#177 Against the Gods Chapter 155: Two invitation letters


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“Why are you avoiding this person?” Although he had vaguely guessed the reason, Yun Che still asked with a deep eyebrow.

“In the last Cangfeng ranking match, Princess Cangyue came to watch the match in person. I don’t need to elaborate on Princess Cangyue’s appearance and demeanor. At that time, Princess Cangfeng was dressed in luxurious rosy clothes and wore purple gold on her head. Although Feng Guan is still young, she is already stunning and has fascinated countless talented young men from the sect, including Fen Juecheng.”

“After the last Blue Wind Ranking Tournament, Fen Juecheng did not return to Fentian Clan immediately. Instead, he came directly to Blue Wind Imperial City, met with the Emperor, and proposed to the Emperor to marry Princess Cang Yue… At that time , the emperor did not agree, but he did not refuse. He only tactfully excused Princess Cang Yue because she was still young. In fact, the emperor was already moved at that time. After all, Fen Juecheng was the young master of Fentian Clan and was very likely to succeed Fentian Clan in the future. Sect Master, if Princess Cangfeng marries him, she will be the future wife of the Sect Master of Burning Heaven Clan. Her status will be even higher than that of the Queen of the Royal Family. It will undoubtedly be an excellent destination, and the dispute between the Crown Prince and the Third Prince will be settled. It is impossible to hurt her. In fact, this will give the royal family an extra layer of protection from the Burning Heaven Clan… After all, Princess Cang Yue is a daughter and is married to an outsider. There is no need to worry about allowing the Burning Heaven Clan to sneak in. Among the royal family.”

“Fen Juecheng also readily accepted the emperor’s attitude and vowed to marry Princess Cang Yue in this life.”

“But not long after that, the news that the third prince Cang Shuo borrowed the power of the Burning Heaven Clan reached the emperor’s ears, making the emperor furious. The Burning Heaven Clan was willing to ‘assist’ the third prince Cang Shuo. On the one hand, it was against The ambition of the world’s political power, on the other hand, Fen Juecheng’s infatuation with Princess Cang Yue was also one of the important reasons, because after that, the third prince treated Princess Cang Yue extremely well and tried his best to treat her every time he saw her. He advised her to marry Fen Juecheng so that she could enjoy a lifetime of glory and respect, and her status would be far superior to that of the royal princess. Fen Juecheng often came in and out of the palace for various reasons, and met Princess Cang Yue under the arrangement of the third prince Cang Shuo. , showed her kindness and expressed his feelings to her in various ways. ”

Yun Che’s chest rose and fell slightly, but he remained silent.

“The Burning Heaven Clan is so powerful that the royal family absolutely does not dare to offend. The emperor is seriously ill and the royal family is in turmoil. Princess Cang Yue also does not dare to offend Fen Juecheng. She can only evade but does not dare to refuse. Because of her attitude towards Fen Juecheng’s character You know, she looks gentle and has a common demeanor, but in fact she has a very deep palace. She will always use any means to achieve her goals. Some of her secret actions are even more cruel and outrageous. If her strong refusal cost Fen Juecheng. All patience, you can’t predict what he will do.”

“So, in order to get rid of Fen Juecheng’s entanglement, and to satisfy her father’s regret, she left the imperial city and traveled around the various profound palaces in the empire…” Yun Che said slowly, with a calm expression. Only he knows what he is thinking in his heart.

“That’s right.” Qin Wuyou nodded and said dullly: “Yun Che, I don’t know what you think after hearing what I said. I have lived in the imperial city since I was a child. When Princess Cang Yue was very young, I I often saw her, and she was like a carefree angel. After the death of her mother-in-law, she was burdened with more and more things, becoming heavier and heavier, including almost everything. Relaxation and happiness have left her. You can’t imagine how sad, painful and tired she is. You and Princess Cang Yue are so close now, enjoying her beauty, elegance and dignity, and enjoying her love for you. Her sincere concern and careful care… She chose you at the beginning, indeed just to fulfill her father’s wish, and she has what can be called an ‘intention’ for you, but now, I can see that she has feelings for you. Real feelings, otherwise, she wouldn’t even send you something like the Sound Transmission Jade in person. You enjoy everything she gives you, but have you ever thought about taking on her shoulders and heart for her. What you are carrying… Or do you have such sincerity, courage and awareness?”

Yun Che did not answer.

“As I said before, if you don’t have such courage and awareness, just take the initiative to distance yourself from Princess Cang Yue. The identity gap between you two is as big as a world, and if others know that there is something going on between you two, If you lose your feelings, Fen Juecheng alone can easily make you die quietly without a burial place. Although your alienation from her will make her sad, but I hope you make such a choice for her own good. It’s also for your own good. I understand your personality to some extent. With your self-esteem, I believe it is almost impossible for you to make such a choice. Even if you grit your teeth, you will not back down… But you are too small now. Now, you can’t help Princess Cang Yue, you can’t share anything for her, but it only makes her feel more emotionally concerned. If you risk huge risks to support this relationship, it may be called courage, but it is definitely not courageous. It’s not bravery… You just alienated Princess Cang Yue. In my eyes, that is true bravery and sincerity.”

