Invincible Powers Chapter 1317: Deep sea strange crystal


The vast deep sea, after the ice rocks on the surface are broken, looks like a large piece of broken glass mirror when viewed from a high altitude.

The cold mist and white clouds visible to the naked eye flowed away towards the deep sea.

Yu Yuan left the shoulder of Snow Bear in the Cold Region, suspended in mid-air, looked at the deep sea below in amazement, watched the flow of cold clouds and mist on the sea surface, and then secretly sensed it.

The fragments of the ice rock gradually sank to the bottom of the sea, but the water waves on the sea surface were still.

This strange world was not very eye-catching from the outside, and there was no particularly exaggerated cold energy, but when he really went deep into it, he immediately felt that it was unusual.

On the surface of the ocean, the moment the rock ice shattered due to the roar of the snow bear in the cold region, the whole world changed suddenly.

The extremely majestic cold current began to pour in from the Flying Firefly Star Field outside, making the icy atmosphere of this icy world suddenly become several times stronger.

The shattering of rocks and ice on the sea surface seemed to be the opening of some mysterious array, allowing the ocean, and the entire cold world, to immediately collect cold energy from the star sea, which is rich in cold energy.

Yu Yuan first took a deep look at the snow bear in the cold region in doubt, and realized it with his own keen sense…

This ninth-level snow bear in the cold region did not activate any secret blood techniques, nor did it release a magical aura to gather cold energy from the outer region to flow in.

However, with previous experience, Yu Yuan is still not sure.

Because, it didn’t do anything when passing other cold mist surrounding the stars earlier.

However, the dense cold mist will still actively gather and move closer, wanting to become a part of its body.

The mountain-like figure of the snow bear in the cold region stood in mid-air, and suddenly shook its head.

Its huge palm pointed to the mirror-smooth sea surface, indicating that the sudden change in the world here has nothing to do with it, but because of the ocean below.

Or, something at the bottom of the deep sea…

“Gathering cold energy, converging to the depths of the seabed, I seem to have heard of it somewhere.”

Yu Yuan was stunned, and suddenly remembered the experience of Qianniaojie, and the secrets he learned after communicating with Zhou You, Chen Qinghuang and others.

Therefore, he asked in surprise: “A Hanyuankou?”

Snow Bear nodded with a silly smile.

Yu Yuan was shocked.

He already knew that there were seven magical pits at the bottom of Haoyu’s Nine Nether Cold Abyss, which were connected to the so-called “Cold Abyss Mouth”.

Seven “cold abyss mouths” are scattered in the seven extremely cold worlds, helping Jiuyou Hanyuan draw in the rich cold energy from the Senhan Galaxy outside the sky, and gather them one by one.

Chen Qinghuang said that the existence of the mysterious Nine Nether Cold Abyss is very important to Haoyu.

There is a “Hanyuankou” hidden in the Qiandiao Realm of the Annihilation Star Field. There should be a “Hanyuankou” somewhere in the starry sky of Concubine Han and Moore’s hometown. Otherwise, Concubine Han and her sister will also come. No way.

Yu Yuan was surprised that there was also a “Hanyuankou” hidden in the Feiying Starfield of the Shura tribe.

Since the snow bear in the cold region knows, then… do other Shura clan powerhouses also know?

While he was meditating, the Snow Bear in the Cold Region struggled to draw, making a long strip shape with its huge palm.

“Zhanlongtai?” Yu Yuan was stunned.

It nodded vigorously.

Yu Yuan was stunned.

The next moment, this level nine cold region snow bear sank into the deep sea with a “plop”.

Yu Yuan looked down and found that it seemed to have dived into the bottom of the deep sea in a very short time, and he could no longer see its huge figure.

It is also impossible to perceive its signs with soul thoughts and blood.

What does it do?

Yu Yuan felt at a loss, before it showed up, it was prudent to see that Yu Yuan did not call out the dragon-slaying platform, for fear of causing unexpected troubles.

Didn’t make him wait too long…


The huge cold snow bear broke through the surface of the sea, revealing most of its body. It held pieces of clear cold crystals in its huge bear paws, and handed them over like offering treasures.

After a change of expression, Yu Yuan “swish” and fell into its closed palm.

Pieces of cold crystals exuded bone-piercing cold energy, and Yu Yuan, who approached behind, felt a slight discomfort in his soul, but the moment he saw the cold crystals, he felt a sense of familiarity.

He suddenly remembered that he was imprisoned by Ruan Fu of the Cold Yin Sect in a “dark well”.

