A Warm Wedding and A New Bride of Young Master Lu Chapter 4919: Mu Yi Fan Wai (109)


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Is the little girl really going on a study tour?

Luo Xiaoxi became even more curious about what kind of medicine was sold in her little daughter’s gourd.

She immediately contacted the teacher to sign up, prepared the documents, and asked Xin An to bring them to school tomorrow.

When Xin’an arrives in country M, she will know the answer to the mystery!

Luo Xin’an thought that she had tricked her mother, so she turned into a caring little padded jacket and acted like a baby in her arms, “Thank you, mother!”

“Your school is going on a study tour for ten days!” Luo Xiaoxi hugged her little daughter, “You have to pay attention to everything over there, and remember to contact brother if you have anything to do.”

“I’ll follow my teacher and classmates, nothing will happen.” Luo Xin’an specially emphasized, “Mom, don’t tell Nian Nian.”

Luo Xiaoxi wondered, could it be that Niannian brought foreign friends back last time and hurt their family to be careful?

Of course she puts her daughter’s feelings first, “Good!”

At the end, Luo Xinan sent a message to her sister: “Sister Xiangyi, I’ve got it done!”

Lu Xiangyi replied quickly: “When you need it, I will do it!”

Luo Xin’an: Brother Zhou Sen will return to Country M tomorrow?

Lu Xiangyi: Yes, he will stay for a week when he goes back!

Luo Xin’an: Hehehe, I don’t know if we will meet by chance or not, looking forward to it~

At this time, Zhou Sen happened to go home.

Lu Xiangyi asked him to read the news, and said with a smile, “Xinan really regards you as a brother in the family!”

Zhou Sen raised the corners of his lips and said calmly, “It will be sooner or later anyway!”

Lu Xiangyi realized Zhou Sen’s meaning and pinched his face, “I often suspect that your face is made of cement.”

Zhou Sen raised his eyebrows and decided to let Lu Xiangyi know: She misunderstood!

He picked up Lu Xiangyi’s hand, examined it carefully, and suddenly said, “Is there only one ring missing?”


The meaning of that representation is different.

Lu Xiangyi realized that he had misunderstood, Zhou Sen’s face was made of steel!

She pretended to be serious and said: “You can’t just give the ring away!”

Zhou Sen smiled and kissed her, “I know.” After a pause, he added, “I’m not just a casual person either!”

He means that she will solemnly give away the ring when she is sure?

Lu Xiangyi suddenly looked forward to that day!

She was afraid that Zhou Sen would find out, so she forcibly changed the subject, “How are things going at noon?”

“It’s settled.” Zhou Sen knew what Lu Xiangyi was concerned about, “I didn’t see Ellie.”

“How come?”

Lu Xiangyi couldn’t hide his surprise.

Ellie was one of the parties involved, didn’t she show up?

“I don’t want to see her, there are ways.” Zhou Senfeng said lightly, “I’m not used to her problem! Don’t let her think that as long as she is in trouble, she can see me.”

I’m used to Ellie this time, and she will definitely make troubles in the future.

As time goes by, she will become a ticking time bomb between Zhou Sen and Lu Xiangyi.

Zhou Sen’s doing so is tantamount to eliminating future troubles forever.

Lu Xiangyi blinked, and Zhou Sen suddenly had a divine light in his eyes.

How can this man be so calm, so rational, and so handsome!

She really likes him!

In order to express his strong love, Lu Xiangyi hugged Zhou Sen and put his head in his arms, like a docile little animal.

Zhou Sen patted the little girl’s head, “You’re moved by a little thing?”

“This is not a trivial matter! This incident makes me feel that you are really good!” Lu Xiangyi raised his head and looked at Zhou Sen, “We have known each other for so long, and I haven’t found any shortcomings in you yet.”

“I can tell you one right now.” Zhou Sen said solemnly, “I don’t have strong self-control.”

“Huh?” Lu Xiangyi didn’t react for a moment.

“For example, if you don’t let go of me, I might…” Zhou Sen omitted the process, and only said the result: “I can’t pack my luggage, and I don’t have to go to country M tomorrow.”

Lu Xiangyi vaguely understood the cause and effect of what he said, her face flushed slightly, she let go of him and said, “I’ll help you pack your luggage!”

In fact, she couldn’t help Zhou Sen at all.

Zhou Sen has a clear idea of ​​what to do when he goes back, what clothes to wear, and what things to use, and he tidies up very neatly.

Lu Xiangyi could only silently marvel at Zhou Sen’s life skills once again.

After packing up, Zhou Sen put the suitcase in the entrance and asked Lu Xiangyi what he would like to eat tonight.

“Shall we go out to eat?” Lu Xiangyi said, “After eating, we can go for a stroll outside!” They haven’t crossed the road like ordinary couples yet!

“Listen to you.” Zhou Sen took Lu Xiangyi out.

The two settled for dinner in a cozy little restaurant, and ended up wandering the streets holding hands.

Occasionally, when they talked about something that Lu Xiangyi was interested in, she would look at Zhou Sen with bright eyes.

Zhou Sen always liked to tease Lu Xiangyi, and Lu Xiangyi pinched his waist with a blushing face, but Zhou Sen could always dodge and wrap Lu Xiangyi into his arms.

Lu Xiangyi protested that he was overbearing, so he just kissed her to let her know the real overbearing.

After nine o’clock, the two passed by a flower shop.

Zhou Sen brought Lu Xiangyi in, and the clerk greeted them and warmly introduced them.

Zhou Sen listened carefully to the introduction, while Lu Xiangyi looked at him infatuatedly.

