#175 Everlasting Chapter 5435: Exploration


Latest website: “The practitioners who blew themselves up just now should have absorbed special power. I don’t know if we have been affected?” said the second generation.

“What it means is that they are in different directions. Could it be that a lot of special power has been absorbed here, but I don’t feel anything right now.” Chen Feng had swallowed some energy before, but now he sensed carefully that everything was normal.

The two of them were talking, but they still looked at Jiuling Zhenjun. The other party had established a cave here, and he thought he knew more about this area.

As a result, Lord Jiuling shook his head: “I don’t know what happened, but don’t you feel that things are getting more and more interesting?”

“It has indeed become more interesting, but it is also more dangerous. Those above Hunyuan exploded with little resistance. I wonder if we can stop it?” Chen Feng was not careless.

“I have discovered something.” The Lord of Good and Evil actually took out some pieces of flesh and blood.

“This is the residue left by the other party’s self-destruction. It contains a special power, but this power has been sealed by me. Otherwise, this piece of flesh and blood will explode.” Shan Evil said. Jun said.

Chen Feng observed carefully and found that this was indeed the case. He just touched it slightly with his will, and the piece of flesh almost exploded.

Furthermore, Chen Feng discovered that even if this piece of flesh and blood was sealed by the Lord of Good and Evil, it would only be delayed.

After everyone observed it, Lord Good and Evil loosened some of the seals slightly, and then saw the flesh and blood expand little by little, and finally exploded with a bang, causing a ball of energy to sweep around.

“This kind of flow is so strange and very powerful. If we can master it, it will be a great move to use against the enemy in the future.” Chen Feng likes this kind of power with different attributes the most.

Although the power in front of him was strange, Chen Feng quickly calmed down after thinking about it carefully, because Chen Feng himself had mastered too many powers with different attributes, and Chen Feng also had mastery of similar powers. , it is nothing more than that the quality of the energy in front of you is slightly higher, and the spirituality contained in it is slightly special.

However, Chen Feng still wants to get this power, but before he can get this power, he must be careful that he will be attacked.

“If even the Great Emperor will blow himself up, then we’d better leave as soon as possible.” The Taoist Lord of Good and Evil said.

“Maybe it will really have an impact on the emperor, but if we leave now, it seems that we are a little timid. Let’s check the situation first.” Naturally, True Lord Jiuling will not agree to leave, and Lord Good and Evil will only Just say it.

“Then maybe we can act separately next, after all, this area is not small.” Jiuling Zhenjun said.

“Okay, let’s act separately.” Chen Feng did not refute.

However, the two sides only separated in pairs.

“There won’t be any plot against the rebels. After all, they are much more familiar with each other here than we are.” said the second generation.

“It doesn’t matter. The other party brought us to this place in the first place. Maybe we really don’t have any bad intentions.” Chen Feng said with a smile.

“Then where should we start next?” asked the second generation curiously.

“I don’t have a clue right now, so I can only walk around casually.” Chen Feng shook his head.

“In this case, let’s act separately. Anyway, we are not too far apart. If anything happens, we can quickly rendezvous.” The second said.

After leaving, Chen Feng did not walk around as he said before, but returned to the area where one of the Hunyuans blew himself up.

Here, Chen Feng mobilized the power of the river of time.

Of course it’s time to look back.

However, this time is different from the previous time rewinds. He is not going back in time. He is simply observing some scenes before the other party blew himself up.

Because Chen Feng knew that if he tried rashly, something might be triggered.

So it’s better to test it out carefully first, and at the same time see what the river of time can do. If it really doesn’t matter if you can turn back time, then just resurrect the other party.

So under the erosion of the power of time, scenes of self-destruction began to appear, returning to the intact state of the previous Hunyuan.

Of course, what he saw were images, not actual existences, but Chen Feng felt that the long river of time still seemed to have some remaining power.

“Have you become so strong?”

After thinking about it, Chen Feng stretched out his finger. The being in the picture was blessed by Chen Feng’s power and actually came to life.

“What happened?” Chen Feng asked while using means to search the other party’s memory. However, before the other party responded, a look of pain appeared on his face. Then his body expanded rapidly, exploded with a bang, and was shattered into pieces again. .

“It seems that he touched something.” Chen Feng thought, although the other party self-destructed, he still saw something just now.

