#176 The Sovereign’s Ascension Chapter 2288: Kylin Sword Immortal


Lin Yun looked gentle, with a smile on his face, and there was an undisguised surprise in his eyes.

Ji Zixi was dazed, her expression extremely complicated.

Although the woman who was playing the piano by the lake didn’t turn around, they both recognized it.

It’s Yue Weiwei!

Ji Zixi’s face under the veil is astonishing.

Unexpectedly, the person who came was actually Yue Weiwei.

She naturally knows the position of this woman in Lin Yun’s heart, and she also knows the other party’s methods.

In the sea of ​​​​stars, the other party knew that she was peeping in the dark, and then deliberately kissed Lin Yun.

It caused a great impact on her mind when she was still young.

She was angry and ashamed at the time, thinking who cares.

I just didn’t expect that time would change, and her bond with Lin Yun was getting deeper and deeper. Invisibly, deep in her heart, it was already Lin Yun’s shadow.

Lin Jiangxian was very curious, looked at Lin Yun and said, “Young Master Lin, do you know him?”

Lin Yun was about to answer.

Xiyao, a disciple of Shengtianyuan, said with a smile: “Miss Lin is joking, it is impossible for Mr. Lin to know this woman.”


Ji Zixi looked over in surprise, Lin Yun’s heart moved slightly, did he admit the wrong person?

“Miss Xi Yao, what do you say?”

Lin Yun said calmly.

Xi Yuan said with a light smile: “That is the goddess of Tianxiang, and she is also a blood of Tianyao. She came out from the No. 3 examination room all the way. After coming to Tianmen realm a few days ago, it immediately caused a sensation.”

“You can only see the back here. If you can see the front face, you will know what a stunning beauty is, and you will smile. The words in the book are not enough to describe this goddess. Although Xi Yao It is a woman, you have to be amazed by it, I dare not imagine that there are such enchanting and charming women in the world.”

She spoke with sincere compliments in her eyes, full of envy in her eyes, but no jealousy at all.

“How many arrogant demons, who wanted to accompany her to participate in the feast of the wilderness, were all rejected without exception. Yesterday, when the Son of Heavenly Lin came to invite him, he was ruthlessly rejected. Even so… as long as she appeared, there were still Many arrogant and evil spirits stopped for it, attracting attention wherever they went.”

Xi Yuan looked back at Lin Jiangxian and said with a smile, “You said, how could Young Master Lin know such a person?”

Lin Jiangxian was stunned for a moment, and couldn’t help but look at Lin Yun.

She still believed in Lin Yun, Lin Yun’s expression could not be faked.

The other party rarely has mood swings, even if the goddess of the demon clan is really such a charismatic person, if they don’t know each other, Lin Yun will never show a surprise expression without concealment.

And there is a high probability that not only acquaintances, but also close friendships.

Lin Yun smiled and didn’t answer directly. He only looked at the pavilion in the distance and said, “When did she come?”

Xi Yuan said truthfully: “Five days ago. After that, she will play the piano here every day. She is good at rhythm, and the piano is also very extraordinary, so there are many people who stop by.”

“That’s the wind lyre.”

Lin Yundao.

Xi Yuan blinked and said oddly, “You don’t know anyone, how do you know it’s a wind thunder piano?”

Lin Yun smiled and said nothing.

The qin was sent by him, could he not know?

But why did Yue Weiwei come to Tianmen?

Because of Tianxiang Shenshan?

In an instant, many thoughts flashed through Lin Yun’s mind, but all in all, he was still excited and happy with unnecessary questions.

Just ask later.

“Brother Lin, what is that?” Ji Zixi looked at Lin Yun.

Lin Yun smiled and nodded.

Lin Jiangxian tilted his head and said with a smile, “I’m really curious about what you guys are playing with.”

“Speak to you later.”

Lin Yun winked at her and laughed softly.

Xi Yuan was thoughtful, seeing Lin Yun’s words as if he really knew the goddess Tianxiang, and couldn’t help but feel absurd.

Bragging, right?

No way!

At this moment, the sound of the piano stopped abruptly, and immediately a group of people walked towards the girl who played the piano. When she turned her around, Lin Jiangxian could see the woman’s face clearly from a very long distance.

