A Warm Wedding and A New Bride of Young Master Lu Chapter 4920: Mu Yi Fan Wai (110)


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In Zhou Sen’s eyes, there was the innocence of the victim.

He is obviously tall, handsome and masculine, but this expression doesn’t feel inconsistent with him at all.

Lu Xiangyi suddenly felt that she was a hooligan.

How can you deny Zhou Sen’s account?

Is this what people do?

Zhou Sen seemed to know Lu Xiangyi’s guilt, and approached her slightly, “You can make it up to me, I’m very satisfied.”

The victim is so considerate!

Lu Xiangyi was almost moved, but fortunately she reacted in time, glared at Zhou Sen and said, “You’re trying to trick me again!” After a pause, she added, “You were also tricking me just now, right?”

“Just now?” Zhou Sen raised his eyebrows, “I was literally ‘sleeping’ just now. Xiangyi, you were thinking too much.”

This explanation is completely reasonable, and Lu Xiangyi cannot refute it.

But when he said it, his tone was obviously not so pure, and he was obviously rushing to make her misunderstand!

Gritting her teeth, Lu Xiangyi punched Zhou Sen, “You did it on purpose!”

“Then I will compensate you?”

Zhou Sen looked very happy.

Lu Xiangyi was stunned.

Does it still have such a reverse? ?????????????????

Is Zhou Sen actually such a person who can advance, attack and retreat?

The next second, Zhou Sen’s “compensation” was in place – he pressed down and kissed Lu Xiangyi’s lips deeply.

Perhaps because of the experience of last night, he kissed unscrupulously, and every movement carried a deeper desire.

Lu Xiangyi felt that his body temperature was rising, and everything seemed to be developing out of control.

She couldn’t resist Zhou Sen, but she was a little scared, trembling silently in Zhou Sen’s arms.

Zhou Sen felt it, and quickly let go of her, kissed the corner of her eyes, and said, “Sleep, good night.”

Huh? Is he like this today?

Lu Xiangyi blinked and looked at Zhou Sen in disbelief, unable to make a sound for a long time.

Zhou Sen hooked the corners of his lips and asked leisurely, “Are you… still not satisfied?”

He looked like he was about to kiss her again.

Lu Xiangyi hurriedly closed his eyes, “Good night!”

Zhou Sen didn’t speak or move.

Lu Xiangyi could feel his burning eyes on her face.

She also knew that the long kiss just now did not satisfy Zhou Sen, he just didn’t want to scare her.

Will he…do anything else?

After a long time, Zhou Sen gently planted a kiss on Lu Xiangyi’s face.

Lu Xiangyi slipped into his arms, he froze for a moment, then hugged Lu Xiangyi tightly.

This night, Lu Xiangyi slept soundly and had no dreams.

The next day, when she woke up, Zhou Sen was ready to go out.

She was a little surprised, “You are leaving.”

“Well, the plane at nine o’clock.” Zhou Sen kissed Lu Xiangyi naturally, “I wanted you to sleep a little longer, so I didn’t wake you up.”

“You should have called me.” Lu Xiangyi’s peach blossom eyes were full of attachment, “I still want to take you to the airport.”

“Assistant Xu will send me off.” Zhou Sen put on a watch and pointed to the dining room, “Breakfast is still hot. You can go to school after eating. See you next week.”


Lu Xiangyi looked obedient and soft, easy to bully.

Zhou Sen suddenly felt a little worried about leaving her, and said: “During the time I’m not here, be careful with Zhao Sipei.”

“Your plan is perfect. It’s too late for her and Luo Kaiyang to bite the dog. They won’t have time to come to me!” Lu Xiangyi signaled Zhou Sen to rest assured, paused, and said, “Even if she comes, I will Can handle it!”

She was obedient and soft just now, but now she is full of fighting power.

She didn’t want Zhou Senren to be on the other side of the ocean and worry about her.

Zhou Sen patted her head, “If you can’t handle it, remember to contact me. I’m your boyfriend, and I should protect you.”

With a sweet heart, Lu Xiangyi agreed to send Zhou Sen out.

Xu Huaian came up, dragged away Zhou Sen’s suitcase first, and reminded him intimately: “President Zhou, you still have ten minutes!”

For the first time, Lu Xiangyi felt that ten minutes was so short.

She threw herself into Zhou Sen’s arms and said, “Come back soon after you finish your work!”

Zhou Sen smiled, “You said it yesterday, I remember it.”

Lu Xiangyi had no more expectations, so he stopped talking, and just quietly nestled into Zhou Sen’s arms.

Zhou Sen lowered his head, looked at the little girl in his arms, and suddenly felt a strange feeling.

When grandma was still there, he would seriously say goodbye to grandma every time he went on a business trip, but he would not be so attached to her, and was already looking forward to coming back before he left.

It turns out that saying goodbye to someone you like is different from saying goodbye to your loved ones.

Like Shang Lu Xiangyi, he seems to have experienced more life, more life.

As if Lu Xiangyi had calculated the time correctly, he let go of Zhou Sen as soon as ten minutes were up.

Zhou Sen didn’t procrastinate, kissed Lu Xiangyi and went downstairs.

In the huge house, only Lu Xiangyi was left alone. She suddenly felt that the house was empty, so she ran to school after breakfast.

Unexpectedly, I ran into Luo Kaiyang at school.

Luo Kaiyang had a hard time these days.

It was exposed on the Internet that he was degraded by the school and expelled from the film crew because of slandering a female classmate at the same school because of love.