So Chen Feng went to other areas where Hunyuan had self-destructed.

This time with experience, he first used the River of Time to resurrect the opponent, and then Chen Feng used means to seal the four directions, in order to block something.

The result really worked. Although the opponent still blew himself up in the end, Chen Feng also captured something.

“This involves cause and effect and fate. Of course, the most important thing is the source of this special power.” Chen Feng said slowly.

Afterwards, Chen Feng went to other areas where the Hunyuan Above had self-destructed. Finally, Chen Feng had a brief exchange with a resurrected Hunyuan Above. Although it was just some intermittent willpower, it also made Chen Feng know a lot of things.

“Although I don’t know if Lord Nine Spirits has discovered something, I have some clues now. I just don’t know whether what happens next is good or bad?” Chen Feng speculated over and over again. Based on the news he just received, he finally decided to take action.

Chen Feng used the art of divine movement and began to shuttle through the area, spending some time entering a cave.

This cave is so well hidden that even Chen Feng could hardly find it.

According to Chen Feng’s speculation, those Hunyuan Shang who self-destructed before came out of this cave.

So it is quite risky for Chen Feng to come to this cave at this time.

“I want to see what is hidden here.” Because he can communicate with the long river of time, Chen Feng did not inform others, but wanted to explore it by himself first.

As a result, Chen Feng entered the cave and did not notice the danger. Instead, the power in his body fluctuated somewhat.

“Could it be that if I can’t control this kind of fluctuation, the power in my body will be out of control? But this is different from the previous situation on Hunyuan. They were invaded by special forces, and I haven’t captured them yet. With such power.” After saying this, Chen Feng couldn’t help but shake his head.

Things are not like this. There is still power that affects me, otherwise these changes would not have happened.

“In any case, my body is considered to be flawless. Even the power of the Great Emperor cannot easily break through my defense, but now it has affected me, and it is really weird. It is simply Without a trace, silent, and hard to detect.” Chen Feng searched his body over and over again, but could not find the power that affected his changes.

But later, as Chen Feng refined himself over and over again, the signs of being out of control gradually disappeared.

Chen Feng felt that there was absolutely nothing wrong with his body.

“I don’t know if that power has been refined by me, or if it is hidden in my body and has become a hidden danger. Just like the practitioners I met before, it will self-destruct once the time is up.” Chen Feng thought about it, but continued to observe the cave in front of him.

Since it has changed, there must be something in this cave.

As a result, Chen Feng walked around and looked through the place carefully, but found nothing.

In desperation, Chen Feng had no choice but to summon the power of the river of time and use the method of time retrieval again.

So everything that happened here began to flow back, and finally Chen Feng saw some scenes, which were indeed the scenes of those above Hunyuan who entered this place for adventure.

They took away a skeleton here.

“Those special powers come from this corpse, but why didn’t the opponent appear when he blew himself up?” Chen Feng used a virtual and real magical power to manifest the corpse.

As a result, Chen Feng successfully fished out the corpse from the river of time, but it did not contain those special energies.

“Sure enough, it’s not that easy.” Chen Feng knew that it was not because Time Changhe was not strong enough. Of course, there were indeed reasons for this. The most important reason was that his Virtual Reality Dao had not reached a very high level.

“If it were the real emperor or the virtual emperor who took action, it would definitely be easy.” Chen Feng said and left the cave.

Although I didn’t gain much~Soverse.com~, I also learned more information, at least I understood how those above Hunyuan died.

Furthermore, Chen Feng believes that this cave cannot be the only special place in this area. Since this is a dojo, there must be other strange places.

“It’s just that the fragmented area has existed for so long. Countless practitioners must have come here to take risks, and some good things may have been taken away. However, since Lord Nine Spirits chose to come here, there must be a special reason. “After walking out of the cave, Chen Feng used the power of time to explore, so that he could capture more things that he could not detect.

Just as Chen Feng was exploring this area bit by bit in his own way, another violent fluctuation came from a distance.

Chen Feng immediately knew that another powerful practitioner had self-destructed, and the noise of this self-destruction was even greater than before.

“It can’t be the Great Emperor, right?” Chen Feng was shocked. If this is the case, then he really needs to consider his next action.

Chen Feng was very fast. It could be said that after he noticed it, he disappeared in place. The moment the power wave hit, Chen Feng arrived at the place.


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