Invincible Powers Chapter 1323: Ciara’s Shock


  The snow bear in the cold region is not weak.

  When he was in the deep forest star field, the giant winged lizard of the deep sea was enchanted by the illusion of the void spirit, rushed into the spirit world, and was eaten by the fallen **** tree. Zhu Huan also ended up in a miserable end.

  Only it dares to destroy many plants and flowers with the wind and snow.

  It dared to challenge the Void Spirit and the Fallen God Tree, which is extraordinary.

  In Yu Yuan’s feeling, it is full of spirituality, and its combat power and wisdom are higher than that of the giant winged lizard, and even the gray goose riding by Her Majesty the Queen.

  It will be severely injured and become what it is now, all because the enemies it faces are too terrifying.

  ”Sword of the Earth” Gu Xingkui, is the Supreme Primordial Spirit of the vast world, succeeding Nie Qingtian’s Great Sword Immortal!

  There are probably not many strong people in the Outland Galaxy, and they dare to say that they are Gu Xingkui’s opponent.

  It just suffered heavy injuries, and its thick blood was crystallized and sealed in the body, which is not easy.

  When the small icy blood crystals gradually burst open, the blood energy originating from it was poured into the huge body again, and Yu Yuan knew that it was all right.

  The mending of the “Demon Blade” blood prison, the escape of some flesh and blood energy and soul thoughts, is actually to heal the most seriously injured part of it, so as not to continue to deteriorate.

  An extraterrestrial beast like a snow bear in the cold region, the recovery and awakening of the soul is extremely dependent on the support of the flesh and blood body.

  Its soul and beast body are actually inseparable.

  Unlike the great human overhaul, especially the so-called upright sects in Tianyuan Continent, even if they are weak in flesh and blood, they can’t affect the strength of Yin God, Yang God and the main soul.

  Of course it doesn’t work.

  For a strange beast like it, and a mighty big monster, all souls need to rely on the beast body.


  When Yu Yuan’s thoughts were surging, he let out a low cry of pain, and opened his big innocent eyes with a little difficulty.

  ”Are you awake?”

  Ciara of the Shura tribe leaned over with a face full of surprise, appearing in the mid-air where it was facing upwards.

  Ciara also deliberately activated the crystal ice shield turned from the “dark cold well” under her feet to show her identity.

  In this way, she told Snow Bear in the Cold Region that she, Ciara, was not only a strong Shura clan, but also qualified to carry a “Cold Well in the Dark Region”, which showed that she was highly valued by Sabonis.


  The cold snow bear who opened his eyes didn’t stay on her for a second at all, and because he hated her blocking his sight, he let out a dissatisfied low roar.

  Ciara could accurately capture the deep meaning of its roar, so… had to step aside awkwardly.

  Yu Yuan thus emerged.

  Ciara found that the entire Youen clan, the snow bear in the cold region respected by their king, the moment they saw Yu Yuan, their eyes immediately softened.

  It wanted to smile, but as soon as it showed its teeth, it whined again.

  It seems that even such a simple smiling action will affect the injury, making it painful and uncomfortable.

  ”Okay, your recovery is important, don’t move around.”

  Yu Yuan felt warm in his heart, and the lines on his face softened accordingly.

  He has been showing kindness to this cold snow bear who has been injured because of himself, and now he really likes it a little bit.

  ”Hmm, woohoo!”

  The snow bear in the cold region made a strange sound, and with great effort and reluctance, raised a huge arm, and let go of its anchor-like fingers, revealing a few cold crystals that were tightly held.

  It signaled Yu Yuan with its eyes that it got what Yu Yuan needed…

  Yu Yuan was overwhelmed with emotion, shook his head, and said, “I don’t need that much, if you have to pay so much to get these cold crystals

The price of  , I would rather not. “


  It is still growling.

  Yu Yuan was surprised.

  In this scene, Ciara looked dull.

  As a Shura tribe, No. 1 is considered a highly respected figure. She never knew that the legendary “violent bear” had such a gentle and honest side.

  From the sayings passed down from generation to generation, this “violent bear” is often associated with fierceness, brutality, and bloodthirsty.

  Because it has a contract with the Shura tribe, it is friendly to the Shura tribe.

  But when it treats other ethnic groups, no matter the mighty human race monster, or the dark spirit clan, Mingguang clan, or even the demons in the outer domain, all it shows is its ferocious side.

  The respect for the Shura clan is not entirely because of its kindness.

  It is also because of its vicious name and because of its terrifying combat power.

  As the owner of a “dark cold well”, Ciara also knows a secret…

  The current King of Shura, Sabonis, strayed into an extremely cold place when he was young, and was almost eaten by the icy beasts inside.

  At the critical moment, it suddenly appeared and saved the young Sabonis.

  And it has been circulated in the secret books of the Shura tribe since ancient times. Many strong men of the Shura tribe have received its care and favor, so it rescued Sabonis, showed friendship, and let Sabonis return. His reputation has also become much louder because of this.

   There is another way of saying that the last few generations of Shura kings also have it behind their backs.

  And now, the “violent bear”, who has a deep connection with their entire Shura clan, treats Haoyu’s human boy in such a gentle, even flattering way!

  Ciara couldn’t figure it out, she couldn’t believe it. However, she could see one thing…

  Yu Yuan is definitely not the one who hurt it, and he is indeed healing it.

