A Warm Wedding and A New Bride of Young Master Lu Chapter 5944: Do you want to kiss me? (2)


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Chapter 5944 Do you want to kiss me? (2)

Ji Shenzhi and his wife returned yesterday because they had to prepare.

Ye Caiwei stayed and went back with Ji Feichi today.

Seeing Su Yinuo and Ye Zhiwei, she smiled and asked, “Did you come together?”

Actually, it doesn’t look like it.

They came in one after another, like two acquaintances at a distance.

It’s quite obvious – they are deliberately keeping their distance from each other.

If they were just a “brother and sister” relationship, this would be normal.

Ye Caiwei just wanted to seize the last chance and test it out again.

It depends on how they answer!

“No!” Ye Zhiwei said seriously, “We happened to meet each other downstairs, so we came up together.”

“That’s a coincidence.” Ye Caiwei packed up her things and walked to Su Yinuo, “Mr. Su, I won’t say much more to thank you. When you go to S City, be sure to tell me and Feichi. ”

“Let’s not say these kind words.” Su Yinuo behaved like a gentleman and spoke appropriately. “Right now, Fei Chi’s recovery is the most important thing.”

Ye Zhiwei walked to the bedside and said, “Brother Fei Chi, you have to listen to the doctor…”

Ji Feichi nodded, “You should also listen to brother Yinuo here.”


Ye Zhiwei tilted his head in confusion.

Brother, do you know what you are talking about?

The contrast between him… is too great!

“What the hell?” Ji Feichi could move his hand and touched his sister’s head, “Only if you are entrusted to the care of brother Yinuo, your sister and I can rest assured.”

Ye Zhiwei was speechless.

Su Yinuo’s expression was also a bit unpredictable.

“Mr. Su, I made you laugh.” Ye Caiwei explained with a smile, “Wei Wei’s growth process is different from that of most girls. When she leaves school and enters society, her family members are not worried, especially Fei Chi. Don’t mind.”

“I don’t mind repeating what I said,” Su Yinuo walked to the bedside and repeated what he said to Ye Caiwei: “Weiwei will be in City A for one day, and it is my responsibility to take care of her.”

Ji Feichi held Su Yinuo’s hand to express his gratitude, and finally exchanged glances with his girlfriend…

He has almost decided that he wants Su Yinuo to be his brother-in-law!

At first, he felt that Su Yinuo was older and more attractive, and that he was from City A. He was afraid that Weiwei would be bullied and wronged if she turned on him.

However, Ye Caiwei found out Su Yinuo’s love history.

The dignified eldest son of the Su family only fell in love once while studying abroad, and the breakup was clean and tidy.

After returning to China, he obviously had enough money to play with the world, but he chose to keep himself clean, and his private life was cleaner than a blank slate.

Needless to say, his working ability is no less than that of his father when he was young.

Weiwei likes him, it’s quite safe!

When Weiwei interacts with him, she hardly has to worry about him having problems.

So, Ji Feichi was pushing his sister towards Su Yinuo.

To his delight, Su Yinuo caught it!

Ji Feichi and Ye Caiwei both had smiles on their faces.

Finally, Ji Feichi looked at his sister, “Did you hear that? So I want you to listen to brother Yinuo!”

“Okay,” Ye Zhiwei nodded, “I’ll listen, I’ll listen. Don’t worry!”

Ji Feichi was still holding Su Yinuo’s hand and looked at him, hesitant to speak.

Su Yinuo had an “I understand everything” expression on his face, “Leave it to me.”

Ji Feichi pressed his hand and said, “I hope we have a chance to meet in S city.”

Su Yinuo smiled, “There must be.”

Only Ye Zhiwei understood what Su Yinuo meant.

I don’t know if it was because of this, but she was a little distracted next time.

It wasn’t until she saw her brother and sister’s car leaving that she realized that she was reluctant to leave.

In the past few years, she has spent very little time with her family.

Unexpected reunions and sudden separations will arouse her emotions.

She also realized a problem firsthand: with her brother Yinuo, she would have to face this kind of separation frequently in the future.

But she doesn’t want to be separated from him either…

Ye Zhiwei looked at Su Yinuo, his eyes flickering and his emotions complicated.

Su Yinuo could only see her reluctance and hugged her into his arms: “You still have me.”

Ye Zhiwei put her face against Su Yinuo’s chest, slowly digesting her emotions, “I want to go home on New Year’s Day.”

Su Yinuo then realized that she was still a little homesick. He let go of her and said, “Weiwei, you can go home at any time – at any time.”

Is it the same after they get married?

Wait a minute, he discovered her emotions so quickly!

For the first time, Ye Zhiwei knew that it was a very happy thing for someone to accurately perceive his emotions.

She blurted out: “I will miss you!”

“Don’t think about it now.” Su Yinuo touched her head, “I’m right in front of you now.”

Ye Zhiwei looked at Su Yinuo, her pure eyes clearly showing her heartbeat.

Due to her heartbeat, her almond-shaped eyes were moist and her cheeks were a touching blush.

Her voice was small, but full of excitement and expectation, “Brother Yinuo…”

It took a while before Su Yinuo responded to her, “Huh?”

It’s not that he’s slow to react.

But Ye Zhiwei at this moment is inexplicably moving.

“You…” Ye Zhiwei blinked, “Do you want to kiss me? I kind of want you to kiss me.”

It was as if someone had stomped on Su Yinuo’s heart.

His whole body started to tremble from the heart, and he was dizzy…

It was like…being knocked unconscious by the sudden happiness.

He took Ye Zhiwei’s hand and pulled her to the car.

After Ye Zhiwei finished speaking, he wanted to find a gap to get in.

Before falling in love, she didn’t know she could be so bold and proactive.

However, she is also a girl and will be shy!

What does it mean when brother Yinuo pulls her away?

Reject her and tell her to go away?

No, no, she must be overthinking…

After a few steps to the parking lot, Su Yinuo opened the back seat door and held Ye Zhiwei’s waist to let her get in.

Ye Zhi was slightly confused. As soon as he turned around and sat down, Su Yinuo kissed him…

He pressed her into the back seat, held her face in his hands, and kissed her deeply and urgently.

Poor Ye Zhiwei, a little girl with no experience, who had only kissed him briefly a few times. After being kissed so hard, her mind went blank like lightning, and she didn’t even know where to put her hands. ……

Su Yinuo knew that she was unfamiliar and felt her confusion.

But…he didn’t intend to let go of her.

He freed up one hand, led Ye Zhiwei to wrap around his waist, and taught her in a low voice: “Wei Wei, when we kiss from now on, just hold me like this.”

Ye Zhiwei looked at him, her voice trembling slightly, “Brother Yinuo…”

What she just said was one kiss, not a hundred or a thousand!

Su Yinuo saw the resentment in the little girl’s watery eyes and smiled, “Wei Wei, kiss… just once.”

Otherwise, why did he restrain himself before?

I was just afraid of scaring Ye Zhiwei, after all, they had just started dating.

We have been dating for some time now, and he has scared people, so there is no need to worry about anything anymore…


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