#176 The Sovereign’s Ascension Chapter 2287: Tianmen Xingsheng Tianyuan


Two thousand two

Having experienced the baptism of successive battles in the Heavenly Desolate Realm, Lin Yun lost some of the immaturity of a young sword cultivator, and more of the sharpness and heritage that a holy realm powerhouse should have.

And he is a Sword Saint, his temperament has changed even more. Compared with Kunlun in the past, he is a little more elegant and handsome.

The same is true for Ji Zixi beside her. After this baptism, she has completely lost her youthful appearance, and her delicate face has transformed into a peerless and beautiful.

Already grown.

I have to say that the battle of life and death is the easiest way for people to grow up.

“It’s finally here.”

Lin Yun said softly.

This Tianmen star is more magnificent and sacred than any sect he has experienced before, and all the buildings are incomparably tall.

Even an ordinary stone pillar may have a history of more than 10,000 years, with layers of sacred patterns imprinted in inconspicuous places.

Sacred realm powerhouses can’t easily shake these buildings.

Looking around, you can see the powerful people walking in the holy realm everywhere. Some people in the lower realm are mostly servants and servants.

Walking all over the Holy Land?

Lin Yun felt a strange feeling.

It can be thought that this is Tianmenxing, there are strong ancestors sitting in town, and there are real gods, so it is not so strange.

Even if it is the entire Three Thousand Great Realm, a realm comparable to this place, I am afraid that two hands can count it.

It’s not that the Holy Land of the Three Thousand Great Realms walks all over the place, it’s because this is the Litianmen Star!

“After I find you a place to live, I will meet the sect master. After that, you will be responsible for participating in the feast.”

The Venerable Xuankong said.

Ji Zixi said in surprise: “Aren’t you going to take us?”

The Venerable Xuankong smiled and said, “The old man is also a strong emperor, one of the thirty-six divine guards of Tianmen, so how could he always accompany you. Besides…”

He turned his eyes and looked at Lin Yun and said, “This kid killed Daozong Qin Yun, Jueying Temple’s Heavenly Book Master, Tianjianlou Jiang Ziyao, and also abolished a lot of the heirs of the god-blood family. There must be someone for these messes. Pack up.”

Lin Yunsan smiled and said, “You can’t blame me, right?”

“Of course.”

The Venerable Xuankong calmly said: “But the No. 9 examination room is empty for five seats. The disturbance caused by this matter is bigger than you think. I have to explain it to the sect master in person.”

Lin Yun was noncommittal and didn’t say much.

Their destination was Shengtian City, where the Feast of Desolation was held. In addition to Lin Yun in the No. 5 exam room, there were also people from the other eight exam rooms.

In addition, there are some young talents within the Tianmen realm, the arrogant evildoers.

The feast of the Heavenly Desolation is not only a banquet for the ancestors of the gods, but also a test for the disciples of the gods.

At this moment, the mighty figures on Tianmen Star are all young and talented, and they all come for this.

“Why so many people?”

Lin Yun glanced puzzled and asked curiously.

Venerable Xuankong explained: “The Gate of Heaven spans hundreds of realms, and all the inner gods can designate one person to participate. In addition, there are some great people who are friends with gods and ancestors, and they will also send younger generations to join us. To join in the fun, these depend on status and status.”

“As for the experience in the Heavenly Desolate Realm, I don’t care about any background. Relatively speaking, the ancestors prefer you more.”

Lin Yun showed a sudden look.

Even the ancestors of the gods are not immune to some worldly feelings, but relatively speaking, it is fair.

If it wasn’t for his experience in the Heavenly Desolate Realm, he wouldn’t even have the qualifications to come to this Heavenly Gate Star.

The feast held by the powerhouses in the ancestral realm is of a high standard that the powerhouses in the Kunlun realm cannot imagine.

Venerable Xuankong looked at Lin Yun, his eyes flickered and said: “The top ten people of the Tianhuang feast can become the disciples of the ancestors of the gods. As for the top three people, you can make a modest request to the ancestors. What?” Lin Yun said, “I want to go back to Kunlun.”