   “It insists that you accept it.”

  Ciala gritted her teeth, looked at Yu Yuan who kept pushing back with ferocious eyes, but caused the snow bear in the cold region to keep raising his hand, and his arm was gradually wounded, “Please don’t disappoint its kindness!”

  At this time, Yu Yuan also noticed that because of his evasion, its wound was about to burst open.


  Lightly landed on its huge palm, Yu Yuan used the Qiankun ring to accept the few cold crystals, then glanced at Ciara, “Now, do you believe what I said?”

  What else can Ciara say?


  The gigantic snow bear in the cold region has sat upright on the sea surface, like a towering snow mountain, and there are many shocking holes in front of its broad chest.

In the cave, blood crystals shattered and blood gushed out.

  ”Please allow me to help you!”

  Ciara slowly floated down, at the vital point of its chest and heart, the “dark cold well” suddenly changed, and turned into a well structure again.

  A breath, implying space vibration, came from the “dark cold well”.

  Yu Yuan’s face changed slightly.

  Could it be that she wants to pass on Sabonis to let King Shura come?

  In the world at this moment, in the Firefly Star Field, there is already the commander-in-chief Alonso!

  If there is another Sabonis, the most powerful fighters of the Shura clan, who are brave and skilled in battle, will all arrive in this star field.

  The Shura clan has almost exhausted their pockets.

  ”Don’t be nervous, since it is friendly to you, you won’t die.”

  Ciara gave Yu Yuan a blank look, and then her face darkened suddenly. She sighed softly, faced the snow bear in the cold region again, and said, “You know, my king…will stay in the dark for a long time. Domain. For him, the passage of time in the dark domain is slow, allowing him to live longer.”

  The snow bear in the cold region let out a low growl.

  Ciara’s eyes lit up, as if she heard its permission, she hurriedly moved the “dark cold well” directly to its chest and heart.

  The mysterious “dark cold well”, like pieces of rock ice, clings to its chest wall, as if connected to its heart.

  At the same time, a mighty blood energy pouring in from the dark realm was instantly sensed by Yu Yuan!

  The mighty blood energy, far surpassing the demon sword “Blood Prison”, quickly flowed towards the snow bear in the cold region.

  He intuitively felt that there might be quite a few alien beasts of the ninth level, only weaker than the snow bear in the cold region, and even big monsters, who intercepted the blood essence and majestic energy after being slaughtered by the Shura clan , sealed in the dark domain, just for it to swallow at critical moments!

  With the mighty blood energy pouring from the “dark cold well”, its aura became full.

   Its eyes gradually brightened again.

  Yu Yuan, who became more and more calm, suddenly thought about the meaning of Ciara’s words just now.

  King Shura will stay in the Dark Realm for a long time. It seems that the long time in the Dark Realm can make Sabonis live longer…

  What does this mean?

  Yu Yuan thought about it for a while, and a flash of lightning flashed in his mind, and he immediately realized that Sabonis and Diggs, like Naberu, might also be limited by the limit of their lifespan.

  In the entire vast outer domain, only the Heavenly Demons who have reached the level of the Great Demon God have eternal life.

  Gorefiend still needs to be removed from the entire demon clan.

  The Shura tribe, like the Dark Spirit tribe, Mingguang tribe, Banshee and other tribes, even a Sabonis-like Shura king has a limit to his life.

   Sabonis, I am afraid he has lived long enough, and he is about to reach the limit of his life.

  He stays in the dark region all year round, and every time he takes action, he mostly relies on the “dark region cold well” to descend directly, and he doesn’t bother to run around. I’m afraid he just wants to do as much as possible with his limited life.

  For the Shura clan, make more preparations.

  Dark Realm is desperately delaying his lifespan and helping him die of old age slowly.

  It should be like this…

  Seeing Ciara’s hard work and the gradual recovery of the snow bears in the cold region, Yu Yuan suddenly felt that the human race and the heavenly demons were the ones truly favored by God.

  The primordial spirit of the human race, and the great demon **** of the sky demon, can break the shackles and possess infinite lives.

  As strong as Sabonis, King Shura, who is the third most powerful in the vast galaxy, is also limited by the constant life, and will die of old age one day.


  In the depths of Ciara’s pupils, strands of electric light flew by. When she used the “dark well” to help the snow bear in the cold region heal, she also secretly established a relationship with Sabonis. Spiritual connection.

  She was reporting, reporting the strange things that happened in the Deep Forest Starfield that she learned from Yu Yuan, verbatim.

  She is ready. As long as Sabonis clearly orders Yu Yuan to die, she will find ways to secretly communicate to Alonso, and then gather nearby forces to let Yu Yuan die here.

  She has the confidence to kill Yu Yuan in the Feiying Starfield, seize the dragon-slaying platform, and everything Yu Yuan holds!


  In the dark, she got a clear message from Sabonis, and her face became weird.

  ”Boy, you are lucky.”

   She took a breath, snorted suddenly, and said: “Because of the great changes in the Deep Forest Starfield and the appearance of unknown evil, our king does not want to kill you. The order I got is, Follow… its arrangements and guidance.”

  She glanced at the Snow Bear in the Cold Region, “As long as it doesn’t let you die, you are safe in the Firefly Star Region.”

  She could clearly see the attitude of Snow Bear in the Cold Region towards Yu Yuan, and she knew that Yu Yuan would not die.



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