That is a peerless face, with a completely different temperament from Ji Zixi.

If it is Ji Zixi, she is noble and holy, with a hint of innocence in her enthusiasm.

That woman is enchanting and charming but not tacky at all, with a peerless face that is fresh and moving, but with a frown and a smile, she can fascinate the soul, and one can sink in just by looking at her.

“So beautiful.”

Lin Jiangxian couldn’t help but said: “If I were a man, I would like her too.”

Xi Yuan exclaimed and said, “Heavenly Son of Heaven is here again! He should still want to invite him for company.”

The Son of Heavenly Lin is the evildoer of Qilin Mountain, and Qilin Mountain is a decisive force in the three thousand worlds, a force comparable to Taoism.

Tianlin is the descendant of a god, Qilin Mountain, who is graceful and luxurious and has a unique temperament.

Even in the Tianmen star, where there are countless evil spirits, Tianlin Divine Son has unparalleled popularity, and many women in Shengtianyuan regard him as their dream lover.

For example, Xi Yuan next to Lin Yun, the moment he saw God Son of Tianlin, his eyes were full of brilliance and admiration.

There are many outstanding people with Tianlin, but he is very confident walking in the front.

“Miss Yue, you have rejected me for three days, are you going to reject me this time?”

The goddess Tianlin’s eyes are shining like stars, his face is like a crown jade, his cheeks are white and smooth, and he is as beautiful as a woman.

This face alone can drive countless women crazy, not to mention such a sincere request, it is difficult for a woman to refuse.

Yue Weiwei held Fengleiqin and did not rush to answer. She looked around, as if she was looking for someone.

She already knew the news about Exam Room No. 9 and knew that Lin Yun would definitely come to Shengtianyuan, so she kept playing the piano and waiting.

It’s just an empty joy every time, and this time was no exception.

Yue Weiwei was slightly disappointed, but she was not discouraged, knowing that it was only a matter of time before they met.

“Miss Moon is looking for someone?”

Heavenly Lin smiled and said, “You can talk to me, and I can help you.”

Yue Weiwei smiled, and this smile immediately fascinated many people.

The Son of Heaven, who was close at hand, couldn’t help but feel ripples in his heart.

Really unique!

“I’m really looking for someone, but don’t bother your Excellency, and… I’ve said it many times, I’ve got company, and I’ve been waiting for him.”

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Yue Weiwei smiled, kept her politeness and distance.

Heavenly God Son didn’t take it seriously, he was tired of hearing this, but it was just an excuse.

But at this moment, a flute sounded like thunder, and then stopped abruptly.

Yue Weiwei’s expression changed slightly.

Just in time to see a sword cultivator put down the purple jade bamboo flute, he looked at her from a distance, and then a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Long time no see Yue Weiwei!

After Yue Weiwei was shocked, her face was full of joy. Her cheeks flushed with joy, and she looked at Tianlin Divine Son and said, “Sorry, the person I’m waiting for is here, I’ll take my leave first.”


After she finished speaking, she floated up holding the wind and thunder piano, like a white cloud drifting away.

What’s the matter?

The face of God Son Tianlin changed dramatically, and the other arrogant demons were all surprised.

Tianxiang Goddess is really waiting for someone?

No way!

“I want to see, who are you waiting for!” Tianlin Shenzi hurriedly chased after him, and a tidal wave of people immediately followed.

A fragrant wind hit, and Yue Weiwei floated down to a position 100 meters away from Lin Yun.

Then the two looked at each other, Yue Weiwei’s heart surging so much that she couldn’t hold back her longing, and ran towards Lin Yun fiercely.

After getting close, he hugged Lin Yun before he could speak, and held him tightly, not wanting to leave a gap.

“Brother Yun, Weiwei thought I would never see you again.”

After Yue Weiwei let go, looking at Lin Yun, she couldn’t help but burst into tears.

On the day she left Tianxiang, she really thought that she would never be able to return to Kunlun and see Lin Yun again in her life.

She took a lot of courage to take that step for the sake of her mother’s last wish and to live up to the cultivation of the mountain.

But after stepping out, she regretted it.

