal, brother Yinuo called her countless names, right?

But his support and encouragement were very useful to her.

So no matter what, he is a perfect boyfriend!

At the end of the day, Ye Zhiwei realized: her perfect boyfriend cooked for her, and she watched him wash the dishes for her… it was a bit too much.

Ye Zhiwei reached out actively, “Brother Yinuo, let me help you.”

Su Yinuo handed her a plate, “You are responsible for flushing.”

As soon as Ye Zhiwei took it, his hand slipped.

She said “Ah” in confusion and forgot to pick up the plate.

Su Yinuo reacted quickly, caught the plate, and finally looked at Ye Zhiwei.

Ye Zhiwei blinked guiltily, “I… don’t seem to be very good at helping.”

“It doesn’t seem like you are really not good at it.” Su Yinuo finally said, his eyes full of pampering, “Let’s go play.”

Ye Zhiwei slipped into the living room, poured some water, waited for Su Yinuo to come over, and immediately handed it to him: “Brother Yinuo, thank you for your hard work.”

Su Yinuo smiled: “We, the red panda lawyers, have worked hard too. What are our arrangements for tomorrow?”

He sat on the sofa, and Ye Zhiwei automatically sat in his arms, just like Mu En usually got into the arms of adults and acted coquettishly, which made people feel soft.

Su Yinuo wrapped his arms around Ye Zhiwei’s waist from behind, and the corners of his lips raised involuntarily.

Ye Zhiwei raised his head and looked at Su Yinuo, “Tomorrow morning I will go to the law firm first, and then go to the village in the afternoon.”

Su Yinuo warned: “Remember to contact Xiao Yang before setting off.”

Ye Zhiwei nodded, “He helped me a lot! As long as he is here, I have the courage.”

“Well.” Su Yinuo’s voice was lazy, “You can trust him.”

Ye Zhiwei blinked and looked at Su Yinuo.

She believes in Xiao Yang!

Because he was sent by Su Yinuo.

So her courage and sense of security were actually given by Su Yinuo.

Thinking of this, Ye Zhi slightly turned his head and kissed Su Yinuo’s face.

She wanted to kiss him and run away like the previous times.

However, Su Yinuo held her cheek and directly controlled her, asking her to kiss his lips.

She opened her mouth in surprise, and Su Yinuo deepened the kiss.

She hugged him and began to respond to him.

The unfamiliar but affectionate response completely pleased Su Yinuo.

While kissing, Su Yinuo gently adjusted his posture and pressed the person onto the sofa…

Strong and attractive male power once again surrounded Ye Zhiwei.

While enjoying it, Ye Zhiwei was still a little nervous.

But the familiar scent of Su Yinuo’s body was pulling her downwards again…

She doesn’t know where it will sink.

But she is willing to follow Su Yinuo.

“Brother Yinuo…”

Ye Zhiwei’s voice contained hesitation and dependence, uncertainty but also full of addiction…

She herself was surprised when she heard this, and looked at Su Yinuo with sparkling eyes full of water vapor.

Su Yinuo’s gaze was as deep as the mysterious night sky, full of charming aura.

While looking at Ye Zhiwei, he gently caressed the corners of her lips with his fingertips, “Weiwei, don’t be afraid.”

Ye Zhiwei knew that he was afraid that he would not be able to avoid the next violent wave.

Her eyes revealed more moisture, and she looked so pitiful that people couldn’t bear to bully them, but they couldn’t help it…

Su Yinuo kissed her again.

Ye Zhiwei closed his eyes and carefully experienced this moment when they were the only ones left in the world.

But this moment did not last long and was interrupted by the ringing of the mobile phone.

Su Yinuo took the offending mobile phone and asked, “Officer Li?”

The police officer in charge of Uncle Liang Sheng’s case!

Ye Zhiwei returned to reality instantly, “It’s a very important call!”

Su Yinuo didn’t intend to stop her and handed her the phone.

Ye Zhiwei answered the phone and his voice returned to normal.

Officer Li told her that Liang Qiang called the police in the middle of the night, saying that someone was walking around his house and he felt he was in danger.

The police stationed in the village rushed over and caught those guys.

Ye Zhiwei identified through photos that he was the man who threatened her at the crayfish restaurant – Zeng Tian’s men.

“We are preparing to interrogate Liang Qiang tonight.” Officer Li said, “Lawyer Ye, thank you for your reminder this afternoon. I hope it didn’t disturb you.”

“No, no…” Ye Zhiwei said and looked at Su Yinuo, trying to remain normal, “Officer Li, Wei Lu and I want to meet Liang Qiang tomorrow.”

“No problem.” Officer Li said, “Come here tomorrow and I will approve it for you.”

After hanging up the phone, Ye Zhiwei was in a good mood and looked at Su Yinuo with a smile, “Maybe tonight, there will be a breakthrough in the case!”

Su Yinuo was happy for her, but at the same time thought: We can’t continue.

If he hadn’t been interrupted by the phone call just now, he didn’t know where they would have gone.

Although it’s normal, it’s too hasty.

The red panda is still so young, he should give her the best experience.

At least he can’t be like a young boy and let things happen rudely and brutally just because the little girl likes him.

Su Yinuo touched Ye Zhiwei’s face, “You have received such important news, do you want to call Wei Cong?”


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