A Warm Wedding and A New Bride of Young Master Lu Chapter 4921: Mu Yi Fan Wai (111)


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The incident with Luo Mushi let everyone know that Lu Xiangyi was not as weak and bully as he appeared on the surface.

Today, she let everyone see that she is also powerful.

No, not just power.

At this moment, she stands in front of Yi Huanhuan, as if she has the power of thunder and is indestructible at the same time.

Students passing by stopped one after another, waiting to eat melons.

Yi Huanhuan pulled Lu Xiangyi’s hand, “Xiangyi, I’ll take care of it. With so many people watching, everyone knows that it was Luo Kaiyang who spoke rudely first, so he doesn’t dare to go too far.”

Lu Xiangyi shook his head, “Leave it to me.”

She didn’t have time to explain.

At this point in the matter, Luo Kaiyang doesn’t know how to talk about demeanor, let alone show any face.

He will only infinitely emphasize his identity as a victim, and then demand compensation.

Yi Huanhuan is not his opponent.

The result was not what Lu Xiangyi expected——

Luo Kaiyang touched his slapped face and felt a burning pain.

He was not angry, but smiled and said, “Lu Xiangyi, you also saw that I was hurt. You are not qualified to negotiate with me. Now I can do whatever I want.”

Students a few meters away heard Luo Kaiyang’s calculations.

Yi Huanhuan didn’t want Lu Xiangyi to fall into a passive position, so he said, “Luo Kaiyang, I was the one who hit you.”

Luo Kaiyang kept staring at Lu Xiangyi, “Your best friend, for beating me for you, are you sure you want her to be responsible? Believe it or not, I can let her spend four years as a director for nothing!”

Such a blunt and arrogant threat stunned many students who ate melons.

Luo Kaiyang is already on the verge of madness!

Can Lu Xiangyi hold back?

Lu Xiangyi had expected it a long time ago, so it wasn’t too surprising, “What do you want, tell me.”

“It’s very simple!” Luo Kaiyang knew that Lu Xiangyi could do it, his eyes lit up, “Let everything go back to before I was used by Zhao Sipei!”

At that time, although he didn’t have the opportunity to join Xu Zheng’s crew, he was popular, had a fan base, and had a future.

Now, the whole world knows that because of love, he posted a post to smear a female classmate, and Xu Zheng’s crew fired him because of this.

He has nothing left.

He just wants to get back what he originally had, which is not too much!

If Lu Xiangyi gave it back to him, he would let Yi Huanhuan go.

Yi Huanhuan mocked, “Luo Kaiyang, you have no bottom line and are greedy. You don’t want to bear the consequences of your choices. People like you are more terrifying than giant babies!”

Perhaps he was poked at a sore spot, Luo Kaiyang’s expression became ferocious, and he shouted, “Yi Huanhuan, shut up! I’m talking to Lu Xiangyi!”

Lu Xiangyi’s tone was light, “What Huanhuan said is what I wanted to say. Luo Kaiyang, Zhao Sipei will take advantage of your greed. If you really regret it, then reflect on it and don’t make the same mistakes again.

“Your request, I have no way to satisfy you. Even if you are a **** now, I can’t let you go back to before everything happened.”

Luo Kaiyang’s eyes were tearing, “You must have a way, you just don’t want to help me!”

Lu Xiangyi didn’t speak, the hatred in Luo Kaiyang’s eyes broke out, and he suddenly rushed up to pinch Lu Xiangyi.

Yi Huanhuan quickly blocked Luo Kaiyang, and pushed him away, “Luo Kaiyang, you are a joke! I was the one who hit you, so just come at me if you have anything!” After speaking, he took Lu Xiangyi’s hand , took Lu Xiangyi away.

Luo Kaiyang did not expect Yi Huanhuan to be so stubborn, and Lu Xiangyi was not threatened by him at all.

He kicked a stone on the side of the road viciously and yelled at Lu Xiangyi’s back:

“Lu Xiangyi, remember – I have nothing left, I can do anything!”

Not only Lu Xiangyi, but also the students who eat melons felt cold when they heard this sentence.

This matter is not over yet!

After walking for a while, Yi Huanhuan said, “Luo Kaiyang probably said the same thing to Zhao Sipei.”

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Lu Xiangyi’s thinking was very clear, “Zhao Sipei took advantage of him, and being threatened by him is his own fault. We are different, and we have no reason to be threatened by him.”

“But Luo Kaiyang looks like he will definitely bite you tightly.”

Luo Kaiyang probably felt that only Lu Xiangyi could give him a way out, and Yi Huanhuan just happened to slap him in the face to make him grab the handle.

Yi Huanhuan was worried that Lu Xiangyi would never be able to get rid of this trouble.

In fact, Lu Xiangyi is so old that he doesn’t know what being passive is.

She didn’t avoid Yi Huanhuan and called Zhou Sen directly.

When Zhou Sen answered the phone, he joked, “I haven’t arrived at the airport yet, but you already miss me?”

“I’ve been thinking about you!” Lu Xiangyi paused before saying, “I met Luo Kaiyang when I was in school.”

After listening to the whole story, Zhou Sen said lightly: “Don’t worry, I will take care of it.”

“I’m not worried about myself.” Lu Xiangyi said, “I’m worried about Huanhuan.”

Zhou Sen still had the relaxed and indifferent tone, “Let a person read four years of books for nothing – Luo Kaiyang is not so capable! You will be fine, and your friend will be fine.”

Lu Xiangyi was relieved a lot, and then asked, “Aren’t you at the airport yet? You won’t delay the plane, right?”