He is very good-looking and attractive, and the more he looks the better!

In short, never get tired of watching it!

Lu Xiangyi understood Yi Huanhuan’s initial worry.

In her first love, she met such an amazing person as Zhou Sen. If they hadn’t made it to the end, it would be very difficult for her to get out of this relationship.

How far can she and Zhou Sen go? Will they come to fruition?

Lu Xiangyi realized that she was not sure about the outcome… and couldn’t help but squeeze Zhou Sen’s hand tightly.

Zhou Sen noticed it and turned around and asked, “What’s wrong?”

Lu Xiangyi shook his head, “It’s nothing!”

Zhou Sen took a deep look at her, and said to the clerk, “It’s easier to grow and has a longer flowering period.”

The clerk matched a bunch, wrapped it in pink floral paper, tied a very complicated and beautiful knot, and handed it to Zhou Sen.

Zhou Sen gave Lu Xiangyi directly, “For you.”

Lu Xiangyi hugged the flower in her arms, the pink flower paper made her look tender and fresh, she was more delicate than a flower!

After leaving the flower shop, Lu Xiangyi asked, “Why did you suddenly think of sending me flowers? Because you just passed by the flower shop?”

Zhou Sen looked at the flowers in Lu Xiangyi’s arms, and then at her, “I will come back before this bouquet fades.”

Lu Xiangyi was taken aback for a moment, and then a smile spread across his eyes.

Actually, it’s just a very common sentence.

But she just thinks that this man is very romantic!

“I will take good care of the flowers you sent and wait for you to come back!”

Lu Xiangyi’s smile was soft and bright, except for Zhou Sen, his eyes were full of happiness.

When she got home, she found a vase and arranged the flowers carefully.

She knows nothing about housework, but she is good at arranging flowers, and the matching vase is also very suitable.

Zhou Sen put the flowers on the coffee table in the living room, “Have you learned it?”

Lu Xiangyi shook his head, “This is talent!”

It is more accurate to say that it is subtle. Her mother and grandma both like flowers and plants. She has had flowers in everyone’s house since she was a child, and she knows how to make them look good after seeing too many.

Zhou Sen could tell that Lu Xiangyi liked it, “In the future, someone will send flowers over regularly, and you will take care of them, okay?”

“Okay!” Lu Xiangyi finally felt wrong after agreeing, “Wait a minute, I’m not moving here.”

“You have already agreed.” Zhou Sen hooked the corners of his lips, “I have no chance to go back on my word here. If you want to move here for the convenience of taking care of Hua, I welcome it.”

“This is how you tricked me step by step!”

Lu Xiangyi thought about how she became Zhou Sen’s girlfriend, how she slept in his master bedroom, and how he returned to the master bedroom.

This step is Zhou Sen’s routine.

Every step, Zhou Sen made her accept him and get used to him.

She only reacted now, it was too late.

He became someone who was very important to her and could control her mood and emotions just like Nian Nian gave her peace of mind.

Zhou Sen hugged Lu Xiangyi, “Want to regret it?”

Lu Xiangyi blinked, “Isn’t there no chance for you to repent here?”

“Hmm!” Zhou Sen kissed her, “You??????????????????? Knowing that I’m relieved.”

“Don’t worry!” Lu Xiangyi said generously, “Even if I do, I won’t regret it!” Zhou Sen is so good, she doesn’t want to miss it, she is going to have a wonderful relationship with him !

As for the result…

As long as they really like each other, how can there be no result?

Zhou Sen had experienced Lu Xiangyi’s straightforwardness and enthusiasm many times, but he was still surprised by her.

The reason why she is so generous in expressing her love is probably because she dares to love and thinks she deserves to be loved.

She does deserve it.

Zhou Sen’s eyes softened, as if they were about to turn into water and surround Lu Xiangyi.

After a while, he said: “Let’s talk about business, your sister is going to study in country M, do you need me to take care of you?”

Lu Xiangyi shook his head, “Teacher will take good care of her. What’s the matter, my brother and the others are in country M. You are busy with your work, come back early when you are done!”

The last half sentence is the key point.

Zhou Sen instantly forgot to pay attention to Lu Xiangyi’s brother, who was also in country M, and said, “Okay. I’ll make a call, you go take a shower first.”

It’s past ten o’clock.

Lu Xiangyi came out of the shower, it was exactly eleven o’clock.

Zhou Sen was still on the phone in the study, she sneaked back to the master bedroom, but couldn’t sleep, her mind was full of Zhou Sen.

Zhou Sen will leave tomorrow, and they will not see each other again until at least a week later.

Tonight, he will probably not let her go.

He pushed his limits yesterday!

Speaking of which, if he came, she would not be unacceptable…

Zhou Sen seemed to have monitored Lu Xiangyi’s brain, and just so happened to push open the door.

He has taken a shower and is wearing a black pajamas. He looks tall and handsome, which makes people fascinated by accident.

Quite a monster!

Zhou Sen seemed to know how attractive he was, so Da Lala walked in and lay directly on the bed.

Lu Xiangyi was stunned, “It’s fine if you don’t knock on the door, but lie down as soon as you come in? Zhou Sen, you were not like this before, you used to be a gentleman!”

Zhou Sen raised his eyebrows, “You were not my girlfriend before, of course I am a gentleman. Xiangyi, there is no need for you to be shy, we only slept together last night.”

Lu Xiangyi almost burst out of bed, “No, don’t talk nonsense!”

Zhou Sen raised his eyebrows, changed to a side-lying position, and looked at Lu Xiangyi with his head on one hand, “Why not? It’s been less than a day, and you don’t want to admit it?”


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