Venerable Xuankong’s face sank, and said: “You **** knows how to make a fool of yourself, this is hitting the **** ancestor, the **** ancestor asked you to make a request, just because he liked you, but you said you want to leave… old man. At my age, I have never seen anyone who dares to talk to the ancestors like this.”

Lin Yun took a deep breath and pondered: “I must go back to Kunlun, Master to cross the calamity, I must go back.”

Venerable Xuankong shook his head and said no more.

He probably knew Lin Yun’s temper, but according to Lin Yun, even if he went back in such a scene, it would not have much effect.

Lin Jiangxian’s beautiful eyes flickered, she smiled and said, “Don’t worry about it, Venerable, he is joking.”

“It’s better to be joking. I’m very optimistic about you. If you stay in Tianmen, within 100 years… no, within 50 years, you can attack the emperor realm!”

The Venerable Xuankong did not hide his appreciation for Lin Yun at all, and pondered: “Lin Yun, even your master will advise you to stay in Tianmen.”

Lin Yun did not deny it.

Half an hour later.

When they came to Shengtian City, Venerable Xuankong gave five people a token.

“This is your identity token. If you want to participate in the Feast of Desolation, you can just sign up with this. If you don’t sign up, you can use this token to freely enter and leave the feast to observe.”

Venerable Xuankong took out five tokens and handed them to several people.

Hearing this, Xiongtianjin and Aojue breathed a sigh of relief.

Their places are all supported by Lin Yun, and to participate with their strength, I’m afraid it’s not enough to really play against others.

That would be embarrassing!

The scene of the Feast of Desolation is much bigger than before.

After Venerable Xuankong left, the two of them spoke one after another, saying that they would not participate in the following competitions.

Lin Yun said in surprise: “You are not going? Even if you lose to your opponent, you can quickly improve your strength by participating in the battle on this occasion.”

Xiong Tiannan and Ao looked at each other and smiled helplessly.

Lin Jiangxian explained: “This is normal. If I wasn’t close to mastering the Holy Way of the Five Elements, I wouldn’t take part in the competition at the feast. They are pretty good, but they are still in the heat. Gained.”

She continued to explain: “The Tianhuang Realm is divided into nine areas, that is, nine examination rooms. Relatively speaking, the competition for examination room No. 9 is not so fierce. Most of them are under the age of 50. A leader who is around ten years old does not have the arrogance of the eternal avenue.”

“This is the purpose of the ancestors to protect us. After all, the entire assessment age is limited to under one hundred years old. One hundred years is too long. There must be masters in the holy realm, or masters who master the eternal avenue and the supreme astrology. Evil.”

“Those who are truly qualified to show their skills at the feast of the Desolate Heaven, either have the highest level of cultivation and no shortcomings, or master the supreme astrology, or master the eternal avenue, or, like Young Master Lin, excel in swordsmanship. .”

When she said this, she turned the conversation and looked at Ji Zixi and said, “Or like Miss Zixi, a Phoenix descendant with the blood of a goddess.”

Lin Yun heard this and knew what Lin Jiangxian meant.

In short, you either have reached the limit in all aspects and have no shortcomings, or you have enough strengths to make others desperate.

Lin Yun is the latter. Even if his cultivation is not limited enough, his kendo talent has crushed his peers.

Of course, Lin Jiangxian didn’t know that Lin Yun still had two great killers, one was the holy way of reincarnation, and the other was the supreme astrology.

Now there is another supreme dragon **** body, and his trump card is far more than swordsmanship.

After entering the city.

Lin Yun and Ji Zixi went to the Shengtianyuan in the city to sign up, while Aojue and Xiongtianan found an inn nearby to stay.

As soon as I entered Shengtianyuan, I saw many people walking in one direction, and someone was recording something under a house number.

They all came to participate in the feast of the Heavenly Desolation. The three of Lin Yun lined up, and it was their turn soon.

The three took out the jade cards that Venerable Xuankong gave them and handed them over one by one.

The old man sitting cross-legged under the house number, holding the jade tablet for a little sense, the age, realm, cultivation and other information of the three people appeared on the stone tablet not far away.