The one in “Dark Field Cold Well”

These well blocks have a similar aura to the cold crystal held by this cold snow bear, and the structure of the core seems to be the same.

At this moment, he suddenly missed Concubine Han very much.

Concubine Han, who has regained consciousness, should be able to give him an accurate answer immediately if she were here at this time.

Because it was Concubine Han who brought the broken “Dark Well” into the Dragon Slaying Terrace, where the Frost Dragon’s corpse was buried, and re-smelted the “Dark Well” , making it a part of itself.

At this point, many spiritual lights exploded in Yu Yuan’s mind.

He thought that the reason why he broke open the “dark well” was to borrow the power of the tenth-level frost dragon in the dragon-slaying platform!

Then, in Chidori Realm, everyone agreed that Lin Zhuyun was carrying a “dark cold well” for the descending of King Shura Sabonis.

In the end, it turned out that it still had to go through the “Dark Field Cold Well” smelted by Concubine Han, and had to use the power of Zhanlongtai!

“The seven mouths of the cold abyss, the cold well in the dark area of ​​the Shura clan, and the Dragon Slaying Terrace, there must be a connection between them!”

Yu Yuan realized something, and then looked at the cold crystals held in his palm, and felt more and more that the well blocks of the “Dark Field Cold Well” were tempered piece by piece with such cold crystals.

“Sura Clan, the ‘Dark Field Cold Wells’ created by passing through such cold crystals? And, you gave it to them?” Yu Yuan asked seriously.

It “hehe” nodded with a smile.

Sure enough!

Yu Yuan took a deep breath, and suddenly understood why the Shura tribe in the Feiying Starfield respected it like a god.

Even the commander-in-chief, Alonso, respects it very much. Where it is located, Alonso restrains the strong from approaching it.

Give it, absolute freedom.

It turns out that the most important raw material for the “dark wells” that can be connected to the dark realm in any void and allow Sabonis, the King of Shura, to deliver the cold energy of the dark realm is through it come!

The core material of the “Dark Field Cold Well”, these pieces of cold crystals, come from the seabed of this “Cold Abyss Mouth”.

It is beneficial to the entire Shura clan!

“Let me take a look!”

With a slight movement in his mind, Yu Yuan summoned the dragon-slaying platform from the Shenque acupoint.

As soon as the dragon-slaying platform came out, it emitted white brilliance, and the suction force suddenly arose.

One piece after another, the cold crystals flew away from the palm of the snow bear in the cold region, and directly merged into the Dragon Slaying Platform.

Inside, the cold crystal fell towards the place where the frost giant dragon was buried, turning into strips of ice light, which either sank to the ground or merged into the dragon’s breath.

Among them, there are even sporadic ice lights, implying the breath of time and space…

Yu Yuan was even more shocked.

It didn’t surprise him that the essence of cold power in the cold crystal could be absorbed by the land where the frost dragon was.

What he couldn’t imagine was that in those cold crystals, there was actually a little hidden space-time ability!

The existence of the “Dark Well” can connect to the mysterious dark realm, allowing the King of Shura Sabonis to descend.

The main materials are these cold crystals, because inside the cold crystals, space-time energy exists!

The strong men of the Shura clan made good use of the power in the cold crystals to create the magical “dark cold well”, which has the magic of connecting with the dark domain.

Yu Yuan suddenly woke up.

“The seven cold abysses are continuously gathering cold energy from the starry sky of the outer domain to go to Haoyu. The existence of the Nine Nether Cold Abyss is very important to the vast world, and it seems to maintain a certain balance. So, who exactly created the seven cold abyss mouths?”

Yu Yuan, whispering secretly, looked at the Zhanlongtai in his hand, and found that all the cold crystals made by the snow bear in the cold region had disappeared inside, the pure cold energy dissipated inside, and the breath of time and space was also slightly Scattered.

He also thought that he was able to break through the “Cold Well in the Dark Region” that he joined with Ruan Fu through the Dragon Slaying Terrace.

It also occurred to me that what Sabonis, the King of Shura, really wanted to use was the “Cold Well in the Dark Region” in Concubine Han’s body, and the Dragon Slaying Terrace he was in charge of…

Thus, Yu Yuan gradually had an answer in his mind.

The seven mysterious “Cold Abyss Mouths” connected to Haoyu Nine Nether Cold Abyss were created by the joint efforts of the Dragon of Time and Space and the Giant Frost Dragon.

The purpose is to gather cold energy from outside the sky, thus forming the Nine Nether Cold Abyss!