“No, the time is just right.” Zhou Sen was silent for a moment, and then said: “I sent you the contact information of Assistant Xu, I have time difference with you, if you can’t reach me, you can contact Assistant Xu .”

“Remember it!” A smile finally spread across Lu Xiangyi’s face.

“I have a work call coming in, so hang up first.”

“Okay, safe travels!”

Lu Xiangyi hung up the phone, and the smile on his face became more and more obvious.

Yi Huanhuan more or less guessed that Zhou Sen gave Lu Xiangyi a reassurance on the phone.

She looked at Lu Xiangyi for a while, and suddenly asked, “Have you and Zhou Sen made further progress?”

It seems… more than one step.

Lu Xiangyi’s expression suddenly became a little unnatural, and he said to himself, “Zhou Sen said he will take care of it, we don’t have to worry about it.”

Yi Huanhuan’s attention was not so easily diverted.

She laughed, and suddenly realized: “It seems that you and Zhou Sen have made more progress! Xiangyi, at your speed, will I be able to drink your wedding wine soon?”

Lu Xiangyi pursed his lips, “Not so fast, we haven’t reached the last step yet!”

Yi Huanhuan chuckled, “It’s not too late!”

Lu Xiangyi couldn’t refute.

According to the current state of her and Zhou Sen, it is indeed not too late for the last step, she is actually quite…

“Xianyi, you’re completely lost! Do you know how much you look looking forward to it?” Yi Huanhuan’s eyes widened, “If Zhou Sen saw you like this, he would definitely not want to go back to Country M!”

Lu Xiangyi touched his face.

Is her expectation so obvious?

“Huanhuan… What does Luo Kaiyang mean when he said you rejected him? Why have you never mentioned this to me?”

Lu Xiangyi changed the subject abruptly, and Yi Huanhuan didn’t expose her anymore, and told her the ins and outs of the incident.

After finishing speaking, Yi Huanhuan sneered, “I think Luo Kaiyang is very sad! He has some money and a family background. After enjoying the convenience brought by financial resources, he thinks that money is omnipotent.”

“He has already learned his lesson!” Lu Xiangyi paused, and then said, “He will learn a bigger lesson soon.”

“Your Zhou Sen will make a move, and he will regret it, right?”

Yi Huanhuan answered such a sentence out of the blue, Lu Xiangyi was afraid that the topic would turn back, so he hurriedly asked Yi Huanhuan to drink coffee.

She said she was drinking coffee, but in fact, Yi Huanhuan grabbed her to prepare her graduation project again.

A morning passed away quietly.

The students told Lu Xiangyi that Luo Kaiyang jumped up and down the school all morning, running everywhere, and he didn’t know what he was running.

At noon, she received a message from Luo Kaiyang:

“I’ll teach Zhao Sipei a lesson for you, and I don’t care about Yi Huanhuan’s slap! Lu Xiangyi, this is my last compromise. My condition is still only that one. If you don’t agree to me, then you will definitely Regret.”

Lu Xiangyi did not reply to Luo Kaiyang.

She wanted to forward the message to Zhou Sen, but remembered that he was on the plane, so she sent it to Xu Huai’an.

Xu Huaian replied in seconds: “Mr. Zhou has explained that this kind of information should not be ignored by Luo Kaiyang.”

Lu Xiangyi was stunned, “Zhou Sen guessed that Luo Kaiyang would send me such a message?”

Xu Huaian: Yes!

Lu Xiangyi thought about it, and it wasn’t that surprising.

Luo Kaiyang’s fall into such a desperate situation was all planned by Zhou Sen. How could he not have expected Luo Kaiyang’s next move?

Even if he is at 30,000 feet, even if he is crossing half the world, everything is under his control!

She suddenly felt very safe!

In the evening, Lu Xiangyi returned to No. 1 Huating, went straight into 2502, and went straight to the living room.

The bouquet of flowers on the tea table is blooming very well, and it is more fragrant and charming than yesterday.

Lu Xiangyi changed the water, added nutrient solution, sprayed water on the flowers that needed to be sprayed, and finally took a photo.

After nine o’clock, she received a message from Zhou Sen that he had landed.

At this moment, she suddenly felt that Zhou Sen had been gone for a long, long time.

She directly sent a video to Zhou Sen.

It was past eight o’clock in the morning at Zhou Sen’s side, and the airport was crowded with people, everyone’s expressions were tired and bored.

Only Zhou Sen is an exception.

After more than ten hours of flying, he still looks heroic, even with a little tiredness on his face, he is charming.

“Are you going home?” Zhou Sen carefully looked at the background on Lu Xiangyi’s side, and laughed, “It’s still my home!”

“I’ll take a look at the flowers!” Lu Xiangyi insisted on finding an excuse.

Zhou Sen did not expose the little girl, “You can sleep there at night.”

Lu Xiangyi subconsciously said, “No, I’ll go back to my house to sleep.”

Zhou Sen raised his eyebrows, “I thought you were used to sleeping in my house! Could it be because I’m not at home?”

Lu Xiangyi laughed, and decided to satisfy him, “Yes!”

Zhou Sen took a breath, and then said, “Xiangyi, if I’m at the airport in City A, I might go straight back!”

“You’d better come back after you’re done!” Lu Xiangyi smiled, and received a message from her mother. After reading it, she was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly said, “My mother came to me and said she wanted to make a video call with me. Let’s do this first.” !”


Zhou Sen didn’t have time to say anything, Lu Xiangyi had already hung up the phone.

If you want to say that you are lost, it is more or less a little bit.

But from the first day he met Lu Xiangyi, he knew that she loved her family very much and always put their feelings first.

Instead of being lost, he should find a way to become her family member!


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