The old man glanced, his face changed suddenly, looked at Lin Yun and said, “You are Lin Yun? Exam room No. 9, Lin Yun from Kunlun Realm.”

Lin Yun said lightly: “It’s me.”

The old man’s cloudy eyes stared at Lin Yun, and after looking carefully, he said, “It’s actually just a seventh-order holy monarch.”

He obviously heard about the situation in Exam Room No. 9, but he didn’t expect the perpetrator to be so young, and only a seventh-order holy monarch.

“There is a limit to the cultivation base of the feast of the wild?”

Lin Yun said.

“Only age restriction.”

The old man said lightly, and then waved to call a blue-clothed woman, saying: “They are from the Heavenly Desolation Realm, and they are all qualified to participate in the Heavenly Desolate Feast Tournament. You take them to the Holy Heavenly Courtyard. Take a walk around and become familiar with the familiar environment.”

The blue-clothed woman stared at Lin Yun for a few more glances and was a little lost. There are many arrogant leaders in the Tianmen world, all of them are very handsome, but such handsome and immortal characters as Lin Yun are extremely rare. .

After she woke up, she smiled and said, “My name is Xi Yuan, and I am a disciple of Shengtianyuan.”

The voice fell, and she sensed an unfriendly gaze.

The gaze came from the girl beside Lin Yun. The girl was wearing a veil and showed only one pair of eyes, but she still couldn’t hide her peerless elegance.

Xi Yuan’s heart is funny, although this young man is beautiful, but she comes from Shengtianyuan, how can she be directly tempted because of her simple appearance.

Shengtian Court is similar to the Orchid Court of Tiandao Sect, but its status is much higher, and its disciples are not male or female.

This is a sect with a divine realm, and the disciples in it all come from extraordinary backgrounds and have unparalleled talents.

Although the young Jianxiu in front of him said that he was from the Heavenly Desolate Realm, his talent was definitely not bad, but after all, he only came from Exam Room No. 9.

It is definitely not as good as the arrogant demons in other examination rooms, such as the God Son of Tianlin who just caused a sensation, it is even more incomparable.

This girl’s hostility is obviously superfluous, so she won’t really like the other’s male partner.

However, Xi Yuan did not forget his mission and said with a smile: “Come with me, everyone, Shengtianyuan is one of the three courtyards of Tianmen, and every time the feast of the Heavenly Desolation will be held here, this time it will be held from the Heavenly Desolate Feast. For seven days, I will show you the beauty of Shengtianyuan first.”

Lin Yun nodded.

There are a lot of people who come first, so I can just take the opportunity to see if there are any opponents worth noting, and by the way, I can get more information.

Although Xi Yuan said in her heart that she would not really like Lin Yun, when Lin Yun really had a problem, her attitude was quite kind, and her face was always smiling.

After all, no one can reject a handsome guy, especially someone as handsome as Lin Yun, it’s hard for people to reject each other’s questions.

“That is to say, after the feast is over, the Heavenly Desolate God Ancestor will erect monuments for the top ten people, and then inject the power of Heavenly Dao to improve the luck of these people.”

Lin Yun inquired about an important piece of information, and quickly made a statement to confirm it.

“That’s right. Strictly speaking, it’s not the power of heaven, but the god’s own luck.” Xi Yuan said proudly.

Lin Yun secretly stunned, how terrifying the luck of a strong ancestral realm is beyond the imagination of a strong man in the holy realm.

Being able to become a powerhouse in the realm of the gods ~IndoMTL.com~ can be said to be against the sky, and then from the realm of gods to the realm of ancestors, I am afraid it is comparable to the way of heaven itself.

Suddenly, Lin Yun stopped and looked at the pavilion by the lake in the distance.

There is a woman in the pavilion who is playing a beautiful violin sound like the sound of nature. All around, there are countless young leaders who look at the woman with admiration and yearning.

Lin Yun’s complexion changed slightly, and then his eyes showed surprise.

Besides, Ji Zixi followed the sound of the piano, her pupils shrank suddenly, and she was extremely shocked.

How could it be her? !

Lin Jiangxian looked at the subtle changes in the faces of the two, and couldn’t help showing curiosity.

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