The existence of the Nine Nether Cold Abyss can maintain and stabilize the vast world,

In order to avoid some kind of terrible disaster.

Then, more doubts came to mind…

Asura King Sabonis obviously knew that the main material for the construction of the “Dark Well” came from the bottom of the deep sea under his feet. Not to destroy?

Why don’t you use the “Cold Abyss Mouth” to sneak into the Nine Nether Cold Abyss and come down to Haoyu?

Only because this snow bear in the cold region provided them with the special cold crystal forging the “cold well in the dark region” did it gain the respect and friendship of the entire Shura clan?

All kinds of new doubts surfaced in his heart again, and he had no idea for a while.

As for the snow bear in the cold region, the cold crystals it made had all disappeared into the dragon-slaying platform, and Yu Yuan had a thoughtful expression on his face, and when he traced the truth, he submerged again.

It seems that they are looking for more cold crystals to come out.

Yu Yuan was greatly surprised, thinking that if Concubine Han was here, her nominal fiancée Lin Zhuyun, or any practitioner of the Hanyin Sect would be ecstatic.

The “Cold Abyss Mouth” below, the crystallization of the seabed, can definitely help them improve their combat power.

Suddenly, another extremely cold figure flashed in his heart unexpectedly.

He couldn’t help thinking that in his previous life, he was still Hong Qi, when he had no strength to restrain a chicken, he was escorted by that beautiful shadow to catch cold flood dragons in the Nine Nether Cold Abyss.

The beauty at that time was not as advanced as it is now, but her fame and beauty are known all over the world.

She ran around with her, preparing for rebirth, and she didn’t care about her notoriety…

In the later stages of one’s life, everyone regards it as a poisonous scorpion, fearing that it will not be too late to avoid it, but that beautiful figure is always by your side, without any dislike.

Chu Yao’s previous words, Zhu Huan and Fu Xuanwen’s statements, and his follow-up verification…

Let him clearly realize that as Hong Qi, the days before he took the reincarnation pill were quite dark and extreme, which everyone hated.

Reminiscing about the person who was always with him during that period, he was even more moved.

“Perhaps, these strange cold crystals can also bring her some help. If she doesn’t need it, her apprentice will certainly be able to use it.”

Yu Yuan thought silently.

Not long after, the Snow Bear of the Cold Region broke through the surface of the sea again, and in its huge palm, it really held pieces of crystal cold crystals, and presented them with a smile.

This time, before Zhanlongtai was engulfed, Yu Yuan intercepted more than a dozen yuan and threw it into the Qiankun ring first.

The way he did it, the snow bear in the cold region looked at him with a strange expression.

“Besides Zhanlongtai, there are other guys that can be used.” Yu Yuan deliberately explained to it, and when Zhanlongtai began to absorb it, he squinted at the deep sea and said, “I can Can’t go down?”

As soon as these words came out, the snow bear in the cold region suddenly panicked, and they all made movements to stop him, for fear that he would do something wrong…

It can be seen that his proposal made this snow bear difficult.

“It’s okay, I’ll just ask, don’t be so nervous, just let it be inconvenient.” Yu Yuan smiled casually.

He had a vague feeling that with the dragon-slaying platform in his hand, he might be able to use the “cold abyss mouth” below to return directly to the vast world and appear at the bottom of the nine secluded cold abyss.

Since the “Cold Abyss Mouth” was opened up by the Dragon of Time and Space and the Giant Frost Dragon, and the dragon corpses of the two pioneers are in the Dragon Slaying Platform, he, as the person in charge, is very likely to pass through safely .

It’s just that, because of his shuttle, it may damage or even destroy “Cold Abyss Mouth”.

Because, the pioneer is dead, and the dragon corpse is still suppressed in the dragon-killing platform.


Seeing that he didn’t force it, Snow Bear in the Cold Region smiled foolishly again, looking a lot more relaxed.

“If I go down with this thing and shuttle through the mouth of the cold abyss, will it cause a lot of trouble?” Yu Yuan tried to ask.

He also deliberately raised the dragon-slaying platform in his hand so that it could see clearly and understand what he meant.

It nodded again and again.

Yu Yuan naturally understood, so he immediately dismissed the idea, “Understood, I will not force my way in, I will follow your orders, I will come here as you lead the way and guide you.”

The snow bear in the cold region smiled happily again, and then sank into the deep sea again to help him collect the magical cold crystals.

It’s just that this trip hasn’t resurfaced for a long time.


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