The information of the female students was well protected, and everyone’s attention was focused on Luo Kaiyang’s behavior.

Such a bad behavior is of course despised by everyone.

Not only was Luo Kaiyang scolded, but he also lost followers on all major social platforms.

This is not the worst.

Some people say that the Internet has memories, and there is a high probability that Luo Kaiyang will never have anything to do with the male number one or the film industry, unless he can clean up his crimes.

But this kind of black spot, there is no way to wash it off!

Luo Kaiyang will be unemployed when he graduates.

The public opinion was so turbulent, but Zhao Sipei’s name never appeared.

Luo Kaiyang put his last hope on Zhao Sipei.

The Zhao family has some resources and is familiar with public relations methods. He has been dealing with Zhao Sipei these days, hoping that Zhao Sipei can help him and rescue him from the current predicament.

Zhao Sipei didn’t directly refuse, but said that there was no other way at the moment and asked her to think of a way.

In the past few days, Luo Kaiyang lost millions of fans on various platforms, and the public opinion has not shown any signs of turning around.

He suddenly understood that Zhao Sipei just wanted to delay time and drag him to death, and he didn’t really want to help him.

So today, he went back to school, and he wanted to find Lu Xiangyi!

Luo Kaiyang looked gloomy and in a very bad condition. Many people would rather take a detour when they saw him.

Lu Xiangyi was still torn between whether to make a detour, but Luo Kaiyang had already walked straight in front of her.

She looked at Luo Kaiyang warily.

Luo Kaiyang laughed, “Lu Xiangyi, don’t be so afraid, I won’t do anything to you.”

He went on to say: “I know Zhao Sipei’s plan. She guessed that you have a background and dared not provoke you, but she was unwilling, so she borrowed my hand to mess with you. She thought her plan was perfect, even if If you find me, you won’t find her. I haven’t told her yet, you already know everything.”

“In this world, there are no eternal secrets. If you want people to know, you have to do it yourself.”

Lu Xiangyi’s words were not only about Zhao Sipei, but also about Luo Kaiyang.

But obviously, Luo Kaiyang only thought of Zhao Sipei, and said angrily: “Zhao Sipei thought he could hide the truth, but in the end, he even killed me!”

Lu Xiangyi could hardly hide his contempt, “Luo Kaiyang, if you obtained resources through legitimate means, you wouldn’t be like this. You are not innocent, you are harming others and eventually harming yourself.”

Luo Kaiyang suddenly smiled, and a stern look flashed across his eyes.

Suddenly, he approached Lu Xiangyi.

Lu Xiangyi was so frightened by him that he forgot how to move for a moment.

Luo Kaiyang seemed quite satisfied with Lu Xiangyi’s reaction, and said word by word: “I won’t let Zhao Sipei be alone! Xiangyi, I’ll show you that Zhao Sipei’s reputation is ruined, and then you let me live, okay?”

Lu Xiangyi came back to his senses, and retreated without a trace, “I won’t make a deal with you.”

“You have to do it if you don’t do it!” Luo Kaiyang said viciously, “Don’t you want to see Si Pei in a mess?”

“I don’t want to!” Lu Xiangyi remained indifferent.

“But I think, I know you think too, I already have a plan!” The more Luo Kaiyang said, the more ferocious his expression became, “Xianyi, after Zhao Sipei’s ruin, if I still have no hope, don’t think about it!”

Lu Xiangyi’s breath stagnates.

Luo Kaiyang guessed that she had a background, and wanted her to save him from the flames, otherwise he would drag her into the flames too!

He still does not feel that he is at fault, that he is a victim.

Such a person does not deserve a second chance!

Yi Huanhuan saw Luo Kaiyang pestering Lu Xiangyi from a distance, and rushed over to push Luo Kaiyang away, “Stay away from Xiangyi!”

Luo Kaiyang had actually met Yi Huanhuan in private because she was Lu Xiangyi’s best friend.

Knowing that Yi Huanhuan’s family background is average, he used money and luxury goods as bargaining chips and asked Yi Huanhuan to help match him and Lu Xiangyi.

Yi Huanhuan was indifferent and ignored him.

Since then, he has hated Yi Huanhuan, and now he hates it even more.

If Yi Huanhuan was willing to help, he might have caught up with Lu Xiangyi long ago, and he wouldn’t have to face the current predicament.

“Yi Huanhuan, why did you reject me in the first place! You know that Lu Xiangyi has greater value, so you can reject my money and luxury goods, right?” Luo Kaiyang roared, “Yi Huanhuan, You bitch!”

Yi Huanhuan finally understood what impotent rage was.

Luo Kaiyang just felt that she had no background and no support, so she was easier to bully, so he took all his recent anger on her.

She will let Luo Kaiyang know that people do not live by background, but by confidence!

She raised her hand and slapped Luo Kaiyang with a “slap”, which was much harder than Lu Xiangyi’s slap a few days ago.

People a few meters away may not have heard Luo Kaiyang scolding Yi Huanhuan, but they must have heard the sound of Luo Kaiyang being slapped.

One or two students who were walking stopped and looked at Yi Huanhuan in a daze.

Yi Huanhuan shook his numb palm and said calmly: “Luo Kaiyang, remember this slap, don’t be so mean.”

Luo Kaiyang spit out a mouthful of saliva, bloodshot.

Looking at the bloodshot eyes, he smiled sinisterly, and said, “Yi Huanhuan, you are dead, I will not let you go!”

At this moment, Lu Xiangyi walked up to Yi Huanhuan and looked directly at Luo Kaiyang, “What do you want?”


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