Until she landed on Tianmen Star five days ago, she heard people talk about the examination room No. 9, and heard about the funeral of the playboy.

I was immediately pleasantly surprised. Who else could the funeral **** be besides his brother Yun.

“Don’t cry.”

When Yue Weiwei cried, Lin Yun couldn’t take it anymore, and gently wiped the tears from her eyes.

Xi Yuan was immediately stunned!

The goddess Tianxiang not only knew Lin Yun, she was also his confidante, and she was so close.

It made her feel extremely unbelievable.

You must know that the Son of Heavenly Lin has been waiting for several days, and he has not been looked at even a single glance.

Lin Jiangxian watched from the side, startled at first, and then showed a gentle smile.

She also thought that Lin Yun was an ignorant wooden man, always ruthless and always decisive.

It turns out that there is such a gentle side, but also a helpless side.

So cute?

Lin Jiangxian smiled, but felt that this scene was quite sweet, and even she was infected.

It was Ji Zixi. Fortunately, the veil covered her cheeks, otherwise her emotions would be really hard to control.

But she is someone who knows each other’s past after all. Back then, at the feast of Langya and the love story of the two under the Sansheng tree, she had been envious for a long time.

A flower blooms for a tree, and a month comes for one person.

Under the Sansheng tree, the two fell in love with a kiss.

Ji Zixi felt very romantic when listening to what others said, but unfortunately…it wasn’t her.

Even if it comes first, I can’t compete with Yue Weiwei.

What’s more, she doesn’t seem to have really reached Brother Lin’s heart.

Lin Yun and Yue Weiwei’s intimacy for a while immediately caused an uproar around them, and countless people were shocked and thought it was incredible.

“Who am I? It turned out to be the funeral dude of Exam Room No. 9.”

After God Son of Tianlin and the people from Qilin Mountain landed, they were instantly dumbfounded when they saw this scene, and said something indifferently.

“It’s me.”

Lin Yun pulled Yue Weiwei to his side, met his gaze, and said lightly, “What advice?”

The Son of Heavenly Lin smiled and said, “I don’t have any advice. I have heard of you, and I know that your swordsmanship is extraordinary, and you come from the wild Kunlun. My Qilin Mountain is also a holy place of kendo, and now there is also a Qilin Sword Immortal. If you are interested, the feast is over. Afterwards, I can introduce you to know me, I have confiscated holy servants for many years.”

Holy servants?

Everyone present was shocked. They didn’t expect God Son of Tianlin to be so direct.

It is said that the Qilin Sword Immortal is a myth and legend in the Three Thousand Great Realm. Its swordsmanship is extraordinary, and it is also an unparalleled existence among the powerhouses in the divine realm.

Has the style of ancient immortals, so it is called Qilin Sword Immortal.

If you worship at the gate of the Qilin Sword Immortal, it is an extravagant wish of many sword cultivators for a lifetime, and it can be called the ultimate dream.

But it’s as difficult as going to the sky. Many people know that Qilin Jianxian has long stopped accepting apprentices.

The Holy Servant is the servant of the Son of God. If you follow the Son of Heavenly Lin, you don’t have to go to the door of the other party, and you can also practice with the Qilin Sword Immortal.

Lin Yun hasn’t answered yet.

Lin Jiangxian became angry, raised his brows, and said coldly, “You make Lin Yun your holy servant? I think it’s almost the other way around!”

In her mind, Lin Yun’s kendo attainments are destined to become a sword god, a talent that has never been seen before or since.

Lin Jiangxian has the purest love for kendo~IndoMTL.com~ The obsession with the sword goes deep into the bone marrow to the deepest part of the soul.

Lin Yun is the most talented swordsman she has ever seen, a peerless genius who can achieve the ultimate path of kendo.

No matter how honorable the Son of Heaven is, his dialect making Lin Yun a holy servant is an insult to kendo.

Where did the face come from?

Where did the confidence come from?

Xi Yuan on the side was immediately startled, while Lin Yun was stunned, not expecting such a big reaction from Lin Jiangxian.

Lin Yun glanced at the other party and said, “Qilin Sword Immortal? I may not be as strong as my master, and I am even less interested in holy servants.”

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