Yun Che: “…”

Qin Wuyou turned around, patted Yun Che on the shoulder, and said: “I have already said what needs to be said. You should think about it yourself. Princess Cang Yue has never dared to tell you. Her identity is also because she is afraid that you will be involved… On the other hand, it is not because you are too small. If you are really strong enough, I believe she has told you everything about her. What she needs most is someone to rely on. But you…at least now, at least within ten years, you can’t give her such a shoulder. Instead, it will become a drag on her and another spiritual barrier to a certain extent.”

“I have put the Golden Scale Dragon Transformation Pill on the table. If you successfully refine it, it will be enough to directly increase your profound strength to the third level of the True Profound Realm… In short, oh, think about it carefully.”

Qin Wuyou left with heavy steps. Yun Che did not see him off and stood there in shock for a long time.

Qin Wuyou’s words were like a heavy hammer, striking Yun Che’s soul hard.

He previously believed that Lan Xueruo must have a prominent status, but he was completely confident that he was worthy of her now… Or perhaps, he was lonely and arrogant, and never thought that there would be anyone he was not worthy of. But now, he was shocked to know that Lan Xueruo was actually the legendary Princess Cang Yue. Moreover, she was also involved in the turmoil of the Cangfeng royal family. Behind her, there was huge pressure from the Burning Heaven Clan…

His leapfrog victory over the inner disciples was indeed impressive, and he himself was very proud of himself. but. This kind of majesty is only limited to Blue Wind Profound Palace, and only to the younger generation under the age of twenty. In the circle that Lan Xueruo was involved in, his strength was simply insignificant and not worth mentioning.

Qin Wuyou’s words were right. Lan Xueruo needed a shoulder to rely on, but such a shoulder, as small as his, could not be given to her at all, and would only become a fetter in the soul.

Qin Wuyou’s other words are even more correct… He enjoys Lan Xueruo’s beauty and tenderness, enjoys her constant care and attention, and even enjoys the feeling of conquest that captures her heart little by little. But he never really shared anything with her.

“This is a world where strength is respected. Without enough strength, you are not qualified to talk about dignity, let alone the ability to protect the people you want to protect… Grandpa and little aunt are waiting for me to go back. Xueruo is carrying something , I don’t have the ability to share… I just defeated a small Zhenxuan ninth level, but I am proud and complacent here. It is really ridiculous… extremely ridiculous.”

Yun Che slowly clenched his fists, closed his eyes, and his body began to tremble slightly. After a long while, he breathed a long sigh of relief, picked up the Golden Scale Dragon Transformation Pill that Qin Wuyou had put down on the table, and threw it into his mouth with a focused gaze.

The Golden Scale Dragon Transformation Pill entered the body. Immediately, Yun Che felt a strong flow of air pouring out from the chest and abdomen, flowing to the blood vessels and meridians throughout the body, and part of it flowed directly to the head, making him feel dizzy. dizzy.

What a powerful medicine…

Yun Che was slightly surprised. He immediately sat down cross-legged, closed his eyes, calmed down, and activated the Great Buddha Buddha Technique. The Daofu Tu Jue is such an advanced mysterious skill. However, in just four or five breaths, the heat flowing through the body gradually subsided, and the unruly medicinal power became warm and peaceful. Without any guidance, it gradually integrated into the body. Throughout the body, the profound energy in the profound veins began to roll and slowly expand…

Sunset and sunrise.

After Yun Che fell into trance, a day and a night passed quietly. When he completely absorbed the power of the Golden Scale Dragon Transformation Pill and opened his eyes, it was already noon the next day. The profound energy fluctuations in the profound veins have completely settled down and become thicker than yesterday… It had been successfully promoted to the third level of the True Profound Realm three hours ago.

Using elixirs to upgrade, although it will be unstable, is undoubtedly the fastest. However, elixirs with extremely amazing effects like the Golden Scale Dragon Transformation Pill are rare in the world and are hard to find. Moreover, because the medicinal properties are too strong, there are certain risks in swallowing them.

After sitting for a day and a night, with injuries still on his body, Yun Che was already hungry. Just as he was about to go out, the door was pushed open by Qin Wuyou, who didn’t have a long memory.

“Teacher Qin.” Yun Che immediately greeted him, and then found that Qin Wuyou’s face was not pretty, and immediately asked: “What happened?”

“As expected.” Qin Wuyou sighed, and then took out two letters: “These are two invitation letters. One is from the Crown Prince Cang Lin, inviting you to attend the ceremony at the Prince’s Mansion at noon in ten days. ’s thirty-third birthday banquet. Another letter is from the third prince Cang Shuo, inviting you to participate in the beast fighting competition that he will personally supervise. The time… is also noon ten days later.”

[ps1: Every time I check the palindrome, I often find that ‘Yun Che’ is typed as ‘Ling Chen’ (this is a new book syndrome…). Although it will basically be checked out, there is no guarantee that no fish will slip through the net, so if you find the word ‘Ling Chen’ appears one day, please check the book review forum WeChat and Weibo! 】

[ps2: The woman ordered me to go to bed before twelve o’clock…]


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